Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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WMO clients; type of custom arrangement, personal characteristics, region Open Data

This table shows the number of clients with a tailor-made arrangement within the framework of the So

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WMO clients; type of custom arrangement, personal characteristics, region details >

Environment Regulation- Cold-heat storage (KWO) free zone Open Data

The cold-heat-storage-free zone is the groundwater protection area where the groundwater can be at a

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Environment Regulation- Cold-heat storage (KWO) free zone details >

Environmental Regulation- Functions dependent on good water management (flats) Open Data

The water functions surfaces(Protection Zone Wet Land Nature, Wet Land Nature, Water as Beverer, Hig

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Environmental Regulation- Functions dependent on good water management (flats) details >

Amplitude of the tide Open Data

Amplitude of the tide: 1) Difference between NLLAT2018 and NLGEO2018 2) Difference between NLLAT201

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Amplitude of the tide details >

Hospitalisations; gender, age and diagnosis classification ISHMT, 1981-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of hospitalisations (clinical recordings and from 1993 als

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Hospitalisations; gender, age and diagnosis classification ISHMT, 1981-2012 details >

Hospitalisations; gender, age and diagnostic classification VTV, 1981-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of hospitalisations (clinical recordings and from 1993 als

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Hospitalisations; gender, age and diagnostic classification VTV, 1981-2012 details >

Hospital patients; gender, age and diagnosis, 1995-2010 Open Data

This table contains data on persons with hospitalisations among the registered population of the Net

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Hospital patients; gender, age and diagnosis, 1995-2010 details >

Hospital patients by gender, age, diagnosis and income, 1997-2004 Open Data

Persons with hospitalisations among the registered population of The Netherlands by gender, age, dia

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Hospital patients by gender, age, diagnosis and income, 1997-2004 details >

Deaths during clinical recordings; diagnosis-classification Beldozo, 1981-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of deaths during clinical hospitalisations, corresponding

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Deaths during clinical recordings; diagnosis-classification Beldozo, 1981-2012 details >

Deaths during clinical recordings; diagnosis classification ISHMT, 1981-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of deaths during clinical hospitalisations, corresponding

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Deaths during clinical recordings; diagnosis classification ISHMT, 1981-2012 details >

Birth; key figures fertility, mother’s age, region Open Data

This table contains figures on live born children among the population of the Netherlands. The data

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Birth; key figures fertility, mother’s age, region details >

Deaths during clinical recordings; diagnostic format VTV, 1981-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of deaths during clinical hospitalisations, corresponding

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Deaths during clinical recordings; diagnostic format VTV, 1981-2012 details >

Operations in the hospital; type of admission, age and sex, 1995-2010 Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of operations carried out in Dutch hospitals in clinical a

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Operations in the hospital; type of admission, age and sex, 1995-2010 details >

Death after 1st hospitalisation, by gender, age and Beldo diagnosis. Open Data

Death within 1 year of first hospitalisation of persons in the registered population of the Netherla

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Death after 1st hospitalisation, by gender, age and Beldo diagnosis. details >

Mortality after 1st hospitalisation, by gender, age and VTV diagnosis Open Data

Death within 1 year of first hospitalisation of persons in the registered population of the Netherla

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Mortality after 1st hospitalisation, by gender, age and VTV diagnosis details >

Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009 Open Data

This table shows the results of the results of the annual health survey on the use of medical facili

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Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009 details >

Use social domain services; number of facilities, neighbourhoods 2015 Open Data

This table shows the number of clients and the number of households with one or more services in the

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Use social domain services; number of facilities, neighbourhoods 2015 details >

Hospitalisations of persons up to 50 years of age; gender and origin grouping Open Data

Hospitalisations of persons up to 50 years of age gender and origin grouping 1995-2001 Amended on 28

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Hospitalisations of persons up to 50 years of age; gender and origin grouping details >

Health expenditure internat. similar; providers, financing, 2005-2016 Open Data

This table shows the expenditure on health care used by residents of the Netherlands in one year. He

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Health expenditure internat. similar; providers, financing, 2005-2016 details >

Healthcare expenditures comparable internationally; functions, providers, 2005-2016 Open Data

This table shows the expenditure on health care used by residents of the Netherlands in one year. He

