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Functional dependence on the last doctor visited in the last 4 weeks by sex and social class based... Open Data

Table of INEBase Functional dependence on the last doctor visited in the last 4 weeks by sex and soc

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Functional dependence on the last doctor visited in the last 4 weeks by sex and social class based... details >

Visitas a profesionales de medicina alternativa en los últimos 12 meses según sexo y nivel de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Visitas a profesionales de medicina alternativa en los últimos 12 meses según sexo

Issued on

Visitas a profesionales de medicina alternativa en los últimos 12 meses según sexo y nivel de... details >

Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and social class based on the reference... Open Data

Table of INEBase Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and social class based on

Issued on

Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and social class based on the reference... details >

Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and country of birth. Population aged 15... Open Data

Table of INEBase Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and country of birth. Popu

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Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and country of birth. Population aged 15... details >

Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and relation with the current economic... Open Data

Table of INEBase Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and relation with the curr

Issued on

Functional dependence to the last dentist visited by sex and relation with the current economic... details >

Outpatient hospital use in the last 12 months by sex and age group. Population aged 15 years old and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Outpatient hospital use in the last 12 months by sex and age group. Population aged

Issued on

Outpatient hospital use in the last 12 months by sex and age group. Population aged 15 years old and... details >

Type of accident and emergency service used in the last 12 months by sex and age group. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Type of accident and emergency service used in the last 12 months by sex and age gr

Issued on

Type of accident and emergency service used in the last 12 months by sex and age group. Population... details >

Taking of medicines in the last 2 weeks depending on if they have been prescribed or not by sex,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Taking of medicines in the last 2 weeks depending on if they have been prescribed o

Issued on

Taking of medicines in the last 2 weeks depending on if they have been prescribed or not by sex,... details >

Taking of medicines in the last 2 weeks depending on if they have been prescribed or not by sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Taking of medicines in the last 2 weeks depending on if they have been prescribed o

Issued on

Taking of medicines in the last 2 weeks depending on if they have been prescribed or not by sex and... details >

Type of medicine taken in the last 2 weeks by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15 years... Open Data

Table of INEBase Type of medicine taken in the last 2 weeks by sex and Autonomous Community. Populat

Issued on

Type of medicine taken in the last 2 weeks by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15 years... details >

Type of medicine taken in the last 2 weeks according to if it had been prescribed or not by sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Type of medicine taken in the last 2 weeks according to if it had been prescribed o

Issued on

Type of medicine taken in the last 2 weeks according to if it had been prescribed or not by sex and... details >

Influenza vaccination during the last campaign by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15... Open Data

Table of INEBase Influenza vaccination during the last campaign by sex and Autonomous Community. Pop

Issued on

Influenza vaccination during the last campaign by sex and Autonomous Community. Population aged 15... details >

Time elapsed since the last fecal occult blood test by sex and Autonomous Community. Population from... Open Data

Table of INEBase Time elapsed since the last fecal occult blood test by sex and Autonomous Community

Issued on

Time elapsed since the last fecal occult blood test by sex and Autonomous Community. Population from... details >

Body Mass Index of the adult population by sex and age group. Population aged 18 years old and over.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Body Mass Index of the adult population by sex and age group. Population aged 18 ye

Issued on

Body Mass Index of the adult population by sex and age group. Population aged 18 years old and over.... details >

Uso de cigarrillos electrónicos o similares según sexo y clase social basada en la ocupación de la... Open Data

Table of INEBase Uso de cigarrillos electrónicos o similares según sexo y clase social basada en la

Issued on

Uso de cigarrillos electrónicos o similares según sexo y clase social basada en la ocupación de la... details >

Uso de cigarrillos electrónicos o similares según sexo y comunidad autónoma. Población de 15 y más... Open Data

Table of INEBase Uso de cigarrillos electrónicos o similares según sexo y comunidad autónoma. Poblac

Issued on

Uso de cigarrillos electrónicos o similares según sexo y comunidad autónoma. Población de 15 y más... details >

Frequency of consumption of alcoholic beverages in the last 12 months by sex and age group.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Frequency of consumption of alcoholic beverages in the last 12 months by sex and ag

Issued on

Frequency of consumption of alcoholic beverages in the last 12 months by sex and age group.... details >

Frequency of heavy drinking of alcohol in the last 12 months by sex and country of birth. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Frequency of heavy drinking of alcohol in the last 12 months by sex and country of

Issued on

Frequency of heavy drinking of alcohol in the last 12 months by sex and country of birth. Population... details >

Physical activity during work time or main activity by sex and social class based on the reference... Open Data

Table of INEBase Physical activity during work time or main activity by sex and social class based o

Issued on

Physical activity during work time or main activity by sex and social class based on the reference... details >

