Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Aerial view 2019 Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

Aerial view 2019 Municipality of Koggenland

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Aerial view 2019 Municipality of Koggenland details >

Odor nuisance by bbqs and fire baskets Open Data

In each province, it has been identified how many people experienced severe odour nuisance from bbqs

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Odor nuisance by bbqs and fire baskets details >

City to Foot Open Data

Walking routes within the City of Foot concept: city-rural routes of Utrecht (city), Apeldoorn and L

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City to Foot details >

Income tax credits; private households, 2006-2014 Open Data

This table contains data on tax credits for private households within income tax. This concerns the

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Income tax credits; private households, 2006-2014 details >

Participating municipalities for tree map ANK Open Data

This map shows which municipalities have committed to participate in the tree planting project of th

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Participating municipalities for tree map ANK details >

Potential food production fruit Open Data

This map shows for each cell the potential agricultural production for a particular crop, expressed

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Potential food production fruit details >

Indirect taxes and expenditure; characteristics of part households, 2006-2013 Open Data

In this table you will find data on indirect taxes included in the (consumptive) expenditure of priv

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Indirect taxes and expenditure; characteristics of part households, 2006-2013 details >

Aerial view 2014 Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

Aerial view 2014 Municipality of Koggenland

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Aerial view 2014 Municipality of Koggenland details >

GES; Taxed dwellings due to hazardous substances along roads Open Data

Place-based risk contours and area of influence group risk external safety due to hazardous substanc

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GES; Taxed dwellings due to hazardous substances along roads details >

Structural vision RO, Regional water storage — Structure map Open Data

The provincial policy for regional flooding is aimed at ensuring protection against flooding. The re

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Structural vision RO, Regional water storage — Structure map details >

Income tax on private households; amounts and pressures, 2006-2014 Open Data

This table contains information on the income tax (including contributions for national insurances A

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Income tax on private households; amounts and pressures, 2006-2014 details >

Subsidence deep, for the Atlas Living Environment Open Data

The map shows the subsidence in the Netherlands in the deep soil layers. This subsidence is mainly c

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Subsidence deep, for the Atlas Living Environment details >

B & B Open Data

In and around nature streams (formerly streams with specific ecological function) the ecological fun

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B & B details >

Wet Cooling Towers Open Data

This map shows the location of validated wet cooling towers in the Netherlands. Wet cooling towers a

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Wet Cooling Towers details >

Income tax part. households; distribution of tax burden, 2006-2014 Open Data

This table shows how the tax burden of income tax is distributed among the different private househo

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Income tax part. households; distribution of tax burden, 2006-2014 details >

Potential locations for solar panels on buildings Open Data

The Zonatlas data shows the potential for solar energy for every building in the Netherlands. The ca

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Potential locations for solar panels on buildings details >

Salvage areas (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This stock contains salvage areas as established in the Environmental Vision of Groningen 2016-2020.

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Salvage areas (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Copernicus High Resolution Layer Grassland: Grassland 100 m, version 02 Open Data

Copernicus Land monitoring services — Detailed soil cover characteristics for the reference year 201

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Copernicus High Resolution Layer Grassland: Grassland 100 m, version 02 details >

Local charges; private households, 2006-2013 Open Data

This table contains data on local charges levied by municipalities and water boards in private house

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Local charges; private households, 2006-2013 details >

Prose Open Data

Prose (forecast Zaanstad) is a database of environmentally relevant traffic data on roads in Zaansta

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Prose details >

Weiwerd business park (Structuurvisie Eemsmond-Delfzijl) Open Data

This file contains the Weiwerd business park, as established in the Eemsmond-Delfzijl Structure Visi

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Weiwerd business park (Structuurvisie Eemsmond-Delfzijl) details >

Bag feedback Open Data

The BAG feedback service contains recent reports on information from the Basic Registration Addresse

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Bag feedback details >

Airport noise contours Open Data

This file contains the sound contours of the airports. The noise contours are based on the maximum u

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Airport noise contours details >

Sports fishing locations: trailer ramps, shops with angling and troutfish ponds Open Data

These are the locations of trailer slopes, fishing shops (including sea bait sales addresses) and tr

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Sports fishing locations: trailer ramps, shops with angling and troutfish ponds details >

Omgevingslawaai luchtvaart 's nachts L night 2016 Open Data

Met omgevingslawaai bedoelt men ongewenst of schadelijk geluid dat buitenshuis door menselijke activ

