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Material consumption and payments to subcontractors in construction Open Data

Material consumption and payments to subcontractors in the construction industry. This publication p

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Material consumption and payments to subcontractors in construction details >

Building permits; construction costs and housing content 1995-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics on building permits (now called ‘B

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Building permits; construction costs and housing content 1995-2016 details >

Building permits and new-build homes; key figures, 1995-2011 Open Data

In this table, key figures are published on: — the construction amount of the permits granted for re

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Building permits and new-build homes; key figures, 1995-2011 details >

Building permits to client 1990-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics on building permits (now called en

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Building permits to client 1990-2016 details >

Building permits to province 1990-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics granted building permits (now call

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Building permits to province 1990-2016 details >

Building permits; new build by type of building 1990-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics granted building permits (now call

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Building permits; new build by type of building 1990-2016 details >

ICT use in companies; industry and company size, 2019 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companie

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ICT use in companies; industry and company size, 2019 details >

Building permits; rental and sale properties, construction costs, content 1990-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics on building permits issued.In this

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Building permits; rental and sale properties, construction costs, content 1990-2016 details >

Building permits; value and number of building type per COROP area 1990-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics on building permits issued. In thi

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Building permits; value and number of building type per COROP area 1990-2016 details >

New-build homes; building permits, completed, 1995-2012 Open Data

In this table, figures are published on: — the number of new-build homes for which ‘building environ

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New-build homes; building permits, completed, 1995-2012 details >

New-build homes; permits by client, form of ownership 1995-2016 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the monthly statistics on building permits issued. In thi

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New-build homes; permits by client, form of ownership 1995-2016 details >

Building permits granted by building destination Open Data

Construction sum, number per client, residential and commercial buildings (new construction) and oth

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Building permits granted by building destination details >

Value granted building permits Open Data

New construction permits granted value; housing — and utility construction by client, province Janua

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Value granted building permits details >

Living spaces; not yet ready after building permit has been granted, 2005-2011 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the statistics on Granted Building Permits and the Housin

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Living spaces; not yet ready after building permit has been granted, 2005-2011 details >

Construction of housing progress. Open Data

Granted building permits and ready-made homes. by foundation costs class (until 1999) and client. 19

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Construction of housing progress. details >

Ready-made homes; lead time in months, project size, 1995-2011 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the Housing Statistics. In this table, CBS publishes the

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Ready-made homes; lead time in months, project size, 1995-2011 details >

Ready-made homes; average lead time, project size, 1995-2011 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the Housing Statistics. This table publishes the average

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Ready-made homes; average lead time, project size, 1995-2011 details >

ICT use in companies; industry, 2019 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companie

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ICT use in companies; industry, 2019 details >

Progress of housing by province as of January 1994 Open Data

building permit granted, started, in progress and ready. To the province. 1994-2001; 1994 kw I — 200

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Progress of housing by province as of January 1994 details >

Housing construction; new construction, stock and other mutations to VINEX, 1995-2004 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the Statistics Granted Building Permits, the Housing Stat

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Housing construction; new construction, stock and other mutations to VINEX, 1995-2004 details >

Population by residential property; origin and residence; 2003-2006 Open Data

This table provides information about all people on the last Friday they lived in the Netherlands fr

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Population by residential property; origin and residence; 2003-2006 details >

Energy labels of rental and sale homes by region in 2011 Open Data

This table shows which homes in a given region have been given an economical or an unefficient energ

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Energy labels of rental and sale homes by region in 2011 details >

Changes in the housing stock; 1995-2011 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the Housing Statistics. In this table, the following data

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Changes in the housing stock; 1995-2011 details >

Property social landlords by municipality, province, region, 2000-2001 Open Data

Housing ownership social landlords by type of home (cheap, affordable, expensive) and per municipali

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Property social landlords by municipality, province, region, 2000-2001 details >

Property social landlords by province, 1995-2000 Open Data

Data are available for the years 1995-2000. Status of the figures: The figures in this table are fi

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Property social landlords by province, 1995-2000 details >

Housing construction; stock changes, region, 1988-2011 Open Data

This table contains part of the results of the Statistics Granted Building Permits, the Housing Stat

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Housing construction; stock changes, region, 1988-2011 details >

Housing stock to occupancy; region, 2008-2012 Open Data

This table gives an overview of the housing stock, divided into occupied and unoccupied dwellings, i

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Housing stock to occupancy; region, 2008-2012 details >

House stock by year of construction (date 1 January) Open Data

Housing stock in the Netherlands by province, type (single family — or more— family), year class, in

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House stock by year of construction (date 1 January) details >

ICT use in small businesses; company size, 2019 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companie

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ICT use in small businesses; company size, 2019 details >

Housing stock by property; region, 2006-2012 Open Data

This table provides insight into the distribution of the housing stock to rental and own homes, in a

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Housing stock by property; region, 2006-2012 details >

Housing stock on 31 December; 1947-2011 Open Data

This table contains the housing stock as at 31 December 1947, broken down by parts of the country, p

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Housing stock on 31 December; 1947-2011 details >

