Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Lyme disease in the Netherlands in 2017 Open Data

The map shows how many people after a tick bite with a red spot or ring on the skin were seen by the

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Lyme disease in the Netherlands in 2017 details >

Light Emissions 2015 Open Data

The map shows how much light can be seen in the Netherlands at night in 2015, seen from above, expre

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Light Emissions 2015 details >

Zorgverzekeringswet; wanbetalers met een zorgtoeslag per 31 december Open Data

This table shows the number of defaults under the Health Care Insurance Act with an administrative p

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Zorgverzekeringswet; wanbetalers met een zorgtoeslag per 31 december details >

Geography — Veen 2 m-mowerfield Open Data

Border contours of the peat landscape (2 m lawn) in Fryslân.

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Geography — Veen 2 m-mowerfield details >

Soil habitat function and soil biodiversity (relative) Open Data

What do you see: Soil biodiversity and habitat function of the top layer of soil, obv composite indi

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Soil habitat function and soil biodiversity (relative) details >

Hondenbeleid Open Data

Uitrenzones, verboden voor honden gebieden en de hondenpoep afvalbakken.

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Hondenbeleid details >

GES; Taxed houses based on companies with risky activities Open Data

The site-related risk contours 10-6, due to companies (establishments and installations) with risky

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GES; Taxed houses based on companies with risky activities details >

TOP1000raster Open Data

TOP1000raster was created through a conversion and generalisation from EuroRegionalMap (ERM). The Ka

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TOP1000raster details >

Health Insurance Act; defaulters other characteristics as at 31 December Open Data

This table shows the number of defaulters under the Healthcare Insurance Act with an administrative

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Health Insurance Act; defaulters other characteristics as at 31 December details >

Nature-friendly banks Waterschap Rivierenland Open Data

A nature-friendly bank is a bank that is designed in such a way that besides the water-repellent fun

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Nature-friendly banks Waterschap Rivierenland details >

Steep edges of ash Open Data

This file contains steep edges of ash, located within the province of Groningen. Steep edges of ash

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Steep edges of ash details >

Calculated sky brightness in the night, with cloud Open Data

The sky brightness is a measure of how dark it is at night. It is the luminance (light intensity per

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Calculated sky brightness in the night, with cloud details >

Zorgverzekeringswet; wanbetalers naar regio per 31 december Open Data

This table shows the number of defaulted persons under the Health Care Insurance Act with an adminis

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Zorgverzekeringswet; wanbetalers naar regio per 31 december details >

Sky brightness — number of stars Open Data

This map shows the number of stars that can be seen in the zenit at night

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Sky brightness — number of stars details >

Water - Polderpeilen Open Data

Het reglementair vastgestelde peil in een polder dat door de beherende instantie wordt nagestreefd.

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Water - Polderpeilen details >

Social contacts and social participation Open Data

This table provides information on the participation in social activities and social participation o

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Social contacts and social participation details >

Overview of valuable and monumental trees Open Data

Monumental and valuable trees and green structures are important for the recognisability and identit

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Overview of valuable and monumental trees details >

Trust in people and organisations; personal characteristics Open Data

This table provides information on the extent to which the Dutch population aged 15 and over has con

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Trust in people and organisations; personal characteristics details >

Odour nuisance agriculture and livestock farming Open Data

On the map you can see what percentage of the population in a municipality is severely hindered by s

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Odour nuisance agriculture and livestock farming details >

Trust in people, law and politics; European comparison Open Data

In this table you will find the trust in other people and the trust in law and politics of residents

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Trust in people, law and politics; European comparison details >

Postcode 6 posities Open Data

De BAG-data is bijgewerkt tot eind augustus 2019. BAG verblijfsobjecten geaggregeerd op postcode 6

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Postcode 6 posities details >

Original plotting Open Data

This file contains information about the original plotting within the province of Groningen. Map lay

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Original plotting details >

High voltage line Eemshaven Vierverlaten (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains the spatial reservation for the high voltage pipeline Eemshaven-Vierverlaten as e

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High voltage line Eemshaven Vierverlaten (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Well-being; key figures, personal characteristics Open Data

The study was conducted among individuals aged 15 or over, the figures on well-being relate to the p

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Well-being; key figures, personal characteristics details >

Aerial footage 201 225 cm CIR Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of separate infrared orthophotographs, basically of the cen

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Aerial footage 201 225 cm CIR details >