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Omgevingslawaai luchtvaart 's nachts L night 2016 details >

Income tax exemptions and deductions;private households, ‘06-’14 Open Data

This table provides data on exemptions and deductions of private households within income tax. This

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Income tax exemptions and deductions;private households, ‘06-’14 details >

Safety zone 1 provincial roads (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains the safety zone 1 provincial roads, as laid down in the Environmental Regulation

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Safety zone 1 provincial roads (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Spending share; spending categories, household characteristics: 2015, 2020 Open Data

This table shows the average spending shares of spending categories within the total expenditure of

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Spending share; spending categories, household characteristics: 2015, 2020 details >

Panic/disruption Open Data

Situations where panic in crowds and disruption of public order is foreseeable. The risk card shows

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Panic/disruption details >

Protection Area — Water Barrier Area (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains the protection zone of 25 meters (water defence zone) as established in the Envir

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Protection Area — Water Barrier Area (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Suitable habitat pollinators Open Data

The map shows the spatial distribution of suitable habitats for pollinators. As some pollinators onl

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Suitable habitat pollinators details >

Green ribbons Open Data

Green ribbons are those parts of the road villages where the statue is dominated by a combination of

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Green ribbons details >

Abbreviated balance sheets of investment funds by fund type (quarterly) Open Data

Balance sheet data by fund categories, volume of data; quarterly figures from 2008K4

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Abbreviated balance sheets of investment funds by fund type (quarterly) details >

Assets and liabilities of investment funds by sector and region (quarterly) Open Data

Assets and liabilities of investment funds by sector by quarter. Figures are available from 2008K4.

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Assets and liabilities of investment funds by sector and region (quarterly) details >

Balance sheet of investment funds (quarterly) Open Data

Balance sheet data of investment funds; volume of data; quarterly figures from 2008K4

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Balance sheet of investment funds (quarterly) details >

Number of investment funds by fund type (quarterly) Open Data

Number of investment funds by fund type, quarterly data from 2008K4

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Number of investment funds by fund type (quarterly) details >

Net investment in investment funds by fund type (quarterly) Open Data

Investments in investment funds distributed quarterly by fund type; quarterly figures from 2008k4

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Net investment in investment funds by fund type (quarterly) details >

Invested assets in investment funds by sector of the holder (quarterly) Open Data

Balance sheet total of investment funds distributed quarterly to the sector of the holder of the sha

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Invested assets in investment funds by sector of the holder (quarterly) details >

Net investment in investment funds by sector of the holder (quarterly) Open Data

Investments in investment funds distributed quarterly to the sector of the holder of the shareholdin

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Net investment in investment funds by sector of the holder (quarterly) details >

Return of investment funds by fund type Open Data

Return of investment funds by fund type per quarter

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Return of investment funds by fund type details >

Income and loss account of investment funds (quarterly) Open Data

Profit and loss account of investment funds per quarter

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Income and loss account of investment funds (quarterly) details >

Dutch net investment in foreign investment funds; by country of establishment investment fund... Open Data

Dutch investments in foreign investment funds distributed by country of the funds; quarterly figures

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Dutch net investment in foreign investment funds; by country of establishment investment fund... details >

Dutch net investment in foreign investment funds; by sector of the holder (quarterly) Open Data

Dutch investments in foreign investment funds divided by sector of the holder and by country of the

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Dutch net investment in foreign investment funds; by sector of the holder (quarterly) details >

Dutch capital invested in foreign investment funds; by country of establishment investment fund... Open Data

Balance sheet total of Dutch investments in foreign investment funds distributed by country of the f

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Dutch capital invested in foreign investment funds; by country of establishment investment fund... details >

Dutch capital invested in foreign investment funds; by sector of the holder (quarterly) Open Data

Dutch investments in foreign investment funds divided by sector of the holder and by country of the

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Dutch capital invested in foreign investment funds; by sector of the holder (quarterly) details >

Waste bins Stadsdeel Centrum Open Data

Overview of all waste bins in the Centrum district. One-off status quo (2013)

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Waste bins Stadsdeel Centrum details >

Wall Plants Open Data

Canal walls, quay walls, bridges, locks and ground are examined every two years for the presence of

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Wall Plants details >

Amsterdam under fire in WWII Open Data

The Amsterdam City Archives created this file to make clear where and when bombs fell on Amsterdam i

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Amsterdam under fire in WWII details >

Exhibitions Open Data

All exhibitions in Amsterdam and surroundings such as these are managed by Amsterdam Marketing. This

