Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Lelystad-bgt road design element Open Data

This layer contains elements of the type of road device such as guide construction, road marking

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Lelystad-bgt road design element details >

Lelystad trees Open Data

Overview of trees in the municipality of Lelystad

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Lelystad trees details >

Lelystad Glaciation Open Data

The scattering actions of the municipality of Lelystad keep the main routes (driving and district ac

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Lelystad Glaciation details >

Lelystad Dog Card Open Data

Overview of outlets for dogs in the municipality of Lelystad. These files have no formal status. Th

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Lelystad Dog Card details >

Lelystad-ov cables Open Data

Location and type of public transport cables related to Public lighting.

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Lelystad-ov cables details >

Lelystad sewer strands Open Data

sewerage network of the municipality of Lelystad

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Lelystad sewer strands details >

Lelystad playgrounds Open Data

Overview of playgrounds in Lelystad

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Lelystad playgrounds details >

Lelystad Voting Bureaus Open Data

* **description**: Polling stations of the municipality of Lelystad for the 2021 House of Represent

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Lelystad Voting Bureaus details >

Lelystad fishing scaffolding-invalids Open Data

Overview of fishing jetties for disabled people in the municipality of Lelystad.

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Lelystad fishing scaffolding-invalids details >

Lelystad-Viswater Open Data

Fish water in the municipality of Lelystad.

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Lelystad-Viswater details >

Lelystad wind turbines Open Data

locations of wind turbines municipality of Lelystad

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Lelystad wind turbines details >

Lelystad-Zitbanks Open Data

Overview of sofas in the municipality of Lelystad.

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Lelystad-Zitbanks details >

Learning and Development 2020 Open Data

this file contains information on collective agreements, including training and mobility

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Learning and Development 2020 details >

Light masts The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Location light poles and other light sources from the public mains network in Th

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Light masts The Hague details >

Berths historic ships Súdwest-Fryslân Open Data

In this dataset you will find berths for historic ships in the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân. Thes

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Berths historic ships Súdwest-Fryslân details >

List of Ministries Open Data

All content on is linked to a specific ministry. The names of all ministries can be

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List of Ministries details >

List of available reviews memorandi (BeMo’s) Open Data

List of links to BeMo’s as they are now on

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List of available reviews memorandi (BeMo’s) details >

Linked Data Government Open Data

An overview of the dataset Linked Data Government. It is a dataset with a dump from the LIDO databas

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Linked Data Government details >

Subterranean Open Data

The underground infrastructure consists largely of cables and pipes. These are vital to the function

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Subterranean details >

Location Stembureau Delfzijl 2017 Open Data

Data from all polling stations within the municipality of Delfzijl for elections. Location in X and

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Location Stembureau Delfzijl 2017 details >

Local notices The Hague Open Data

* Description: Decisions (e.g. on the issue of a building or harvesting permit) of municipalities, p

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Local notices The Hague details >

Local arrangements Open Data

Current and historical texts of regulations that apply to municipalities, provinces and water boards

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Local arrangements details >

Local permits Open Data

Permits granted or applied for and maintained by a municipality, province or water authority. The

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Local permits details >

Runaway areas Dogs Schiedam Open Data

* ** description:** The municipality of Schiedam has designated run-off areas and dog toilets. These

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Runaway areas Dogs Schiedam details >

Aerial photo 2020 Municipality of Gooise Meren Open Data

Aerial photo of the municipality of Gooise Meren. The following places can be found on: Earths Bus

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Aerial photo 2020 Municipality of Gooise Meren details >

Luchtfoto 2021 gemeente Gooise Meren Open Data

Luchtfoto 2021 gemeente Gooise Meren

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Luchtfoto 2021 gemeente Gooise Meren details >

Air quality calculated concentrations The Hague Open Data

* **description:** Annual averages of the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matt

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Air quality calculated concentrations The Hague details >

Aircraft register Open Data

All aircraft are registered in an Aircraft Register. In the Netherlands, this is maintained by the I

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Aircraft register details >

Registration of measuring bolts Open Data

The registration measuring bolts contains the measurement data of bolts in the Amsterdam buildings.

