Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Gt (Landwater Stairs) (history) Open Data

The GT Card, Groundwater Stairs based on kartable characteristics. Depth and dynamics of groundwater

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Gt (Landwater Stairs) (history) details >

GHG (average highest groundwater level) Open Data

The GHG card, Average Highest Groundwater level, according to the GD information (groundwater dynami

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GHG (average highest groundwater level) details >

Essen from Drenthe Open Data

This file shows the ash present in Drenthe ranging from very valuable ass, valuable es and other es

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Essen from Drenthe details >

Soil information (point) (history) Open Data

Location from the soil information system GLOBIS (Geographical National Government Soil Information

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Soil information (point) (history) details >

Soil stock, historical (line) (history) Open Data

Location where activities have taken place in the past that deserve extra attention. However, soil c

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Soil stock, historical (line) (history) details >

POV, ban zone deep drilling (history) Open Data

Provincial Environmental Ordinance. Ban zone deep drilling (in case of groundwater abstractions). Th

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POV, ban zone deep drilling (history) details >

Protection areas for deep subsurface Open Data

The Drenthe subsurface performs various functions such as the supply of groundwater, oil, gas, geoth

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Protection areas for deep subsurface details >

Heat/cold, Recirculation, 1 000 MWh (history) Open Data

Possibilities for heat/cold storage and recirculation source system 1.000 MWh.N.B. Report lies with

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Heat/cold, Recirculation, 1 000 MWh (history) details >

Area with opportunities for geothermal application Open Data

Map layer indicates where opportunities lie for geothermal applications. Is part of map: “preferenti

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Area with opportunities for geothermal application details >

Ammonia and livestock farming (Law) Open Data

Identified areas susceptible to acidification in the main ecological structure and areas susceptible

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Ammonia and livestock farming (Law) details >

Acidification sensitive vegetation (history) Open Data

Vulnerability of vegetation to acidification based on the vegetation map, environmental mapping Dren

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Acidification sensitive vegetation (history) details >

Capital stock of goods; industries, national accounts Open Data

This table contains information on the stock of capital goods. This reflects the stock of capital go

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Capital stock of goods; industries, national accounts details >

Development opportunities deep subsurface Open Data

Map layer indicates where opportunities lie for applications of geothermal energy, injection formati

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Development opportunities deep subsurface details >

Peat Thickness Dwingelderveld (history) Open Data

Peat thickness map sheet 16 east and 17 west. Furthermore, additional information used in the gt rev

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Peat Thickness Dwingelderveld (history) details >

Veenbebestarting depth (history) Open Data

Map indicates where the peat layer starts. A peat layer can start at ground level, but can also be c

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Veenbebestarting depth (history) details >

Oil and gas fields Open Data

This map shows the location of the oil and gas fields in the Netherlands. It also includes, among ot

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Oil and gas fields details >

Washing and filling areas for agriculture Open Data

This map shows the location of the washing and filling areas for agriculture in Drenthe. By using th

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Washing and filling areas for agriculture details >

Potential gas storage Open Data

Suitability of gas fields for gas storage in the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. File

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Potential gas storage details >

Peat Carrying Open Data

Map indicates where the peat soils have disappeared.

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Peat Carrying details >

Noise Contour EU Noise Load Card 2011 (Basic: weighing with intensity greater than 3 million... Open Data

Sound contours one-day period for the base year 2011. Dataset has been established within the framew

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Noise Contour EU Noise Load Card 2011 (Basic: weighing with intensity greater than 3 million... details >

Wind energy barriers (history) Open Data

This dataset contains the main barriers to wind energy. They are the same criteria as those applied

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Wind energy barriers (history) details >

Ongoing transactions; sectors, National Accounts Open Data

This table gives an overview of the non-financial (current) transactions of the institutional sector

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Ongoing transactions; sectors, National Accounts details >

Energy potential biomass (history) Open Data

The dataset shows the potential energy that can be extracted from biomass (annual growth). A distinc

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Energy potential biomass (history) details >

Noise Contour Business Parks Open Data

Business parks that have been sunk under the Noise Obstacle Act.

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Noise Contour Business Parks details >

Digesters (history) Open Data

This map shows the location of the digesters known to the province until 2012.

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Digesters (history) details >

Potential agricultural digesters (history) Open Data

This map shows the location of agricultural farms that may be building a digester at their farm.

