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Retail Trade Index: Series Open Data

Retail Trade Index: Series

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Retail Trade Index: Series details >

Official road map of Navarra 2012 Open Data

Publication of the Road Map of Navarra that is approved annually, as well as the Catalogue of Roads

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Official road map of Navarra 2012 details >

Natural movement of the population: Birth and fertility indicators Open Data

Natural movement of the population: Birth and fertility indicators

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Natural movement of the population: Birth and fertility indicators details >

Standards: Evolution of the population of municipalities and councils by sex, with their associated... Open Data

Standards: Evolution of the population of municipalities and councils by sex, with their associated

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Standards: Evolution of the population of municipalities and councils by sex, with their associated... details >

Linguistic profile in the Population Census 2001: Population by Euskera level Linguistic profile in... Open Data

Linguistic profile in the Population Census 2001: Population by Euskera level

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Linguistic profile in the Population Census 2001: Population by Euskera level Linguistic profile in... details >

Linguistic profile in the Population Census 2011: Population by place of birth and knowledge and use... Open Data

Linguistic profile in the Population Census 2011: Population by place of birth and knowledge and use

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Linguistic profile in the Population Census 2011: Population by place of birth and knowledge and use... details >

Population resident in Navarre by sex, by continent and country of nationality. Years 1975 to 2020 Open Data

Population resident in Navarre by sex, by continent and country of nationality. Years 1975 to 2020

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Population resident in Navarre by sex, by continent and country of nationality. Years 1975 to 2020 details >

Population resident in family dwellings, occupied, by sex, according to economic sectors and Navarre... Open Data

Population resident in family dwellings, occupied, by sex, according to economic sectors and Navarre

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Population resident in family dwellings, occupied, by sex, according to economic sectors and Navarre... details >

Recycling — Stacks and Accumulators Open Data

Here you can find the nearest battery containers. You can also deposit the batteries in your usual e

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Recycling — Stacks and Accumulators details >

Recycling — Clothing & Shoes Open Data

Find the container, bulky pickup, or nearest clean spot and your schedule for depositing used clothi

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Recycling — Clothing & Shoes details >

Industrial Registry of Navarre. Division C companies Open Data

The Industrial Registry of Navarre is the instrument of information on industrial activity in Navarr

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Industrial Registry of Navarre. Division C companies details >

Protected rehabilitation of started dwellings, by locality Open Data

Houses that have obtained the provisional qualification as a protected rehabilitation. Shown by loca

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Protected rehabilitation of started dwellings, by locality details >

Results of the elections to the Councils of Navarre grouped by municipalities Open Data

Final results of the elections to Councils of Navarre grouped by municipalities. It includes the cod

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Results of the elections to the Councils of Navarre grouped by municipalities details >

Signage Camino de Santiago Open Data

Data archive with the coordinates UTM (Universal Transversal Coordinate System of Mercator) of all t

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Signage Camino de Santiago details >

Ornithological tourism Open Data

Here you will find a relationship of habitats with their species, most prominent and recorded birds

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Ornithological tourism details >

Homes started in Navarra 1994-2012 Open Data

Homes started in Navarra 1994-2012. Total for years.

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Homes started in Navarra 1994-2012 details >

Health zoning: Women’s care centres Open Data

Health zoning: Women’s care centres

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Health zoning: Women’s care centres details >

Zonings: Judicial Parties and Courts of Peace Open Data

Zonings: Judicial Parties and Courts of Peace

Issued on 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z

Zonings: Judicial Parties and Courts of Peace details >

CARM News in the last 7 days Open Data

News generated by CARM in the last seven days

Issued on 2018-02-13T23:00:00Z

CARM News in the last 7 days details >

Requests for the Right of Access to Public Information for the financial year 2017 Open Data

In this set of data are incorporated for the corresponding exercise, the existing registration in th

Issued on 2019-02-27T23:00:00Z

Requests for the Right of Access to Public Information for the financial year 2017 details >