Physical activity during work time or main activity by sex, country of birth, and age group.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Physical activity during work time or main activity by sex, country of birth, and a

Issued on

Physical activity during work time or main activity by sex, country of birth, and age group.... details >

Sedentary lifestyle by sex and social class based on the reference person's occupation. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Sedentary lifestyle by sex and social class based on the reference person's occupat

Issued on

Sedentary lifestyle by sex and social class based on the reference person's occupation. Population... details >

Number of days per week that she/he walks to get around by sex and social class based on the... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of days per week that she/he walks to get around by sex and social class bas

Issued on

Number of days per week that she/he walks to get around by sex and social class based on the... details >

Ease to obtain help from neighbours if necessary by sex and social class based on the reference... Open Data

Table of INEBase Ease to obtain help from neighbours if necessary by sex and social class based on t

Issued on

Ease to obtain help from neighbours if necessary by sex and social class based on the reference... details >

Ease to obtain help from neighbours if necessary by sex and relation with the current economic... Open Data

Table of INEBase Ease to obtain help from neighbours if necessary by sex and relation with the curre

Issued on

Ease to obtain help from neighbours if necessary by sex and relation with the current economic... details >

Care of the elderly or persons with chronic diseases by sex and age group. Population aged 15 years... Open Data

Table of INEBase Care of the elderly or persons with chronic diseases by sex and age group. Populati

Issued on

Care of the elderly or persons with chronic diseases by sex and age group. Population aged 15 years... details >

Assessment of perceived health status in the last 12 months by sex and Autonomous Community.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Assessment of perceived health status in the last 12 months by sex and Autonomous C

Issued on

Assessment of perceived health status in the last 12 months by sex and Autonomous Community.... details >

Consumo de tabaco según sexo y grupo de edad. Población de 15 y más años. (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Consumo de tabaco según sexo y grupo de edad. Población de 15 y más años. National.

Issued on

Consumo de tabaco según sexo y grupo de edad. Población de 15 y más años. (API identifier:... details >

Distribution of the number of municipalities by Autonomous Community and province and size of the... Open Data

Table of INEBase Distribution of the number of municipalities by Autonomous Community and province a

Issued on

Distribution of the number of municipalities by Autonomous Community and province and size of the... details >

Population order by province and censal population of 2011 and relative position in 2011, 2001, 1991... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population order by province and censal population of 2011 and relative position in

Issued on

Population order by province and censal population of 2011 and relative position in 2011, 2001, 1991... details >

Population by sex, nationality (Spanish/Foreign) and size of the municipality (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by sex, nationality (Spanish/Foreign) and size of the municipality. Popu

Issued on

Population by sex, nationality (Spanish/Foreign) and size of the municipality (API identifier:... details >

Population by sex, nationality (Spanish/Foreign) and size of the municipality (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by sex, nationality (Spanish/Foreign) and size of the municipality. Auto

Issued on

Population by sex, nationality (Spanish/Foreign) and size of the municipality (API identifier:... details >

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year). municipalities. Population

Issued on

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... details >

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year). municipalities. Population

Issued on

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... details >

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year). municipalities. Population

Issued on

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... details >

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year). municipalities. Population

Issued on

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... details >

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year). municipalities. Population

Issued on

Population by municipality, sex and age (year by year) (API identifier:... details >

Population by municipality, sex and relation between the place of birth and residence (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality, sex and relation between the place of birth and residen

Issued on

Population by municipality, sex and relation between the place of birth and residence (API... details >

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big group

Issued on

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and... details >

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and country of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big group

Issued on

Population by municipality (with more than 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age (big groups) and country of... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex, age... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabit

Issued on

Population by municipality (with a population lower than or equal to 20,000 inhabitants), sex and... details >

Municipalities with a greater absolute depopulation since 2001 (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Municipalities with a greater absolute depopulation since 2001. National. Populatio

Issued on

Municipalities with a greater absolute depopulation since 2001 (API identifier:... details >

Population in group establishments by age (year by year) and sex (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population in group establishments by age (year by year) and sex. National. Populat

Issued on

Population in group establishments by age (year by year) and sex (API identifier:... details >

Population in group establishments by sex and age (5-year age groups) and country of nationality... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population in group establishments by sex and age (5-year age groups) and country o

Issued on

Population in group establishments by sex and age (5-year age groups) and country of nationality... details >

Population in group establishments by sex, place of residence one year ago and country of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population in group establishments by sex, place of residence one year ago and coun

Issued on

Population in group establishments by sex, place of residence one year ago and country of... details >

Population in group establishments by sex, place of residence one year ago and country of birth (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population in group establishments by sex, place of residence one year ago and coun

Issued on

Population in group establishments by sex, place of residence one year ago and country of birth (API... details >

