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Summary of freight movement Port Authority Cartagena Year 2020

Issued on 2020-01-29T18:54:26Z



Summary of the movement of goods of the Port Authority of Cartagena year 2019

Issued on 2019-03-04T10:33:20Z



Summary of the movement of goods of the Port Authority of Cartagena

Issued on 2015-01-13T09:35:53Z



Summary of freight movement Port Authority Cartagena Year 2021

Issued on 2021-02-16T16:41:30Z


Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Abandonment rates (cohorts of new admission to the study) by type and modality of th

Issued on

Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and sex details >

Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Abandonment rates (cohorts of new admission to the study) by type and modality of th

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Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and sex details >

Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) by scope of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Abandonment rates (re-entry cohorts in the study) by scope of study and sex. Indicat

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Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) by scope of study and sex details >

Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) scope of study and sex Open Data

EDUCAbase Table Abandonment rates (re-entry cohorts in the study) scope of study and sex. Indicators

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Drop-out rates (re-entry cohorts) scope of study and sex details >

EUS dropout rates (re-entry cohorts) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Abandonment rates of the SUE (cohorts of new admission to the study) by type and

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EUS dropout rates (re-entry cohorts) by type and modality of the university, scope of study and sex details >

EUS dropout rates (re-entry cohorts) by type of university, scope of study and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Abandonment rates of the SUE (cohorts of new admission to the study) by type of u

Issued on

EUS dropout rates (re-entry cohorts) by type of university, scope of study and sex details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by field of study and age Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by field of

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by field of study and age details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by branch of education and age Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by branch of

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by branch of education and age details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, branch of... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by field of study and sex Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by field of

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by field of study and sex details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, field of study... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates of Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, branch of... details >

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates of Social Security in the system of self-employed persons by type of u

Issued on

Members of the Social Security system of self-employed persons by type of university, branch of... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of cont

Issued on

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of cont

Issued on

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Members of the Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by field of

Issued on

Members of the Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of cont

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by branch of education and... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed according to the type of contract by br

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by branch of education and... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of cont

Issued on

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

Issued on

Affiliated to Social Security as an employed person according to the type of contract by type of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Employee Social Security Affiliates according to the type of contract by type of

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to the type of contract by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and age Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as an employed person according to type of working

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by branch of education and age details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

Issued on

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, field of... details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by field of study and nationality Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by field of stud

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by field of study and nationality details >

Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... Open Data

Table of EDUCAbase Affiliates to Social Security as employed by type of working day by type of unive

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Employed Social Security members according to type of working day by type of university, branch of... details >

People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE Indicator) (new definition 2021) according to... Open Data

People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE Indicator) (new definition 2021) according to s

Issued on 2022-12-21T10:19:15Z

People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE Indicator) (new definition 2021) according to... details >

Foreign population in the province of Alicante Open Data

Foreign population of the municipalities of the province of Alicante distinguishing those from Europ

Issued on 2022-12-20T08:06:52Z

Foreign population in the province of Alicante details >

GI Initiatives — 2023 — X Legislature Open Data

Government REPORTS — 2023 — X Legislature

Issued on 2023-01-13T23:00:00Z

GI Initiatives — 2023 — X Legislature details >

Amendments, Extensions, Resolutions, Declarations of nullity, Price Reviews, Cessions, Withdrawals,... Open Data

Third quarter of amendments, extensions, resolutions, declarations of nullity, price revisions, assi

Issued on 2022-12-26T23:00:00Z

Amendments, Extensions, Resolutions, Declarations of nullity, Price Reviews, Cessions, Withdrawals,... details >

Register of contracts of Buradon Salinillas Administrative Board of 2022 Open Data

The Public Sector Contracts Register is the central official procurement information system and, as

Issued on 2023-01-07T23:00:00Z

Register of contracts of Buradon Salinillas Administrative Board of 2022 details >

Agricultural census Open Data

Agricultural census

Issued on 2015-03-16T21:57:09Z

Agricultural census details >

2030 Agenda SDG - Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for... Open Data

ODS / Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) / Goal 4. Ensure inclusiv

