Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Income of persons; income components, personal characteristics Open Data

This table provides data on the composition of the income of individuals in private households.The d

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Income of persons; income components, personal characteristics details >

Wierden Open Data

This file contains the weeds that are located within the province of Groningen. The province of Gron

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Wierden details >

Scattering routes municipality of Nijmegen (WMS) Open Data

The dataset contains the scattering routes and other data related to smoothness control of the munic

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Scattering routes municipality of Nijmegen (WMS) details >

Particulate matter 2017 (pm10) Open Data

This map shows the modelled concentration of particulate matter (µg pm10/m³) for 2017 based on calcu

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Particulate matter 2017 (pm10) details >

Income of persons; income classes, personal characteristics Open Data

This table contains figures on the income of individuals in private households. The data can be brok

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Income of persons; income classes, personal characteristics details >

Traditional windmills Open Data

Windmills are mills that convert the motion energy of the air (wind) into rotational energy of the b

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Traditional windmills details >

Landscape image (flat) Open Data

This file contains information, in the form of planes, about the openness of the landscape in the pr

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Landscape image (flat) details >

Archaeological Monuments Map (AMK) 2005 Open Data

Inventory of known archaeological monuments. These are areas that are known to have an archaeologica

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Archaeological Monuments Map (AMK) 2005 details >

Income inequality persons: personal characteristics, 2000-2014 Open Data

This publication contains results on the income inequality of individuals in the Netherlands. Differ

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Income inequality persons: personal characteristics, 2000-2014 details >

Soil — HBB BSB business activities Open Data

Kaartlaag met bedrijfsactiviteiten die bekend zijn de de stichting BSB. (Bodemsanering bedrijfsterre

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Soil — HBB BSB business activities details >

PFAS — measurement locations temporary background values Open Data

This map shows the measurement locations used for the distraction of the temporary background value

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PFAS — measurement locations temporary background values details >

Self-employed persons; income, wealth, characteristics Open Data

This table provides data on the income and wealth of self-employed persons. A distinction is made be

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Self-employed persons; income, wealth, characteristics details >

Self-employed persons; income, wealth, industry Open Data

This table provides data on the income and wealth of self-employed persons by industry. These are th

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Self-employed persons; income, wealth, industry details >

Aerial view 2011 Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

Aerial view 2011 Municipality of Koggenland

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Aerial view 2011 Municipality of Koggenland details >

Gemeentegrens Zaanstad Open Data

De grens van de gemeente Zaanstad die de voormalige gemeenten Assendelft, Krommenie, Wormerveer, Wes

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Gemeentegrens Zaanstad details >

Self-employed; income, capital, region (classification 2019) Open Data

This table provides information on the income and wealth of self-employed persons by region. A disti

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Self-employed; income, capital, region (classification 2019) details >

Copernicus Change layer with the changes classified into most relevant categories of sealing change... Open Data

Copernicus Land monitoring services — Detailed soil cover characteristics for the reference year 200

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Copernicus Change layer with the changes classified into most relevant categories of sealing change... details >

Timeliness wind energy (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

On the basis of the Crisis and Recovery Act, wind turbines in the province of Groningen can be desti

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Timeliness wind energy (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Military low flight routes (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains military low flight routes as established in the Environment Vision province of G

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Military low flight routes (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Dynamic purchasing power development; transition from source of income, 2001-2015 Open Data

Dynamic purchasing power development of individuals in the event of a change in the main source of h

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Dynamic purchasing power development; transition from source of income, 2001-2015 details >

Kalverhoek (kadaster Wormerland) Open Data

Het kadaster is een van overheidswege bijgehouden openbaar register van registergoederen, waaronder

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Kalverhoek (kadaster Wormerland) details >

Purchasing power development persons; household characteristics Open Data

The table provides data on the dynamic purchasing power development of individuals in the event of e

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Purchasing power development persons; household characteristics details >

