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Thanks -Use and need for freshwater for various functions: Average drain of Meuse Open Data

On average, 230 m³/s of water enters the Meuse. At least 0 m³/s enters the country over the Meuse.

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Thanks -Use and need for freshwater for various functions: Average drain of Meuse details >

Wholesale and commercial mediation; labour and finance, SBI'93, 2006-2008 Open Data

This table contains, for the wholesale and commercial mediation industry, next year’s results: numbe

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Wholesale and commercial mediation; labour and finance, SBI'93, 2006-2008 details >

Cultural-historical elements of flood values Open Data

This is the digital dataset of the cultural historical elements (point-line and flat elements), belo

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Cultural-historical elements of flood values details >

Hiking networks Open Data

Existing national network of regional hiking networks. Composed of source data from hiking network r

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Hiking networks details >

Hiking nodes Open Data

Existing hiking hubs of regional hiking networks. Composed of source data from hiking network region

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Hiking nodes details >

Maritime borders — North Sea Open Data

Maritime border between Belgium and the Netherlands; Maritime border between Germany and the Netherl

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Maritime borders — North Sea details >

Territorial Sea according to UNCLOS — North Sea Open Data

The Territorial Sea of the Netherlands

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Territorial Sea according to UNCLOS — North Sea details >

Road transport; transported weight by road transporters from the European Union Open Data

This table contains data on the cargo weight transported by road transporters from the European Unio

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Road transport; transported weight by road transporters from the European Union details >

Mobility trend; by internship, modes of travel, purposes of travel, age and sex Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility trend; by internship, modes of travel, purposes of travel, age and sex details >

Archaeological forecast map river zone floodplains Open Data

This is the complete digital dataset for the project ‘Archeological forecast map of river basins’, c

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Archaeological forecast map river zone floodplains details >

Wholesale and commercial mediation; labour and finance, 2000-2005 Open Data

This table contains, for the wholesale and commercial intermediation industry, the the following res

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Wholesale and commercial mediation; labour and finance, 2000-2005 details >

National monumental locks and dams Open Data

The map of national monumental locks and dams shows water-related works of art that are protected as

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National monumental locks and dams details >

Spirits of Holland Open Data

The dataset ‘Geesten’ includes the locations of medieval field complexes on the beach walls in North

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Spirits of Holland details >

Light emission 2020 Open Data

The map shows how much light was seen in the Netherlands at night in 2020, seen from above, expresse

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Light emission 2020 details >

Local and regional authorities; EMU balance, 2021-2023 budget Open Data

The general government balance or EMU balance is an important indicator of the health of public fina

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Local and regional authorities; EMU balance, 2021-2023 budget details >

Bottom — boreholes: type Open Data

Map layer with boreholes carried out in a soil study. You can also find here by drilling the analyse

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Bottom — boreholes: type details >

Wholesale companies; turnover development, index 2010=100, 2005-2017 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of wholesale and commercial mediati

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Wholesale companies; turnover development, index 2010=100, 2005-2017 details >

Soil — address location Open Data

Map layer with all soil contours that have been decided under the Soil Protection Act. These are pol

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Soil — address location details >

Soil BKK 2020 — Zone classification Open Data

The map showing the zone layout indicates the areas where the average soil quality is equivalent. Th

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Soil BKK 2020 — Zone classification details >

Soil BKK 2020 — Soil function class map Open Data

The Soil function class chart indicates for an area under which of the three function classes the ar

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Soil BKK 2020 — Soil function class map details >

Soil BKK 2020 — Excavation map above ground (up to 0.5 m-mv) Open Data

The Excavation map above ground describes the average quality of the upper half meters of unsuspecte

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Soil BKK 2020 — Excavation map above ground (up to 0.5 m-mv) details >

Soil BKK 2020 — Excavation map subsoil (>0.5 m-mv) Open Data

The Excavation Map subsurface describes the average quality of 0.5 to 2.0 m -mv of unsuspected locat

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Soil BKK 2020 — Excavation map subsoil (>0.5 m-mv) details >

COVID-19 Rise and vaccination coverage base series and vaccination coverage repeat vaccination... Open Data

Dit bestand bevat: - De cumulatieve opkomst voor tenminste één COVID-19 vaccinatie en COVID-19 vacc

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COVID-19 Rise and vaccination coverage base series and vaccination coverage repeat vaccination... details >

Wholesale companies; turnover development, SBI 2008, 2005-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on the quarterly development of turnover of wholesale and commercial