Issued on 2020-01-01T09:00:00Z

2030 Agenda SDG - Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for... details >

Graduados universitarios según situación profesional en el primer empleo por sexo y situación... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según situación profesional en el primer empleo por sexo y

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Graduados universitarios según situación profesional en el primer empleo por sexo y situación... details >

Graduados universitarios según el área de estudios más apropiada de su primer empleo por sexo y... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el área de estudios más apropiada de su primer emple

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Graduados universitarios según el área de estudios más apropiada de su primer empleo por sexo y... details >

Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por CCAA de su... Open Data

Table of INEBase Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por CCAA

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Graduados universitarios según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por CCAA de su... details >

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que tra

Issued on

Titulados de máster según actividad económica principal de la empresa en la que trabajan en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trab

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento del doctorado por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento d

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Titulados de máster que han completado un doctorado según la rama de conocimiento del doctorado por... details >

Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado superior o... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de

Issued on

Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado superior o... details >

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trab

Issued on

Titulados de máster según el nivel de formación más apropiado para realizar su trabajo en 2019 por... details >

Titulados de máster según hayan recibido becas mientras estudiaban el máster por sexo y país o... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster según hayan recibido becas mientras estudiaban el máster por se

Issued on

Titulados de máster según hayan recibido becas mientras estudiaban el máster por sexo y país o... details >

Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado superior o... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de

Issued on

Titulados de máster que han realizado ciclos formativos o enseñanzas deportivas de grado superior o... details >

Titulados en Bachillerato según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Bachillerato según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por sexo

Issued on

Titulados en Bachillerato según el sueldo mensual neto en el primer empleo por sexo y tipo de... details >

Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según consideren que han recibido suficiente... Open Data

Table of INEBase Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según consideren que han recibido

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Titulados en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior según consideren que han recibido suficiente... details >

Functional dependence on the last doctor visited in the last 4 weeks by sex and age group.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Functional dependence on the last doctor visited in the last 4 weeks by sex and age

Issued on

Functional dependence on the last doctor visited in the last 4 weeks by sex and age group.... details >

Visitas a profesionales de medicina alternativa en los últimos 12 meses según sexo y clase social... Open Data

Table of INEBase Visitas a profesionales de medicina alternativa en los últimos 12 meses según sexo

Issued on

Visitas a profesionales de medicina alternativa en los últimos 12 meses según sexo y clase social... details >

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more than 2,000... Open Data

Table of INEBase Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more

Issued on

Buildings mainly or exclusively for housing with garage by municipality (with more than 2,000... details >

Main dwellings according to tenancy regime (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p04/l0/mun18_03.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to tenancy regime. National. Population and Housing Census

Issued on

Main dwellings according to tenancy regime (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p04/l0/mun18_03.px) details >

Main dwellings according to useful surface (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p04/l0/mun43_02.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Main dwellings according to useful surface. National. Population and Housing Census

Issued on

Main dwellings according to useful surface (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p04/l0/mun43_02.px) details >

Viviendas principales según superficie útil (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p05/l0/mun29_02.px) Open Data

Table of INEBase Viviendas principales según superficie útil. National. Population and Housing Censu

Issued on

Viviendas principales según superficie útil (API identifier: /t20/e244/viviendas/p05/l0/mun29_02.px) details >

Married couples between males by Autonomous Community of residence of married couple, age group of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Married couples between males by Autonomous Community of residence of married coup

Issued on

Married couples between males by Autonomous Community of residence of married couple, age group of... details >

Matrimonios entre Hombres por provincia de residencia del matrimonio, relación con la actividad del... Open Data

Table of INEBase Matrimonios entre Hombres por provincia de residencia del matrimonio, relación con

Issued on

Matrimonios entre Hombres por provincia de residencia del matrimonio, relación con la actividad del... details >