Air Quality Immission Exposure by Area 2019 (NO2, PM10, PM2,5) Open Data

Stock gives a picture of air quality expressed in mean exposure classes for the substances NO2, PM10

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Air Quality Immission Exposure by Area 2019 (NO2, PM10, PM2,5) details >

Methane (CH4) emissions to air 2014 Open Data

Methane (CH4) emissions to air from all sources in 2014 in kg per year. Emission Registration 1990-2

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Methane (CH4) emissions to air 2014 details >

Purchasing power development persons; personal characteristics Open Data

This table provides data on the dynamic purchasing power development of individuals in the event of

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Purchasing power development persons; personal characteristics details >

Calculated sky brightness in the evening, without clouds Open Data

The sky brightness is a measure of how dark it is at night. It is the luminance (light intensity per

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Calculated sky brightness in the evening, without clouds details >

Groundwater protection area (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This stock contains groundwater protection areas as laid down in the Environmental Regulation of the

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Groundwater protection area (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Nitrogen (N-total) surface water load, national total emission year 2014 in kg. Emission... Open Data

Nitrogen (N-total) loads of surface water from all Dutch sources emission year 2014 in kg. Emission

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Nitrogen (N-total) surface water load, national total emission year 2014 in kg. Emission... details >

Dynamic purchasing power development; transition type of household, 2001-2015 Open Data

Dynamic purchasing power development of individuals in the event of changes in household composition

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Dynamic purchasing power development; transition type of household, 2001-2015 details >

New wind turbines not allowed (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains the area where new wind turbines are not allowed as laid down in the Environmenta

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New wind turbines not allowed (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

WKO systems (existing) Open Data

This file contains existing WKO systems within the province of Groningen. Heat cold storage is a way

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WKO systems (existing) details >

Test field research turbines (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains the test field research turbines as established in the Environmental Vision of Gr

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Test field research turbines (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Household income; household characteristics, region (classification 2019) Open Data

This table contains data on household income, broken down by region and various background character

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Household income; household characteristics, region (classification 2019) details >

Current NO2 concentration in the Netherlands Open Data

You will see the average nitrogen dioxide concentration of the last hour indicated in colour. This i

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Current NO2 concentration in the Netherlands details >

Primary and regional floodgates, Water management plan Open Data

The water board provides safety against floods by managing dikes and providing flood defences. The W

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Primary and regional floodgates, Water management plan details >

Current food production with subsidised fruit Open Data

This card shows the value of current production for each cell (10X10m or 1 a). This value shall be e

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Current food production with subsidised fruit details >

Income of persons; personal characteristics, region (classification 2019) Open Data

This table contains data on the income of persons, broken down by region and various background char

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Income of persons; personal characteristics, region (classification 2019) details >

Roads- Welcome Signs and Information Panels Open Data

Provincial Welcome signs at the Provincial and Lands Border, DRIPS Dynamic Route Information Panels,

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Roads- Welcome Signs and Information Panels details >

Bouwen op slappe grond - Dikte holoceen pakket Open Data

Deze dataset betreft de diepteligging van het pleistocene pakket (waarop kan worden gefundeerd) t.o.

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Bouwen op slappe grond - Dikte holoceen pakket details >

Nitrogen oxide (N2O) emissions to air 2014. Open Data

Nitrogen oxide (N2O) emissions to air from all sources in 2014 in kg per year. Emission Registration

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Nitrogen oxide (N2O) emissions to air 2014. details >

Low and long-term low income; household characteristics, region (classification 2019) Open Data

This table contains regional statistics on relatively low income households. The data are broken dow

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Low and long-term low income; household characteristics, region (classification 2019) details >

Bestand Bodemgebruik 2015 Open Data

Het Bestand Bodemgebruik 2015 bevat digitale geometrie van het bodemgebruik in Nederland. Voorbeelde

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Bestand Bodemgebruik 2015 details >

