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Hazardous waste Open Data

Data available: 1993-1997 Frequency: discontinued Infoservice: Copyr

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Hazardous waste details >

Household waste per municipality per inhabitant, 2001-2014 Open Data

This table shows the amounts of household waste collected per municipality. This data has been colle

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Household waste per municipality per inhabitant, 2001-2014 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2007 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2007 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2006 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2006 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2005 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2005 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2004 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2004 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2003 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2003 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2002 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2002 details >

Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2001 Open Data

This table has expired

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Amount of household waste per inhabitant per municipality, 2001 details >

Life expectancy; gender, Birth Generation Open Data

This table contains the cohort survival tables (by birth cohort of 1 year) by gender and age for the

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Life expectancy; gender, Birth Generation details >

Failure of vehicles by age; 1996-1999 Open Data

Within the system of waste statistics, CBS conducts research to vehicle wrecks. The aim of the study

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Failure of vehicles by age; 1996-1999 details >

Failure of vehicles to province; 1996-1999 Open Data

Within the system of waste statistics, CBS conducts research to vehicle wrecks. The aim of the study

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Failure of vehicles to province; 1996-1999 details >

Vehicles released for disassembly by type of fuel; 1996-1999 Open Data

Within the system of waste statistics, CBS conducts research to vehicle wrecks. The aim of the study

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Vehicles released for disassembly by type of fuel; 1996-1999 details >

Vehicles released for disassembly by weight class; 1996-1999 Open Data

Within the system of waste statistics, the CBS investigation into vehicle wrecks. Purpose of the res

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Vehicles released for disassembly by weight class; 1996-1999 details >

Municipal waste; quantities 1993-2015* Open Data

This table provides information on the amount of municipal waste, broken down by type of waste, meth

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Municipal waste; quantities 1993-2015* details >

Use of chemical pesticides in agriculture, 1995-2008 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of plant protection products in agriculture. More specificall

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Use of chemical pesticides in agriculture, 1995-2008 details >

Use of chemical pesticides in agriculture; 1995-2004 Open Data

Figures on the use of chemical pesticides (plant protection products) in agricultural and horticultu

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Use of chemical pesticides in agriculture; 1995-2004 details >

Road traffic emission factors by vehicle category and year of manufacture, 2009 Open Data

This table contains emission factors for road-vehicle exhaust gases, covering emissions of substance

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Road traffic emission factors by vehicle category and year of manufacture, 2009 details >

Road traffic emission factors by vehicle category and year of manufacture, 2008 Open Data

This table contains emission factors for the exhaust gases of road vehicles per year of construction

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Road traffic emission factors by vehicle category and year of manufacture, 2008 details >

Road traffic emission factors; per vehicle category and year of manufacture, 2007 Open Data

This table contains emission factors for the exhaust gases of road vehicles per year of construction

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Road traffic emission factors; per vehicle category and year of manufacture, 2007 details >

Chances of survival; gender, age Open Data

This table contains figures on the survival rate (probability to age 1, 2, 3... years) for the popul

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Chances of survival; gender, age details >

Road traffic emission factors by year of construction and fuel type, 2005 Open Data

‘Road traffic emission factors’ provides a set of emission factors for the exhaust gases from road v

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Road traffic emission factors by year of construction and fuel type, 2005 details >

Road traffic emission factors in 2004 per year of construction and fuel type Open Data

‘Road Traffic Emission Factors 2004’ provides a set of emission factors (per vehicle-kilometre), app

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Road traffic emission factors in 2004 per year of construction and fuel type details >

Waste water treatment at farms; regions, ‘93-’15 Open Data

This table shows the figures of the numbers and design capacity of the waste water treatment plants

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Waste water treatment at farms; regions, ‘93-’15 details >

Wastewater Zuiv. at holdings; disposal sewage sludge destination, 1993-2016 Open Data

This table contains figures on sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants of private companies.