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Healthcare expenditures comparable internationally; functions, providers, 2005-2016 details >

Healthcare expenditures comparable internationally; functions, financing,2005-2016 Open Data

This table shows the expenditure on health care used by residents of the Netherlands in one year. He

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Healthcare expenditures comparable internationally; functions, financing,2005-2016 details >

Stillborn children; mother’s age, characteristics of birth Open Data

This table contains information on stillborn children after gestational durations of 24+ weeks and 2

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Stillborn children; mother’s age, characteristics of birth details >

Health expenditure; key figures, 1998-2016 Open Data

This table provides data on expenditure on care at actual prices, presenting four approaches: Care

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Health expenditure; key figures, 1998-2016 details >

Jobs and companies in some health care classes, 1995-2005 Open Data

This table shows how many jobs and companies there are they are in some health care classes. Changes

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Jobs and companies in some health care classes, 1995-2005 details >

Financial flows in healthcare; final financing, 1998-2016 Open Data

This table describes where the money spent on care comes from. The money flows from the “funding sou

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Financial flows in healthcare; final financing, 1998-2016 details >

Financial flows in healthcare; final financing, 1998-2012 Open Data

This table describes where the money spent on care comes from. The flow of money runs from the ‘fund

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Financial flows in healthcare; final financing, 1998-2012 details >

Financial flows in healthcare; final financing; 1998-2012 Open Data

This table describes where the money spent on care comes from. The flow of money runs from the ‘fund

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Financial flows in healthcare; final financing; 1998-2012 details >

Mergers and job growth in some healthcare business classes, 1995-2004 Open Data

Mergers and job growth over a longer period of time, between some health care classes. 1995/'04 Amen

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Mergers and job growth in some healthcare business classes, 1995-2004 details >

Health care costs and financing Open Data

Costs of health care by part of the care, mode of financing health care and indices important 1990-2

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Health care costs and financing details >

Energy consumption of homes; type of house, surface area, year of construction and occupancy Open Data

This table contains figures on the average energy consumption per house (natural gas and electricity

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Energy consumption of homes; type of house, surface area, year of construction and occupancy details >

Healthcare institutions; finance, staff, production, cap., SBI'93, 2006-2009 Open Data

This table contains information on the loss and profit account, balance sheet, investments, staff de

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Healthcare institutions; finance, staff, production, cap., SBI'93, 2006-2009 details >

Care rack.; expenditure (current, constant prices), financing, 1998-2013 Open Data

This table contains data on financial flows in healthcare and welfare at current and constant prices

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Care rack.; expenditure (current, constant prices), financing, 1998-2013 details >

Healthcare accounts; key figures and expenditure according to various classifications Open Data

System of health statistics. In recent years, intensive consideration has been given to a coherent w

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Healthcare accounts; key figures and expenditure according to various classifications details >

Birth; fertility, migration background and mother generation Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of children born alive, the average age of the mother at t

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Birth; fertility, migration background and mother generation details >

Health accounts by source of funding, division of functions and actors Open Data

System of health statistics. In recent years, intensive consideration has been given to a coherent w

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Health accounts by source of funding, division of functions and actors details >

Healthcare accounts; Estimation of key figures of health and welfare care Open Data

This table has expired

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Healthcare accounts; Estimation of key figures of health and welfare care details >

Healthcare accounts; expenditure and financing 1972-2013 Open Data

In this table you will find figures on the expenditure and financing of health and welfare care from

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Healthcare accounts; expenditure and financing 1972-2013 details >

Healthcare accounts; expenditure on healthcare providers, source of funding, 1998-2013 Open Data

This table provides information on the expenditure to health and welfare providers. These expenditur

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Healthcare accounts; expenditure on healthcare providers, source of funding, 1998-2013 details >

Healthcare accounts; employment (jobs, wages and working years), 2001-2013 Open Data

This table describes employment related to health and well-being spending. Health and welfare care i

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Healthcare accounts; employment (jobs, wages and working years), 2001-2013 details >

Health expenditure; healthcare providers and source of funding, 1998-2016 Open Data

This table contains data on expenditure on care at actual prices. These expenditures are broken down