Existing properties for sale; COROP and large municipalities; 1995-2012; 2005=100 Open Data

This table shows the trends in sales prices of existing properties for sale displayed by COROP area

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Existing properties for sale; COROP and large municipalities; 1995-2012; 2005=100 details >

Existing properties for sale; sales prices price index 2010=100 1995-2017 Open Data

This table shows the price developments of the stock of existing properties. The number of transacti

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Existing properties for sale; sales prices price index 2010=100 1995-2017 details >

Existing house; house type; selling prices price index 2010=100 1995-'17 Open Data

This table shows the price developments of the stock of existing dwellings per housing type. The num

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Existing house; house type; selling prices price index 2010=100 1995-'17 details >

Existing properties for sale; region; sales prices price index 2010=100;1995-2017 Open Data

This table shows the price developments of the stock of existing owner-occupied dwellings by region.

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Existing properties for sale; region; sales prices price index 2010=100;1995-2017 details >

Existing properties by type of property and region 1995-2012; 2005=100 Open Data

This table shows the trends in sales prices of existing properties for sale are displayed. In additi

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Existing properties by type of property and region 1995-2012; 2005=100 details >

Existing homes for sale; key figures, region 2013-2016 Open Data

This table provides insight into the number of existing homes for sale, the average supply time and

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Existing homes for sale; key figures, region 2013-2016 details >

Existing homes for sale; demand price, supply time 2013-2016 Open Data

This table provides insight into the evolution of the number of existing homes for sale by asking pr

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Existing homes for sale; demand price, supply time 2013-2016 details >

Consumer prices; rent increase properties by region Open Data

This table shows the increase in housing rent per region. There’s distinction made according to the

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Consumer prices; rent increase properties by region details >

ICT use in small businesses; industry and company size, 2019 Open Data

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companie

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ICT use in small businesses; industry and company size, 2019 details >

Consumer prices; rent increase properties to landlord Open Data

This table shows the increase in housing rent in the Netherlands. There’s distinction made according

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Consumer prices; rent increase properties to landlord details >

Financial risk mortgage debt; homeowners, 2006-2015 Open Data

This table contains data on the financial risk of homeowners by relating mortgage debt, average hous

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Financial risk mortgage debt; homeowners, 2006-2015 details >

Desired relocations to characteristics of desired home Open Data

Desired relocations of passers-by and start-ups, according to some characteristics such as age and c

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Desired relocations to characteristics of desired home details >

International trade; imports and exports of services by country, quarter Open Data

This table shows data on imports, exports and balances of services by companies and individuals esta

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International trade; imports and exports of services by country, quarter details >

Areas in the Netherlands 2022 Open Data

This table establishes a relationship between the municipal classification (the lowest administrativ

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Areas in the Netherlands 2022 details >

International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, quarter Open Data

This table contains information on Dutch imports, exports and net balance of services broken down by

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International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, quarter details >

Mortgages on residential homes borne by private individuals Open Data

Home mortgages; transactions, closures and second mortgages. Data available from: 1st quarter 1995

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Mortgages on residential homes borne by private individuals details >

Foraging areas geese Open Data

This file contains an overview of the foraging areas for geese in the province of Groningen.

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Foraging areas geese details >

Habitats of arable birds Open Data

This stock contains habitats of arable birds as defined in the Provincial Environment Regulation. In

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Habitats of arable birds details >

Habitats meadow birds Open Data

This stock contains habitats of meadow birds as laid down in the Provincial Environment Regulation.

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Habitats meadow birds details >

Newly registered residential mortgages by region Open Data

Newly registered residential mortgages; number and amount to COROP, province and part of the country

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Newly registered residential mortgages by region details >

NatuurNetwerk Nederland (NNN) Open Data

Dit bestand bevat een robuust stelsel van natuurgebieden, beheersgebieden en verbindingszones. Door

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NatuurNetwerk Nederland (NNN) details >

Self-employed persons; income, wealth, region (classification 2021) Open Data

This table provides data on the income and wealth of self-employed persons by region. A distinction

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Self-employed persons; income, wealth, region (classification 2021) details >

Household income; household characteristics, region (2021 classification) Open Data

This table contains data on household income, broken down by region and various background character

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Household income; household characteristics, region (2021 classification) details >

Income of persons; personal characteristics, region (2021 classification) Open Data

This table contains data on the income of persons, broken down by region and various background char

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Income of persons; personal characteristics, region (2021 classification) details >

Household assets; household characteristics, region (2021 classification) Open Data

This table provides data on household assets by characteristics such as household composition, age a

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Household assets; household characteristics, region (2021 classification) details >

Private housing transactions by municipality Open Data

Number of transactions, total purchase price and average purchase price by act of total private dwel

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Private housing transactions by municipality details >

Private housing transactions by region Open Data

Number of transactions, total purchase price and average purchase price by act of total properties f

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Private housing transactions by region details >

Price indices of housing inboedels from January 1991 Open Data

These indices are based on indices calculated by CBS. retail prices with data processing on average

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Price indices of housing inboedels from January 1991 details >