Tasas de Inmigración Interautonómica según sexo, edad y año (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Tasas de Inmigración Interautonómica según sexo, edad y año. Autonomous Communities

Issued on

Tasas de Inmigración Interautonómica según sexo, edad y año (API identifier:... details >

Indicador Coyuntural de Emigración con destino al extranjero según sexo y año (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Indicador Coyuntural de Emigración con destino al extranjero según sexo y año. Prov

Issued on

Indicador Coyuntural de Emigración con destino al extranjero según sexo y año (API identifier:... details >

Defunciones de residentes en España, por sexo, generación y año (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Defunciones de residentes en España, por sexo, generación y año. Provincias. Popula

Issued on

Defunciones de residentes en España, por sexo, generación y año (API identifier:... details >

Superficie agraria fertilizada en explotaciones con ganado por tamaño según superficie agrícola... Open Data

Table of INEBase Superficie agraria fertilizada en explotaciones con ganado por tamaño según superfi

Issued on

Superficie agraria fertilizada en explotaciones con ganado por tamaño según superficie agrícola... details >

Principales variables de uso TIC por comunidades y ciudades autónomas (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Principales variables de uso TIC por comunidades y ciudades autónomas. Survey on th

Issued on

Principales variables de uso TIC por comunidades y ciudades autónomas (API identifier:... details >

Comercio electrónico (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Comercio electrónico. National. Survey on the Use of Information and Communication

Issued on

Comercio electrónico (API identifier:... details >

Coverage rate of the foreign trade of high tech products by groups of products and period. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Coverage rate of the foreign trade of high tech products by groups of products and

Issued on

Coverage rate of the foreign trade of high tech products by groups of products and period. (API... details >

Surviving enterprises born in 2015 by main activity (NACE Rev. 2) and year. (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Surviving enterprises born in 2015 by main activity (NACE Rev. 2) and year. Nationa

Issued on

Surviving enterprises born in 2015 by main activity (NACE Rev. 2) and year. (API identifier:... details >

Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on whether or not they have... Open Data

Table of INEBase Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on whether or not the

Issued on

Persons between 15 and 74 years of age born abroad, depending on whether or not they have... details >

Población por sexo, nacionalidad(española/ extranjera) y nivel de estudios (agregado) (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Población por sexo, nacionalidad(española/ extranjera) y nivel de estudios (agregad

Issued on

Población por sexo, nacionalidad(española/ extranjera) y nivel de estudios (agregado) (API... details >

Variations by size of the destination municipalities and size of the origin municipalities (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Variations by size of the destination municipalities and size of the origin municip

Issued on

Variations by size of the destination municipalities and size of the origin municipalities (API... details >

Variations by Autonomous Community of origin, relation between origin and destination and sex (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Variations by Autonomous Community of origin, relation between origin and destinati

Issued on

Variations by Autonomous Community of origin, relation between origin and destination and sex (API... details >

New registers by country of nationality, sex and months (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase New registers by country of nationality, sex and months. Residence Variation Statis

Issued on

New registers by country of nationality, sex and months (API identifier:... details >

New registers by municipalities, birthplace and nationality (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase New registers by municipalities, birthplace and nationality. Residence Variation St

Issued on

New registers by municipalities, birthplace and nationality (API identifier:... details >

Country of residence (with 1,000 or more residents), Autonomous Community and province of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Country of residence (with 1,000 or more residents), Autonomous Community and prov

Issued on

Country of residence (with 1,000 or more residents), Autonomous Community and province of... details >

Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas (división 45 CNAE2009): por desglose de los... Open Data

Table of INEBase Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas (división 45 CNAE2009): po

Issued on

Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas (división 45 CNAE2009): por desglose de los... details >

Travellers checked in by Autonomous Communities, country of residence and months. EOAC (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Travellers checked in by Autonomous Communities, country of residence and months. C

Issued on

Travellers checked in by Autonomous Communities, country of residence and months. EOAC (API... details >

