Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Natura2000 Management plans — Habitat types (history) Open Data

Current habitat types are included as a map (or part of a map) in Natura2000 management plans. The a

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Natura2000 Management plans — Habitat types (history) details >

Land use; extensive use, per municipality Open Data

The purpose of this table is to provide insight into the use of the available space in the Netherlan

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Land use; extensive use, per municipality details >

Nature management plan 2015, New nature reserve (history) Open Data

These areas offer opportunities for job change, layout (SKNL), management (SND).SKNL: Subsidy scheme

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Nature management plan 2015, New nature reserve (history) details >

Natura2000 Management plans — Trek routes (history) Open Data

The migration routes are part of the map of forest soil coming from the Natura2000 management plan a

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Natura2000 Management plans — Trek routes (history) details >

Natura2000 Management plans — fauna tunnels (history) Open Data

The Tunnels is part of the forest floor map originating from the Natura2000 management plan and toge

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Natura2000 Management plans — fauna tunnels (history) details >

LOFAR (history) Open Data

This file displays the central section and zoning LOFAR (Low Frequency Array), The Eyes of the Earth

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LOFAR (history) details >

Area attribute (history) Open Data

In the Provincial Environment Plan Drenthe II adopted by Provincial States on 7 July 2004, the map w

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Area attribute (history) details >

Land use; shortened use, by province, from 1900 onwards Open Data

This table aims to provide insight into the use of the available space of the Netherlands and the ch

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Land use; shortened use, by province, from 1900 onwards details >

Nature Management Plan 2017, Water Map (history) Open Data

The water map is part of the Nature Management Plan.

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Nature Management Plan 2017, Water Map (history) details >

Game Management Unit 2015 (history) Open Data

Classification into game management units (hunting areas), situation as of 2015. To establish WBE bo

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Game Management Unit 2015 (history) details >

Groundwater abstraction for the preparation of drinking water (history) Open Data

The locations where groundwater is extracted by the water supply companies for the preparation of dr

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Groundwater abstraction for the preparation of drinking water (history) details >

Nature Management Plan 2016, Water Map (history) Open Data

The water map is part of the Nature Management Plan.

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Nature Management Plan 2016, Water Map (history) details >

ES (archaeology) (OGV, 2010) (history) Open Data

ES (archaeology) (OGV, 2010), map 2E (Environmental Vision).

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ES (archaeology) (OGV, 2010) (history) details >

Land use, district and neighbourhood figures 2015 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of the available space of the Netherlands for 2015. The data

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Land use, district and neighbourhood figures 2015 details >

Cultural History (POP) (history) Open Data

In the Provincial Environment Plan Drenthe II adopted by Provincial States on 7 July 2004, the cultu

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Cultural History (POP) (history) details >

Church Path Open Data

(foot) path through the agricultural area that leads to the church.

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Church Path details >

CHW Archeologie Open Data

Op de archeologische kaart staan de gebieden en terreinen van archeologische waarde. Ook staan hier

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CHW Archeologie details >

Addresses Nieuwegein Open Data

WMS service for Bag addresses of the municipality of Nieuwegein

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Addresses Nieuwegein details >

Sound map Schiphol 2016 (Lden; 2 classes) — Atlas Living Environment Open Data

Noise map 2016 for Schiphol within the framework of the Environmental Noise Regulation. The contours

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Sound map Schiphol 2016 (Lden; 2 classes) — Atlas Living Environment details >

Land use, district and neighbourhood figures 2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of the available space of the Netherlands for 2012. The data

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Land use, district and neighbourhood figures 2012 details >

Ecological connection zone (POP2) (history) Open Data

The Provincial Environment Plan Drenthe II, P.S. of 7 July 2004, adopted by Provincial States, indic

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Ecological connection zone (POP2) (history) details >

CO2 capture in vegetation in July 2013 Open Data

This map shows how much carbon was absorbed on average by trees and plants in the Netherlands in Jul

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CO2 capture in vegetation in July 2013 details >

Existing urban area (history) Open Data

The actual urban area, supplemented by granted building rights in land use plans and integration pla

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Existing urban area (history) details >

Land use, district and neighbourhood figures 2010 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of the available space of the Netherlands for 2010. The data

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Land use, district and neighbourhood figures 2010 details >

Habitats meadow birds (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This stock contains habitat meadow birds as established in the Environment Vision province of Gronin

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Habitats meadow birds (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Property, Society of Benevolence (history) Open Data

In the municipality of Westerveld lies the mining colony of the Society of Benevolence. These are ge

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Property, Society of Benevolence (history) details >

BAG bouwjaren Open Data

Panden binnen de BAG met weergave van de bouwjaren. Zowel panden met verblijfsobjecten als zonder ve

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BAG bouwjaren details >

Historic Farms Open Data

Inventory of farms that were built before 1960. Supplemented with farms with Prov. selection cult.