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Potential agricultural digesters (history) details >

Sewage treatment plant Open Data

This file shows the location of sewage treatment plants in Drenthe.

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Sewage treatment plant details >

Hoogeveen Airport, Sound Contour LDEN (history) Open Data

Sound contours airports. Under the Aviation Act, it is determined where the noise zones are located

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Hoogeveen Airport, Sound Contour LDEN (history) details >

Noise contour night period EU noise map 2011 (basic: weighing with intensity greater than 3 million... Open Data

Sound contours night period for the base year 2011. Dataset has been established within the framewor

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Noise contour night period EU noise map 2011 (basic: weighing with intensity greater than 3 million... details >

Noise addresses EU noise map 2011 (base: weighing with intensity greater than 3 million vehicles... Open Data

Noise addresses for the base year 2011.Dataset was created under the EU Environmental Noise Directiv

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Noise addresses EU noise map 2011 (base: weighing with intensity greater than 3 million vehicles... details >

Airport, sound contour Bkl (history) Open Data

Designated Bkl (Small Airport load unit) noise contours (50 and 60 Bkl) based on the Aviation Act.Bk

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Airport, sound contour Bkl (history) details >

Macroeconomic Scoreboard Open Data

This table contains the indicators of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) scoreboard. In add

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Macroeconomic Scoreboard details >

Noise addresses EU noise map 2011 Open Data

Noise addresses for the base year 2011.Dataset was created under the EU Environmental Noise Directiv

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Noise addresses EU noise map 2011 details >

Noise contour night period EU noise load map 2011 (history) Open Data

Sound contours night period for the base year 2011. Dataset has been established within the framewor

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Noise contour night period EU noise load map 2011 (history) details >

Noise pollution buildings EU noise map 2011 Open Data

Noise building for the base year 2011.Dataset was created under the EU Environmental Noise Directive

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Noise pollution buildings EU noise map 2011 details >

Lichen, 1991 ammonia avoidance (history) Open Data

The AIW (acidophilic Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention o

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Lichen, 1991 ammonia avoidance (history) details >

Lichen, 2004 ammonia avoidance (history) Open Data

The AIW (acidophilic Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention o

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Lichen, 2004 ammonia avoidance (history) details >

Lichen, 1998 ammonia avoidance (history) Open Data

The AIW (acidophilic Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention o

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Lichen, 1998 ammonia avoidance (history) details >

Lichen, 91-98 ammonia-avoiding (history) Open Data

The occurrence of ammonia-avoiding lichens, expressed in the Acidofile Indication Value (AIW). Chang

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Lichen, 91-98 ammonia-avoiding (history) details >

Lichen, 1991 ammonia kmining (history) Open Data

The NIW (Nitrophil Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention of

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Lichen, 1991 ammonia kmining (history) details >

Lichen, 1998 ammonia-killing (history) Open Data

The NIW (Nitrophil Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention of

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Lichen, 1998 ammonia-killing (history) details >

Romda, land use (history) Open Data

Simplified land use map based on LGN-97

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Romda, land use (history) details >

Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts Open Data

This table contains data on the balance sheets of non-financial assets. The balance sheet shows the

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Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts details >

POV, Regional flood defences (history) Open Data

The quays designated by Provincial States as a regional flood defence.

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POV, Regional flood defences (history) details >

Climate and energy projects (history) Open Data

Locations of provincial projects within the climate and energy programme (

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Climate and energy projects (history) details >

Leader area south-east Drenthe (history) Open Data

Development of the rural economy is an important topic for South East Drenthe. To boost this develop

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Leader area south-east Drenthe (history) details >

Lichen, 98-04 ammoniakm-mining (history) Open Data

The occurrence of ammonia-killing lichens, expressed in the Nitrophil Indication Value (NIW). Change

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Lichen, 98-04 ammoniakm-mining (history) details >

Lichen, 2010 ammonia avoidance (history) Open Data

The AIW (acidophilic Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention o

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Lichen, 2010 ammonia avoidance (history) details >

Mineral extraction, natural gas and oil (history) Open Data

Areas for the extraction of natural gas and oil. Map of Drenthe, map B.2.1.

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Mineral extraction, natural gas and oil (history) details >

Lichen, 2010 ammonia kmining (history) Open Data

The NIW (Nitrophil Indication Value) is a measure of ammonia load and is based on the prevention of

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Lichen, 2010 ammonia kmining (history) details >

Mineral extraction, sand (history) Open Data

Location for the extraction of sand. Map of Drenthe, map B.2.1.