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Registration of measuring bolts details >

Health in Picture Open Data

Health in Beeld is an easily accessible and interactive website that provides insight into the healt

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Health in Picture details >

Coat pipes The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Location of mantle tubes in the public mains network in The Hague * **source:**

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Coat pipes The Hague details >

Market stands Monday The Hague Open Data

* Description: The market stands of the Haagse Markt with product sectors on Monday * Source: manage

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Market stands Monday The Hague details >

Market stands Friday The Hague Open Data

* Description: The market stands of the Hague Market with product sectors on Friday * Source: manage

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Market stands Friday The Hague details >

Market stands Wednesday The Hague Open Data

* Description: The market stands of the Haagse Markt with product sectors on Wednesday * Source: man

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Market stands Wednesday The Hague details >

Market stands Saturday The Hague Open Data

* Description: The market stands of the Haagse Markt with product sectors on Saturday * Source: mana

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Market stands Saturday The Hague details >

Matrix Signal Publisher Information Open Data

Image modes of the Matrix Signs Main Road Network (MSI) and associated fast data intensities and spe

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Matrix Signal Publisher Information details >

Maximum speeds of underlying and main road network Open Data

Rijkswaterstaat makes monthly data on the maximum speeds available on the Dutch road network. Two fi

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Maximum speeds of underlying and main road network details >

Maximum speeds The Hague Open Data

* **description:** Maximum speeds on the roads in The Hague. * **source:** Ministry of Infrastructu

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Maximum speeds The Hague details >

MBO participants there institution, domain, type of mbo, training sbb, level to pre-training Open Data

The number of MBO participants per institution, domain, type of MBO, education and level of educatio

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MBO participants there institution, domain, type of mbo, training sbb, level to pre-training details >

MBO participants per institution, administration, place, municipality, province, sector Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per institution, administration (competent auth

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MBO participants per institution, administration, place, municipality, province, sector details >

MBO participants per institution, administration, town, municipality, province, type mbo Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per institution, administration (competent auth

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MBO participants per institution, administration, town, municipality, province, type mbo details >

MBO participants per institution, board, location, training, municipality of residence, province... Open Data

The number of MBO participants displayed over 1 year per institution, administration (competent auth

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MBO participants per institution, board, location, training, municipality of residence, province... details >

MBO participants per institution, location, type of mbo, municipality of residence, province... Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per institution, administration (competent auth

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MBO participants per institution, location, type of mbo, municipality of residence, province... details >

MBO participants by sector, industry, type of mbo, level, province participant Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per MBO sector, industry, type of mbo (combinat

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MBO participants by sector, industry, type of mbo, level, province participant details >

MBO participants by sector, industry, type of mbo, level, province participant, age Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per MBO sector, industry, type of mbo (combinat

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MBO participants by sector, industry, type of mbo, level, province participant, age details >

MBO participants by sector, industry, type of mbo, level, municipality of residence, province... Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per MBO sector, sector, type of mbo (combinatio

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MBO participants by sector, industry, type of mbo, level, municipality of residence, province... details >

MBO participants by type mbo, level, residential municipality, province participant, age Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per type of mbo (combination of learning path a

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MBO participants by type mbo, level, residential municipality, province participant, age details >

MBO participants per type of mbo, training, year of stay Open Data

The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per type of mbo (combination of learning path a

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MBO participants per type of mbo, training, year of stay details >

Multiple poles The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Locations of bollards * **source:** BGT municipality of The Hague * **target reg

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Multiple poles The Hague details >

Latest waiting list per AGB — Wlz — Zorginstituut Nederland Open Data

The data in this report comes from the AW317 waiting list files that Zorginstituut Nederland receive

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Latest waiting list per AGB — Wlz — Zorginstituut Nederland details >

Measurement data sinking behaviour houses (in development) Open Data

This dataset is still under development at Zaanstad and is not yet available. It will soon be deter

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Measurement data sinking behaviour houses (in development) details >

Measuring points Air pollution RIVM The Hague Open Data

* Description: Locations Monitoring points Air pollution RIVM * Purpose registration: Publication on

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Measuring points Air pollution RIVM The Hague details >

Reports public space The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Notifications of citizens in public space. The shape and geojson files contain t

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Reports public space The Hague details >

Notifications of ports and waterways (in development) Open Data

Number of notifications for ports and waterways per period and type.

