Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Government balance sheet; assets and liabilities 2001-2016 Open Data

This table contains data on the (final) balance sheet of the general government sector. This provide

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Government balance sheet; assets and liabilities 2001-2016 details >

Government consumption; functions, sectors 1995-2016 Open Data

This table provides data on government consumption by policy area of the government sector. For the

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Government consumption; functions, sectors 1995-2016 details >

Public finances; key figures 1995-2017 Open Data

This table contains some important data on the government sector’s finances. The terms used are in l

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Public finances; key figures 1995-2017 details >

Government balance and debt 1990-2010 Open Data

This table shows the evolution of the balance and debt of the government (also known as EMU balance

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Government balance and debt 1990-2010 details >

Government expenditure; to positions 1995-2016 Open Data

This table provides data on expenditure by policy area of the general government sector. For the cla

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Government expenditure; to positions 1995-2016 details >

Household resources and expenditure 1995-2012 Open Data

This table shows household income, expenditure and savings. Households are divided by their main sou

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Household resources and expenditure 1995-2012 details >

Unit labour costs; N°, 1996-2017 Open Data

This table provides data on the evolution of unit labour costs (wage costs consist of compensation o

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Unit labour costs; N°, 1996-2017 details >

Key figures for growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2012 Open Data

This table contains the (still experimental) results of the Dutch growth accounts. The growth accoun

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Key figures for growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2012 details >

Growth accounts 1995-2009 Open Data

Growth accounts and multifactor productivity by industries and — classes 1995-2009 Amended on 09 Dec

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Growth accounts 1995-2009 details >

Growth accounts; capital stock of goods 1988-2012 Open Data

This table contains information on the stock of capital goods. This reflects the stock of capital go

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Growth accounts; capital stock of goods 1988-2012 details >

The dead; gender, age and position in the household Open Data

This table contains figures on the number of persons deceased by gender, age at 31 December and the

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The dead; gender, age and position in the household details >

Growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2016 Open Data

This table contains the (still experimental) results of the Dutch growth accounts. The growth accoun

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Growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2016 details >

Capital stock of goods; national accounts 1995-2016 Open Data

This table is followed by capital goods for 1995-2017. See paragraph 3. This table contains informa

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Capital stock of goods; national accounts 1995-2016 details >

Capital goods stock 1969-2009 Open Data

This table contains information on the stock of capital goods. Here, from different business classes

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Capital goods stock 1969-2009 details >

Key environmental figures; national Accounts, 2001-2013 Open Data

This table contains key figures from the environmental accounts and the National Accounts. The contr

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Key environmental figures; national Accounts, 2001-2013 details >

Key environmental economic figures; NAMEA Open Data

This table with key environmental economic figures shows by industry in one overview to: contributio

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Key environmental economic figures; NAMEA details >

Environmental accounts; key figures 1995-2012 Open Data

This table of key figures from the environmental accounts and the national accounts shows the contri

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Environmental accounts; key figures 1995-2012 details >

Waste balance, key figures; national accounts, 1990-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the amount of waste that is released (origin) and where it goes (dest

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Waste balance, key figures; national accounts, 1990-2012 details >

Waste, origin and destination; national accounts, 1990-2010 Open Data

In this table you will find figures on the origin and destination of hazardous and non-hazardous was

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Waste, origin and destination; national accounts, 1990-2010 details >

Waste balance, type of waste by sector; national accounts, 2008-2012 Open Data

This table contains figures on the amount of waste released (origin) and where it goes (destination)

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Waste balance, type of waste by sector; national accounts, 2008-2012 details >

Emissions to air, origin and destination; national Accounts,1990-2013 Open Data

In this table you will find the air emission accounts, which is part of the environmental accounts c

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Emissions to air, origin and destination; national Accounts,1990-2013 details >

Perinatal and infant mortality of single-children; birth weight Open Data

This table contains key figures on perinatal and infant mortality in single-children of mothers enro

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Perinatal and infant mortality of single-children; birth weight details >

Emissions to water, origin and destination; national accounts 1995-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on the origin and destination of emissions to water of fertilising s

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Emissions to water, origin and destination; national accounts 1995-2012 details >

Environmental taxes and levies; proceeds to payment 1987-2012 Open Data

Various taxes and levies have been set up by the government to support and finance environmental pol

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Environmental taxes and levies; proceeds to payment 1987-2012 details >

Environmental accounts; origin and destination of waste Open Data

As part of the Environmental Accounts, CBS annually draws up the waste accounts together. Find out w

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Environmental accounts; origin and destination of waste details >

Environmental accounts; emissions to air 1990-2009 Open Data

As part of the environmental accounts, CBS annually draws up the air emission accounts together. Her

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Environmental accounts; emissions to air 1990-2009 details >