Group establishments, by type of group establishment (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Group establishments, by type of group establishment. Autonomous Cities and Communi

Issued on

Group establishments, by type of group establishment (API identifier:... details >

Alicante/Alacant: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Alicante/Alacant: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). m

Issued on

Alicante/Alacant: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Ávila: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Ávila: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipaliti

Issued on

Ávila: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Barcelona: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Barcelona: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipa

Issued on

Barcelona: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Cáceres: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Cáceres: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipali

Issued on

Cáceres: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Girona: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Girona: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipalit

Issued on

Girona: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Guadalajara: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Guadalajara: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). munici

Issued on

Guadalajara: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Huesca: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Huesca: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipalit

Issued on

Huesca: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Palencia: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Palencia: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipal

Issued on

Palencia: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Valencia/València: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Valencia/València: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped).

Issued on

Valencia/València: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Zamora: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Zamora: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped). municipalit

Issued on

Zamora: Group establishments, by type of group establishment (grouped) (API identifier:... details >

Buildings and dwellings by annual census (API identifier: /t20/e244/edificios/p01/l0/01mun00.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings and dwellings by annual census. Municipalities (with over 2,000 inhabitan

Issued on

Buildings and dwellings by annual census (API identifier: /t20/e244/edificios/p01/l0/01mun00.px) details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of dwellings by size of the municipality (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of dwellings by size of the mun

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of dwellings by size of the municipality (API... details >

Buildings for housing with garage by no. of dwellings by no. of parking places (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings for housing with garage by no. of dwellings by no. of parking places. Aut

Issued on

Buildings for housing with garage by no. of dwellings by no. of parking places (API identifier:... details >

Buildings and other real estate property by municipality (complete list) (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings and other real estate property by municipality (complete list). Populatio

Issued on

Buildings and other real estate property by municipality (complete list) (API identifier:... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more than 2,000... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more than 2,000... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more than 2,000... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more than 2,000... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by mu

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by mu

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by mu

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing and no. of real estate properties by municipality (with... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing by municipality (with more than 50,000 inhabitants or... details >

Households by household size and tenancy regime (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p01/l0/01015.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Households by household size and tenancy regime. National. Population and Housing C

Issued on

Households by household size and tenancy regime (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p01/l0/01015.px) details >

Households by municipality size and household type (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households by municipality size and household type. National. Population and Housin

Issued on

Households by municipality size and household type (API identifier:... details >

National: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun00_10.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase National: Households by size. municipalities(from 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, no

Issued on

National: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun00_10.px) details >

Gipuzkoa: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun20_10.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Gipuzkoa: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Gipuzkoa: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun20_10.px) details >

Huesca: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun22_10.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Huesca: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Huesca: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun22_10.px) details >

Málaga: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun29_10.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Málaga: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Málaga: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun29_10.px) details >

Zamora: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun49_10.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Zamora: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Zamora: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p04/l0/mun49_10.px) details >

National: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun00_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase National: Households by size. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

National: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun00_04.px) details >

Almería: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun04_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Almería: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Almería: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun04_04.px) details >

Burgos: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun09_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Burgos: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Burgos: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun09_04.px) details >

Cuenca: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun16_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Cuenca: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Cuenca: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun16_04.px) details >

Guadalajara: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun19_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Guadalajara: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Guadalajara: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun19_04.px) details >

Gipuzkoa: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun20_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Gipuzkoa: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Gipuzkoa: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun20_04.px) details >

Málaga: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun29_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Málaga: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Málaga: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun29_04.px) details >

Zaragoza: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun50_04.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Zaragoza: Households by size. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Zaragoza: Households by size (API identifier: /t20/e244/hogares/p05/l0/mun50_04.px) details >

Cáceres: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun10_11.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Cáceres: Units by unit type. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Cáceres: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun10_11.px) details >

Granada: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun18_11.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Granada: Units by unit type. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Granada: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun18_11.px) details >

Zaragoza: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun50_11.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Zaragoza: Units by unit type. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Zaragoza: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun50_11.px) details >

Ceuta: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun51_11.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Ceuta: Units by unit type. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Ceuta: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p04/l0/mun51_11.px) details >

National: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p05/l0/mun00_05.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase National: Units by unit type. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

National: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p05/l0/mun00_05.px) details >

Alicante/Alacant: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p05/l0/mun03_05.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Alicante/Alacant: Units by unit type. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Alicante/Alacant: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p05/l0/mun03_05.px) details >

Madrid: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p05/l0/mun28_05.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Madrid: Units by unit type. National. Population and Housing Censuses

Issued on

Madrid: Units by unit type (API identifier: /t20/e244/nucleos/p05/l0/mun28_05.px) details >
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