Nitrogen (N-total) surface water load 2014 Open Data

Nitrogen (N-total) loads surface water from all sources in 2014 in kg per year. Emission Registratio

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Nitrogen (N-total) surface water load 2014 details >

Laag en langdurig laag inkomen van huishoudens; huishoudenskenmerken Open Data

This table presents outcomes on relatively low income households. The results shall be broken down b

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Laag en langdurig laag inkomen van huishoudens; huishoudenskenmerken details >

Overview Map Areas, Water Management Plan Open Data

The management area of Aa and Maas concerns the eastern part of the province of North Brabant and ca

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Overview Map Areas, Water Management Plan details >

Environmental Establishments and Permits MPM Fields Open Data

Site boundaries of establishments for which the Province of Gelderland grants the Environmental Perm

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Environmental Establishments and Permits MPM Fields details >

Dieldrin in the upper ground (0-10 cm) for various land-use-land combinations Open Data

What is there to see: Dieldrin content (Relative versus median) for upper ground (0-10 cm) for 5 lan

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Dieldrin in the upper ground (0-10 cm) for various land-use-land combinations details >

Laag en langdurig laag inkomen van personen; persoonskenmerken Open Data

This table presents outcomes on persons in relatively low income households. The outcomes shall be b

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Laag en langdurig laag inkomen van personen; persoonskenmerken details >

Drinking water extraction sites where chloride is classified as a (potential) problem substance Open Data

This map shows the extractions of chloride as a potential or topical problem substance. The map is b

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Drinking water extraction sites where chloride is classified as a (potential) problem substance details >

Breeding Islands (Structure Vision Eemsmond-Delfzijl) Open Data

This stock contains two breeding islands, as established in the Structure Vision Eemsmond-Delfzijl.

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Breeding Islands (Structure Vision Eemsmond-Delfzijl) details >

Sound contours Lnight 2016 EU sound card 3 rd tranche (lines) Open Data

This file sets out the noise contours along provincial roads as calculated for the EU noise mapping,

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Sound contours Lnight 2016 EU sound card 3 rd tranche (lines) details >

Noise pollution companies and industry Open Data

On the map you can see what percentage of the population in a municipality is severely hampered by n

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Noise pollution companies and industry details >

Air quality Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Municipality of Koggenland Open Data

In 2015, the municipality of Koggenland had a scan of the air quality caused by road traffic. The pu

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Air quality Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Municipality of Koggenland details >

Laag en langdurig laag inkomen van personen; huishoudenskenmerken Open Data

This table presents outcomes on all persons and on minor children in relatively low-income household

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Laag en langdurig laag inkomen van personen; huishoudenskenmerken details >

Strategic groundwater supply Open Data

The strategic groundwater supply is formed by the areas are of great importance for the drinking wat

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Strategic groundwater supply details >

CO2 capture in vegetation in May 2013 Open Data

This map shows how much carbon was absorbed on average by trees and plants in the Netherlands in May

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CO2 capture in vegetation in May 2013 details >

Groundwater types, shallow 2005 Open Data

Groundwater types based on land use.

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Groundwater types, shallow 2005 details >

Income assessment and financial problems; households Open Data

This table shows households’ assessment of their income position and the extent to which they are su

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Income assessment and financial problems; households details >

Household assets; household characteristics, assets Open Data

This table provides data on the composition of household assets according to characteristics such as

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Household assets; household characteristics, assets details >

Closed and small-scale open area Gorecht-Westerwolde (Environmental Regulation 2016) Open Data

This file contains the closed and small-scale open area Gorecht and Westerwolde as set out in the En

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Closed and small-scale open area Gorecht-Westerwolde (Environmental Regulation 2016) details >

Highly vulnerable areas of Ammonia and Livestock Farming (WAV) Open Data

The dataset shows the areas that are sensitive to acidification in the EHS. One part has been identi

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Highly vulnerable areas of Ammonia and Livestock Farming (WAV) details >

