Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Open data in a single API request

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Wildfires Open Data

A wildfire is a fire in woodland, heathland or dune area. In these stocks are the areas where a larg

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Wildfires details >

Sound card Schiphol 2016 (Lnight) Open Data

Noise map 2016 for Schiphol within the framework of the Environmental Noise Regulation. With the sou

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Sound card Schiphol 2016 (Lnight) details >

Labour history population last 4 years, region(classification 2016), 2004-2015 Open Data

This table contains figures on the labour history of the Dutch population (aged 15 years or older) i

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Labour history population last 4 years, region(classification 2016), 2004-2015 details >

Sound card main rail network 2016 (Lnight) Open Data

Noise map 2016 for the Dutch main track in the context of the Environmental Noise Regulation. The no

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Sound card main rail network 2016 (Lnight) details >

Sound card main rail network 2011 (Lnight) Open Data

Sound card 2011 for the Dutch main track in the framework of the Regulation environmental noise. Th

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Sound card main rail network 2011 (Lnight) details >

Sound map Schiphol 2016 (Lden) Open Data

Noise map 2016 for Schiphol within the framework of the Environmental Noise Regulation. The noise ma

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Sound map Schiphol 2016 (Lden) details >

Sound card main rail network 2011 (Lden) Open Data

Sound card 2011 for the Dutch main track in the framework of the Regulation environmental noise. The

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Sound card main rail network 2011 (Lden) details >

Statistical Units Vector Open Data

This dataset contains the statistical Units of the Netherlands according to the INSPIRE data model f

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Statistical Units Vector details >

Beperkingen voor voertuigen (INSPIRE geharmoniseerde data) Open Data

Transportbeperkingen voor buitenwettelijke voertuigen en voertuigcombinaties die in aanmerking komen

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Beperkingen voor voertuigen (INSPIRE geharmoniseerde data) details >

Labour history population last 4 years, region classification 2015, 2004-2014 Open Data

This table was discontinued as of 31 May 2017. The reason for this is that a new table was published

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Labour history population last 4 years, region classification 2015, 2004-2014 details >

Land Use Open Data

This is the INSPIRE Existing Land Use data set of the Netherlands. It is based on the topographical

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Land Use details >

Nationally Protected Areas (CDDA) (INSPIRE Harmonised) Open Data

This dataset shows the so-called common database of designated areas (cdda). This database is part o

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Nationally Protected Areas (CDDA) (INSPIRE Harmonised) details >

The Birds Directive on the area of distribution of species Open Data

Map showing the range of species for the Article 12 Birds Directive reporting period 2007-2012

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The Birds Directive on the area of distribution of species details >

Birds Directive on the Distribution of Species Open Data

Map showing the distribution of species for the Article 12 reporting Birds Directive 2007-2012

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Birds Directive on the Distribution of Species details >

Labour history of Dutch population over the past 4 years, 2004-2011 Open Data

This table provides information on the employment history of persons aged 15 years or older who resi

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Labour history of Dutch population over the past 4 years, 2004-2011 details >

Geological values — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) Open Data

The term geological values is used as a collective name for geomorphological, geological, soil or ge

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Geological values — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) details >

Nature network Netherlands — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) Open Data

The NNN (formerly EHS) is a network of areas in the Netherlands where nature takes precedence. The n

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Nature network Netherlands — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) details >

Ammonia and Livestock Territories Act — Provinces (INSPIRE Harmonised) Open Data

WAV areas are very vulnerable areas according to the Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act. These are ar

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Ammonia and Livestock Territories Act — Provinces (INSPIRE Harmonised) details >

Quiet areas — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) Open Data

The concept of silence is rooted in the Noise Obstacle Act (Official Gazette, 1979). Stillness areas

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Quiet areas — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) details >

Provincial Landscape Policy (formerly National Landscapes) — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) Open Data

National landscapes are areas with internationally rare or unique and nationally distinctive landsca

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Provincial Landscape Policy (formerly National Landscapes) — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) details >

Provincial monuments — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) Open Data

In addition to national and municipal monuments, some provinces also have provincial monuments. The

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Provincial monuments — Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised) details >

Volume of labour; industry, gender, national accounts, 1969-2016 Open Data

This table provides data on the volume of employment of self-employed workers and of employees emplo

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Volume of labour; industry, gender, national accounts, 1969-2016 details >

Archaeological Expectations Map Enschede Open Data

The municipality is competent authority for making decisions on conservative archaeology in the soil

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Archaeological Expectations Map Enschede details >

Fertility rates by mother’s age, 2004-2050 Open Data

Fertility rates (number of children per woman) by age (15-50 years) of the woman. Data available:fr

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Fertility rates by mother’s age, 2004-2050 details >

Prevent keileem (borings) Open Data

Locations of boreholes where keileem was found in Drenthe.

