Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Nature management plan Zeeland historical 2014 Open Data

Nature in Zeeland based on limits of the Nature Network Netherlands (NNN), formerly the Ecological M

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Nature management plan Zeeland historical 2014 details >

Archaeological Expectations Pleistocene Layer Package, Policy Map VZG Layer 4 — Pleistocene deposits Open Data

Municipal archaeological policy advisory map for the Pleistocene Low Package of the municipalities o

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Archaeological Expectations Pleistocene Layer Package, Policy Map VZG Layer 4 — Pleistocene deposits details >

Bunkers Open Data

Bunkers of the Second World War in Zeeland

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Bunkers details >

Import, (re)export, SITC (1 digit), countries(groups), 2002-2022 Open Data

This table contains figures on the value of Dutch imports, exports and re-exports broken down by typ

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Import, (re)export, SITC (1 digit), countries(groups), 2002-2022 details >

Elzenmeet Open Data

chopping wood forest of alder bushes, in rows along ditches and surrounded by woodwall or ditch.

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Elzenmeet details >

Suatieluis Open Data

The data were collected as part of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO)

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Suatieluis details >

The Most Valuable Areas CHS Open Data

Valuable areas

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The Most Valuable Areas CHS details >

International trade; input and output value, SITC (3 digits), 2012-2022 Open Data

In this table, the Dutch import, export value, trade balance and annual changes are broken down by s

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International trade; input and output value, SITC (3 digits), 2012-2022 details >

Landfront Vlissingen Open Data

“The “Landfront”, which formed the northern line of defense of the “Verteidigungsbereich Vlissingen”

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Landfront Vlissingen details >

Kraib Strekdam Open Data

head in river or other outer waters of earth, stone and/or rowing wood (and nowadays steel) intended

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Kraib Strekdam details >

Port Open Data

to berth for ships suitable, natural or dug basins that provide shelter from wind and waves. The sim

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Port details >

Archaeological exemption map of Terneuzen 2017 Open Data

Archaeological exemption map of Terneuzen 2017

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Archaeological exemption map of Terneuzen 2017 details >

Internationale handel; in- en uitvoerwaarde, SITC, landen, vanaf 1917 Open Data

This table contains a historical time series with figures on international trade. In this table, the

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Internationale handel; in- en uitvoerwaarde, SITC, landen, vanaf 1917 details >

Polders 1 809 to 1953 Open Data

1809-1953 (1953, flood disaster, resulting in the Delta Works)

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Polders 1 809 to 1953 details >

Defence works WW2 (point) Open Data

Defence work from the 1930s in defence of Dutch territory or for defence built by the German occupie

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Defence works WW2 (point) details >

Muralt Glooiing Open Data

The data were collected as part of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO)

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Muralt Glooiing details >

Archaeological policy advice map Schouwen-Duiveland Municipality, expected archaeological values Open Data

Archaeological policy advice map of the municipality of Schouwen-Duiveland regarding the foreseeable

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Archaeological policy advice map Schouwen-Duiveland Municipality, expected archaeological values details >

Archaeological sites municipality of Sluis Open Data

Archaeological sites in the municipality of Sluis (policy map)

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Archaeological sites municipality of Sluis details >

Cadastral Section Limits 1832 Open Data

Cadastral Section Borders in the Province of Zeeland approx. 1832

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Cadastral Section Limits 1832 details >

Archaeological Expectations Low Package of Wormer, Policy Map VZG Layer 3 — Wormer Low Package Open Data

Municipal archaeological policy advisory map for Wormer’s Low Package of the municipalities of Borse

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Archaeological Expectations Low Package of Wormer, Policy Map VZG Layer 3 — Wormer Low Package details >

International trade and transit; value, weight, goods, mode of transport Open Data

This table provides an overview of international flows of goods from, to and through the Netherlands

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International trade and transit; value, weight, goods, mode of transport details >

Polders for 1300 Open Data

Polders originated before 1300

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Polders for 1300 details >

Liniedijk Open Data

Dijk which is part of a military line of defence and is intended as a connection between two defensi

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Liniedijk details >

FRESHEM Zeeland 2D Open Data

This file contains the 2D result of FRESHEM Zeeland. For each flight line, a profile of the chloride

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FRESHEM Zeeland 2D details >

Klinkerweg Open Data

road in the outer area paved with vowels, a type of brick that does not suck up water, so lends itse

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Klinkerweg details >

B & B Open Data

Zeeland has a number of burg settlements created under the influence of the presence of a fortress f

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B & B details >

Caisson Open Data

floating element that can be sunk in open water to create closures, quays, etc.