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Health expenditure; healthcare providers and source of funding, 1998-2016 details >

Health expenditure in three approaches; healthcare providers, 1998-2016 Open Data

This table provides data on expenditure on care at actual prices, presenting expenditure to groups o

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Health expenditure in three approaches; healthcare providers, 1998-2016 details >

Health expenditure internat. similar; providers, financing, 2005-2013 Open Data

This table shows the expenditure on health care used by residents of the Netherlands in one year. He

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Health expenditure internat. similar; providers, financing, 2005-2013 details >

Healthcare expenditures comparable internationally; features, Providers, 2005-2013 Open Data

This table shows the expenditure on health care used by residents of the Netherlands in one year. He

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Healthcare expenditures comparable internationally; features, Providers, 2005-2013 details >

Health expenditure internat. similar; functions, financing, 2005-2013 Open Data

This table shows the expenditure on health care used by residents of the Netherlands in one year. He

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Health expenditure internat. similar; functions, financing, 2005-2013 details >

Living born children; migration background mother and age mother Open Data

This table contains data on live born children by maternal characteristics (migration background, ge

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Living born children; migration background mother and age mother details >

Uninsured against medical expenses; 1995-2005 Open Data

Administrative population, insured persons against sickness costs, sickness fund — private and publi

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Uninsured against medical expenses; 1995-2005 details >

Uninsured against medical expenses; GGD region, 2006-2010 Open Data

This table shows the number of uninsured against health costs at a reference date, broken down by GG

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Uninsured against medical expenses; GGD region, 2006-2010 details >

Uninsured against medical expenses; origin, 2006-2010 Open Data

This table shows the number of uninsured persons against medical expenses at a reference date, broke

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Uninsured against medical expenses; origin, 2006-2010 details >

Uninsured against medical expenses; age, gender, 2006-2010 Open Data

This table shows the number of uninsured persons against medical expenses at a reference date, broke

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Uninsured against medical expenses; age, gender, 2006-2010 details >

Uninsured against medical expenses; other characteristics, 2006-2010 Open Data

This table shows the number of uninsured persons against medical expenses at a reference date. The d

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Uninsured against medical expenses; other characteristics, 2006-2010 details >

Uninsured against medical expenses; province, 2006-2010 Open Data

This table shows the number of uninsured persons against medical expenses at a reference date, broke

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Uninsured against medical expenses; province, 2006-2010 details >

Causes of death; month and year of death, 1995-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the causes of death of deceased residents of the Netherlands. The fig

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Causes of death; month and year of death, 1995-2012 details >

Outpatient mind. (AGGZ); staff, institutions, 1985-1997 Open Data

AGGZ — institutions, offices, office addresses, persons employed, occupied jobs (by doctors, etc.),

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Outpatient mind. (AGGZ); staff, institutions, 1985-1997 details >

Mental health care; operation, 2000-2005 Open Data

Number of institutions, loss and profit data (business result, financial result, provisions, extraor

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Mental health care; operation, 2000-2005 details >

Mental health care; operation, 1998-1999 Open Data

Institutions, operating proceeds, — costs and balances, reserve acceptable costs of mental health in

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Mental health care; operation, 1998-1999 details >

Living born children; mother’s age, order birth from mother Open Data

This table contains figures on live-born children by mother’s age at 31 December (numbers per thousa

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Living born children; mother’s age, order birth from mother details >

General data semi — murals for disabled persons, 1985-1995 Open Data

Institutions, places, care days and occupied jobs to living facilities and to day provision. 1985-1

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General data semi — murals for disabled persons, 1985-1995 details >

Disability care; personnel and Operations, 2001-2004 Open Data

Capacity (number of places), production (number of nursing days and day-to-day operations), operatin

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Disability care; personnel and Operations, 2001-2004 details >

Water for aquatic nature Open Data

The map shows the nature value of wet and humid ecosystems in the Netherlands. The map is based on o

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Water for aquatic nature details >

Shortage of fresh surface water for agriculture — average year Open Data

Fresh surface water is used by agriculture for irrigation of agricultural crops. For this purpose, D

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Shortage of fresh surface water for agriculture — average year details >

Institutions for mentally handicapped persons, 1985-2001 Open Data

Settings, places/beds, patient gradient, production, active people, occupied jobs and investments. 1