Requests for Right of Access to Public Information for the financial year 2019 Open Data

In this set of data are incorporated for the corresponding exercise, the existing registration in th

Issued on 2019-02-27T23:00:00Z

Requests for Right of Access to Public Information for the financial year 2019 details >

Smart5K — Proximity Marketing and Marketplace — Loyalty Resources Open Data

It contains weekly updated data corresponding to the loyalty resources created in the proximity mark

Issued on 2021-12-27T23:00:00Z

Smart5K — Proximity Marketing and Marketplace — Loyalty Resources details >

Agricultural weather report CARM. Agricultural year 2000 Open Data

Information on meteorological data for the agricultural year.The agricultural meteorological report

Issued on 2018-04-24T22:00:00Z

Agricultural weather report CARM. Agricultural year 2000 details >

Weather report Diario CARM. Since 2000. JU81 Weather Station Open Data

Information on daily weather data per natural exercise by weather station. The data corresponding to

Issued on 2018-05-01T22:00:00Z

Weather report Diario CARM. Since 2000. JU81 Weather Station details >

Creation projects from the Creation Factories of the city of Barcelona Open Data

Creation projects from the Creation Factories of the city of Barcelona

Issued on 2016-06-08T22:00:00Z

Creation projects from the Creation Factories of the city of Barcelona details >

List of animal and plants equipments in the city of Barcelona Open Data

Types of Animal and plantcentres to be found in Barcelona: garden centres, vets, florists, dog groom

Issued on 2011-03-24T23:00:00Z

List of animal and plants equipments in the city of Barcelona details >

Outdoor and covered swimming pools in the city of Barcelona Open Data

Outdoor and covered swimming pools in the city of Barcelona

Issued on 2021-11-08T23:00:00Z

Outdoor and covered swimming pools in the city of Barcelona details >

Cultural interest points in the city of Barcelona Open Data

Detail of main cultural interest points in the city of Barcelona.

Issued on 2015-02-03T23:00:00Z

Cultural interest points in the city of Barcelona details >

Zona Bus parking areas in the city of Barcelona Open Data

Barcelona has a set of exclusive parking areas for tourist buses, which are close to the most attrac

Issued on 2020-06-07T22:00:00Z

Zona Bus parking areas in the city of Barcelona details >

Accidents during working hours. Number of accidents according to sector of activity and type of... Open Data

Exploitation of parts of accidents at work in Aragon that cause low for tabulation, preparation and

Issued on

Accidents during working hours. Number of accidents according to sector of activity and type of... details >

Accidents during working hours. Number of accidents according to sex. By region Open Data

Exploitation of parts of accidents at work in Aragon that cause low for tabulation, preparation and

Issued on

Accidents during working hours. Number of accidents according to sex. By region details >

Accidents in itinere. Number of accidents by occupation group and sex. By region Open Data

Exploitation of parts of accidents at work in Aragon that cause low for tabulation, preparation and

Issued on

Accidents in itinere. Number of accidents by occupation group and sex. By region details >

Accidents in itinere. Number of accidents according to month and sex. By region Open Data

Exploitation of parts of accidents at work in Aragon that cause low for tabulation, preparation and

Issued on

Accidents in itinere. Number of accidents according to month and sex. By region details >

Agendas for the transparency of institutional activity Open Data

The agendas of institutional activity of the members of the Government and of the senior officials a

Issued on

Agendas for the transparency of institutional activity details >

Areas of protection of endangered species in Aragon Open Data

Areas for the protection of species included in the Catalogue of Endangered Species of Aragon and wh

Issued on

Areas of protection of endangered species in Aragon details >

Photographic Annex the Five Villas C05_Album Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

Issued on

Photographic Annex the Five Villas C05_Album details >

Sports Associations of Aragon Open Data

Open data of the register of sports associations of Aragon (name, address, locality...)