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Wastewater Zuiv. at holdings; disposal sewage sludge destination, 1993-2016 details >

Waste water treatment at farms; by industry (SBI 2008), 2010-2016 Open Data

This table shows the figures of the numbers and design capacity of the waste water treatment plants

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Waste water treatment at farms; by industry (SBI 2008), 2010-2016 details >

Waste water treatment at farms; business class (SBI'93), 1993-2007 Open Data

CBS collects data within the framework of environmental statistics on the treatment of urban waste w

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Waste water treatment at farms; business class (SBI'93), 1993-2007 details >

Waste water treatment at companies; plants effluent destination,1993-2016 Open Data

This table shows the figures of the numbers and design capacity of the waste water treatment plants

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Waste water treatment at companies; plants effluent destination,1993-2016 details >

Wastewater Zuiv. at holdings; installations type sludge dewatering, 1993-2016 Open Data

This table shows the figures of the numbers and design capacity of the waste water treatment plants

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Wastewater Zuiv. at holdings; installations type sludge dewatering, 1993-2016 details >

Waste water treatment at farms; installations, type of purification, 1993-2009 Open Data

Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects data on the treatment of urban waste

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Waste water treatment at farms; installations, type of purification, 1993-2009 details >

Waste water treatment at farms; discharge sewage sludge, 1993-2009 Open Data

Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects data on the treatment of urban waste

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Waste water treatment at farms; discharge sewage sludge, 1993-2009 details >

Persons moved between municipalities Open Data

This table contains figures on persons moved between municipalities within the Netherlands among the

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Persons moved between municipalities details >

Costs of public waste water treatment. Open Data

Investments and operating costs of purification technical works. Wastewater transport, treatment and

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Costs of public waste water treatment. details >

Industrial water consumption by industry (SBI'93), 1996-2001 Open Data

Data available from: 1 996 to 2001. Frequency: discontinued as of 1 January 2004.

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Industrial water consumption by industry (SBI'93), 1996-2001 details >

Industrial water consumption by industry (SBI 74), 1981-1991 Open Data

Water consumption by industry, mining and electricity — power plants (SBI '74) 1981, 1986,1991 Amend

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Industrial water consumption by industry (SBI 74), 1981-1991 details >

Industrial water consumption, key figures, 1962-2001 Open Data

Data available from: From 962 to 2001. Frequency: discontinued as of 1 January 2004.

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Industrial water consumption, key figures, 1962-2001 details >

Water consumption by drinking water consumption and water supply area, 2001 Open Data

Data available for 2001 Frequency: discontinued as of 1 January 2004.

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Water consumption by drinking water consumption and water supply area, 2001 details >

Delivered drinking water by origin; history Open Data

This table describes the drinking water supplied and its origin. The CBS has stopped collecting and

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Delivered drinking water by origin; history details >

Water extraction and consumption at public water supply companies Open Data

Data available from January 2000 to December 2003. Frequency: stop it.

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Water extraction and consumption at public water supply companies details >

Treatment of urban waste water; energy consumption 1981-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water bo

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Treatment of urban waste water; energy consumption 1981-2012 details >

Treatment of urban waste water; installation characteristics, 1981-2013 Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water bo

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Treatment of urban waste water; installation characteristics, 1981-2013 details >

Treatment of urban waste water; process data 1981-2013 Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water bo

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Treatment of urban waste water; process data 1981-2013 details >

Persons moved; within municipalities, between municipalities, region Open Data

This table contains data on persons moved within municipalities and between municipalities in the Ne

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Persons moved; within municipalities, between municipalities, region details >

Treatment of urban waste water; disposal of sewage sludge, 1981-2013 Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water bo

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Treatment of urban waste water; disposal of sewage sludge, 1981-2013 details >

Emissions by water; type of discharge, industry sector (SBI 2008), 2008-2015 Open Data

This table refers to the actual discharges of environmental pollutants at around 600 farms and an up

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Emissions by water; type of discharge, industry sector (SBI 2008), 2008-2015 details >

Emissions to water from industry, by activity according to SBI'93 Open Data

CBS compiles annually, together with the Water Service of Rijkswaterstaat (formerly RIZA), industria

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Emissions to water from industry, by activity according to SBI'93 details >

Wastewater discharges from households and businesses, 1995-2008 Open Data

This table shows the results of the wastewater discharge study. These are the discharged oxygen bind