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Wholesale companies; turnover development, SBI 2008, 2005-2012 details >

Mobility: by movement, travel characteristics, motives, regions Open Data

This table contains information on the relocation behaviour of the Dutch population aged 6 years or

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Mobility: by movement, travel characteristics, motives, regions details >

Mobility; by movement, travel characteristics, modes of transport, region Open Data

This table contains information on the relocation behaviour of the Dutch population aged 6 years or

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Mobility; by movement, travel characteristics, modes of transport, region details >

Mobility; per person, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per person, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions details >

Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, modes of travel and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, modes of travel and regions details >

Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, travel purposes and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per person, personal characteristics, travel purposes and regions details >

Mobility; per person, trip characteristics, modes of travel and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per person, trip characteristics, modes of travel and regions details >

Mobility; per person, trip characteristics, travel purposes and region Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per person, trip characteristics, travel purposes and region details >

Mobility; per trip, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per trip, modes of travel, purposes of travel and regions details >

Mobility; per trip, trip characteristics, modes of travel and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per trip, trip characteristics, modes of travel and regions details >

Wholesale companies; turnover development, 2003-2008, SBI '93 Open Data

This table provides information on quarterly developments in turnover in the wholesale and commercia

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Wholesale companies; turnover development, 2003-2008, SBI '93 details >

Mobility; per trip, purposes of travel, trip characteristics and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; per trip, purposes of travel, trip characteristics and regions details >

Mobility; traffic participation and participation in public transport Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Mobility; traffic participation and participation in public transport details >

Total transport performance in the Netherlands; modes of travel and regions Open Data

This table contains information regarding the mobility of the residents of the Netherlands aged 6 or

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Total transport performance in the Netherlands; modes of travel and regions details >

Light poles Barendrecht Open Data

In this dataset, the light poles that are managed by the municipality of Barendrecht have been unloc

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Light poles Barendrecht details >

Wholesale companies by size of staff Open Data

Key figures by main wholesale groups; total wholesale, gondants, consumer goods, building materials,

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Wholesale companies by size of staff details >

Labour history population last 4 years, region(classification 2021), 2004-2020 Open Data

This table contains figures on the employment history of the Dutch population (aged 15 years or olde

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Labour history population last 4 years, region(classification 2021), 2004-2020 details >

Restricted areas Environment law Hunze and Aa’s Water Board Open Data

Restricted areas Environment law Hunze and Aa’s Water Board

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Restricted areas Environment law Hunze and Aa’s Water Board details >

General rules on groundwater abstraction filter depth Open Data

General rules on groundwater abstraction filter depth. The management area of Hunze and Aa’s Water B

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General rules on groundwater abstraction filter depth details >

Wholesale trade; stock development, index 2010=100, 2015-2017 II Open Data

This table provides information on stock developments in the wholesale industry (SBI 462-469) accord

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Wholesale trade; stock development, index 2010=100, 2015-2017 II details >

Wholesale trade; stock development, index 2005 = 100, 2005-2012 Open Data

This table shows the index and stock evolution wholesaler. The index describes the volume of the sto

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Wholesale trade; stock development, index 2005 = 100, 2005-2012 details >

Invited refugees; nationality, gender and age Open Data

This table provides information on the annual number of refugees invited by the Netherlands. People

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Invited refugees; nationality, gender and age details >

Key numbers of commercial mediation to SBI Open Data

Holdings, employed persons, operating income in million euros, Gross — profit, operating expenses, e

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Key numbers of commercial mediation to SBI details >

Turnover developments and indices for wholesalers of capital goods Open Data

Turnover — Indices and Increases, etc. wholesale trade in capital goods (SBI'93). Quarterly and ann

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Turnover developments and indices for wholesalers of capital goods details >

Distribution of personnel costs in companies with 10 or more employees, 1999 Open Data

Wholesale personnel costs; Main group; distribution of the personnel costs for 13 wholesale sectors.