Environmental accounts; emissions to water, origin and destination 1995-2010 Open Data

This table provides information on the origin and destination of emissions to water of fertilising s

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Environmental accounts; emissions to water, origin and destination 1995-2010 details >

Environmental accounts; emissions to water; 1995-2008 Open Data

As part of the environmental accounts, CBS annually draws up the water emission accounts together. H

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Environmental accounts; emissions to water; 1995-2008 details >

Environmental accounts; net energy consumption, 1990-2011 Open Data

This table contains data on the (physical) net energy consumption by Dutch economic activities. A di

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Environmental accounts; net energy consumption, 1990-2011 details >

Environmental accounts; water use 2003-2011 Open Data

This table contains data from the water accounts, which is part of the environmental accounts that C

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Environmental accounts; water use 2003-2011 details >

Environmental accounts; water use 2003-2008 Open Data

As part of the environmental accounts, CBS annually draws up the water bills together. Here you can

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Environmental accounts; water use 2003-2008 details >

Environmental sector; volume of labour and value added, activities, 1995-2011 Open Data

This table presents economic data for the environmental sector. The volume of labour, production and

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Environmental sector; volume of labour and value added, activities, 1995-2011 details >

Infant mortality of single-children; %ile Open Data

This table contains key figures on infant mortality in live birth single-children of mothers who are

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Infant mortality of single-children; %ile details >

Environmental sector; activities, 1995-2010 Open Data

This table presents economic data for the environmental sector. The volume of labour, production and

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Environmental sector; activities, 1995-2010 details >

Environmental sector; industries, 1995-2010 Open Data

This table presents economic data for the environmental sector. The volume of labour, production and

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Environmental sector; industries, 1995-2010 details >

Environmental sector by industry; national accounts, 2001-2012 Open Data

This table presents economic data for the environmental sector. The volume of labour, production and

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Environmental sector by industry; national accounts, 2001-2012 details >

Environmental sector; volume of labour and value added, industry, 1995-2011 Open Data

This table presents economic data for the environmental sector. The volume of labour, production and

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Environmental sector; volume of labour and value added, industry, 1995-2011 details >

Environmental taxes, taxes and disposal contributions;1987-2009 Open Data

To support and finance environmental policy by the government imposes various levies and taxes. The

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Environmental taxes, taxes and disposal contributions;1987-2009 details >

Extraction, import and export of materials by type; nat. accounts, 1996-2012 Open Data

This table shows data on all materials entering or leaving the Dutch economy through import, export

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Extraction, import and export of materials by type; nat. accounts, 1996-2012 details >

Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011 Open Data

Regional accounts provide a link to the national accounts quantitative description of the economic p

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Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011 details >

Key regional figures; national Accounts 2010-2016 Open Data

Regional accounts shall provide a quantitative description of the economic process of regions within

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Key regional figures; national Accounts 2010-2016 details >

Economic growth; GDP and value-added changes in volume; no 1996-2017 Open Data

Regional accounts shall provide a quantitative description of the economic process of regions within

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Economic growth; GDP and value-added changes in volume; no 1996-2017 details >

Income account sector households, region; national accounts 1995-2015 Open Data

The regional accounts for households in this table descriptive primary and secondary distribution of

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Income account sector households, region; national accounts 1995-2015 details >

Perinatal and infant mortality; migration background and various characteristics Open Data

This table contains key figures on perinatal and infant mortality in children of mothers enrolled in

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Perinatal and infant mortality; migration background and various characteristics details >

Investments in fixed assets by industry, region; No. 1995-2015 Open Data

This table gives an overview of gross fixed capital formation (according to the ownership criterion)

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Investments in fixed assets by industry, region; No. 1995-2015 details >

Investments in fixed assets by sectors 2008-2011 Open Data

This table gives an overview of gross fixed capital formations (according to the ownership criterion

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Investments in fixed assets by sectors 2008-2011 details >

Investments in fixed assets by type; national accounts 1995-2015 Open Data

This table gives an overview of gross fixed capital formation (according to the ownership criterion)

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Investments in fixed assets by type; national accounts 1995-2015 details >

Investments in fixed assets by type of assets 2008-2011 Open Data

This table gives an overview of gross fixed capital formations (according to the ownership criterion

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Investments in fixed assets by type of assets 2008-2011 details >

Production process; industry and region; national accounts 1995-2015 Open Data

This table provides data on the macro-economic production process by region. Here, the production, c

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Production process; industry and region; national accounts 1995-2015 details >

Production structure by region, by SBI'93 Open Data

Gegevens beschikbaar vanaf: 1995 tot en met 2001 Frequentie: afgesloten reeks Regionale rekeningen

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Production structure by region, by SBI'93 details >