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Institutions for mentally handicapped persons, 1985-2001 details >

Irrigation water — Location irrigation abstractions from groundwater and surface water Open Data

De kaartenset ‘irrigatiewater’ bestaat uit een combinatie van de volgende drie kaartlagen:

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Irrigation water — Location irrigation abstractions from groundwater and surface water details >

Shortage of fresh surface water for agriculture — extremely dry year Open Data

Fresh surface water is used by agriculture for irrigation of agricultural crops. For this purpose, D

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Shortage of fresh surface water for agriculture — extremely dry year details >

Thanks -Use and need for freshwater for various functions: Distribution points main water system... Open Data

The map shows the main taps of the main water system. These are: —The points of water that are distr

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Thanks -Use and need for freshwater for various functions: Distribution points main water system... details >

Pharmacies; loss and profit, personnel and investment, 1994-2011 Open Data

Key figures of pharmacies, with data on the number of employees and operating and investment data.

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Pharmacies; loss and profit, personnel and investment, 1994-2011 details >

Ambulance services; personnel and Operations, 1997-2004 Open Data

Ambulance services and Central ambulance transport posts (CPA); number of — len, personnel data (FTE

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Ambulance services; personnel and Operations, 1997-2004 details >

Ambulance services; operation and personnel, 1997-1999 Open Data

Number of ambulance services, personnel data (FTEs), operating income and — charges. 1997-1999 Amend

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Ambulance services; operation and personnel, 1997-1999 details >

Carrying capacity — Minimum foundation depth Open Data

The depth of the Pleistocene sand often indicates, but not always, what the minimum length of founda

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Carrying capacity — Minimum foundation depth details >

Ambulance services and CPA; loss/profit, press, cap. and prod. 2004-2012 Open Data

This table contains information on loss and profit accounts, personnel, production and capacity of c

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Ambulance services and CPA; loss/profit, press, cap. and prod. 2004-2012 details >

Protection against flooding Open Data

Dunes and salt marshes are natural systems that directly or indirectly contribute to the protection

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Protection against flooding details >

Water purifying effect soil organisms Wadden Sea Open Data

The map shows contribution to the water purifying effect by filtration by mussels in the Wadden Sea

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Water purifying effect soil organisms Wadden Sea details >

Occupational health care and reintegration; operation, staff, 2004-2008 Open Data

This table contains information on the loss and profit account, the personnel and production of comp

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Occupational health care and reintegration; operation, staff, 2004-2008 details >

Care rooms; type of care accommodation, region Open Data

The table contains data on the number of residential areas on 1 January. Care housing spaces are res

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Care rooms; type of care accommodation, region details >

Plant protection products in agriculture; active substance, crop, application Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of plant protection products in agriculture. More specificall

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Plant protection products in agriculture; active substance, crop, application details >

Life expectancy at the age of 0 and 65 years; gender, region, 1996-2019 Open Data

This table shows the calculated life expectancy at municipal, GGD and national levels over the perio

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Life expectancy at the age of 0 and 65 years; gender, region, 1996-2019 details >

Mortality indicators by cause of death; gender, region, 1996-2019 Open Data

This table contains indicators on mortality, based on the number of deaths by cause of death for the

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Mortality indicators by cause of death; gender, region, 1996-2019 details >

The dead by cause of death; gender, age, region, 1996-2019 Open Data

This table shows the number of deaths by age and gender for municipalities, GGDs and the Netherlands

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The dead by cause of death; gender, age, region, 1996-2019 details >

District and Neighborhood Card 2021 version 2 Open Data

The File District and Neighborhood Map 2021 contains the geometry of all municipalities, neighbourho

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District and Neighborhood Card 2021 version 2 details >

Occupational health services and occupational health services — consulting firms; staff and Finance,... Open Data

Personal and financial data; employed persons, jobs by occupation, operating income, — charges and o

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Occupational health services and occupational health services — consulting firms; staff and Finance,... details >

Indicators on labour; young people 0 to 27 years old, regions Open Data

This table provides information on a selection of topics related to the employment of young people f

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Indicators on labour; young people 0 to 27 years old, regions details >