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Caisson details >

Reduced village Open Data

Some villages can be characterised as reduced or incompletely developed settlements (hucks or neighb

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Reduced village details >

International trade and transit; mode of transport, 2007-2017 Open Data

This table provides insight into the international flows of goods from, to and through the Netherlan

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International trade and transit; mode of transport, 2007-2017 details >

Management house Open Data

The data were collected as part of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO)

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Management house details >

Extra-dyke areas Open Data

Outer dike areas are spread throughout Zeeland, especially in the Oosterschelde and the Westerscheld

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Extra-dyke areas details >

Taxes Walcheren, family money (1701-1803) Open Data

Taxation of resorts walcheren double 100 tokens

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Taxes Walcheren, family money (1701-1803) details >

Pipe strip for industrial pipes Open Data

Pipe strip for industrial pipes in Zeeland

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Pipe strip for industrial pipes details >

Surface water flow directions Open Data

Surface water flow directions

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Surface water flow directions details >

Policy map Municipalities regarding environmental plan (province) 2018-2022 Open Data

Archaeological map for environmental plan province Zeeland 2018-2022

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Policy map Municipalities regarding environmental plan (province) 2018-2022 details >

Waterbed municipality Sluis Open Data

Archaeology: Waterbed municipality Sluis

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Waterbed municipality Sluis details >

Other historical roads Open Data

road linked to specific historical event or a very characteristic historical-landscape aspect.

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Other historical roads details >

Lock remnant Open Data

water door, slide or valve to connect or disconnect two waters. In most cases, these are drainage or

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Lock remnant details >

International trade and transit; goods chapters, 2007-2017 Open Data

This table provides insight into the international flows of goods from, to and through the Netherlan

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International trade and transit; goods chapters, 2007-2017 details >

Mills with mill biotope Open Data

Mills with a mill biotope. The area around the mill that is essential for the free wind capture and

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Mills with mill biotope details >

Drowned villages Open Data

In 2018, the Map of the Drowned Villages for Zeeland was revised. The list of drowned sites has been

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Drowned villages details >

Dams Open Data

in and across a water raised earth body that serves to turn water or to guide it.

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Dams details >

Cadastral plots from 1832 Open Data

Digitised Land Registry plots from minute plans 1832

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Cadastral plots from 1832 details >

International trade; Dutch export specialisation towards the EU Open Data

This table describes the export specialisation of Dutch export products using the Balassa index. A B

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International trade; Dutch export specialisation towards the EU details >

Ring village Open Data

The ring village is one of the oldest village types and very characteristic of Zeeland. The ring vil

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Ring village details >

Taxation of rolling stock, transport og (1599-1625) Open Data

Taxation of resorts walcheren double 100 tokens

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Taxation of rolling stock, transport og (1599-1625) details >

Agricultural search area category water Open Data

Limitation of the agricultural search area category water intended for the grant of agricultural nat

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Agricultural search area category water details >

Scor Open Data

overgrown natural expansion of land located on the sea or stream, caused by the sedimentation of san

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Scor details >

Signage beach crossings Open Data

Signage at beach crossings

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Signage beach crossings details >

Pumping Open Data

The data were collected as part of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO)

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Pumping details >

Coastal zone dune area Open Data

A small part of Zeeland is occupied by the coastal zone: the area of the dunes and their immediate s

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Coastal zone dune area details >

Archaeological policy advice map Walcher municipalities, well-known archaeological values Open Data

Archaeological policy advice map of the Walcher municipalities regarding the well-known archaeologic