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Distribution of personnel costs in companies with 10 or more employees, 1999 details >

Cadastral Section Limits 1832 Open Data

Cadastral Section Borders in the Province of Zeeland ca. 1832

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Cadastral Section Limits 1832 details >

Groundwater protection zones Open Data

The protection zones around the drinking water extractions (Aalsterweg/Klotputten and Welschap) in E

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Groundwater protection zones details >

Regional cycling hub networks Open Data

Landscaping file of cycling node networks, based on information from managing regions. Digitalised b

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Regional cycling hub networks details >

Beverage providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Beverage providers (SBI 554) Supply of drinks for consumption on the spot, possibly in combination w

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Beverage providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Hospitality; turnover development, index 2010=100, 2005-2017 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the hospitality industry (SBI 20

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Hospitality; turnover development, index 2010=100, 2005-2017 details >

Hospitality; turnover development, index 2010 = 100, 2005-2013 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the hospitality industry (SBI 20

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Hospitality; turnover development, index 2010 = 100, 2005-2013 details >

Hospitality; turnover development, 1993-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the hospitality (SBI 2008 codes

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Hospitality; turnover development, 1993-2012 details >

Hospitality; turnover development, 1993-2008, SBI'93 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the restaurants (SBI 55). The tu

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Hospitality; turnover development, 1993-2008, SBI'93 details >

Hospitality; specifications of net turnover, 2002-2005 Open Data

The CBS collects annually, within the framework of the economic statistics, data on employment and

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Hospitality; specifications of net turnover, 2002-2005 details >

Canteens and catering; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Canteens and catering (SBI 555) Business canteens, school canteens and kitchens, university manas, m

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Canteens and catering; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Fixed-term residence permits; residence and nationality Open Data

This table shows the number of fixed-term residence permits issued (residence permits granted for th

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Fixed-term residence permits; residence and nationality details >

Accommodation providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Accommodation providers (SBI 551) Providing accommodation for short-term stays in hotels and motels

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Accommodation providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Food providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Food providers (SBI 55301) Provision of meals for direct consumption on the spot, whether or not in

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Food providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Food providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Food suppliers (SBI 55302/303) Provision of small or self-prepared foods for direct use on-site cons

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Food providers; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Residence recreation; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Residential recreation (SBI 552) Campsites and other recreational facilities. This publication cont

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Residence recreation; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Car service companies; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Car service companies (SBI 502) Trade in automotive parts and accessories in combination with assemb

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Car service companies; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Commercial vehicles; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Commercial vehicles (SBI 50101/103,105) Import, trade in and repair of commercial vehicles and trade

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Commercial vehicles; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Petrol service stations; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Petrol service stations (SBI 505) from motor fuels through petrol service stations. This publication

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Petrol service stations; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Petrol service stations; turnover development, 1995-2008, SBI'93 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the gas service stations (SBI 50

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Petrol service stations; turnover development, 1995-2008, SBI'93 details >

Retail sale of automotive materials; results per turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Retail sale of automotive materials (SBI 50303) Retail sale of automotive parts and accessories wit

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Retail sale of automotive materials; results per turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Drainage area Open Data

A cluster of measuring areas with the common feature that they discharge their water onto a main sys

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Drainage area details >

Wholesale of automotive materials; results per turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Wholesale car materials (SBI 50301/302) Wholesale and commercial brokerage of automotive parts, acce

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Wholesale of automotive materials; results per turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Immigration and emigration; age (31 Dec.), marital status, country of birth Open Data

This table contains figures on the establishment of persons from abroad (immigration) in the Netherl

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Immigration and emigration; age (31 Dec.), marital status, country of birth details >

Motor and automotive industry; labour and financial data, SBI 2008, 2009-2013 Open Data

This table provides data on the employment offered, the cost and revenue structure, operating and fi

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Motor and automotive industry; labour and financial data, SBI 2008, 2009-2013 details >

Motor and automotive industry; specification of net turnover, 2002-2005 Open Data

The CBS collects annually, within the framework of the economic statistics, data on employment and p

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Motor and automotive industry; specification of net turnover, 2002-2005 details >

Motor and automotive industry; turnover development, index 2010=100, 2005-2017 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the motor and automotive sector

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Motor and automotive industry; turnover development, index 2010=100, 2005-2017 details >

Motor and automotive industry; turnover development, 1995-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the motor and automotive industr

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Motor and automotive industry; turnover development, 1995-2012 details >

Motor and automotive industry; turnover development, 1995-2008, SBI'93 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the motor and automotive industr

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Motor and automotive industry; turnover development, 1995-2008, SBI'93 details >

Motorcycle companies; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Motorcycle companies (SBI 504) Wholesale, commercial mediation and retail trade in and repair of mo

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Motorcycle companies; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Passenger car companies; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 Open Data

Passenger car companies (SBI 50104) Trade in and repair of passenger cars (excluding imports of new

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Passenger car companies; operating results by turnover class 1996-1999 details >