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Prevent keileem (borings) details >

Volume of labour; industry, quarters, national accounts, 1995-2018 Open Data

This table provides data on the volume of employment of self-employed workers and of employees emplo

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Volume of labour; industry, quarters, national accounts, 1995-2018 details >

Rent increase housing; renovation and harmonisation effect Open Data

This table contains figures on the effects of rental harmonisation and renovation on the average ren

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Rent increase housing; renovation and harmonisation effect details >

Rental development housing; type of development, type of landlord Open Data

This table contains figures on the average rent development (decrease, maintenance, increase) among

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Rental development housing; type of development, type of landlord details >

Real housing increase; social and other landlords Open Data

This table contains figures on the average real rent increase of regulated rental properties broken

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Real housing increase; social and other landlords details >

Rent increase housing; income class Open Data

This table contains figures on the average rent increase broken down by income class. A distinction

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Rent increase housing; income class details >

Parkeernormenkaart 2016 Open Data

In de Uitvoeringsnota Parkeren Zaanstad 2016 zijn gebiedsafhankelijke parkeernormen opgenomen. Deze

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Parkeernormenkaart 2016 details >

Jobs of employees, quarterly averages by economic activity Open Data

In order to provide a statistical description of the labour market, CBS has an integrated system of

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Jobs of employees, quarterly averages by economic activity details >

Road names from 1900 Open Data

Taken from the period 1900 in Walcheren

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Road names from 1900 details >

Watercourse names from 1900 Open Data

Watercourse names from the period 1900 in Walcheren

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Watercourse names from 1900 details >

Footpath names from 1900 Open Data

Footpath names from the period 1900 in Walcheren

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Footpath names from 1900 details >

Cables & pipes for WION Open Data

Cables and pipes for Information Exchange Underground Networks (WION)

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Cables & pipes for WION details >

Fieldwork names from 1900 Open Data

Fieldwork names from the period 1900 in the municipality of Domburg

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Fieldwork names from 1900 details >

Updated labour costs in the metal industry per hour worked Open Data

Updated hourly labour costs; amount and index 1992 = 100 Data available from: 1993 The update of t

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Updated labour costs in the metal industry per hour worked details >

Farm names from 1900 Open Data

Farm names from the period 1900 in the municipality of Domburg

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Farm names from 1900 details >

POP3 Open Data

Projects implemented with European Subsidie (POP3).

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POP3 details >

Labour costs in the metals and electrical industry Open Data

With effect from 1 December 2007, CBS has the series of indices of the labour cost development in me

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Labour costs in the metals and electrical industry details >

2009 national accounts; Employment accounts, 1969-2009 Open Data

This table contains data on employed persons and workers, jobs, labour volume and productivity. Thes

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2009 national accounts; Employment accounts, 1969-2009 details >

Time series Labour accounts 1950-present, employment Open Data

Time series employment 1950-1996 Amended on 28 October 1997. Appearance Frequency: Stop it.

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Time series Labour accounts 1950-present, employment details >

Distribution of employed persons, 1999 Open Data

Retail employment; SBI; distribution of the employed persons for 33 branches of retail trade. Annua

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Distribution of employed persons, 1999 details >

Employment, working hours and wages of workers Open Data

In order to provide a statistical description of the labour market, CBS has an integrated system of

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Employment, working hours and wages of workers details >

Employment; jobs, wages, working hours; key figures 2006-2009 Open Data

The table contains the main key figures on employment (jobs and volume of work), remuneration and wo

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Employment; jobs, wages, working hours; key figures 2006-2009 details >

Employment; employment, job characteristics, collective agreement sector 2006-2009 Open Data

This table contains information on employment (jobs, volume of labour, wages and working hours) in t

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Employment; employment, job characteristics, collective agreement sector 2006-2009 details >

Employment; employment, job characteristics, SBI'93 2006-2009 Open Data

This table contains information on employment (jobs, volume of labour, wages and working hours) in t

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Employment; employment, job characteristics, SBI'93 2006-2009 details >

Employment; employment, company size, collective agreement 2006-2009 Open Data

This table provides information on employment (jobs, labour volume, wages and working hours) in the

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Employment; employment, company size, collective agreement 2006-2009 details >

Employment; employment, company size, SBI'93 2006-2009 Open Data

This table provides information on employment (jobs, labour volume, wages and working hours) in the

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Employment; employment, company size, SBI'93 2006-2009 details >

Employment; employment, employee characteristics, collective agreement sector 2006-2009 Open Data

This table provides information on employment (jobs, labour volume, wages and working hours) in the

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Employment; employment, employee characteristics, collective agreement sector 2006-2009 details >

Employment; employment, employee characteristics, SBI'93 2006-2009 Open Data

This table provides information on employment (jobs, labour volume, wages and working hours) in the

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Employment; employment, employee characteristics, SBI'93 2006-2009 details >

Employment in enterprises with 10 or more employees, 1999 Open Data

Employment wholesale main groups; distribution of the employed persons for 13 main wholesale groups.