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Mineral extraction, sand (history) details >

POV, silence area and groundwater (history) Open Data

The concept of silence is rooted in the Noise Obstacle Act (Official Gazette, 1979). Stillness areas

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POV, silence area and groundwater (history) details >

Mineral extraction, sand etc. (POP) (history) Open Data

The Provincial Environment Plan Drenthe II adopted by Provincial States on 7 July 2004 (map 2) indic

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Mineral extraction, sand etc. (POP) (history) details >

Building up national balance of claims; national accounts Open Data

This table contains annual data on the calculation of the national receivables balance from gross do

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Building up national balance of claims; national accounts details >

Sound contour, defined zone 50 dB(A) (history) Open Data

Sound contour. Defined zone of zoned sites (A-installations). Zone limit noise pollution industrial

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Sound contour, defined zone 50 dB(A) (history) details >

Sand extraction, search area (history) Open Data

Search area for the extraction of concrete and masonry sand as recorded on map 3 of the Provincial E

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Sand extraction, search area (history) details >

Airport, security contour, 1997 (history) Open Data

Safety contour (individual risk) around Eelde airport.

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Airport, security contour, 1997 (history) details >

POV, provincial waterways (history) Open Data

Provincial waterways, as established in the Provincial Environment Order (December 2009)

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POV, provincial waterways (history) details >

Deception (history) Open Data

This file shows the discovery locations in the province of Drenthe.

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Deception (history) details >

POV, provincial roads (history) Open Data

Provincial roads, as laid down in the Provincial Environment Regulation (December 2009)

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POV, provincial roads (history) details >

Nature Management Plan 2018, Management Type Map (history) Open Data

Since 1 January 2010, the new SNL scheme (Subsidie System Nature and Landscape Management) applies t

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Nature Management Plan 2018, Management Type Map (history) details >

Agricultural management type (history) Open Data

This stock shows the meadow bird areas, the field fauna areas, the botanically valuable grassland an

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Agricultural management type (history) details >

Agricultural nature reserve spacious coat fauna edge (history) Open Data

This stock shows the area of peat fauna within Drenthe.

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Agricultural nature reserve spacious coat fauna edge (history) details >

Border Agreement Area (history) Open Data

This stock shows the meadow bird agreement area Leekstermeer and the nature reserve Hunzedal as part

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Border Agreement Area (history) details >

Forest and nature reserve (not exhaustive) (history) Open Data

Forest and nature reserves such as these are included in the area plan.On the basis of not exhaustiv

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Forest and nature reserve (not exhaustive) (history) details >

Beekdal (Beekdalvisie, 2013) (history) Open Data

Boundary brook valleys as a provincial framework for regional water policy as set out in the Beekdal

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Beekdal (Beekdalvisie, 2013) (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, future average highest groundwater level (greater than 40 mv-) (history) Open Data

This stock shows the future average groundwater level (greater than 40 mv-) in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, future average highest groundwater level (greater than 40 mv-) (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, current highest groundwater level (greater than 40 mv) (history) Open Data

This file shows the current average highest groundwater level (greater than 40 mv-) in the Dwingelde

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Dwingelderveld, current highest groundwater level (greater than 40 mv) (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, inundations shallow surface water (history) Open Data

This file shows the inundations of shallow surface water in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, inundations shallow surface water (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, historical building (history) Open Data

This file shows the historical buildings located in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, historical building (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, cycle path (history) Open Data

This file shows the cycle paths located in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, cycle path (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, burial mounds (history) Open Data

This file shows the grave mounds located in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, burial mounds (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, juniper berries (history) Open Data

This file shows the juniper berries located in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, juniper berries (history) details >

Income, expenditure and household assets; key figures, NR Open Data

This table describes transactions of incomes, uses, savings and assets of the household sector in th

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Income, expenditure and household assets; key figures, NR details >

Dwingelderveld, information (history) Open Data

This file shows the information points located in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, information (history) details >

Dwingelderveld, hospitality (history) Open Data

This file shows the hospitality industry located in the Dwingelderveld.