Pingo Ruins (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains pingo ruins as established in the Environment Vision province of Groningen 2016-2

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Pingo Ruins (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Well-being in relation to finance; characteristics of finance Open Data

The survey was conducted among persons aged 15 years or older, the figures on well-being relate to t

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Well-being in relation to finance; characteristics of finance details >

Total subsidence, for the Atlas Living Environment Open Data

The map shows the deep and shallow subsidence in the Netherlands. Deep subsidence is mainly caused b

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Total subsidence, for the Atlas Living Environment details >

Change of nitrate concentration in groundwater Open Data

What do you see: The change in the average nitrate concentration in groundwater at a depth of 5-15 m

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Change of nitrate concentration in groundwater details >

Districts of Koggenland Open Data

This map contains all districts of the Municipality of Koggenland May effective 1 January 2019

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Districts of Koggenland details >

Historical geography Gelderland (flat) Open Data

The file contains historical and landscape features of some 5,800 surfaces to which an appreciation

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Historical geography Gelderland (flat) details >

Air Quality- Immission traffic 2020 Elementary Carbon (soot) Open Data

File gives a picture of the air quality of soot (Elementary Carbon or EC) around the national, provi

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Air Quality- Immission traffic 2020 Elementary Carbon (soot) details >

Well-being in relation to health and lifestyle; characteristics of Health Open Data

The survey was conducted among persons aged 15 years or older, the figures on well-being relate to t

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Well-being in relation to health and lifestyle; characteristics of Health details >

Sound Contours Law Noise Dissipation Without Buildings Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

In 2015, the municipality of Koggenland had a scan of the noise pollution caused by road traffic. Th

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Sound Contours Law Noise Dissipation Without Buildings Municipality of Koggenland details >

Noise nuisance trains 2020 Open Data

The map shows the percentage of the population in your chosen municipality that has been severely ha

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Noise nuisance trains 2020 details >

Current food production field Open Data

This map shows the current production for each cell (10X10m or 1 a). This current production is expr

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Current food production field details >

Well-being in relation to education and work; characteristics of work Open Data

The survey was conducted among persons aged 15 years or older, the figures on well-being relate to t

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Well-being in relation to education and work; characteristics of work details >

Transport — Quality network Freight transport Gelderland lines Open Data

This file contains the quality network which is formed by establishing links between the main road n

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Transport — Quality network Freight transport Gelderland lines details >

Carbon sequestration in the soil during non-reversing tillage Open Data

What do you see? This map shows the potential carbon sequestration in the soil for the non-reverse t

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Carbon sequestration in the soil during non-reversing tillage details >

Well-being in relation to social life; characteristics of social life Open Data

The survey was conducted among persons aged 15 years or older, the figures on well-being relate to t

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Well-being in relation to social life; characteristics of social life details >

Sun potency fields Open Data

In this map layer imaginable locations for solar panels are indicated in field setup. These are smal

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Sun potency fields details >

Well-being in relation to living; characteristics of living Open Data

The survey was conducted among persons aged 15 years or older, the figures on well-being relate to t

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Well-being in relation to living; characteristics of living details >

Non-Methane VOC (NMVOC) emissions to air 2014 Open Data

Non-methane VOC (NMVOC) emissions to air from all sources in 2014 in kg/km² per year. Emission Regis

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Non-Methane VOC (NMVOC) emissions to air 2014 details >

Moisture supply through the bottom Open Data

What do you see? This map shows to what extent there is moisture in the soil through the plant roots

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Moisture supply through the bottom details >

Landing Cobra cable (Structure Vision Eemsmond-Delfzijl) Open Data

This file contains the route of landing of the Cobra cable, as established in the Structure Vision E

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Landing Cobra cable (Structure Vision Eemsmond-Delfzijl) details >

Woningcorporaties 2017 Open Data

Bezit van woningcorporaties die in Zaanstad actief zijn verdeeld per corporatie. De kaart is een mom

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Woningcorporaties 2017 details >

Well-being; happy and satisfied, personal characteristics from 1997 Open Data

This table contains figures on the well-being of the adult Dutch population, in terms of happiness a

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Well-being; happy and satisfied, personal characteristics from 1997 details >

Verkeer - Verkeerslichtinstallaties Open Data

Verkeerslichtinstallaties in Zaanstad op locatie met type en leveranciers gegevens

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Verkeer - Verkeerslichtinstallaties details >

