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%Permanent PDI by type and type of university, type of center, sex and nationality by area Open Data

EDUCAbase table %permanent PDI by type and type of university, type of center, sex and nationality b

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%Permanent PDI by type and type of university, type of center, sex and nationality by area details >

%PDI permanent by type and type of university, type of center, sex and type of contract Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent by type and modality of university, type of center, sex and type o

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%PDI permanent by type and type of university, type of center, sex and type of contract details >

%Permanent PDI in private schools of public universities by category, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent in own centers of public universities by category, sex and age gro

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%Permanent PDI in private schools of public universities by category, sex and age group details >

%PDI permanent in own centers of public universities by area of knowledge and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent in centers of public universities by area of knowledge and sex. St

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%PDI permanent in own centers of public universities by area of knowledge and sex details >

%Permanent PDI in seconded schools of public universities by category, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent in affiliated centers of public universities by category, sex and

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%Permanent PDI in seconded schools of public universities by category, sex and age group details >

%Permanent PDI in private universities by type of school, category, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent in private universities by type of center, category, sex and age g

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%Permanent PDI in private universities by type of school, category, sex and age group details >

%Permanent PDI by type of center, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent by type of center, sex and age group. Staff Statistics of Universi

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%Permanent PDI by type of center, sex and age group details >

%PDI permanent by type of center, sex and type of contract Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent by type of center, sex and type of contract. Staff Statistics of U

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%PDI permanent by type of center, sex and type of contract details >

%PDI permanent in affiliated centers of public universities by category and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent in affiliated centers of public universities by category and sex.

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%PDI permanent in affiliated centers of public universities by category and sex details >

%PDI permanent in private universities by type of center, category and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI permanent in private universities by type of center, category and sex. Staff

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%PDI permanent in private universities by type of center, category and sex details >

%PDI who has read the thesis at the same university where he teaches teaching Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase %PDI that has read the thesis at the same university in which he teaches. Staff S

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%PDI who has read the thesis at the same university where he teaches teaching details >

PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and dedication regime Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and dedicatio

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PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and dedication regime details >

PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher’s programme, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and age group

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PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher’s programme, sex and age group details >

PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher’s programme, sex and nationality by area Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and nationali

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PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher’s programme, sex and nationality by area details >

PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and dedication regime Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and dedicatio

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PEI by type and modality of the university, researcher program, sex and dedication regime details >

PEI by researcher programme, gender and nationality by area Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PEI by researcher program, gender and nationality by area. Staff Statistics of Un

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PEI by researcher programme, gender and nationality by area details >

PEI by researcher programme, sex and dedication regime Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PEI by researcher program, sex and dedication regime. Staff Statistics of Univers

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PEI by researcher programme, sex and dedication regime details >

Scholarship loss rate (re-entry students) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Scholarship loss rate (re-entered students) by type and modality of the universit

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Scholarship loss rate (re-entry students) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and... details >

Total IP and proportion of IP by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PI total and proportion of IP by type of university, type of center, type of staf

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Total IP and proportion of IP by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and sex details >

Total IP and proportion of IP by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and age... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PI total and proportion of IP by type of university, type of center, type of staf

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Total IP and proportion of IP by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and age... details >

Total IP and proportion of IP by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PI total and proportion of IP by type of university, type of school, type of staf

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Total IP and proportion of IP by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and... details >

Total PI by type of university, type of school, type of staff and sex Open Data

Total EDUCAbase PI table by type of university, type of center, type of staff and sex. Staff Statist

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Total PI by type of university, type of school, type of staff and sex details >

Total PI by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and age group Open Data

Total EDUCAbase PI table by type of university, type of center, type of staff and age group. Staff S

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Total PI by type of university, type of institution, type of staff and age group details >

Average credit price per tuition and scope of study Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Average credit price per tuition and scope of study. Statistics of public university

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Average credit price per tuition and scope of study details >

Average price of credit per tuition and branch of education Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Average credit price per tuition and branch of education. Statistics of public unive

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Average price of credit per tuition and branch of education details >

Average price of credit per tuition, type of master’s degree and branch of education Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Average credit price per tuition, type of master’s degree and branch of teaching. St

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Average price of credit per tuition, type of master’s degree and branch of education details >

Pre-registration indicators by scope of study Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Pre-registration indicators by field of study. Pre-registration for Bachelor’s De

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Pre-registration indicators by scope of study details >

Pre-registration indicators by branch of education Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Pre-registration indicators by branch of teaching. Pre-registration for Bachelor’