Issued on

Sports Associations of Aragon details >

Daytime baccalaureate. Students enrolled by age and sex. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Daytime baccalaureate. Students enrolled by age and sex. Municipalities details >

Daytime baccalaureate. Students enrolled by ownership of the center and age. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Daytime baccalaureate. Students enrolled by ownership of the center and age. Municipalities details >

Scholarships published in official bulletins and other resources Open Data

Last scholarships published in different official bulletins and other resources (current and non-cur

Issued on

Scholarships published in official bulletins and other resources details >

Special education schools Open Data

It includes at municipal level the number of schools providing general education, special scheme and

Issued on

Special education schools details >

Centers according to the number of computers for users with Internet access according to the size of... Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

Issued on

Centers according to the number of computers for users with Internet access according to the size of... details >

Centers according to the number of computers/computer terminals for exclusive use of library... Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

Issued on

Centers according to the number of computers/computer terminals for exclusive use of library... details >

Centers according to the type of users with access to the library (in addition to students and... Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

Issued on

Centers according to the type of users with access to the library (in addition to students and... details >

Centers according to the size of the collection of funds adapted to students with special... Open Data

Collection of data on equipment, facilities, activity and material, economic and human resources of

Issued on

Centers according to the size of the collection of funds adapted to students with special... details >

Nocturnal formative cycles. Students enrolled by branch of studies and ownership of the center.... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Nocturnal formative cycles. Students enrolled by branch of studies and ownership of the center.... details >

Registered contracts. Bonuses, by sector of activity and sex Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

Issued on

Registered contracts. Bonuses, by sector of activity and sex details >

Registered contracts. According to formative level and sex. By province Open Data

Exploitation and dissemination of employment contracts registered in the workplaces located in Arago

Issued on

Registered contracts. According to formative level and sex. By province details >

Accounts of the Aragonese Industry. Revenue from subgroupings of activity (20 subgroups) Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, analysis and dissemination of the INE Industrial Survey of Companies for

Issued on

Accounts of the Aragonese Industry. Revenue from subgroupings of activity (20 subgroups) details >

Oh, dance. Centers by ownership by region. Open Data

Information on artistic, music, dance, language and sports education is collected.

Issued on

Oh, dance. Centers by ownership by region. details >

Environmental Impact Statements Open Data

Integrated environmental authorisations and environmental impact statements published in the BOA sin

Issued on

Environmental Impact Statements details >

Distribution of students enrolled in Training Cycles Higher Degree by type of study. Open Data

Information is collected for the monitoring of education-training systems

Issued on

Distribution of students enrolled in Training Cycles Higher Degree by type of study. details >

Early Childhood Education 1st Cycle (0-3 years old). Foreign students enrolled by continent of... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Early Childhood Education 1st Cycle (0-3 years old). Foreign students enrolled by continent of... details >

Primary Education. Foreign students enrolled by continent of origin of the students and ownership of... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Primary Education. Foreign students enrolled by continent of origin of the students and ownership of... details >

Compulsory Secondary Education. Students enrolled by ownership of the school and course.... Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Compulsory Secondary Education. Students enrolled by ownership of the school and course.... details >

Budget implementation 2009 Open Data

The budget is one of the main public management tools. However, the budget is still an estimate of i

Issued on

Budget implementation 2009 details >

Survey of equipment and uses of information and communication technologies in households. People.... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata from the Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Tech

Issued on

Survey of equipment and uses of information and communication technologies in households. People.... details >

Survey of equipment and uses of information and communication technologies in households. People.... Open Data

Exploitation of microdata from the Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Tech

Issued on

Survey of equipment and uses of information and communication technologies in households. People.... details >

Evolution of the number of computers used by students Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, production and dissemination of data on the degree of implementation and

Issued on

Evolution of the number of computers used by students details >

Files initiated by reason of admission. Years 2018 to 2019. Open Data

Dissemination of statistics on the activity of the institution ‘El Justicia de Aragón’