Provincial part of the basic touring network (Environmental commission 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains the provincial waterways of the basic touring network as established in the Envir

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Provincial part of the basic touring network (Environmental commission 2016-2020) details >

Health, lifestyle, use and supply of care, causes of death; key figures Open Data

This table provides an up-to-date overview of the key figures available on StatLine in the broad fie

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Health, lifestyle, use and supply of care, causes of death; key figures details >

Current food production without subsidised field Open Data

This card shows the value of current production for each cell (10X10m or 1 a). This value shall be e

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Current food production without subsidised field details >

Current ozone concentration in the Netherlands Open Data

This map shows the calculated average concentration of ozone over the last hour. This information is

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Current ozone concentration in the Netherlands details >

Landscape Types Open Data

This file contains landscape types that can be distinguished by differences in origin, soil type and

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Landscape Types details >

Transport- Railroads Open Data

Overview of railway lines, within Gelderland split into Baanvakkken. Railway lines broken down by co

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Transport- Railroads details >

Health, lifestyle, use and supply of care, causes of death; from 1900 Open Data

This table shows the wide variety of long-term ranges in health, lifestyle and health care. Figures

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Health, lifestyle, use and supply of care, causes of death; from 1900 details >

Regional business parks (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains regional business parks as established in the Environment Vision province of Gron

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Regional business parks (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Search area robust connection zones (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains search areas robust connection zones as established in the Environment Vision pro

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Search area robust connection zones (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Outside Area (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains the outside area as established in the Environment Vision province of Groningen 2

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Outside Area (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Roads- Trees along provincial roads (flats) Open Data

File contains the trees along provincial roads with a number of management data. Data is updated mon

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Roads- Trees along provincial roads (flats) details >

Retail trade; turnover development, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains figures on retail sales and volume developments. The figures can be broken down

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Retail trade; turnover development, index 2015=100 details >

Border-Provincial Road Management Area Open Data

This file shows the area in which road management is carried out by the province of Gelderland. This

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Border-Provincial Road Management Area details >

Aerial footage 201 325 cm CIR Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of separate infrared orthophotographs, basically of the cen

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Aerial footage 201 325 cm CIR details >

Aerial view 2009 Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

Aerial view 2009 Municipality of Koggenland

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Aerial view 2009 Municipality of Koggenland details >

Retail trade; turnover development internet sales, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains figures on the turnover development of retail internet sales (SBI 2008 section 4

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Retail trade; turnover development internet sales, index 2015=100 details >

Wholesale companies; turnover development, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table provides figures on the turnover of the wholesale companies. The figures can be broken do

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Wholesale companies; turnover development, index 2015=100 details >

Capping Exchange lot Administrative Character RAK Appingedam-Delfzijl Open Data

This file contains the limit of the land consolidation of an administrative character (RAK) in the p

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Capping Exchange lot Administrative Character RAK Appingedam-Delfzijl details >

Seaport sites (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This stock contains seaport sites as established in the Environmental Vision of Groningen 2016-2020.

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Seaport sites (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Hospitality; turnover development, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains figures on the turnover and volume development of the hospitality industry. The

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Hospitality; turnover development, index 2015=100 details >

Characteristic roads Midday-Humsterland (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This stock contains characteristic roads of Midday-Humsterland as established in the Environment Ord

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Characteristic roads Midday-Humsterland (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Aerial Imagery 201 410 cm RGB Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of individual orthophotographs, basically of the central pa

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Aerial Imagery 201 410 cm RGB details >

Current food production with subsidised field Open Data

This card shows the value of current production for each cell (10X10m or 1 a). This value shall be e

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Current food production with subsidised field details >

Motor and automotive industries; turnover development, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table provides figures on the development of turnover of the motor and car industry. The figure

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Motor and automotive industries; turnover development, index 2015=100 details >

GES; Clusters NO2 Nitrogen dioxide (air quality) Open Data

This dataset consists of clusters of BAG objects that are located in a GES score (NO2) of 5 or highe

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GES; Clusters NO2 Nitrogen dioxide (air quality) details >

Roads-Public lighting, Switch cabinets Open Data

The file displays the control cabinets public lighting along provincial roads, coming from managemen

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Roads-Public lighting, Switch cabinets details >

Safety zone 3 transport (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains the safety zone 3 transport, as laid down in the Environmental Regulation of the

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Safety zone 3 transport (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Copernicus High Resolution Layer Forest: Tree Cover Density 2012 — TCD 2 012 020 m, version 2 Open Data