Registered unemployment; January 1952 — April 2010/June 2010 Open Data

This table contains data on the history of the registered unemployment. The figures are not seasonal

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Registered unemployment; January 1952 — April 2010/June 2010 details >

Passenger car importers; turnover development, index 2010 = 100, 2005-2017 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of turnover of passenger car importers (SBI 2008 co

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Passenger car importers; turnover development, index 2010 = 100, 2005-2017 details >

Passenger car importers; turnover development, 1995-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the passenger car importers (SBI

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Passenger car importers; turnover development, 1995-2012 details >

Passenger car importers; turnover development 1995-2008, SBI'93 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of the turnover of the passenger car importers (SBI

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Passenger car importers; turnover development 1995-2008, SBI'93 details >

Immigration and emigration; nationality, age and gender Open Data

This table contains figures on immigration and emigration of persons to and from the Netherlands. Th

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Immigration and emigration; nationality, age and gender details >

Industrial procurement of raw materials and excipients, from 1996 onwards Open Data

Specification of the procurement of land and excipients from industrial companies with 20 and more e

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Industrial procurement of raw materials and excipients, from 1996 onwards details >

Industrial procurement of wage services, from 1996 onwards Open Data

Specification of the amounts paid for wage services provided by third parties at industrial companie

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Industrial procurement of wage services, from 1996 onwards details >

Industrial procurement of one-off packaging products, from 1996 onwards Open Data

Specification of the purchasing of one-off packaging products from industrial companies with 20 and

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Industrial procurement of one-off packaging products, from 1996 onwards details >

Industry; production, SBI 2008, index 2005=100, 1953-2011 Open Data

This table provides information on the development of industrial production (excluding construction)

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Industry; production, SBI 2008, index 2005=100, 1953-2011 details >

Industry; production, turnover and orders, SBI 2008, 2000-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on the development of production, turnover and orders in the industr

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Industry; production, turnover and orders, SBI 2008, 2000-2012 details >

Order receipts industry; SBI 2008, index 2010=100, 2005-2013 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of orders in the industry), SBI 2008 section C. The

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Order receipts industry; SBI 2008, index 2010=100, 2005-2013 details >

Industrial production data (excluding construction) (1995-2008) Open Data

Indices (2000=100) turnover, orders and production in the industry (excluding construction) and prod

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Industrial production data (excluding construction) (1995-2008) details >

Mining; labour and financial data, SBI 2008, 2009-2013 Open Data

This table provides data on the employment offered, the cost and revenue structure, operating and fi

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Mining; labour and financial data, SBI 2008, 2009-2013 details >

Mining; labour and financial data, SBI'93, 2006-2008 Open Data

For the mining industry, this table contains the following: annual results: number of jobs of employ

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Mining; labour and financial data, SBI'93, 2006-2008 details >

Mining; labour and financial data, by sector 2000-2005 Open Data

This table contains the following for the Delphants extraction industry: results: number of companie

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Mining; labour and financial data, by sector 2000-2005 details >

Immigration and emigration; nationality, age (31 Dec) and gender; 1972-2018 Open Data

This table contains figures on the immigration of persons to the Netherlands, and the emigration of

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Immigration and emigration; nationality, age (31 Dec) and gender; 1972-2018 details >

Mineral extraction, bedr. >= 100 jobs.; financial and general terms. Open Data

The so-called production statistics (PS-en) are already in its current form. since the beginning of

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Mineral extraction, bedr. >= 100 jobs.; financial and general terms. details >

Diffuser extraction companies; turnover development, SBI 2008, 2000-2012 Open Data

This table provides information on turnover trends in companies with 10 or more active persons in th

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Diffuser extraction companies; turnover development, SBI 2008, 2000-2012 details >

Diffuser extraction companies; turnover development, SBI'93, 2000-2008 Open Data

This table provides information on the evolution of company turnover with 10 or more active persons

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Diffuser extraction companies; turnover development, SBI'93, 2000-2008 details >

Sell mineral extraction (energy) Open Data

Mineral extraction (energy sector); selling inland, abroad, total and by products; quantities of nat

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Sell mineral extraction (energy) details >

Financial and general data industry, companies 20 or more employees Open Data

Companies, employees, production —, consumption, added value and business results in the industry of

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Financial and general data industry, companies 20 or more employees details >

Milk supply and dairy production by dairies; 1995-1997 Open Data

CBS, in collaboration with Productschap Zuivel, conducts a survey of all dairy factories in the Neth

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Milk supply and dairy production by dairies; 1995-1997 details >
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