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Archaeological policy advice map Walcher municipalities, well-known archaeological values details >

Imports and exports by transfer of ownership; volume Developments Open Data

This table contains indices and percentage developments of total imports and exports of goods broken

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Imports and exports by transfer of ownership; volume Developments details >

Channel Open Data

a dug water, which is closed from the outside by dikes, dams or locks, and that serves for shipping,

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Channel details >

Creek remnant (flat) Open Data

watercourse that has arisen thanks to erosion due to tidal flows. After embankment, creeks can be in

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Creek remnant (flat) details >

Fortress, Schans and Battery Open Data

Forts, ramps and batteries are self-contained fortifications on all sides, with a four-, five- or he

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Fortress, Schans and Battery details >

Newland sea slate area Open Data

The southwestern sea valley area covers a large part of Zeeland and the South Holland islands. It is

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Newland sea slate area details >

Archaeological sites of the municipality of Hulst Open Data

Archaeological sites in the municipality of Hulst (policy map)

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Archaeological sites of the municipality of Hulst details >

Railroad Open Data

railway connection between two places; runway with rails on which trains run.

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Railroad details >

Exchange rate of foreign trade in goods, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains indices and percentage changes in the exchange rate, the entry price and the exp

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Exchange rate of foreign trade in goods, index 2015=100 details >

Zeeland Bridge Open Data

bridge of almost 5 km long between Duiveland and North Beveland, built in 1959-1965.

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Zeeland Bridge details >

Defenses WW2 (line) Open Data

Defence work from the 1930s in defence of Dutch territory or for defence built by the German occupie

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Defenses WW2 (line) details >

Waterbed municipality Hulst Open Data

Archaeology: Waterbed municipality Hulst

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Waterbed municipality Hulst details >

Landscaping Open Data

country house or castle with outbuildings and a park or garden. The first instance of this must be 5

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Landscaping details >

Surface water leveling areas Open Data

GIS file containing the limits of the monitoring areas and decisions as well as thematic information

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Surface water leveling areas details >

Inundation plane Open Data

underwater area, belonging to a military line of defense and intended to literally keep the enemy at

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Inundation plane details >

Akkerbouwgewassen; productie naar regio Open Data

This table provides, for each arable crop, information on the area cultivated and harvested, the yie

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Akkerbouwgewassen; productie naar regio details >

Polders 1 300 to 1421 Open Data

Polders originated 1300-1421 (1421, Second St. Elizabeth Flood),

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Polders 1 300 to 1421 details >

Fire well, water well Open Data

water well: dug well for the (drinking) water supply. fire well: water well to supply fire extinguis

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Fire well, water well details >

Landscape plan Walcheren (flat) Open Data

planting, mainly along roads, constructed according to the landscape plan of N.M. de Jonge at the re

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Landscape plan Walcheren (flat) details >

Legally protected monuments municipality of Sluis Open Data

Legally protected monuments municipality of Sluis

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Legally protected monuments municipality of Sluis details >

City and village views Open Data

The RACM City and Village Map Layer contains all areas for which (recent or more ago) the procedure

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City and village views details >

Stelberg Open Data

raised height on the barns where the cattle (e.g. sheep) could seek refuge at high tide. Also called

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Stelberg details >

Double 100 medal (1602-1805) Open Data

Taxation of resorts walcheren double 100 tokens

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Double 100 medal (1602-1805) details >

Fruit trees; apples and pears, variety, age, plant density Open Data

This table describes the area of fruit trees of the main apple varieties and pear varieties. The dat

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Fruit trees; apples and pears, variety, age, plant density details >

Delta Works Open Data

The (non-contiguous) area consists of ten dams, spread across Zeeland (other parts of the Delta Work

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Delta Works details >

Nol Bout (Zeeweringen) Open Data

The data were collected as part of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO)

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Nol Bout (Zeeweringen) details >

Air Guard Tower Open Data

concrete tower; aerial observation post from the Cold War and built in the period 1950-1960. The int

