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Number of productions made by audiovisual industry agents by Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Number of productions carried out by agents of the audiovisual industry by type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Number of representations made by producer agents by place of representation and type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Audiovisual industry agents by Historic Territory and agent typology Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Performing arts producers by Historical Territory and agent typology Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute employment of audiovisual production enterprises (annualised full-time equivalent workers)... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute employment of performing arts producers (annualised full-time equivalent workers) by sex,... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute and average employment of staff (annualised full-time equivalent workers) by sex and type... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Expenditure of audiovisual industry agents in respect of expenditure and type of agent (thousands of... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Expenditure of producer agents in respect of expenditure and type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Income of producers from income and type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Revenue and expenditure of performing arts producers by type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Exhibitions made by visual arts agents by Historic Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Projects produced by visual arts agents by cost of production Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Projects produced by visual arts agents by Historic Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Visual arts agents by agent typology and Historical Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute employment of visual arts agents (annualised full-time equivalent workers) by sex, type of... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Expenditure of visual arts agents by type of agent and concept of expenditure Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Revenue and expenditure of visual arts agents by type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Number of theatre functions performed by performing arts programmers by language (% columns) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Number of functions performed by performing arts programmers by gender Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Number of scheduled representations by company origin and agent typology Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Assistants of programmers by type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Performing arts programmers by agent typology and Historical Territory. Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Performing arts rooms by Historic Territory and room capacity. Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Performing arts rooms by room type and Historical Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute employment of performing arts programmers (annualised full-time equivalent workers) by sex,... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute and average employment of staff (annualised full-time equivalent workers) by sex and type... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Expenditure of performing arts programmers by expenditure and type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Income of performing arts programmers from income and type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Revenue and expenses of performing arts programmers by type of agent Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Assistants and collection of music programmers by agent typology Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Concerts co-produced in the CAE by Historic Territory and agent type Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Concerts scheduled as part of a festival by Historic Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Scheduled concerts, co-produced concerts, festivals and concerts scheduled as part of a festival by... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Concerts scheduled by agents by agent typology and musical genre Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Concerts scheduled by agents by type of agent and origin of the artist group Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Concerts programmed by private promoters by programming venue Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Music programmers agents by agent typology and Historical Territory Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Absolute employment of music programmers (annualised full-time equivalent workers) by sex, type of... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Income and expenses of music programmers by agent typology Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Proportion of women in senior management Open Data
The main objective of the Battery of Governance Indicators is to collect economic, social, political
Issued on 2021-12-16T23:00:00Z
Proportion of people aged 16 and over who feel safe walking alone at night in their area of... Open Data
The main objective of the Battery of Governance Indicators is to collect economic, social, political
Issued on 2021-12-16T23:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates in 2014 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2014-06-16T22:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates in 2015 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2015-09-02T22:00:00Z
Municipal unemployment rates in 2017 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2017-06-05T22:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates in 2018 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2018-04-16T22:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates during 2019 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2020-01-13T23:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates during 2020 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2020-10-06T22:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates during 2021 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2021-07-07T22:00:00Z
Ranking of municipal unemployment rates during 2022 Open Data
Organisation of municipalities of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country for their unemploym
Issued on 2022-06-08T22:00:00Z
Monthly contract report for the year 2017 Open Data
Report contracts: this report contains information about registered contracts and the characterisati
Issued on 2017-04-09T22:00:00Z
Monthly contract report for the year 2018 Open Data
Report contracts: this report contains information about registered contracts and the characterisati
Issued on 2018-02-06T23:00:00Z
Monthly Contract Report 2022 Open Data
Report contracts: this report contains information about registered contracts and the characterisati
Issued on 2022-02-16T23:00:00Z
Sample results by economic dimension. OTE 41 (Bovine, milk, direct sale) Open Data
Issued on 2008-10-30T23:00:00Z
Results of the Lechero Control Open Data
Issued on 2008-04-28T22:00:00Z
Average sample results Open Data
Issued on 2008-11-02T23:00:00Z
Results show by economic dimension O.T.E. 11-12 (cereal-black plan) Open Data
Issued on 2008-10-30T23:00:00Z
Results show by economic dimension. O.T.E. 31 (Viticulture) Open Data
Issued on 2008-10-29T23:00:00Z
Results show by economic dimension. O.T.E 41 (Bovine, milk, central sale) Open Data
Issued on 2008-10-30T23:00:00Z
Summary of expenditure Open Data
Economic Development and Competitiveness
Issued on 2016-06-20T22:00:00Z
Summary of expenditure (1996-2000) Open Data
Issued on 2009-01-29T23:00:00Z
Main INE EPA Variables Summary Open Data
The Labour Force Survey (EPA) is a continuous, quarterly research aimed at families, whose main purp
Issued on 2017-03-31T22:00:00Z
Main variables of the PRA — EUSTAT (2017) Open Data
The Population in Relationship with Activity Survey is a source of continuous information on the cha
Issued on 2018-01-23T23:00:00Z
Cattle Sacrifice 2020 Open Data
The statistical operation of the slaughter of cattle allows to obtain information on the slaughter o
Issued on 2015-07-06T22:00:00Z
Livestock slaughter and origin CAE Open Data
The statistical operation of the slaughter of cattle allows to obtain information on the slaughter o
Issued on 2016-06-21T22:00:00Z
Livestock slaughter and origin in Bizkaia Open Data
Departmental Statistical Body
Issued on 2011-06-26T22:00:00Z
Bilingual people according to the habit of attending bertsolaris shows. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Bilingual people according to the attendance of theatrical shows in Basque in the last year. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who regularly attend stage shows according to the number of performances. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who regularly attend theatre, lyrical, dance and bertsolari shows. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the habit of assistance to the lyrical. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the habit of attending the theater. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Hours of radio consumption. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Hours of television consumption. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to your radio program preferences. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to your TV program preferences. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Time of consumption of radio in Basque of the bilingual population. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Time of consumption of television in Basque of the bilingual population. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who consume cinema in other formats. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the degree of interest in cinema. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the habit of attending cinema. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to cinema consumption habits in other formats. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Home availability of books and CDs. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to ICT equipment at home. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the number of CDs and books in the home. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to their access to cultural content on the Internet. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to their access to the Internet to make some type of cultural consumption. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
Bilingual people according to the preferred language of reading newspapers and magazines. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who regularly attend media libraries according to the number of visits. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who regularly read newspapers and magazines. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who regularly read according to the number of books read in a month. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the degree of interest in libraries. (% and average value) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the habit of reading books. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the place of purchase of books. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the mode of access to newspapers and magazines. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the reading habits of newspapers and magazines. (%) People according to the... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to the reasons why they go to the media library. Multi-response (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People according to their opinion on the aspects to be improved in order to facilitate access to... Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
People who regularly attend museums, art galleries and exhibitions. (%) Open Data
The Basque Observatory of Culture was born to place culture as a central element of social and econo
Issued on 2018-03-05T23:00:00Z
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