Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Available datasets

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Events & Events Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [events 2011-2016](#evenementen-2011-2016) * [eve

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Events & Events details >

Bicycle Pumps Open Data

Dataset for public bicycle pumps that are at public transport stops in Utrecht.

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Bicycle Pumps details >

Bicycle counts Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [bike counts 2015 permanent](#fietstellingen-2015

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Bicycle counts details >

Bicycle drums Open Data

Overview of bicycle drums in Utrecht. In this dataset you will find the following data per bicycle

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Bicycle drums details >

Financial details Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [financial detail dates](#financiele detail dates

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Financial details details >

Municipal elections 2014 Open Data

Why do people vote in municipal elections and why do others not vote? This research question was cen

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Municipal elections 2014 details >

Municipal accounts levies Open Data

Dataset for municipal accounts and levies in Utrecht in the years 2014 and 2015. This table contains

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Municipal accounts levies details >

Pharmaceuticals Open Data

Dataset of persons with medicines provided in the year 2014. This table contains figures on the numb

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Pharmaceuticals details >

Vultures Open Data

Dataset with places in Utrecht (108 addresses in total) where vultures were detected in 2014. The da

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Vultures details >

Boundaries municipality neighborhood neighborhood Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [municipality district neighbourhood borders Utre

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Boundaries municipality neighborhood neighborhood details >

Groundwater Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [groundwater quality](#grondwaterkwaliteit) * [gr

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Groundwater details >

Ports Open Data

Overview of ports in the municipality of Utrecht

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Ports details >

Properties for rent real estate Open Data

Dataset containing all rental properties that are partly owned by the municipality of Utrecht (e.g.

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Properties for rent real estate details >

IBabs Online Open Data

* ** description:** Link to information Utrecht City Council * **source:**iBabs * **target registrat

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IBabs Online details >

Information register municipality of Utrecht Open Data

Overview of the datasets used within the municipality of Utrecht. The overview is a result of an inv

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Information register municipality of Utrecht details >

Youth care Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [youth care](#jeugdzorg) * [indices youth care](#

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Youth care details >

Youth AWBZ Open Data

Young people with an AWBZ (General Special Disease Costs Act) indication in Utrecht in the years 201

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Youth AWBZ details >

Works of art Open Data

* Description: Overview of works of art in the public space of the municipality of Utrecht * Source:

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Works of art details >

Liveability Initiatives Open Data

All liveability initiatives from 2013 (2179 in total) with the following data per object: * name

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Liveability Initiatives details >

Students Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [students](#leerlingen) * [students in their own

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Students details >

Length Weighing Open Data

Dataset on length of roads in Utrecht in the years 2015 and 2016. This table contains data on the le

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Length Weighing details >

Air measurement network Utrecht Open Data

Air quality measurement points and data of 68 urban measurement points. In Utrecht various substance

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Air measurement network Utrecht details >

Municipal Fund measures Open Data

Dataset for standards of municipal fund in Utrecht in the year 2016. Municipalities receive money fr

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Municipal Fund measures details >

Makelpunt Open Data

The Makelpunt Utrecht is the central place in the city for people and organisations who want to offe

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Makelpunt details >

Motor vehicles Open Data

Dataset for motor vehicles in Utrecht in the years 2012 to 2016. This table provides information on

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Motor vehicles details >

Proximity amenities Open Data

Dataset for proximity to facilities in Utrecht in the years 2013 to 2015. This table provides inform

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Proximity amenities details >

Baseline measurement quality public space 2014 Open Data

Overview of the data from the baseline measurement of quality public space from 2014, here are the f

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Baseline measurement quality public space 2014 details >

Ovl Utrecht Open Data

Light masts (lampposts) in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data per object: * type;

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Ovl Utrecht details >

Surface water quality Open Data

Dataset for the monitoring of surface water quality in Utrecht. This dataset shows the following dat

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Surface water quality details >

P-route parking Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [P-route car parking](#p-route-car parking) * [P-

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P-route parking details >

Parking vending machines Open Data

Overview of all parking machines (779 total) in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data pe

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Parking vending machines details >

Parking spaces disabled Open Data

Dataset on parking spaces for disabled people in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data:

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Parking spaces disabled details >

Professional performing arts Open Data

Professional performing arts in Utrecht in the years 2011 to 2015. This table contains results on au

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Professional performing arts details >

Written questions of city council Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [in writing questions city council 2016-2017](#sc

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Written questions of city council details >

Smart Reporting Open Data

This dataset is periodically supplemented with the notifications public space. These notifications a

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Smart Reporting details >

Speed measurements Griftstraat Open Data

In June 2019, speed measurements were carried out at 4 locations on the Griftstraat/Poortstraat. The

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Speed measurements Griftstraat details >

Street names Open Data

Dataset with all official BAG street names in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data per

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Street names details >

Scattering routes Utrecht Open Data

scattering routes in Utrecht

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Scattering routes Utrecht details >

Subsidy register Utrecht Open Data

Subsidy register in Utrecht and this is updated once every two weeks. This dataset contains the foll

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Subsidy register Utrecht details >

Rates of municipal levies Utrecht Open Data

These are the rates charged by the municipality of Utrecht for the various levies of the municipalit

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Rates of municipal levies Utrecht details >

Traffic lights counts 2014 Open Data

This is an overview of the traffic conditions in Utrecht from 2014.

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Traffic lights counts 2014 details >

Traffic lights counts 2015 Open Data

This is an overview of the traffic conditions in Utrecht from 2015.