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Notifications of ports and waterways (in development) details >

Reports public space KML The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Notifications of citizens in public space. The shape and geojson files contain t

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Reports public space KML The Hague details >

Public Space Notifications Open Data

Incoming reports about the Public Space in the municipality of Hollands Kroon from 2012

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Public Space Notifications details >

Notifications public space — Municipality of Zeist Open Data

* Public space notifications * Source: Municipality of Zeist * Purpose: Publication on the Internet

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Notifications public space — Municipality of Zeist details >

Notifications Public Space Schiedam Recently Open Data

Description: Overview of all reports about the open space in the municipality of Schiedam from 30 Ju

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Notifications Public Space Schiedam Recently details >

Milk reception Open Data

Milk receipt (incl. fat percentage) The Netherlands as of 2016.

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Milk reception details >

Meters pitches The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Parking meter pitches in The Hague. Here is a payment machine with GSM board or

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Meters pitches The Hague details >

Measurement of digital service provision 2016 Open Data

For the third year in a row, Deloitte has examined the digital maturity of the most widely used prod

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Measurement of digital service provision 2016 details >

Measurement of digital service provision 2017 Open Data

For the fourth year in a row, Deloitte has examined the digital maturity of the most widely used pro

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Measurement of digital service provision 2017 details >

Measurement offer Digital Services carried out in 2014 Open Data

In 2017, there should be a public-wide supply of digital services. This means that as many things as

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Measurement offer Digital Services carried out in 2014 details >

Medieval Verluchte manuscripts from collections Royal Library and Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum The... Open Data

More than 11,000 ventilations (illustrations and decorations) from 400 medieval manuscripts from col

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Medieval Verluchte manuscripts from collections Royal Library and Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum The... details >

Migration chain: Incidents Overview 2019 Open Data

Incidents at COA sites and crimes of which asylum seekers are suspected. See the report ‘Incidental

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Migration chain: Incidents Overview 2019 details >

Migration chain: Incidents overview 2020 Open Data

Incidents at COA sites and crimes suspected of asylum seekers. See the report ‘Incident overview’ an

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Migration chain: Incidents overview 2020 details >

Migration chain: Departure — DT & V Identity determination and (replacement) travel documents —... Open Data

See the “State of Migration” or “Reportage Aliens Chain” (until 2020) for a substantive explanation

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Migration chain: Departure — DT & V Identity determination and (replacement) travel documents —... details >

Migration chain: Departure — DT & V identification and (replacement) travel documents — LP and T & O... Open Data

This data belongs to the ‘Reportation of Aliens Chain’ (until 2020) or ‘State of Migration’ (from 20

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Migration chain: Departure — DT & V identification and (replacement) travel documents — LP and T & O... details >

Migration chain: Departure — DT & V identity identification and (replacement) travel documents —... Open Data

This data belongs to the ‘Reportation of Aliens Chain’ (until 2020) or ‘State of Migration’ (from 20

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Migration chain: Departure — DT & V identity identification and (replacement) travel documents —... details >

Environmental and Energy List Open Data

The Environmental List contains all assets eligible for MIA and Vamil. The Energy List contains all

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Environmental and Energy List details >

Environmental zone signs The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** diesel signs along the environmental zone border and moped and moped signs along

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Environmental zone signs The Hague details >

Environmental zone The Hague Open Data

* **description:** Environmental zone of The Hague. Environmental zone of The Hague. Only clean dies

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Environmental zone The Hague details >

Militieregisters Gemeente Ede, 1812-1919 Open Data

This dataset consists of data from the various alphabetical lists for the Landmilition and the regis

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Militieregisters Gemeente Ede, 1812-1919 details >

minima per period Open Data

* __Description:__ all benefits from 1-1-2015. ###The data file contains the following fields: *

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minima per period details >

Mobility in The Hague, 2011-2014 Open Data

Description of changes of the inhabitants of The Hague in mobility and travel to distance, target, m