Annual regional economic figures SBI'93 Open Data

Verslagperiode: 1987 - 2001 Frequentie: stopgezet Wijziging ten opzichte van de vorige versie: Het

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Annual regional economic figures SBI'93 details >

Annual regional economic figures SBI'74 Open Data

Production, consumption, value added, wages, social charges, indirect taxes, other income and labour

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Annual regional economic figures SBI'74 details >

Regional economic growth 2002-2006 Open Data

Volume, deflator. SBI'93, by region, Corop — territory, province and parts of the country. 2002-200

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Regional economic growth 2002-2006 details >

Reg. economic growth 1996-2001 Open Data

Reporting period: 1996-2001 Frequency: this series has stopped in connection with a revision that is

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Reg. economic growth 1996-2001 details >

Perinatal and infant mortality; income, various characteristics, 2004-2015 Open Data

This table contains key figures on perinatal and infant mortality in children of mothers enrolled in

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Perinatal and infant mortality; income, various characteristics, 2004-2015 details >

Regional economic totals, 2001-2004 Open Data

Reporting period: 2001-2004 Frequency: no, no, no, no. In 2005, a revision was carried out on the

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Regional economic totals, 2001-2004 details >

Regional economic totals, 1995-2001 Open Data

Reporting period: 1995-2001 Frequency: This series has stopped in connection with the overhaul that

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Regional economic totals, 1995-2001 details >

Regional fixed capital investment by region 1995-2001 Open Data

Reporting period: 1995-2001 Frequency: closed series Investments in fixed assets by country, provin

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Regional fixed capital investment by region 1995-2001 details >

Regional accounts; economic growth Open Data

Regional accounts provide a link to the national accounts quantitative description of the economic p

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Regional accounts; economic growth details >

Regional accounts; Economic growth 2008-2013 Open Data

This table contains annual data on the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Netherlands. GDP is an im

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Regional accounts; Economic growth 2008-2013 details >

Regional accounts; household income account 1995-2009 Open Data

The regional accounts for households in this publication describe the primary and secondary distribu

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Regional accounts; household income account 1995-2009 details >

Regional accounts; investments in fixed assets Open Data

This publication gives an overview of gross fixed investment assets (according to the ownership crit

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Regional accounts; investments in fixed assets details >

Regional accounts; Production and income formation by industries Open Data

This publication contains data on the macro-economic production process by region. Here the producti

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Regional accounts; Production and income formation by industries details >

Regional accounts; production structure 1995-2011 Open Data

This table provides data on the macro-economic production process by region. Here the production, co

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Regional accounts; production structure 1995-2011 details >

Regional accounts; transactions of the households sector 1995-2011 Open Data

The regional accounts for households in this table descriptive primary and secondary distribution of

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Regional accounts; transactions of the households sector 1995-2011 details >

Perinatal and infant mortality; various features, region, 2004-2015 Open Data

This table contains key figures on perinatal and infant mortality in children of mothers enrolled in

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Perinatal and infant mortality; various features, region, 2004-2015 details >

Regional accounts for households 1995-2001 Open Data

Transactions in euro million, transactions per capita, household transactions by primary and seconda

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Regional accounts for households 1995-2001 details >

Tourism; key indicators, n°, 2010-2016 Open Data

This table contains data on key tourist indicators. Tourism contributes to the Dutch economy (contri

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Tourism; key indicators, n°, 2010-2016 details >

Tourism; key indicators, national accounts 2010-2014 Open Data

This table contains data on key tourist indicators. Tourism contributes to the Dutch economy (contri

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Tourism; key indicators, national accounts 2010-2014 details >

Tourism; contribution to the Dutch economy, key indicators 2005-2012 Open Data

This table contains data on key tourist indicators. Tourism contributes to the Dutch economy (contri

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Tourism; contribution to the Dutch economy, key indicators 2005-2012 details >

Tourism accounts; offer in the Netherlands, 2001-2011 Open Data

This table contains data on the supply of tourist goods and services. Tourism is not an industry in

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Tourism accounts; offer in the Netherlands, 2001-2011 details >

Tourism accounts; expenditure in the Netherlands, 2001-2011 Open Data

This table contains data on tourist expenditure. Tourism is not an industry in itself, but covers a

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Tourism accounts; expenditure in the Netherlands, 2001-2011 details >

Tourist expenditure; N°, 2010-2016 Open Data

This table contains data on tourist expenditure. Tourism is not an industry in itself, but covers a

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Tourist expenditure; N°, 2010-2016 details >

Tourist expenditure 2005-2012 Open Data

This table contains data on tourist expenditure. Tourism is not an industry in itself, but covers a

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Tourist expenditure 2005-2012 details >

National accounts; history 1900-2012 Open Data

This table contains historical data from the national accounts. For the most important macroeconomi