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Historic Farms details >

Motor vehicles; demolition, vehicle type, fuel type, 2000-2021 Open Data

This table lists Dutch passenger cars and commercial motor vehicles (vans, lorries, semi-trailer tra

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Motor vehicles; demolition, vehicle type, fuel type, 2000-2021 details >

Induced earthquakes Open Data

Map indicates the location where induced quakes have taken place. Induced tremors are caused by huma

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Induced earthquakes details >

STRP, function map, extension direction (history) Open Data

Extension direction for residential purposes and horticultural area. Regional plan Drenthe, Function

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STRP, function map, extension direction (history) details >

Projects in the public space Open Data

Project map of works in the municipality of Amstelveen and Aalsmeer

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Projects in the public space details >

Nature Management Plan 2018, Ambition Map (history) Open Data

The province determines in the nature management plan in which areas in which subsidies can be obtai

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Nature Management Plan 2018, Ambition Map (history) details >

Motor vehicles; demolition, weight class, 2000-2021 Open Data

This table provides information on vehicle failure by total weight and vehicle category (passenger c

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Motor vehicles; demolition, weight class, 2000-2021 details >

Winkelinformatie 2017 Open Data

Locatus verzamelt informatie over alle winkels en consumentgerichte, dienstverlenende bedrijven.

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Winkelinformatie 2017 details >

Soil carbon stock Open Data

What do you see? This map shows the soil carbon stock in the top 30 cm of the soil for the whole of

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Soil carbon stock details >

Progress report Nature 2017 Open Data

The Nature Progress Report (VRN) provides information about the progress of the agreements in the Na

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Progress report Nature 2017 details >

Aerial view 2018 Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

Aerial view 2018 Municipality of Koggenland

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Aerial view 2018 Municipality of Koggenland details >

Motor vehicles; demolition, export and other outages, age car, 2000-2021 Open Data

This table lists Dutch passenger cars and commercial motor vehicles that have failed during the repo

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Motor vehicles; demolition, export and other outages, age car, 2000-2021 details >

Estate, private nature management (history) Open Data

Forest expansion in Drenthe, partly in the context of the formation of new estates.

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Estate, private nature management (history) details >

BAG standplaatsen Open Data

Een standplaats is een door het bevoegde gemeentelijke orgaan als zodanig aangewezen terrein of gede

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BAG standplaatsen details >

Forest and nature reserve (POP1) (history) Open Data

Forest and nature reserves as part of the Ecological structure. This map layer has served as the bas

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Forest and nature reserve (POP1) (history) details >

Pass measures (lines) (history) Open Data

In order to achieve the objectives of European nature policy, the precipitation of nitrogen in Natur

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Pass measures (lines) (history) details >

Aerial Imagery 201 225 cm RGB Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of individual orthophotographs, basically of the central pa

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Aerial Imagery 201 225 cm RGB details >

Carbon capture in vegetation in March 2013 Open Data

This map shows how much carbon was absorbed on average by trees and plants in the Netherlands in Mar

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Carbon capture in vegetation in March 2013 details >

Aerial Imagery 201 210 cm RGB Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of individual orthophotographs, basically of the central pa

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Aerial Imagery 201 210 cm RGB details >

Motor vehicles; demolition, export and other outages, regions, 2000-2021 Open Data

This table lists Dutch passenger cars and commercial motor vehicles (vans, lorries, semi-trailer tra

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Motor vehicles; demolition, export and other outages, regions, 2000-2021 details >

Pet heat card Province Zeeland Open Data

The standardised calculation methodology for heat stress was adopted in early 2019. This card is dra

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Pet heat card Province Zeeland details >

Copernicus High Resolution Layer Forest: Dominant Leaf Type 2015 — DLT 2 015 020 m, version 2 Open Data

Framework service contract for Copernicus Land monitoring services — Detailed soil cover characteris