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Pre-registration indicators by branch of education details >

Pre-registration indicators by scope of study Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Pre-registration indicators by field of study. Pre-registration for Bachelor’s De

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Pre-registration indicators by scope of study details >

Pre-registration indicators by scope of study Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Pre-registration indicators by field of study. Pre-registration for Bachelor’s De

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Pre-registration indicators by scope of study details >

Pre-registration indicators by branch of education Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Pre-registration indicators by branch of teaching. Pre-registration for Bachelor’

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Pre-registration indicators by branch of education details >

Expenditure budget performance indicators by Autonomous Community. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Indicators of implementation of the expenditure budget by autonomous community..

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Expenditure budget performance indicators by Autonomous Community. details >

Expenditure budget performance indicators. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Execution indicators of the expenditure budget.. Expenditure budget performance i

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Expenditure budget performance indicators. details >

Performance indicators of the expenditure budget by university. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Indicators of execution of the budget of expenses by university.. Expenditure bud

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Performance indicators of the expenditure budget by university. details >

Net recognised obligations (chapters) by autonomous community. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Net recognised obligations (chapters) by autonomous community.. Expenditure budge

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Net recognised obligations (chapters) by autonomous community. details >

Net recognised obligations (chapters). Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Net recognised obligations (chapters).. Expenditure budget performance indicators

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Net recognised obligations (chapters). details >

Net recognised rights (chapters). Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Net recognised rights (chapters).. Performance indicators of the revenue budget.

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Net recognised rights (chapters). details >

Performance indicators of the revenue budget. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Indicators of implementation of the revenue budget.. Performance indicators of th

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Performance indicators of the revenue budget. details >

Net recognised entitlements, initial and final forecasts of revenue. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Recognised net entitlements, initial and definitive income forecasts.. Performanc

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Net recognised entitlements, initial and final forecasts of revenue. details >

Net recognised entitlements, initial and final forecasts of revenue. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Recognised net entitlements, initial and definitive income forecasts.. Performanc

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Net recognised entitlements, initial and final forecasts of revenue. details >

Net recognised entitlements, initial and final income forecasts per university. Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Recognised net entitlements, initial and definitive income forecasts by universit

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Net recognised entitlements, initial and final income forecasts per university. details >

Foreign Researcher Teaching Personnel (PDI) by type and modality of the university, area of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Personal Teaching Researcher (PDI) foreign by type and modality of the university

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Foreign Researcher Teaching Personnel (PDI) by type and modality of the university, area of... details >

Foreign Researcher Teaching Personnel (PDI) by area of nationality and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Personal Teaching Researcher (PDI) foreign by area of nationality and sex. Foreig

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Foreign Researcher Teaching Personnel (PDI) by area of nationality and sex details >

PU by type and type of university, type of center, sex and type of contract Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PU by type and modality of university, type of center, sex and type of contract.

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PU by type and type of university, type of center, sex and type of contract details >

PU by type and type of university, type of center, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PU by type and modality of university, type of center, sex and age group. Staff S

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PU by type and type of university, type of center, sex and age group details >

PU by type and type of university, type of center, sex and type of contract Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PU by type and modality of university, type of center, sex and type of contract.

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PU by type and type of university, type of center, sex and type of contract details >

PU by type of center, sex and age group Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PU by type of center, sex and age group. Staff Statistics in Universities: Staff

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PU by type of center, sex and age group details >

PU by type of centre, sex and nationality by area Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PU by type of center, sex and nationality by zone. Staff Statistics in Universiti

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PU by type of centre, sex and nationality by area details >

PU by type of center, sex and type of contract Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase PU by type of center, sex and type of contract. Staff Statistics in Universities:

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PU by type of center, sex and type of contract details >

PU by type of center, sex and dedication regime Open Data

EDUCAbase PU table by type of center, sex and dedication regime. Staff Statistics in Universities: S

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PU by type of center, sex and dedication regime details >

Ratios in in-house public universities by branch of education Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Ratios in own centers of public universities in person by branch of teaching. Sta

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Ratios in in-house public universities by branch of education details >

Ratios in face-to-face universities by type of university Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Ratios in face-to-face universities by type of university. Staff Statistics in Un

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Ratios in face-to-face universities by type of university details >

Incoming/outgoing ratio of the Spanish University System (SUE) by mobility programs by area of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Ratio incoming/outgoing of the Spanish University System (SUE) by mobility progra

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Incoming/outgoing ratio of the Spanish University System (SUE) by mobility programs by area of... details >

Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by type of university, field of study and sex... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrollees by type of university, fie

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Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by type of university, field of study and sex... details >

Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by field of study and sex (face-to-face... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by field of study and sex

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Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by field of study and sex (face-to-face... details >

Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by type of university, field of study and sex... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrollees by type of university, fie

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Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by type of university, field of study and sex... details >

Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by type of university, field of study and sex... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrollees by type of university, fie

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Relationship between beneficiaries and total enrolment by type of university, field of study and sex... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type and modality

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (students enrolled) by field of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by field of study and s

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (students enrolled) by field of study and sex details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type and modality

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type and modality

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (students enrolled) by field of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by field of study and s

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (students enrolled) by field of study and sex details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type and modality

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type of university, scope of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type of universit

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type of university, scope of... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type and modality

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by type and modality

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (enrolled students) by type and modality of the... details >

Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (students enrolled) by field of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Performance, success and evaluation rate (enrolled students) by field of study and s

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Rate of achievement, success and evaluation (students enrolled) by field of study and sex details >

Renewal rate by field of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Renewal rate by scope of study and sex. Indicators of academic performance and trans

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Renewal rate by field of study and sex details >

Students leaving the Spanish University System (SUE) through mobility programs by academic level,... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Students leaving the Spanish University System (SUE) through mobility programs by

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Students leaving the Spanish University System (SUE) through mobility programs by academic level,... details >

Students leaving the Spanish University System (SUE) through mobility programs by academic level... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Students leaving the Spanish University System (SUE) through mobility programs by

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Students leaving the Spanish University System (SUE) through mobility programs by academic level... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of cont

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Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

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Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

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Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of cont

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Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by field of study and nationality Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed according to the type of contract by fi

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Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by field of study and nationality details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by branch of education and... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed according to the type of contract by br

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Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by branch of education and... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

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Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

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Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by field of study and age Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by field of stud

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by field of study and age details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and age Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to type of working

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and age details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by branch of edu

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by branch of edu

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and sex details >

Number of doctorate degrees by type and modality of the university and branch of education Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of doctorate degrees by type and modality of the university and branch of

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Number of doctorate degrees by type and modality of the university and branch of education details >

Number of doctorate degrees by type and modality of the university and branch of education Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of doctorate degrees by type and modality of the university and branch of

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Number of doctorate degrees by type and modality of the university and branch of education details >

Number of Doctoral Degrees Per Teaching Branch Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of doctoral degrees taught by branch of teaching. Degrees taught. Results

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Number of Doctoral Degrees Per Teaching Branch details >

Number of Bachelor’s Degrees by type and modality of the university, type of school, number of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of degrees taught by type and modality of the university, type of center,

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Number of Bachelor’s Degrees by type and modality of the university, type of school, number of... details >

Number of Bachelor’s Degrees by type of school, number of credits in the curriculum and branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of degrees taught by type of school, number of credits of the curriculum a

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Number of Bachelor’s Degrees by type of school, number of credits in the curriculum and branch of... details >

Number of inter-university degrees taught by level of study, type and modality of the university,... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of inter-university degrees taught by level of studies, type and modality

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Number of inter-university degrees taught by level of study, type and modality of the university,... details >

Number of Master’s degrees taught by type and modality of the university, type of structure, number... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of Master’s degrees taught by type and modality of the university, type of

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Number of Master’s degrees taught by type and modality of the university, type of structure, number... details >

Number of degrees taught PCEO Degree (double degrees) by type and modality of the university, type... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of degrees taught PCEO Degree (double degrees) by type and modality of the

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Number of degrees taught PCEO Degree (double degrees) by type and modality of the university, type... details >

Number of degrees taught PCEO Master (double masters) by type and modality of the university, type... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Number of degrees taught PCEO Master (double masters) by type and modality of the

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Number of degrees taught PCEO Master (double masters) by type and modality of the university, type... details >

Distribution of new students in Masters according to the year of completion of the Degree by field... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Distribution of new students in Masters according to the year of completion of Ba

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Distribution of new students in Masters according to the year of completion of the Degree by field... details >

Transition rate from Bachelor to Master (graduate students) by field of study and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Transition rate from Degree to Master (graduate students) by field of study and s

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Transition rate from Bachelor to Master (graduate students) by field of study and sex details >

Electronic service providers trust Open Data

Qualified electronic trust services that have made the notification under the provisions of Regulati

Issued on 2013-04-28T22:00:00Z

Electronic service providers trust details >
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