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National accounts; history 1900-2012 details >

National Accounts 2009; Macroeconomic data Open Data

Macro — economic data such as: the domestic product, national income, volume growth of GDP (economic

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National Accounts 2009; Macroeconomic data details >

Perinatal and infant mortality; pregnancy and gender Open Data

This table contains key figures on perinatal and infant mortality in children of mothers enrolled in

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Perinatal and infant mortality; pregnancy and gender details >

Amphibian indexes Open Data

Trends of amphibians Data available vanaf:1997

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Amphibian indexes details >

Threat of animal groups; increase or decrease of Red Lists 1995-2012 Open Data

This table gives an overview of the development of the threat posed by animal groups in the Netherla

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Threat of animal groups; increase or decrease of Red Lists 1995-2012 details >

Breeding bird indexes Open Data

Trends of breeding birds. Data available vanaf:1990 Changes compared to the previous version: Due t

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Breeding bird indexes details >

Quality of nature; assessment according to the EU Directive; 2000-2006 Open Data

The European Union’s Habitats and Birds Directives aim to maintain and improve the quality of nature

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Quality of nature; assessment according to the EU Directive; 2000-2006 details >

Nature; biodiversity, nature policy and climate change; 1975-2012 Open Data

This table shows changes in the size of populations of species and forest mushrooms. These changes g

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Nature; biodiversity, nature policy and climate change; 1975-2012 details >

Reptile indexes Open Data

Trends of reptiles. Data available from: 1994 Wall hagedis data available from: 1997 Frequency: Stop

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Reptile indexes details >

Bat indexes Open Data

Trends of bats. Data available from: 1986

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Bat indexes details >

Butterfly indexes Open Data

Data available from: 1992. Changes compared to the previous version: Compared to the previous versi

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Butterfly indexes details >

Waterbird indexes, non-breeding Open Data

Trends of pervasive and wintering water birds. Data available from: 1975 Frequency: yearly Changes

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Waterbird indexes, non-breeding details >

Meadow birds indexes Open Data

Trends of meadow birds in the agricultural area. Data available from: 1990 Usage: Home, Home

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Meadow birds indexes details >

Perinatal and infant mortality; gestational duration, singles and multiples Open Data

This table contains key figures on perinatal and infant mortality in children of mothers enrolled in

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Perinatal and infant mortality; gestational duration, singles and multiples details >

Winter bird indexes Open Data

Trends of winter birds. Data available from: 1980

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Winter bird indexes details >

Mammalian indexes Open Data

Trends of day-active mammals. Data available for fox and deer vanaf:1994 Data available for the squi

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Mammalian indexes details >

Supply of waste; recycling companies (SBI 2008), waste category; 2008 Open Data

Waste that is suitable for reuse is often offered to companies who are principally engaged in the pr

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Supply of waste; recycling companies (SBI 2008), waste category; 2008 details >

Supply of waste; recycling companies (SBI'93), waste category; 2004, 2006 Open Data

Waste that is suitable for reuse is often offered to companies who are principally engaged in the pr

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Supply of waste; recycling companies (SBI'93), waste category; 2004, 2006 details >

Pre-recycling of waste until 2003 Open Data

CBS collects data within the framework of environmental statistics on the supply, composition and tr

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Pre-recycling of waste until 2003 details >

Industrial waste; industry (SBI2008), waste category, treatment; 2008-2009 Open Data

This table shows for the mining industries, industry, energy supply, water extraction and recycling

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Industrial waste; industry (SBI2008), waste category, treatment; 2008-2009 details >

Industrial waste; industry (SBI'93), waste category, treatment; 2004-2007 Open Data

Commercial wastes are distinguished in hazardous and non-hazardous waste. This table only provides

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Industrial waste; industry (SBI'93), waste category, treatment; 2004-2007 details >

Commercial waste per Sbi until 2004 Open Data

Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects data on the supply, composition and t

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Commercial waste per Sbi until 2004 details >

Industrial waste; province, waste category, treatment, 2004-2008 Open Data

This table provides information on the total amount of waste generated from industry, excluding the

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Industrial waste; province, waste category, treatment, 2004-2008 details >

Industrial waste by province until 2003 Open Data

Within the framework of environmental statistics, CBS collects data on the supply, composition and t

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Industrial waste by province until 2003 details >

Life expectancy; gender, age (per year and period of five years) Open Data

This table contains the period survival tables (per period of 1 year and 5 years) by gender and age

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Life expectancy; gender, age (per year and period of five years) details >

Industrial waste; waste type, treatment method, regions, 2004-2008 Open Data

This table provides information for total Netherlands, per country and per province on the total amo

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Industrial waste; waste type, treatment method, regions, 2004-2008 details >
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