Household assets; household characteristics, region (classification 2019) Open Data

This table provides data on household assets by characteristics such as household composition, age a

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Household assets; household characteristics, region (classification 2019) details >

Environmental protection area for Silence Open Data

The data is digitised from analogue maps The dataset indicates the limits of the silence areas at 1:

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Environmental protection area for Silence details >

National Landscape South Limburg Open Data

The National Landscape is located within the (Euregional) metropolis Liège-Eupen-Aachen-Parkstad-Sit

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National Landscape South Limburg details >

Household assets; household characteristics, asset classes Open Data

This table provides data on the distribution of household assets by characteristics such as asset cl

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Household assets; household characteristics, asset classes details >

Sound contours Lden 2016 EU sound card 3 rd tranche Open Data

This file sets out the noise contours along provincial roads as calculated for the EU noise mapping,

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Sound contours Lden 2016 EU sound card 3 rd tranche details >

Contours sound zones industrial noise Open Data

These are two files with sound contours (50 and 55 dB(A)) and the terrain limit of the zoned (part)

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Contours sound zones industrial noise details >

Quiet areas Open Data

These are areas that are quiet and must remain calm. The level of noise caused by human activity is

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Quiet areas details >

Inheritances; abandoned power, characteristics Open Data

This table contains data on the property of the deceased, broken down by characteristics of the dece

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Inheritances; abandoned power, characteristics details >

Current deforestation licenses Open Data

This file contains all the limits of the existing deforestation permits. For example, the torque num

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Current deforestation licenses details >

Donations (for which declaration); characteristics of donation, donor and recipient Open Data

This table contains data on donations. The donation is determined for donations for which the tax de

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Donations (for which declaration); characteristics of donation, donor and recipient details >

Natura 2000 sites (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This stock contains Natura 2000 sites as established in the Environmental Vision of Groningen 2016-2

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Natura 2000 sites (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

Aerial Imagery 201 610 cm RGB Open Data

The orthophoto mosaics are a composition of individual orthophotographs, basically of the central pa

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Aerial Imagery 201 610 cm RGB details >

Energy from surface water (EOW) | Cold — Grounds, Struggles and Deep puddles (Dataset) Open Data

Works of art Ground (and other works of art) can be provided with heat exchangers with which cold ca

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Energy from surface water (EOW) | Cold — Grounds, Struggles and Deep puddles (Dataset) details >

Historical geography Gelderland (line) Open Data

The file contains historical line elements in the Gelder cultural landscape. Historical line element

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Historical geography Gelderland (line) details >

Acquisitions of inheritances (for which declaration); characteristics of the acquirer Open Data

This table contains data on inheritance acquisitions of deceased persons, broken down by characteris

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Acquisitions of inheritances (for which declaration); characteristics of the acquirer details >

CO2 capture in vegetation in September 2013 Open Data

This map shows how much carbon was absorbed on average by trees and plants in the Netherlands in Sep

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CO2 capture in vegetation in September 2013 details >

Stads- en Dorpsgezichten Open Data

De Stads- en Dorpsgezichtenkaartlaag bevat alle gebieden waarvoor de procedure is gestart om het geb

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Stads- en Dorpsgezichten details >

Urban and Villagescapes (INSPIRE Harmonised) Open Data

This dataset contains all areas designated as nationally protected city or village views. The data h

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Urban and Villagescapes (INSPIRE Harmonised) details >

Prosperity of private households; key figures Open Data

The objective of this table is to provide an overview of the distribution of the wealth of private h

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Prosperity of private households; key figures details >

Prosperity of individuals; key figures Open Data

The purpose of this table is to give an overview of the distribution of wealth of persons in the Net

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Prosperity of individuals; key figures details >

Prosperity; limits of 10 % groups of income & wealth Open Data

This table contains percentiles of income and wealth. These amounts are used in the classification o