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Wastewater discharges from households and businesses, 1995-2008 details >

Discharge of waste water by destination, province and catchment area, 1995-2008 Open Data

This table shows the results of the wastewater discharge study. This concerns the destination of the

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Discharge of waste water by destination, province and catchment area, 1995-2008 details >

Environmental services; labour and financial data, SBI'93, 2006-2008 Open Data

For the environmental services sector, this table contains the following: annual results: number of

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Environmental services; labour and financial data, SBI'93, 2006-2008 details >

Environmental services; labour and financial data, 2002-2005 Open Data

The CBS collects, within the framework of production statistics (PS), data on the number of persons

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Environmental services; labour and financial data, 2002-2005 details >

Environmental services, employed persons, income, burdens, 1997-2001 Open Data

The financial aspects of the Environmental Services industry (Sbi 90). Data on persons employed, in

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Environmental services, employed persons, income, burdens, 1997-2001 details >

Environmental services and Preparation for recycling, up to and including 1996 Open Data

This table provides an insight into the financial aspects of the industries Environment Services (SB

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Environmental services and Preparation for recycling, up to and including 1996 details >

Preparation for recycling, persons employed, benefits, burdens Open Data

The financial aspects of the industry Preparation for recycling (SBI 37). Data on persons employed,

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Preparation for recycling, persons employed, benefits, burdens details >

Persons moved; gender, age and region per month Open Data

This table contains monthly and annual figures for persons moving within the Netherlands. Persons mo

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Persons moved; gender, age and region per month details >

Municipal waste; expenditure and revenue; 1993-2011 Open Data

This table provides information on the expenditure and income of all cleaning activities carried out

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Municipal waste; expenditure and revenue; 1993-2011 details >

Costs and financing of environmental management 1985-2011 Open Data

This table provides figures on the costs of measures to combat environmental pollution caused by the

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Costs and financing of environmental management 1985-2011 details >

Costs and financing of nature and landscape management until 1997 Open Data

Costs and financing of nature — and landscape management. Total and by sector. 1985-1997 Amended on

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Costs and financing of nature and landscape management until 1997 details >

Environmental costs of companies > 20 employees; key figures, 1985-2012 Open Data

This table provides key figures on environmental investments by companies (with 20 or more employees

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Environmental costs of companies > 20 employees; key figures, 1985-2012 details >

Environmental costs and investments; companies with > 10 employees, 2008-2011 Open Data

This table provides information on environmental costs and environmental investments by companies (w

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Environmental costs and investments; companies with > 10 employees, 2008-2011 details >

Environmental costs of companies with 10 or more employees, SBI'93, 1997-2008 Open Data

This table describes the financial burden of a significant part of the business as a result of envir

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Environmental costs of companies with 10 or more employees, SBI'93, 1997-2008 details >

Environmental costs of traffic 1980-2011 Open Data

This table provides information on the costs of measures to combat environmental pollution from traf

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Environmental costs of traffic 1980-2011 details >

Environmental costs of traffic, 1980-2013 Open Data

This table provides information on the costs of measures to combat environmental pollution from traf

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Environmental costs of traffic, 1980-2013 details >

Environmental costs of water boards, 1999-2007 Open Data

Water boards are mainly involved in water quality and water quantity management. The costs arising f

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Environmental costs of water boards, 1999-2007 details >

Environmental nuisance, behaviour and perception of persons: personal characteristics, 1997-2011 Open Data

This table contains data relating to noise and odour nuisance in the residential environment. The ta

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Environmental nuisance, behaviour and perception of persons: personal characteristics, 1997-2011 details >

Population; development in municipalities with 100 000 inhabitants or more Open Data

Population, households and population development in Dutch municipalities with 100 thousand or more

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Population; development in municipalities with 100 000 inhabitants or more details >

Water extraction and distribution, waste management; labour and Finance, 2009-2013 Open Data

This table provides data on the employment offered, the cost and revenue structure, operating and fi

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Water extraction and distribution, waste management; labour and Finance, 2009-2013 details >

Noise and odour nuisance by source by province 2001/2002 Open Data

Noise — and odour nuisance to source. By country and province. 2001/2002 Amended on 20 November 2003

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Noise and odour nuisance by source by province 2001/2002 details >

Environmental law, licensing and enforcement Open Data

Enforcement of environmental law 1990-1996 Amended on 06 January 1998. Appearance Frequency: Stop i

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Environmental law, licensing and enforcement details >

Environmental behaviour of households Open Data

Data available from: 1999. Frequency: stop it.