Issued on

Files initiated by reason of admission. Years 2018 to 2019. details >

Urban planning figure Open Data

Urban planning figure

Issued on

Urban planning figure details >

Basic Vocational Training. Students enrolled by origin and ownership of the school. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Basic Vocational Training. Students enrolled by origin and ownership of the school. Municipalities details >

Expenditure of the Aragonese industry on energy products Open Data

Exploitation of microdata and dissemination of energy consumption in industry in Aragon, following t

Issued on

Expenditure of the Aragonese industry on energy products details >

Industry expenditure on energy products. Aragon and Spain. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata and dissemination of energy consumption in industry in Aragon, following t

Issued on

Industry expenditure on energy products. Aragon and Spain. details >

Geodata of Catalogue of singular elements of landscape Tarazona and El Moncayo C12_D5 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

Issued on

Geodata of Catalogue of singular elements of landscape Tarazona and El Moncayo C12_D5 details >

Geodata of negative impacts on the landscape of Daroca C24_D4 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

Issued on

Geodata of negative impacts on the landscape of Daroca C24_D4 details >

Geodata of negative impacts on the landscape of Sierra de Albarracin C31_D4 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

Issued on

Geodata of negative impacts on the landscape of Sierra de Albarracin C31_D4 details >

Geodata of negative impacts on the landscape of the Jiloca C25_D4 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

Issued on

Geodata of negative impacts on the landscape of the Jiloca C25_D4 details >

Geodata of landscape interest tours of Aranda C14_D14 Open Data

Maps of Landscape of Aragon.

Issued on

Geodata of landscape interest tours of Aranda C14_D14 details >

Languages. Students enrolled in face-to-face teaching by level of study and language studied by... Open Data

Information on artistic, music, dance, language and sports education is collected.

Issued on

Languages. Students enrolled in face-to-face teaching by level of study and language studied by... details >

Languages. Students enrolled free by level of study and sex of students by region. Open Data

Information on artistic, music, dance, language and sports education is collected.

Issued on

Languages. Students enrolled free by level of study and sex of students by region. details >

Investment by employment strata. Year 2017 Open Data

New series of the Accounts of the Aragonese industry, with updated methodology according to the new

Issued on

Investment by employment strata. Year 2017 details >

Number of centers using Intranet services Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, production and dissemination of data on the degree of implementation and

Issued on

Number of centers using Intranet services details >

Number of centres according to bandwidth of the Internet connection that the center has Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, production and dissemination of data on the degree of implementation and

Issued on

Number of centres according to bandwidth of the Internet connection that the center has details >

Pere by sex and large age groups and province of registration. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata and dissemination of variables on the population of Spanish nationality wh

Issued on

Pere by sex and large age groups and province of registration. details >

Main magnitudes by strata of employment. Year 2017 Open Data

New series of the Accounts of the Aragonese industry, with updated methodology according to the new

Issued on

Main magnitudes by strata of employment. Year 2017 details >

Educational Resource — Primary Mathematics — UD10-Proportionality, Percentages and Statistics Open Data

In this unit you will learn how to calculate proportionality tables, find percentages, make the plan

Issued on

Educational Resource — Primary Mathematics — UD10-Proportionality, Percentages and Statistics details >

Educational Resource — Primary Mathematics — UD3-Integer Numbers Open Data

Whole numbers appear in everyday situations such as temperature reading or when choosing which butto

Issued on

Educational Resource — Primary Mathematics — UD3-Integer Numbers details >

Aragon Public Network of Radio Links Open Data

Aragon has a public network of radio links called the Public Network of Telecommunications Infrastru

Issued on

Aragon Public Network of Radio Links details >

Aragon Convention Registration 2014 Open Data

Agreements registered in the Register of Agreements of the Government of Aragon during 2014

Issued on

Aragon Convention Registration 2014 details >

Aragon Convention Registration 2017 Open Data

Agreements registered in the Register of Agreements of the Government of Aragon during 2017.