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Traffic lights counts 2015 details >

Count file Municipal elections Utrecht 2018 Open Data

* __Description:__ these are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all poll

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Count file Municipal elections Utrecht 2018 details >

Count file National Consultative Referendum Municipality of Utrecht 2018 Open Data

* __Description:__ these are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all poll

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Count file National Consultative Referendum Municipality of Utrecht 2018 details >

Count file election European Parliament — Electoral circle Utrecht Open Data

Description: These are the files created by the input of the data from the determined numbers of vot

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Count file election European Parliament — Electoral circle Utrecht details >

Count file of election municipal council 2022 Open Data

• Description: This is the file created by the input of the data contained in the annexes per pollin

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Count file of election municipal council 2022 details >

Count file election provincial states Utrecht 2015 Open Data

• Description: These are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling

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Count file election provincial states Utrecht 2015 details >

Count file election provincial states Utrecht 2019 Open Data

• Description: These are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling

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Count file election provincial states Utrecht 2019 details >

Count file for election of the European Parliament 2019 Open Data

• Description: These are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling

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Count file for election of the European Parliament 2019 details >

Count file election Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht Utrecht 2019 Open Data

• Description: These are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling

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Count file election Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht Utrecht 2019 details >

Count file election Water Board Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden 2019 Open Data

• Description: These are the files created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling

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Count file election Water Board Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden 2019 details >

Count file elections of the House of Representatives 2017 Open Data

Voting results of the Second Chamber election in the municipality of Utrecht on 15 March 2017. In th

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Count file elections of the House of Representatives 2017 details >

Count file of elections of the House of Representatives 2021 Open Data

• Description: This is the file created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling sta

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Count file of elections of the House of Representatives 2021 details >

Count file elections Second Chamber of Elections Utrecht Open Data

— Description: This is the file created by the input of the data from the reports of all polling sta

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Count file elections Second Chamber of Elections Utrecht details >

Suspects Open Data

Dataset on the number of suspects in Utrecht in the years 2014 and 2015. This table contains data on

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Suspects details >

Permits for new build homes Open Data

Dataset for permits for new homes in Utrecht from April 2016 to October 2016.

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Permits for new build homes details >

Sale of homes Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [sale existing dwellings](#verkoop-existing-homes

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Sale of homes details >

Bat stays Open Data

Dataset with addresses where bats live in Utrecht (95 in total). This dataset contains the following

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Bat stays details >

Website municipality of Utrecht Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [iconen website Gemeente Utrecht](#iconen-website

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Website municipality of Utrecht details >

Welfare institutions Open Data

Well-being facilities in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data per object: — location n

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Welfare institutions details >

Neighbourhood and commodity markets Open Data

Dataset with overview of neighbourhood and commodity markets in Utrecht. This dataset shows the foll

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Neighbourhood and commodity markets details >

District agencies Utrecht Open Data

Dataset with addresses and opening hours of district agencies in Utrecht. This dataset contains the

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District agencies Utrecht details >

District codes Utrecht Open Data

District codes Utrecht. Dataset with official boundaries of the municipality of Utrecht, divided int

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District codes Utrecht details >

Wob Requests Open Data

This is a combination of the following datasets: * [Wob requests — overview 2020](#wob requests-over

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Wob Requests details >

Household housing costs Open Data

Dataset on housing costs of households in Utrecht in 2015.

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Household housing costs details >

Solar panels suitability — Zonatlas Open Data

Dataset for suitability of Utrecht homes for solar panels on postal code 4 level (e.g. 3514) in the

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Solar panels suitability — Zonatlas details >

Healthcare institutions Utrecht Open Data

All healthcare facilities in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data per object: — locati

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Healthcare institutions Utrecht details >

Location at Postcode house number (API) Open Data

The Location at Postcode house number API contains information about the location of addresses, buil

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Location at Postcode house number (API) details >

Jobs Government Open Data

The functionality of the Vacature API consists of counting, retrieving and filtering the job offer,

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Jobs Government details >

Pig slaughter Open Data

Pig slaughter in the Netherlands since 2009.

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Pig slaughter details >

Fixed dam Open Data

<div>Definitied by a water, intended to reverse or control water.</div><div>Explanatory Notes This f

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Fixed dam details >

Established Selection Lists Open Data

Public bodies are obliged under the 1995 Archives Act to establish in a selection list which archive

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Established Selection Lists details >

Secure public task Open Data

Survey results from 2010, 2012 and 2014 on the scale and nature of aggression and violence experienc

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Secure public task details >

Housing corporation information forecast (dPi2020-hfd1) Open Data

Forecast information on housing corporations (Chapter 1 dPi2020)

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Housing corporation information forecast (dPi2020-hfd1) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2007-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2007-hfd1-tm-hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2007-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2008-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2008-hfd1 to hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2008-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2009-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2009-hfd1 to hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2009-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2010-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2010-hfd1 to hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2010-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2011-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2011-hfd1 to hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2011-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2012-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2012-hfd1-tm-hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2012-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2013-hfd1-tm-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2013 hfd1-tm-hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2013-hfd1-tm-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd1) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 1 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd1) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd2) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 2 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd2) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd3) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 3 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd3) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014 -hfd4) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 4 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014 -hfd4) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 5 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2014-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd1) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 1 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd1) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd2) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 2 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd2) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd3) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 3 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd3) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015 -hfd4) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 4 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015 -hfd4) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (Chapter 5 dVi).

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd1) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd1)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd1) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd2) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd2)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd2) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd3) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd3)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd3) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd4) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd4)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd4) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd5) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd5)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2016-hfd5) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd1) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd1)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd1) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd2) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd2)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd2) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd3) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd3)

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Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd3) details >

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd4) Open Data

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd4)

Issued on

Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2017-hfd4) details >
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