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Copernicus High Resolution Layer Forest: Dominant Leaf Type 2015 — DLT 2 015 020 m, version 2 details >

Supply, treatment of waste at recycling companies (SBI2008) Open Data

This table provides information on the amount of waste offered to the companies in the Preparation f

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Supply, treatment of waste at recycling companies (SBI2008) details >

Characteristic watercourses (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This stock contains characteristic watercourses as defined in the Environment Ordinance of the Provi

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Characteristic watercourses (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Industrial waste; waste type, treatment, industry (SBI 2008), 1994-2019 Open Data

This table provides information on the amount of waste released from the mineral extraction industri

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Industrial waste; waste type, treatment, industry (SBI 2008), 1994-2019 details >

Municipal waste; quantities Open Data

This table provides information on the amount of municipal waste, broken down by type of waste and m

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Municipal waste; quantities details >

Law Soil Protection Measures Plans Open Data

On the map you can see what measures have been taken in recent years to map the soil quality of your

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Law Soil Protection Measures Plans details >

Household waste per municipality per inhabitant Open Data

This table shows the amounts of household waste collected per municipality. The amount of household

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Household waste per municipality per inhabitant details >

Chemical control by public institutions, 1992-2018 Open Data

Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects figures on the use of chemical pestic

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Chemical control by public institutions, 1992-2018 details >

Chemical control by public institutions; regional, 1992-2018 Open Data

Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects figures on the use of chemical pestic

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Chemical control by public institutions; regional, 1992-2018 details >

Government;altern. weed management methods plantings,hardening,1992-2018 Open Data

This table provides figures on non-chemical control methods, or alternative weed management, by publ

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Government;altern. weed management methods plantings,hardening,1992-2018 details >

Rijkswaterstaat Live Environment — Downloads Soil Key and Validation Service Open Data

Downloads files for the Soil Key and Validation Service.

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Rijkswaterstaat Live Environment — Downloads Soil Key and Validation Service details >

Emissions to air on Dutch territory; totals Open Data

This table provides figures on total emissions to air in the Netherlands from stationary and mobile

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Emissions to air on Dutch territory; totals details >

Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources Open Data

This table contains figures on actual emissions to air from mobile sources on or above Dutch territo

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Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources details >

Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile resources, 1990-2018 Open Data

This table contains figures on actual emissions to air from mobile sources on or above Dutch territo

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Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile resources, 1990-2018 details >

Emissions to air on Dutch territory; stationary sources Open Data

This table provides figures on total emissions to air in the Netherlands from stationary sources. It

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Emissions to air on Dutch territory; stationary sources details >

Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic; 1980-2018 Open Data

This table contains figures on actual emissions to air on Dutch territory from road traffic, includi

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Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic; 1980-2018 details >

Emissions of greenhouse gases calculated according to IPCC requirements Open Data

This table provides figures on total Dutch greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous

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Emissions of greenhouse gases calculated according to IPCC requirements details >

Emissions of air pollutants according to NEC guidelines Open Data

This table contains figures on emissions of air pollutants calculated in accordance with the Europea

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Emissions of air pollutants according to NEC guidelines details >

Treatment of urban waste water; disposal of sewage sludge, region Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water or

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Treatment of urban waste water; disposal of sewage sludge, region details >

Bottom Stop Soil Quality Charts Open Data

Aggregate soil quality maps of municipalities, as published on

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Bottom Stop Soil Quality Charts details >

Treatment of urban waste water; outlet sewage sludge, sewage type Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at the wate

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Treatment of urban waste water; outlet sewage sludge, sewage type details >

Treatment of urban waste water; energy production and energy consumption Open Data

This table contains figures on energy consumption and energy generation in the treatment of waste wa

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Treatment of urban waste water; energy production and energy consumption details >

Treatment of urban waste water; technical characteristics of installations Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water or

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Treatment of urban waste water; technical characteristics of installations details >

Treatment of urban waste water; by province and river basin district Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at the wate

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Treatment of urban waste water; by province and river basin district details >

Treatment of urban waste water; process data sludge dewatering Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at water bo

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Treatment of urban waste water; process data sludge dewatering details >

Law Soil Protection Points Open Data

Points with available soil information. Governments receive a lot of information about the soil when

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Law Soil Protection Points details >

Treatment of urban waste water; process data sludge stabilisation Open Data

This table contains figures for urban or public sewage treatment plants under management at the wate