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Exhibitions details >

Intruders flexible peel; personal characteristics, 2007-2017 Open Data

This table provides data on the number of persons aged 15-74 entering the flexible shell in one year

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Intruders flexible peel; personal characteristics, 2007-2017 details >

Household spending; categories of expenditure Open Data

This table shows the average expenditure of private households, broken down by expenditure categorie

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Household spending; categories of expenditure details >

TOP250NL Open Data

TOP250NL is a digital object-oriented topographic file created by means of a conversion from EuroReg

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TOP250NL details >

Old dikes (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains old dikes as defined in the Environment Ordinance of the Province of Groningen 20

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Old dikes (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Water barrier zone (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains the water barrier zone as set out in the Environmental Regulation of the Province

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Water barrier zone (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Number of children (2-6 years) per km² in older homes Open Data

The map shows the number of children (2-6 years) per km² living in older homes and may therefore be

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Number of children (2-6 years) per km² in older homes details >

Current Air Quality Index (LKI) in the Netherlands Open Data

This map shows the current status of air quality in the Netherlands. This information is refreshed e

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Current Air Quality Index (LKI) in the Netherlands details >

Emergency Salvation Areas (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains emergency salvage areas as defined in the Environmental Regulation of the Provinc

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Emergency Salvation Areas (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Household consumption expenditure; national accounts, 2015=100 Open Data

This table contains figures on domestic consumption expenditure (including VAT) of households in val

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Household consumption expenditure; national accounts, 2015=100 details >

Mercury (Hg) emissions to soil 2014 Open Data

Mercury (Hg) emissions to soil from all sources in 2014 in kg per year. Emission Registration 1990-2

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Mercury (Hg) emissions to soil 2014 details >

Spending; household consumption 1995-2019 Open Data

This table contains figures on household spending in value and volume. The figures are broken down b

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Spending; household consumption 1995-2019 details >

Geologically Valuable Areas Open Data

The term geological values is used as a collective name for geomorphological, geological, soil or ge

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Geologically Valuable Areas details >

Genetic structure Dutch Hamster population (Cricetus cricetus) Open Data

What do you see? The map shows the potential and current habitat of the hamster (Cricetus cricetus)

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Genetic structure Dutch Hamster population (Cricetus cricetus) details >

Spending; household characteristics, spending categories: 2015, 2020 Open Data

This table shows the average total expenditure of private households, broken down by household chara

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Spending; household characteristics, spending categories: 2015, 2020 details >

Biomass agricultural area — stem and leaf residues Open Data

What’s there to see? The map shows the total potential amount (tonnes per year) of biomass from stem

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Biomass agricultural area — stem and leaf residues details >

Welfare Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

The municipality can determine that a construction plan must meet the reasonable requirements of pro

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Welfare Municipality of Koggenland details >

Lead post Open Data

Prepared locations for reception and guidance of assistance units

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Lead post details >

Consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness to buy; corrected Open Data

This table contains (season) corrected data on Dutch consumers’ views and expectations regarding gen

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Consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness to buy; corrected details >

Essen (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains ash as set out in the Environmental Regulation of the Province of Groningen 2016.

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Essen (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Fire Department Open Data

The locations of the fire stations in the IJsselland Safety Region

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Fire Department details >

Noise- Noise Tax Provincial Roads (etmaal) Open Data

Under the EU Environmental Noise Directive, the noise pollution caused by traffic on the provincial

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Noise- Noise Tax Provincial Roads (etmaal) details >

Consumer confidence, economic environment and willingness to buy: uncorrected Open Data

This table contains uncorrected data on Dutch consumers’ views and expectations of general economic

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Consumer confidence, economic environment and willingness to buy: uncorrected details >

Carbon sequestration in the soil without tillage Open Data

What do you see? This map shows the potential carbon sequestration in the soil when implementing the

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Carbon sequestration in the soil without tillage details >

Brook valleys 2005 Open Data

Snail file location of brook valleys.