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Dwingelderveld, hospitality (history) details >

Ecological connections 2014, work card (history) Open Data

The ecological compounds are essential components of the EHS (Ecological Main Structure): the traces

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Ecological connections 2014, work card (history) details >

Ecological compounds instead of robust compound (history) Open Data

In fact, these are the ecological compounds that are below the EHS to be deleted. Because they are n

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Ecological compounds instead of robust compound (history) details >

Expired EHS 2013 (history) Open Data

When recalibing the EHS map of the 2013 POV, the draft map indicates the grounds for which it is pro

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Expired EHS 2013 (history) details >

Income distribution of households; national accounts Open Data

This table describes the income distribution of the household sector in the national accounts to dif

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Income distribution of households; national accounts details >

Nature Management Plan 2015, Management Type Map (history) Open Data

Since 1 January 2010, the new SNL scheme (Subsidie System Nature and Landscape Management) applies t

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Nature Management Plan 2015, Management Type Map (history) details >

Nature Management Plan 2014, Management Type Map (history) Open Data

Since 1 January 2010, the new SNL scheme (Subsidie System Nature and Landscape Management) applies t

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Nature Management Plan 2014, Management Type Map (history) details >

Nature Management Plan 2015, Ambition Map (history) Open Data

The province determines in the nature management plan in which areas in which subsidies can be obtai

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Nature Management Plan 2015, Ambition Map (history) details >

Brook valley and dry valley, valuable (history) Open Data

Geomorphological and/or soilly valuable stream valley (or part of it) or geomorphological and/or soi

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Brook valley and dry valley, valuable (history) details >

Nature Management Plan 2014, Ambition Map (history) Open Data

The province determines in the nature management plan in which areas in which subsidies can be obtai

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Nature Management Plan 2014, Ambition Map (history) details >

Forest and heath 1950 (history) Open Data

Historical map, situation around 1950 of forest, heath/highland, water and urban area in Drenthe.

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Forest and heath 1950 (history) details >

Forest and heath 1900 (history) Open Data

Historical map, situation around 1900 of forest, heath/highland, water and urban area in Drenthe.

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Forest and heath 1900 (history) details >

Forest and heath 1850 (history) Open Data

Historical map, situation around 1850 of forest, heath/highland, water and urban area in Drenthe.

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Forest and heath 1850 (history) details >

EHS 2009 (Ecological Main Structure) (history) Open Data

The Ecological Main Structure (EHS) is a cohesive structure of areas with a special nature quality.

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EHS 2009 (Ecological Main Structure) (history) details >

EHS 2010 concreteisation (history) Open Data

The Ecological Main Structure (EHS) is a cohesive structure of areas with a special nature quality.

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EHS 2010 concreteisation (history) details >

Distribution of household assets; national accounts Open Data

This table describes the wealth distribution of the household sector in the national accounts to dif

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Distribution of household assets; national accounts details >

EHS 2012 (history) Open Data

The Ecological Main Structure (EHS) is a cohesive structure of areas with a special nature quality.

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EHS 2012 (history) details >

EHS 2010, administrative reservations (star area) (history) Open Data

For these areas hectares are reserved to realise the EHS.In land development it has been agreed to t

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EHS 2010, administrative reservations (star area) (history) details >

EC Habitat Directive area 2003 (history) Open Data

Habitat Directive areas based on European directives. The Habitats Directive dates from 1992. At the

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EC Habitat Directive area 2003 (history) details >

EHS 2012, ecological compounds (history) Open Data

The ecological compounds are essential components of the EHS (Ecological Main Structure): the traces

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EHS 2012, ecological compounds (history) details >

Stowage and high peat, valuable (history) Open Data

Stowage (propelled formation) and high peat. Provincial Environment Plan Drenthe POP, map 6. and Pro

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Stowage and high peat, valuable (history) details >

Fen and peat (history) Open Data

Peat and peat as part of the ecological structure. Provincial Environment Plan Drenthe. Pop-1, map 7

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Fen and peat (history) details >

Relationship note area, Sept. 1999 (history) Open Data

Relationship Note Areas. The items from the previous version have been classified according to a nat

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Relationship note area, Sept. 1999 (history) details >

Game Management Unit 1998 (history) Open Data

Classification into game management units (hunting areas), situation as of 1998.

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Game Management Unit 1998 (history) details >

Game Management Unit 2006 (history) Open Data

Classification into game management units (hunting areas), situation as of 2006.

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Game Management Unit 2006 (history) details >
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