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Treatment of urban waste water; process data sludge stabilisation details >

Amount of supplementation Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table provides information on the level of average supplements for active an

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Amount of supplementation details >

Pension agreements (Year) Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table provides information on the number of regulations, members and size of

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Pension agreements (Year) details >

Pension rules by type of pension Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table provides information on the number of pension funds, members and schem

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Pension rules by type of pension details >

Pension regulations by accrual rate Open Data

This table shows the accrual rate of the old-age pension commitment for benefits contracts from 2007

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Pension regulations by accrual rate details >

Types of franchise pension regulations Open Data

This table provides information from the year 2007 on types of franchises. For the purpose of calcul

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Types of franchise pension regulations details >

Basis for supplementing members of a pension regulations Open Data

This table provides information from the year 2007 on the basis for supplementing the pension regula

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Basis for supplementing members of a pension regulations details >

Basis for the payment of old-age pensions Open Data

This table provides information from the year 2007 on the basis for supplementing the pension regula

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Basis for the payment of old-age pensions details >

Data on individual pension funds (quarterly) Open Data

This table shows data on individual pension funds from the first quarter of 2015. The table contains

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Data on individual pension funds (quarterly) details >

Data on individual pension funds (Year) Open Data

This table shows data on individual pension funds from the year 2014. The table contains, among othe

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Data on individual pension funds (Year) details >

Shortened balance sheets of pension funds by type (quarterly; fracture-free) Open Data

Shortened statistical balance sheet by sector by quarter by maturity from 2002 onwards

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Shortened balance sheets of pension funds by type (quarterly; fracture-free) details >

Assets and liabilities of pension funds by domestic counterpart sector (quarterly; fracture-free) Open Data

Statistical balance sheet items by domestic counterpart sector quarterly with maturity breakdown fro

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Assets and liabilities of pension funds by domestic counterpart sector (quarterly; fracture-free) details >

Assets and liabilities of pension funds by geographical area (quarterly; fracture-free) Open Data

Statistical balance sheet items by geographical area per quarter with maturity breakdown from 1986

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Assets and liabilities of pension funds by geographical area (quarterly; fracture-free) details >

Cash flow statement of pension funds (quarterly) Open Data

Statistical cash flow statement of pension funds per quarter from 2006

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Cash flow statement of pension funds (quarterly) details >

Participations of pension funds in Dutch investment institutions, ‘Look Through’ (quarterly) Open Data

Shareholdings of pension funds in Dutch investment institutions, ‘Look Through’ quarterly from 2008

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Participations of pension funds in Dutch investment institutions, ‘Look Through’ (quarterly) details >

Balance sheet of pension funds (quarterly; fracture-free) Open Data

Statistical balance sheet of total pension funds per quarter by maturity and geography from 1986 onw

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Balance sheet of pension funds (quarterly; fracture-free) details >

Organisation & Pension Fund Governance pension funds Open Data

This table provides information on the organisation of pension funds from the year 2007. This concer

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Organisation & Pension Fund Governance pension funds details >

Balance sheet pension funds in accordance with Financial Review Framework (FTK) Open Data

From 1997 onwards, this table shows the joint balance sheet of all supervised pension funds. All ite

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Balance sheet pension funds in accordance with Financial Review Framework (FTK) details >

Pension funds benefit and expense account Open Data

This table shows the account of income and expenses. The total amount of pension liabilities taken o

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Pension funds benefit and expense account details >

Number of members of pension funds Open Data

From 1997 onwards, this table shows the number of persons who accrue or have accrued pension entitle

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Number of members of pension funds details >

Demographics of pension funds Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table provides a breakdown of the membership of pension funds by age group.

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Demographics of pension funds details >

Financial position of pension funds (quarterly) Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table provides insight into the financial position of the pension funds sect

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Financial position of pension funds (quarterly) details >

Currency breakdown invested pension assets Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table breaks down the pension assets invested in table ‘Invested assets for

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Currency breakdown invested pension assets details >

Modified duration Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table shows the modified duration of the fixed income values of pension fund

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Modified duration details >

Fixed income by creditworthiness Open Data

From 2007 onwards, this table breaks down the investments in fixed income by risk class. In this way

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Fixed income by creditworthiness details >

Derivative positions by type Open Data

This table shows the derivative positions from 2007 onwards. This concerns the market value of the d

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Derivative positions by type details >
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