Number of estimated open establishments by Province and month. EOTR (API identifier:... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of estimated open establishments by Province and month. Provinces. Rural Tou

Issued on

Number of estimated open establishments by Province and month. EOTR (API identifier:... details >

Actividades cinematográficas, de vídeo, de programas de televisión, grabación de sonido por... Open Data

Table of INEBase Actividades cinematográficas, de vídeo, de programas de televisión, grabación de s

Issued on

Actividades cinematográficas, de vídeo, de programas de televisión, grabación de sonido por... details >

Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of people with... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of peopl

Issued on

Households according to the number of members in the household, the number of people with... details >

Households according to household type, the number of people with disabilities or limitations and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Households according to household type, the number of people with disabilities or l

Issued on

Households according to household type, the number of people with disabilities or limitations and... details >

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by gender and age.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by ge

Issued on

Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by gender and age.... details >

Social services received in the last 12 months by gender, size of municipality and disability group.... Open Data

Table of INEBase Social services received in the last 12 months by gender, size of municipality and

Issued on

Social services received in the last 12 months by gender, size of municipality and disability group.... details >

Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and number of disabilities. Population... Open Data

Table of INEBase Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and number of disabiliti

Issued on

Reason for change of residence due to disability by gender and number of disabilities. Population... details >

Professional and economic problems for the main caregiver resulting from care, according to... Open Data

Table of INEBase Professional and economic problems for the main caregiver resulting from care, acco

Issued on

Professional and economic problems for the main caregiver resulting from care, according to... details >

Difficulties que encuentra el cuidador principal por sexo la persona con limitaciones. Población de... Open Data

Table of INEBase Difficulties que encuentra el cuidador principal por sexo la persona con limitacion

Issued on

Difficulties que encuentra el cuidador principal por sexo la persona con limitaciones. Población de... details >

Rate of population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to disability group, by gender... Open Data

Table of INEBase Rate of population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to disability

Issued on

Rate of population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to disability group, by gender... details >

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin group, by... Open Data

Table of INEBase Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin

Issued on

Population aged 6 years and over with a disability, according to deficiency origin group, by... details >

Pension for permanent disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population aged 16 and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Pension for permanent disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Populatio

Issued on

Pension for permanent disability by Autonomous Community, gender and age. Population aged 16 and... details >

Average stay by sex, age group, province, Autonomous City and Community of hospitalization. (API... Open Data

Table of INEBase Average stay by sex, age group, province, Autonomous City and Community of hospital

Issued on

Average stay by sex, age group, province, Autonomous City and Community of hospitalization. (API... details >

Rate of Dentists per 100,000 inhabitants by Autonomous City and Community of registration and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Rate of Dentists per 100,000 inhabitants by Autonomous City and Community of regist

Issued on

Rate of Dentists per 100,000 inhabitants by Autonomous City and Community of registration and... details >

Number of Physiotherapists by Autonomous Communities, Autonomous Cities and Provinces of... Open Data

Table of INEBase Number of Physiotherapists by Autonomous Communities, Autonomous Cities and Provinc

Issued on

Number of Physiotherapists by Autonomous Communities, Autonomous Cities and Provinces of... details >

Companies increasing capital, classified by trial, Autonomous Communities and Cities and Provinces,... Open Data

Table of INEBase Companies increasing capital, classified by trial, Autonomous Communities and Citie

Issued on 2013-02-18T11:00:00Z

Companies increasing capital, classified by trial, Autonomous Communities and Cities and Provinces,... details >

Risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE indicator), by nationality (persons aged 16 years old and... Open Data

Table of INEBase Risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE indicator), by nationality (persons aged

Issued on 2015-05-26T11:00:00Z

Risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE indicator), by nationality (persons aged 16 years old and... details >

Weightings by subgroup. IPCA (API identifier: 51068) Open Data

Table of INEBase Weightings by subgroup. Annual. National. Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP

Issued on 2022-02-02T11:00:00Z

Weightings by subgroup. IPCA (API identifier: 51068) details >
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