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Employment in enterprises with 10 or more employees, 1999 details >

Employment participation; key figures (12-hour limit) 2003-2016 Open Data

This table contains quarterly and annual figures on labour participation in the Netherlands based on

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Employment participation; key figures (12-hour limit) 2003-2016 details >

Labour force; province by sex 12-hour limit (1981-2013) Open Data

In this table you will find a historical series of annual figures from 1981 on the composition of th

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Labour force; province by sex 12-hour limit (1981-2013) details >

Labour force; from 1800 (12-hour border), 1800-2013 Open Data

In this table you will find a historical series of annual figures from 1800 on the composition of th

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Labour force; from 1800 (12-hour border), 1800-2013 details >

Employment participation; regional classification 2017 Open Data

This table contains annual figures on labour participation in the Netherlands for various regional b

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Employment participation; regional classification 2017 details >

Employment participation; regional classification 2016 Open Data

This table contains annual figures on labour participation in the Netherlands for various regional b

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Employment participation; regional classification 2016 details >

Employment participation; couples with or without children 1992-2013 Open Data

In this table you will find annual figures on the employment rate of couples. I looked at the full-t

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Employment participation; couples with or without children 1992-2013 details >

Caribisch Nederland; bruto binnenlands product (bbp) Open Data

This table shows the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba and for th

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Caribisch Nederland; bruto binnenlands product (bbp) details >

Caribisch Nederland, Bonaire; bruto toegevoegde waarde, bedrijfstak Open Data

This table shows Bonaire’s gross value added in basic annual prices. Gross value added is a macroeco

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Caribisch Nederland, Bonaire; bruto toegevoegde waarde, bedrijfstak details >

Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP) Open Data

This table shows the gross domestic product (GDP) on an annual basis of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba

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Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP) details >

Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire; gross value added, branches Open Data

This table shows the gross value added on an annual basis of Bonaire, including a break down by econ

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Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire; gross value added, branches details >

Nature management plan Zeeland historical 2020 Open Data

Nature in Zeeland based on limits of the Nature Network Netherlands (NNN), formerly the Ecological M

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Nature management plan Zeeland historical 2020 details >

City of Establishment (armed struggle) Open Data

Settlement city or burg where armed struggle has been carried out

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City of Establishment (armed struggle) details >

Collective agricultural management area 2018 (old system) Open Data

The collective agricultural management area in Zeeland based on the old system. Prepared for the Nat

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Collective agricultural management area 2018 (old system) details >

Employment participation; couples 1992-2006 Open Data

In this table you will find annual figures on the employment rate of couples. There’s looking at the

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Employment participation; couples 1992-2006 details >

Position development of goods exports: exporter Behavior Open Data

This table provides figures on the development of Dutch export value, broken down by export portfoli

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Position development of goods exports: exporter Behavior details >

Position development of goods exports: exporter characteristics Open Data

This table provides figures on the development of Dutch export value and the contributions made by t

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Position development of goods exports: exporter characteristics details >

Position development in goods exports: flow characteristics Open Data

This dataset provides figures on the development of export value and the contributions made by the v

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Position development in goods exports: flow characteristics details >

Wlz care in kind; expenditure/volume based on declarations; delivery form Open Data

This table provides cumulative quarterly figures on the expenditure and volume of long-term care cov

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Wlz care in kind; expenditure/volume based on declarations; delivery form details >

Impact of HIV Strategies for MSM Open Data

The dataset “Impact of HIV strategies for MSM” contains data obtained from an agent-based model. The

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Impact of HIV Strategies for MSM details >

Employment participation; regional breakdown 2015, 2003-2015 Open Data

This table contains annual figures on labour participation in the Netherlands for various regional b

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Employment participation; regional breakdown 2015, 2003-2015 details >

Employment participation; regional breakdown 2014, 2003-2014 Open Data

This table contains annual figures on labour participation in the Netherlands for various regional b

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Employment participation; regional breakdown 2014, 2003-2014 details >

Primary, secondary and tertiare watercourses in Zeeland Open Data

All primary, secondary and tertiary watercourses from the new WZE depositor

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Primary, secondary and tertiare watercourses in Zeeland details >

Primary water barrier Open Data

The National Base Files Primary Water Barriers (NBPW) provide a national overview where all primary

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Primary water barrier details >

Participation in employment by age and gender; flows 1999-2008 Open Data

This table provides information on all persons who lived in the Netherlands in at least one of the t