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Air Guard Tower details >

Maximum water depth unprotected Open Data

This map layer gives an indication of the water depth of floods for unprotected areas in the event o

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Maximum water depth unprotected details >

Southern dekzand area Open Data

Pool behind a tide port. In the event of a flood, the lock doors are opened so that the sedimented s

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Southern dekzand area details >

MIP areas Open Data

description of the characteristics of valuable urban planning areas (ensembles) by the Province of Z

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MIP areas details >

Fruit production; harvesting and growing area apples and pears Open Data

This table provides information on the Dutch harvest of apples and pears and the corresponding growi

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Fruit production; harvesting and growing area apples and pears details >

Drinking water extraction sites where old contaminants have been identified as (potential) problem... Open Data

This map shows which extractions old contaminants have been found as potential or current problem su

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Drinking water extraction sites where old contaminants have been identified as (potential) problem... details >

Potential food production vegetables Open Data

This map shows for each cell the potential agricultural production for a particular crop, expressed

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Potential food production vegetables details >

Ecological capital of the uncovered, intact soil (percentage) Open Data

What do you see: The relatively undisturbed and unexcavated soil, which can therefore function well

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Ecological capital of the uncovered, intact soil (percentage) details >

Fruit growing open ground and under glass; growing area, type of fruit Open Data

This table contains data on the growing area of fruit plants (open land and under glass) in the Neth

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Fruit growing open ground and under glass; growing area, type of fruit details >

Noise nuisance aircraft 2020 Open Data

The map shows the percentage of the population in your chosen municipality that has been severely ha

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Noise nuisance aircraft 2020 details >

Structure vision RO, Vision map, lines Open Data

Lines (not kartographic), as used in the Vision Card. This layer contains only streams and steep edg

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Structure vision RO, Vision map, lines details >

Current food production without grass subsidies Open Data

This card shows the value of current production for each cell (10X10m or 1 a). This value shall be e

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Current food production without grass subsidies details >

Vegetable cultivation; harvesting and cultivation area by vegetable species Open Data

This table contains data on the harvest of vegetables in the Netherlands. This concerns the harvest

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Vegetable cultivation; harvesting and cultivation area by vegetable species details >

Projecten Ingenieursbureau Openbare Ruimte (intern) Open Data

Gegevens over de start van projecten binnen de gemeente Zaanstad, opdrachtgever, uitvoering en proje

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Projecten Ingenieursbureau Openbare Ruimte (intern) details >

arable farming for food Open Data

The map shows the average added value per hectare of food crops in arable farming, calculated over t

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arable farming for food details >

Akkerbouwgewassen; voorlopige en definitieve oogstraming Open Data

This table shows the area cultivated and harvested, the yield per hectare and the total yield in a h

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Akkerbouwgewassen; voorlopige en definitieve oogstraming details >

Sound contours Lden 2016 EU sound card 3 rd tranche (lines) Open Data

This file sets out the noise contours along provincial roads as calculated for the EU noise mapping,

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Sound contours Lden 2016 EU sound card 3 rd tranche (lines) details >

Use of plant protection products agriculture; crop and application, 2012-2016 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of plant protection products in agriculture. More specificall

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Use of plant protection products agriculture; crop and application, 2012-2016 details >

Structural vision RO, Cultural History Landscapes — Map area developments Open Data

The Cultural History Landscapes are areas with concentrations of coherent cultural historical charac

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Structural vision RO, Cultural History Landscapes — Map area developments details >

Thanks — Delfdust extraction at sea: sand — ecotopes Open Data

The map shows sediment composition of the seabed and the reservation areas for sand and gravel on th

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Thanks — Delfdust extraction at sea: sand — ecotopes details >

Groundwater Quality Measuring Network Open Data

This file contains measuring wells of the groundwater quality measurement network province of Gronin

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Groundwater Quality Measuring Network details >

EDR, main infrastructure (history) Open Data

Main infrastructure of the Eems Dollard Region.

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EDR, main infrastructure (history) details >

EDR, main core (history) Open Data

Main cores in the Eems Dollard Region.

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EDR, main core (history) details >
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