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Brook valleys 2005 details >

Electromagnetisch veld hoogspanningsleidingen Open Data

Een hoogspanningsleiding is een elektriciteitsleiding die wordt gebruikt voor het vervoer van elekt

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Electromagnetisch veld hoogspanningsleidingen details >

Consumer confidence; household characteristics Open Data

This table contains uncorrected data on Dutch consumers’ views and expectations of general economic

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Consumer confidence; household characteristics details >

Physical suitability of vegetables Open Data

This card shows the soil suitability for each cell (10X10 m or 1a) for a specific crop. This soil su

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Physical suitability of vegetables details >

Consumer confidence; personal characteristics Open Data

This table contains uncorrected data on Dutch consumers’ views and expectations of general economic

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Consumer confidence; personal characteristics details >

Groen - Groenstructuurvisie Open Data

De groenstructuurvisie geeft de ontwikkelingsrichting van de groenstructuur per wijk aan voor de aan

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Groen - Groenstructuurvisie details >

Consumer confidence; regional characteristics Open Data

This table contains uncorrected data on Dutch consumers’ views and expectations of general economic

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Consumer confidence; regional characteristics details >

Historically wet areas Open Data

The low-lying historical wetlands.

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Historically wet areas details >

Measuring locations water quantity Waterschap Rivierenland Open Data

Within the water board, many surface water levels and groundwater levels are measured. The map shows

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Measuring locations water quantity Waterschap Rivierenland details >

Structure vision RO, Ambition map, planes Open Data

The province also reflects the ambitions for the development of landscape quality in the area passpo

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Structure vision RO, Ambition map, planes details >

Sulphur oxides (as SO2) emissions to air 2014 Open Data

Sulphur oxides (as SO2) emissions to air from all sources in 2014 in kg/km² per year. Emission Regis

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Sulphur oxides (as SO2) emissions to air 2014 details >

Household income; income components, household characteristics Open Data

This table provides data on the composition of the income of private households. The data can be bro

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Household income; income components, household characteristics details >

Neighbourhoods municipality of Koggenland Open Data

This map contains all neighborhoods of Koggenland Municipality as of 1 January 2019

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Neighbourhoods municipality of Koggenland details > - swimming spot Open Data informs about the hygiene and safety of outdoor swimming spots. Swimming spots are desi

Issued on - swimming spot details >

GES; Sensitive destinations due to hazardous substances Open Data

Place-based risk contours due to hazardous substances have been translated into GES (Health Effect S

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GES; Sensitive destinations due to hazardous substances details >

Household income; income classes, household characteristics Open Data

This table contains figures on the income of private households. The data can be broken down by inco

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Household income; income classes, household characteristics details >

Outdoor pitches Open Data

The dataset contains the limits of the nationally protected outdoor spaces that the National Cultura

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Outdoor pitches details >

Household Income Assessment 1985-2011 Open Data

This table contains figures on the minimum household income considered necessary; living with househ

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Household Income Assessment 1985-2011 details >

BP VIG historie 2004 tot september 2013 Open Data

Momentopname van Vigerende bestemmingsplannen met een koppeling naar de analoge, dus nog niet digita

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BP VIG historie 2004 tot september 2013 details >

National Regional Trails Open Data

Existing network of National Regional Paths. In the Netherlands there are 18 regional paths from 80

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National Regional Trails details >

Inequality in income and wealth; households Open Data

This table contains figures on the income and wealth inequality of households in the Netherlands. Di

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Inequality in income and wealth; households details >

Transport of dangerous goods (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains roads as referred to in Article 23(1) of the Dangerous Substances Transport Act (

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Transport of dangerous goods (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Recognizable Exchange Lot Administrative Character RAK Appingedam-Delfzijl Open Data

This stock contains areas with recognizable plotting within the boundary of the RAK (administrative

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Recognizable Exchange Lot Administrative Character RAK Appingedam-Delfzijl details >

Economic independence persons 15 years up to AOW age; features Open Data

This table contains figures on the degree of economic independence of persons aged 15 to AOW. This i

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Economic independence persons 15 years up to AOW age; features details >

Sound contours Wet Noiseshinder Spoor 2020 Open Data

In 2009, the municipality of Koggenland had a scan of the noise pollution caused by rail traffic. Th

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Sound contours Wet Noiseshinder Spoor 2020 details >

Sound in the Netherlands (Lcum) Open Data

This map shows the calculated noise load for the whole of the Netherlands, at a resolution of 10 met

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Sound in the Netherlands (Lcum) details >

Beekdal Open Data

Stream valleys include the more flattened valley bottoms on either side of the streams in Limburg as

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Beekdal details >

Sound contours Living and living climate RO key with buildings Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

In 2015, the municipality of Koggenland had a scan of the noise pollution caused by road traffic. Th

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Sound contours Living and living climate RO key with buildings Municipality of Koggenland details >
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