Framework service contract for Copernicus Land monitoring services — Detailed soil cover characteris

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Copernicus High Resolution Layer Forest: Tree Cover Density 2012 — TCD 2 012 020 m, version 2 details >

Passenger car importers; turnover development, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains figures on the turnover development of importers of passenger cars and light com

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Passenger car importers; turnover development, index 2015=100 details >

Residences Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

Residences Municipality of Koggenland

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Residences Municipality of Koggenland details >

Aerial footage 201 525 cm CIR Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of separate infrared orthophotographs, basically of the cen

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Aerial footage 201 525 cm CIR details >

Sound contours living and living climate RO key without building municipality Koggenland Open Data

In 2015, the municipality of Koggenland had a scan of the noise pollution caused by road traffic. Th

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Sound contours living and living climate RO key without building municipality Koggenland details >

Industry; stock ready product, index 2015=100 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the volume of finished stock in the industry, in

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Industry; stock ready product, index 2015=100 details >

Inspire Protected Sites — Provinciale NNN (Nature Network Netherlands) Open Data

This data is standardised for the provincial delivery INSPIRE. The EHS is a coherent system of natur

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Inspire Protected Sites — Provinciale NNN (Nature Network Netherlands) details >

Current food production maize Open Data

This map shows the current production for each cell (10X10m or 1 a). This current production is expr

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Current food production maize details >

Milk supply and dairy production by dairy plants Open Data

Dairy farmers in the Netherlands supply approximately 96 % of the milk to dairy plants. The remainin

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Milk supply and dairy production by dairy plants details >

Physical suitability of field Open Data

This card shows the soil suitability for each cell (10X10 m or 1a) for a specific crop. This soil su

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Physical suitability of field details >

Regional flood defences (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This stock contains regional flood defences as laid down in the Environmental Regulation of the Prov

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Regional flood defences (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Industry; production and revenue, development and index, 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains figures on industrial production and turnover developments. The figures can be b

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Industry; production and revenue, development and index, 2015=100 details >

Environmental Soil Dumps Aftercare Wm Open Data

The file shows the landfills covered by the Environmental Management Act (Wm).

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Environmental Soil Dumps Aftercare Wm details >

External safety route transport dangerous goods Open Data

The risk standards for the transport of dangerous goods impose safety requirements on transport rout

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External safety route transport dangerous goods details >

Thanks — Delfdust extraction at sea — win area shells Open Data

This concerns the winning area for shell extraction with possibility for information on location of

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Thanks — Delfdust extraction at sea — win area shells details >

Industry; production and sales, index 2010=100, ‘05 January —’18 September Open Data

This table provides information on the development of industrial production and turnover (excluding

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Industry; production and sales, index 2010=100, ‘05 January —’18 September details >

VIG-historie Open Data

Bestemmingsplangegevens, plangrenzen met plannummers

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VIG-historie details >

GES contours external safety due to dangerous road transport Open Data

Locational risk contours due to dangerous road transport are translated into GES (Health Effect Scre

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GES contours external safety due to dangerous road transport details >

Industrial production index; (SBI 2008), index 2010=100 1953-2014 Open Data

This table provides information on the development of industrial production (excluding construction)

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Industrial production index; (SBI 2008), index 2010=100 1953-2014 details >

Sell; industrial products by product group (ProdCom) 2008-2020 Open Data

This table contains figures on the sales values and quantity of industrial products by all companies

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Sell; industrial products by product group (ProdCom) 2008-2020 details >

District and Neighborhood Card 2007 version 2 Open Data

The generalised File Neighbourhoods and Neighborhoods contains generalised geometry of all municipal

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District and Neighborhood Card 2007 version 2 details >

Distance to nearest GP practice Open Data

On the map you can see the average distance from a home to the nearest general practitioner. The ave

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Distance to nearest GP practice details >

Tax advantages in income tax; private households, 2006-2014 Open Data

This table provides information on the tax advantage that private households have from exemptions, d

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Tax advantages in income tax; private households, 2006-2014 details >

Welstand Open Data

Deze kaart toont de geldende welstandsregels van de gemeente Zaanstad per 6-2-2014. Het is een hulpm

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Welstand details >

Top Pleistocene Surface Open Data

These maps represent the location of the top of the Pleistocene surface, which is largely covered by

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Top Pleistocene Surface details >
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