Indicators on young people and families; young people 0 to 25 years old, regions Open Data

This table provides information on a selection of topics related to young people and family from the

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Indicators on young people and families; young people 0 to 25 years old, regions details >

Connecting zone according to UNCLOS — North Sea Open Data

Connecting zone of the Netherlands

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Connecting zone according to UNCLOS — North Sea details >

EEZ according to UNCLOS — North Sea Open Data

Exclusive Economic Zone of the Netherlands

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EEZ according to UNCLOS — North Sea details >

Blood banks/blood supply; operation and personnel, 1985-2005 Open Data

Number of institutions, operating income and expenses, operating profit, income and expenses, person

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Blood banks/blood supply; operation and personnel, 1985-2005 details >

Bro — Ground water mirror depth Model for the Netherlands (50x50 meters grid) Open Data

This BRO registration object, the ‘Model Groundwater Mirror Depth’, is land cover and relates to the

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Bro — Ground water mirror depth Model for the Netherlands (50x50 meters grid) details >

Parking areas Open Data

Fixed parking zones and rates. The rates are per 59 minutes

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Parking areas details >

Living born children; father’s age, rank number mother Open Data

This table contains figures on live born children and live born first children from the mother by ag

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Living born children; father’s age, rank number mother details >

GGD; finance and staff, 2001-2012 Open Data

This table contains data on the staff and profit and loss account of Municipal or Common Health Serv

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GGD; finance and staff, 2001-2012 details >

Municipal Health Service (GGD); personnel and Operations, 1985-2000 Open Data

Personnel, company premises, — burdens (e.g. by type and type of business) type of cost). Data only

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Municipal Health Service (GGD); personnel and Operations, 1985-2000 details >

Medical laboratories, thrombosis services, blood banks; staff, 2004-2008 Open Data

Medical laboratories, blood banks and other institutions treatment support research; staff 2004-2008

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Medical laboratories, thrombosis services, blood banks; staff, 2004-2008 details >

Medical laboratories, thrombosis services, blood banks; operation,2004-2008 Open Data

This publication contains information on the operation of companies with a of the following main act

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Medical laboratories, thrombosis services, blood banks; operation,2004-2008 details >

Thrombosis services; production, Patients, Blood Loss, 1998-2012 Open Data

This table contains data on thrombosis services by type (self-employed, laboratory and hospital thro

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Thrombosis services; production, Patients, Blood Loss, 1998-2012 details >

Self-employed thrombosis services; loss and profit account, 2001-2004 Open Data

Self-employed thrombosis services; Labor data, loss and profit accounts. 2001-2004 Amended on 19 Apr

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Self-employed thrombosis services; loss and profit account, 2001-2004 details >

Self-employed thrombosis services; labour data, 2001-2002 Open Data

Self-employed thrombosis services: staff on payroll, staff not on payroll (hours) 2001-2002 Amended

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Self-employed thrombosis services; labour data, 2001-2002 details >

Self-employed thrombosis services; operating data, 1992-1999 Open Data

Self-employed thrombosis services; operating costs operating revenues and operating balance. 992 to

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Self-employed thrombosis services; operating data, 1992-1999 details >

Self-employed thrombosis services; personnel and patients, 1985-1999 Open Data

Self-employed thrombosis services: institutions, payroll staff, staff not on payroll (hours), patien

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Self-employed thrombosis services; personnel and patients, 1985-1999 details >

Physiotherapist practices; operating income and expenses, 1987-2003 Open Data

Operating expenses and — income and operating balance of physiotherapist practices. 1987-2003 Amende

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Physiotherapist practices; operating income and expenses, 1987-2003 details >

Living born children; birth generation women and mother’s age Open Data

This table contains data on live born children per year of birth of the woman, by mother’s age, orde

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Living born children; birth generation women and mother’s age details >

Practices of physiotherapists; operation, 2002-2007 Open Data

This table provides information on the exploitation of practices of physiotherapists. CBS collects

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Practices of physiotherapists; operation, 2002-2007 details >

Practices of midwives; operation, 2002-2007 Open Data

This table provides information on the exploitation of practices of midwives. CBS collects business

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Practices of midwives; operation, 2002-2007 details >
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