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Mobility in The Hague, 2011-2014 details >

Moffen The Hague Open Data

* ** description:** Location of moffen in the public mains network in The Hague * **source:** manage

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Moffen The Hague details >

Monitor connection of education labour market, interim measurement 2015 Open Data

Monitor the 8 spearheads of the Action Agenda “Connecting a successful trade, education and labour m

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Monitor connection of education labour market, interim measurement 2015 details >

Monitor corporate real estate region Haaglanden 2015 Open Data

This Monitor provides a detailed insight into the changes in the corporate real estate market in the

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Monitor corporate real estate region Haaglanden 2015 details >

Monitor corporate property Haaglanden 2016 Open Data

This Monitor provides a detailed insight into the changes in the corporate real estate market in Haa

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Monitor corporate property Haaglanden 2016 details >

Monitor corporate property Haaglanden 2017 Open Data

This Monitor provides a detailed insight into the changes in the corporate real estate market in Haa

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Monitor corporate property Haaglanden 2017 details >

Monitor corporate real estate region Haaglanden 2014 Open Data

This Monitor provides a detailed insight into the changes in the corporate real estate market in the

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Monitor corporate real estate region Haaglanden 2014 details >

Monitor Brede Welvaart 2019 The Hague Open Data

The broad prosperity in the Netherlands is rising trendwise on many fronts and recently increased fu

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Monitor Brede Welvaart 2019 The Hague details >

Monitor Generic Digital Infrastructure Q2 2015 Open Data

This monitor of the Generic Digital Infrastructure (GDI) shows the progress of the GDI. This include

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Monitor Generic Digital Infrastructure Q2 2015 details >

Monitor Haagse Note Mobility, Single Measurement Open Data

A total of 15 indicators are included in this monitoring report. These indicators indicate to what e

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Monitor Haagse Note Mobility, Single Measurement details >

Monitor Haagse Note Mobility, Zero measurement Open Data

A total of 15 indicators are included in this monitoring report. These indicators indicate to what e

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Monitor Haagse Note Mobility, Zero measurement details >

Monitor LALO 2015 Open Data

SPSS file

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Monitor LALO 2015 details >

Monitor LALO 2016 Open Data

SPSS file

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Monitor LALO 2016 details >

Monitor LALO 2017 Open Data

SPSS file

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Monitor LALO 2017 details >

Monitor Tourism 2011-2015 The Hague Open Data

The monitor shows a broad spectrum of the tourism sector numerically. This includes both stay visits

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Monitor Tourism 2011-2015 The Hague details >

Monitor Tourism 2017 The Hague Open Data

The monitor shows a broad spectrum of the tourism sector numerically. This includes both stay visits

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Monitor Tourism 2017 The Hague details >

Monumental trees Amsterdam Open Data

Monumental trees in the municipality of Amsterdam

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Monumental trees Amsterdam details >

Monumental trees Tilburg Open Data

* **description:** The municipal list of Monumentale Bomen Tilburg (GLMB) is established by the Coll

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Monumental trees Tilburg details >

Municipal Monuments Dordrecht Open Data

These are the objects that are protected by the council of mayor and aldermen as a municipal monumen

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Municipal Monuments Dordrecht details >

Municipal Monuments Schiedam Open Data

* **description:** All municipal monuments registered by the municipality. * **source:** Partly the

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Municipal Monuments Schiedam details >

Notifications Public Space Schiedam Open Data

* **description:** Overview of all reports about the open space in the municipality of Schiedam from

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Notifications Public Space Schiedam details >

MP-Net Open Data

The laws and regulations of the Ministry of Defence. The collection is continuously maintained.

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MP-Net details >

Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2014 Open Data

Purchasing expenditure is the expenditure incurred by the national government on goods and services

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Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2014 details >

Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2015 Open Data

Purchasing expenditure is the expenditure incurred by the national government on goods and services

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Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2015 details >

Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2016 Open Data

Purchasing expenditure is the expenditure incurred by the national government on goods and services

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Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2016 details >

Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2017 Open Data

Purchasing expenditure is the expenditure incurred by the national government on goods and services

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Procurement dates Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment 2017 details >
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