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Prosperity; limits of 10 % groups of income & wealth details >

International trade; imports and exports of services 2014-2020 Open Data

This table shows data on imports, exports and balances of services by companies and persons establis

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International trade; imports and exports of services 2014-2020 details >

Imports and exports to EU, non-EU; total, 2008-2022 Open Data

In this table "Imports and exports of goods to EU/non-EU; total" you will find data on Dutch trade i

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Imports and exports to EU, non-EU; total, 2008-2022 details >

Types of goods to EU, non-EU; appliances, transport equipment, 2008-2022 Open Data

In this table “goods by EU, non-EU of appliances, transport equipment and other” you will find data

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Types of goods to EU, non-EU; appliances, transport equipment, 2008-2022 details >

Types of goods to EU, non-EU; wood, textile, gemstones, 2008-2022 Open Data

In this table “goods by EU, non-EU of wood, textiles, precious stones and metals” you will find data

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Types of goods to EU, non-EU; wood, textile, gemstones, 2008-2022 details >

Types of goods to EU, non-EU; mineral fuels, chemistry, 2008-2022 Open Data

In this table “goods by EU, non-EU of mineral peripherals and chemicals” you will find data on Dutch

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Types of goods to EU, non-EU; mineral fuels, chemistry, 2008-2022 details >

Types of goods to EU, non-EU; nature, Food and Tobacco, 2008-2022 Open Data

In this table “goods by EU, non-EU of nature, food and tobacco” you will find data on Dutch trade in

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Types of goods to EU, non-EU; nature, Food and Tobacco, 2008-2022 details >

Total imports and exports, country, 2008-2021 Open Data

In this table ‘Total imports and exports of goods by country’, you can find data on Dutch trade in g

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Total imports and exports, country, 2008-2021 details >

Types of goods by land; appliances, transport equipment, other, 2008-2021 Open Data

In this table “goods by country of appliances, transport equipment and other” you will find data on

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Types of goods by land; appliances, transport equipment, other, 2008-2021 details >

Types of goods by land; wood, textile, gemstones, 2008-2021 Open Data

In this table ‘goods by country of wood, textiles, precious stones and metal’ you will find data on

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Types of goods by land; wood, textile, gemstones, 2008-2021 details >

Types of goods by land; mineral fuels, chemistry, 2008-2021 Open Data

In this table “goods by country of Mineral fuels and chemicals” you will find data on Dutch trade, i

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Types of goods by land; mineral fuels, chemistry, 2008-2021 details >

Dredging specie depots (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) Open Data

This file contains dredging specie depots as established in the Environment Vision province of Groni

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Dredging specie depots (Environmental Vision 2016-2020) details >

TOP500raster Open Data

TOP500raster was created through a conversion and generalisation from EuroRegionalMap (ERM). The Kad

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TOP500raster details >

Physical suitability of fruit Open Data

This card shows the soil suitability for each cell (10X10 m or 1a) for a specific crop. This soil su

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Physical suitability of fruit details >

Types of goods by land; nature, Food and Tobacco, 2008-2021 Open Data

In this table ‘goods by country of nature, food and tobacco’ you will find data on Dutch trade, impo

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Types of goods by land; nature, Food and Tobacco, 2008-2021 details >

Houtsingel area Southern Westerkwartier Open Data

This stock contains the wood-singel areas that are located in the Southern Westerkwartier, a region

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Houtsingel area Southern Westerkwartier details >

Tree map for Atlas Natural Capital Open Data

This map shows which locations have been designated by citizens to plant a tree, for example to cool

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Tree map for Atlas Natural Capital details >

Dyke surfaces Open Data

This file contains dikes of landscapeally valuable dikes, located within the province of Groningen.

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Dyke surfaces details >

International trade; import and export value key figures, 2002-2022 Open Data

This table provides an overview of the most up-to-date figures on international trade. In this table

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International trade; import and export value key figures, 2002-2022 details >
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