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Participation in employment by age and gender; flows 1999-2008 details >

Measures of municipal fund; various indicators; region classification 2020 Open Data

Municipalities receive money from the government from the municipal fund. By doing so, they pay part

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Measures of municipal fund; various indicators; region classification 2020 details >

Employment participation; 15 years or older 1992-2014 Open Data

This table contains annual figures and quarterly figures on the employment rate of the Dutch populat

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Employment participation; 15 years or older 1992-2014 details >

Employment participation; 15 to 25 year olds 2001-2013 Open Data

In this table you will find annual figures on the employment rate of the Dutch population aged 15 to

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Employment participation; 15 to 25 year olds 2001-2013 details >

Employment participation; 15 years or older 1992-2006 Open Data

The data in this table are based on the Labour Force Survey (EBB). The EBB is an investigation carri

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Employment participation; 15 years or older 1992-2006 details >

Employment participation; 15 to 25 year olds 2001-2006 Open Data

In this table you will find annual figures on the employment rate of the Dutch population aged 15 to

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Employment participation; 15 to 25 year olds 2001-2006 details >

Labour history of the Dutch population in the past 4 years 2004-2008 Open Data

This table provides information about the employment history of persons aged 15 years or older who l

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Labour history of the Dutch population in the past 4 years 2004-2008 details >

Professional and non-occupational populations; gem. income and employment position 2005-2014 Open Data

This table contains figures on the average income (personal primary income, personal transfer income

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Professional and non-occupational populations; gem. income and employment position 2005-2014 details >

NECCST dataset Open Data

The NECCST dataset includes data from 5,700 women in the Netherlands who once participated in the ch

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NECCST dataset details >

Population Distribution NL Open Data

This dataset contains SDMX files with total population of the Netherlands according to the INSPIRE d

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Population Distribution NL details >

Binding labour market; average income (2005-2012) Open Data

In this table you will find annual figures on average personal primary income, average personal tran

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Binding labour market; average income (2005-2012) details >

Human Health NL NUTS2 Open Data

This meta data record refers to SDMX files with human Health data like total number of death per 100

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Human Health NL NUTS2 details >

Progress report Nature 2018 Open Data

The Nature Progress Report (VRN) provides information about the progress of the agreements in the Na

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Progress report Nature 2018 details >

Bestaande en verdwenen dijken in Zeeland Open Data

All the existing and disappeared dykes of Zeeland are listed by Bas Chamuleau. These dates are under

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Bestaande en verdwenen dijken in Zeeland details >

Overtime; backgrounds.2000-2006 Open Data

The data in this table are based on the Survey labour force (EBB). The EBB is an investigation carri

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Overtime; backgrounds.2000-2006 details >

Employees; want to work more/less 1992-2006 Open Data

The data in this table are based on the Labour Force Survey (EBB). The EBB is an investigation carri

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Employees; want to work more/less 1992-2006 details >

Labour market mob. change after one year; characteristics (12-hour limit) 2003-2012 Open Data

This table shows annual figures on labour market mobility of 15 to 65 year-olds in the Netherlands.

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Labour market mob. change after one year; characteristics (12-hour limit) 2003-2012 details >

Labour market mobility; change of labour market position (12-hour border) 2003-2014 Open Data

This table shows quarterly figures on labour market mobility of 15 to 65 year-olds in the Netherland

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Labour market mobility; change of labour market position (12-hour border) 2003-2014 details >

Occupational mobility by professional classes, 2003/“04-2011/”12 Open Data

The data in this table refer to the occupational mobility of people. It is determined whether people

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Occupational mobility by professional classes, 2003/“04-2011/”12 details >

Professional mobility; transition from level, characteristics, 2003/“04-2011/”12 Open Data

The data in this table refer to the occupational mobility of people. It is determined whether people

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Professional mobility; transition from level, characteristics, 2003/“04-2011/”12 details >

Change of employment after one year; characteristics 2003-2010 (12-hour limit) Open Data

This table relates to changes in employment after one year from 15 to 65 years of age in the Netherl

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Change of employment after one year; characteristics 2003-2010 (12-hour limit) details >

Change of employment and self-employment after one year, 2003-2011 Open Data

The data in this table are about change in people’s employment. It has been determined whether peopl

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Change of employment and self-employment after one year, 2003-2011 details >

Job finders, job changers and untapped labour supply 2003-2013 Open Data

This table contains data on job finders, job changers and untapped labour supply. These data are bro

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Job finders, job changers and untapped labour supply 2003-2013 details >

Job finders, job changers and untapped labour supply 2000-2006 Open Data

In this table you will find information on job finders, job changers and the untapped labour supply.

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Job finders, job changers and untapped labour supply 2000-2006 details >
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