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Environmental behaviour of households details >

Climate data; The Bilt temperature, precipitation and sunshine 1800-2014 Open Data

This table provides climate data from the weather station De Bilt (source: KNMI). The longest runnin

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Climate data; The Bilt temperature, precipitation and sunshine 1800-2014 details >

Climate data, temperature, sunshine, precipitation, 1931/1960 — Feb 2000 Open Data

This publication contains monthly figures of the temperature, the sunshine and the precipitation. Th

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Climate data, temperature, sunshine, precipitation, 1931/1960 — Feb 2000 details >

History of climate, 1800-1999 Open Data

This table contains data on air pressure, precipitation, days with precipitation, days with snow, ho

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History of climate, 1800-1999 details >

Land use in the Netherlands: 1989;1993;1996 Open Data

Area forests, built land, traffic facilities, recreation, natural sites and water by municipality, p

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Land use in the Netherlands: 1989;1993;1996 details >

40 districts of attention; state of play, Outcomemonitor Neighbourhoods Approach, 2005-2013 Open Data

The table contains figures on a variety of themes for selected 40 focus areas. In mid-2007, the Act

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40 districts of attention; state of play, Outcomemonitor Neighbourhoods Approach, 2005-2013 details >

Municipalities; residents and benefits, 1999-2009, 2009 regional classification Open Data

This table contains information on residents and persons with benefits at municipal level. The speci

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Municipalities; residents and benefits, 1999-2009, 2009 regional classification details >

Population and population development per month; 1995-2018 Open Data

Monthly, quarterly and annual figures of the size of the population of the Netherlands. The table i

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Population and population development per month; 1995-2018 details >

Key figures provincial monitor Open Data

The joint provinces have taken the initiative a website together to make it possible to establish da

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Key figures provincial monitor details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2009-2012 Open Data

Overview of statistical data at regional level of municipalities, neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods.

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2009-2012 details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2004-2008 Open Data

This table provides an overview of statistical data at the level of municipalities, neighbourhoods a

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2004-2008 details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2003 Open Data

Overview of statistical data at regional level of municipalities, neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods.

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2003 details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2001 Open Data

Key figures of neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods Data available: 2001 Frequency: this table contains

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 2001 details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 1999 Open Data

Data available: 1999 Frequency: one-off The publication ‘Centres of Neighbourhoods and Neighborhood

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 1999 details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 1997 Open Data

Data available: 1997 Frequency: one-off The publication ‘Centres of Neighbourhoods and Neighborhood

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 1997 details >

Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 1995 Open Data

Data available: 1995 Frequency: one-off The publication ‘Centres of Neighbourhoods and Neighborhood

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Key figures for neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods 1995 details >

Neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods; residents and benefits, 1999-2009, 2009 regional classification Open Data

This table contains information on residents and persons with benefits at the level of municipalitie

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Neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods; residents and benefits, 1999-2009, 2009 regional classification details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2010 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2010 details >

Population development; month and year Open Data

This table provides monthly and annual figures on the changes in the population of the Netherlands.

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Population development; month and year details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2009 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2009 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2008 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2008 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2007 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2007 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2006 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2006 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2005 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2005 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2004 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2004 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2003 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2003 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2002 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2002 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2001 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overvi

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Place names in the Netherlands 2001 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 2000 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 2000 details >

Population development; migration background and generation Open Data

This table contains figures on the population development of residents in the Netherlands according

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Population development; migration background and generation details >

Place names in the Netherlands 1999 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 1999 details >

Place names in the Netherlands 1998 Open Data

In addition to municipal names, there are place names in the Netherlands. This table gives an overv

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Place names in the Netherlands 1998 details >
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