Issued on

Aragon Convention Registration 2017 details >

Registration of Aragon Conventions 2018 Open Data

Agreements registered in the Register of Agreements of the Government of Aragon during 2018.

Issued on

Registration of Aragon Conventions 2018 details >

List of codes of municipalities of Aragon Open Data

List of municipalities of Aragon with its INE code to 5 digits, and its region and province

Issued on

List of codes of municipalities of Aragon details >

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2018. Main magnitudes per activity. CNAE-2009 sections Services... Open Data

New series of accounts of the services sector in Aragon, methodology according to the Structural Sta

Issued on

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2018. Main magnitudes per activity. CNAE-2009 sections Services... details >

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2019. Operating results by activity. CNAE-2009 sections Open Data

New series of accounts of the services sector in Aragon, methodology according to the Structural Sta

Issued on

Services sector in Aragon. Year 2019. Operating results by activity. CNAE-2009 sections details >

Cartographic download service e:1/5000 and e:1/10000 Open Data

Web service that allows to download the cartography at scale 1/5000 and 1/1000 of the Autonomous Com

Issued on

Cartographic download service e:1/5000 and e:1/10000 details >

Summary tables. Schools by level of education. Municipalities Open Data

Information is collected on centres, units, teachers and students enrolled in E. Infantil, E. Primar

Issued on

Summary tables. Schools by level of education. Municipalities details >

Rates by type, marital status and sex. Open Data

Exploitation of microdata, tabulation, production and dissemination of data corresponding to Aragon

Issued on

Rates by type, marital status and sex. details >

Special Conservation Areas Open Data

Place of Community importance designated by a State, where conservation measures are applied for the

Issued on

Special Conservation Areas details >

Master files - Packaging Open Data

Table showing the code and description of different types of packaging. Complies with UN / ECE regul

Issued on 2021-02-14T23:00:00Z

Master files - Packaging details >

Master files - Ports Open Data

Database indicating the code, name and other specific information of the ports connected to the Port

Issued on 2021-02-14T23:00:00Z

Master files - Ports details >

Master files - Subforeland areas of the Port of Barcelona Open Data

Subforeland areas of the Port of Barcelona

Issued on 2021-02-14T23:00:00Z

Master files - Subforeland areas of the Port of Barcelona details >

Master files - Locations Open Data

Table showing location code and description

Issued on 2021-02-14T23:00:00Z

Master files - Locations details >

Corporate social responsibility report 2006 - 2010 Open Data

Corporate social responsibility report 2006 - 2010

Issued on 2022-08-07T22:00:00Z

Corporate social responsibility report 2006 - 2010 details >

APMT terminal access time Open Data

Access time data by strips to the APMT terminal

Issued on 2021-03-11T23:00:00Z

APMT terminal access time details >

Waiting list diagnostic techniques Fundación Hospital de Calahorra Open Data

Waiting list diagnostic techniques Fundación Hospital de Calahorra

Issued on 2017-06-21T22:00:00Z

Waiting list diagnostic techniques Fundación Hospital de Calahorra details >

Evolution of the general Industrial Production Index (IPI) and according to economic destination of... Open Data

The Industrial Production Index (IPI) is a short-term indicator that measures the monthly evolution

Issued on 2013-05-20T22:00:00Z

Evolution of the general Industrial Production Index (IPI) and according to economic destination of... details >

National classification of economic activities. CNAE 93 Rev. 1 Open Data

It establishes a hierarchical set of economic activities that can be used to promote the implementat

Issued on 2013-06-04T22:00:00Z

National classification of economic activities. CNAE 93 Rev. 1 details >

Landscape units. Autonomous Community of La Rioja Open Data

Georeferenced data of landscape units and subunits in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja. Geograph

Issued on 2014-01-03T23:00:00Z

Landscape units. Autonomous Community of La Rioja details >

Social judicial matters Open Data

Social judicial matters

Issued on 2015-03-16T21:47:45Z

Social judicial matters details >
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