Price indexes housing inboedels (1995=100) Open Data

These price indices are based on CBS calculated indices of retail prices incorporating data on the a

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Price indexes housing inboedels (1995=100) details >

Home mortgages; outstanding debt Open Data

Mortgages, outstanding debt from financial institutions, changes compared to last quarter. Data ava

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Home mortgages; outstanding debt details >

ICT use in companies; company size, 2018 Open Data

This table contains data on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companies b

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ICT use in companies; company size, 2018 details >

Housing expenses of rental properties, 1998-2000 Open Data

The data on housing burdens of tenants of rental properties come from from the Housing Needs Researc

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Housing expenses of rental properties, 1998-2000 details >

Housing situation private households by origin, 1998 Open Data

The housing situation of private households to origin of the main costwinner. 1998 Amended on 16 Au

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Housing situation private households by origin, 1998 details >

Living expenses Open Data

Housing expenses. Rent — and buying sector. 1990, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000 Amended on 18 October 2002.

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Living expenses details >

WOZ objects by value class; 1997-2011 Open Data

Since 1997, CBS collects data on the value of the real estate on the basis of the Real Estate Valuat

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WOZ objects by value class; 1997-2011 details >

Inhabited dwellings; households, 1982-2012 Open Data

Houses with single or multi-person households and persons per household/home. Data available from 1

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Inhabited dwellings; households, 1982-2012 details >

Acidification Sensitive Areas (WAV) Open Data

This file contains the acidification sensitive areas (WAV). With the ammonia and livestock farming A

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Acidification Sensitive Areas (WAV) details >

Search area robust connection zone Open Data

This file contains the search area robuutste connection zones. These are connection zones in the pro

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Search area robust connection zone details >

Inhabited dwellings; income residents, WOZ value, region, 2009-2012 Open Data

This table contains information on purchase and rental properties by WOZ value class, household comp

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Inhabited dwellings; income residents, WOZ value, region, 2009-2012 details >

Interim Environment Regulation, Joint Rural Area Open Data

The space that remains after designation of the urban area, the Nature Network Brabant and Groenblau

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Interim Environment Regulation, Joint Rural Area details >

Interim Environment Regulation, Nature Network Brabant — ecological connection zone Open Data

Ecological connection zones are areas or structures that should allow connection, migration and exch

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Interim Environment Regulation, Nature Network Brabant — ecological connection zone details >

Inhabited dwellings; age residents, WOZ value, region, 2009-2012 Open Data

This table contains information on purchase and rental properties by WOZ value class, household comp

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Inhabited dwellings; age residents, WOZ value, region, 2009-2012 details >

Key Indicator Moving-friendly Environment Open Data

On the map you can see how much the living environment contributes to sports and exercise. The highe

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Key Indicator Moving-friendly Environment details >

Natura 2000 (INSPIRE harmonised) Open Data

Natura 2000 is the coherent network of protected natural areas in the European Union consisting of B

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Natura 2000 (INSPIRE harmonised) details >

National Parks Open Data

This file lists the borders of the 20 National Parks, as published at various times in the Staatscou

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National Parks details >

Flow of housing market; start-up and flowing households 2010-2011 Open Data

This table provides insight into the start and flow of households in the housing market. Of all vaca

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Flow of housing market; start-up and flowing households 2010-2011 details >

Utilities and public services Open Data

Inspire Utility Services is a European directive whereby Dutch network operators, with the exception

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Utilities and public services details >

Flood Barriers Determined Water Board Rivierenland Open Data

Water board Rivierenland lays down essential information that the dikes (water barriers) have to com

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Flood Barriers Determined Water Board Rivierenland details >

Archaeological Map IJsselmeer area Open Data

The Archaeological Map IJsselmeergebied presents research themes relevant to archaeology in that are

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Archaeological Map IJsselmeer area details >

State Protected Green Layout Open Data

The map layer of protected greenery shows parks, gardens and cemeteries protected as a national monu

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State Protected Green Layout details >

Agricultural holdings Open Data

Location and animal numbers of all agricultural holdings in the Netherlands known to the Dutch Enter

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Agricultural holdings details >

Main resident; household composition, 1998-2009 Open Data

Total number of households, owner-tenant, mode of housing, nature of the house by household composit

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Main resident; household composition, 1998-2009 details >

ENC of Dutch inland waterways Open Data

The ENC is a mandatory nautical map and contains all information related to water navigation

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ENC of Dutch inland waterways details >

Suspended matter — Physical-chemical and chemical components Open Data

Historical measurement data on the physico-chemical and chemical components in suspended matter of t

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Suspended matter — Physical-chemical and chemical components details >

Data file Large-scale traffic research Flevoland 2008 Open Data

In autumn 2008, research carried out with the main results of the survey among users by origins, des

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Data file Large-scale traffic research Flevoland 2008 details >

Data file Large-scale Traffic Research Freight Transportation Randstad 2012 Open Data

Excel file at postcode4 level of origins, destinations, preferences, motives, percentages of freight

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Data file Large-scale Traffic Research Freight Transportation Randstad 2012 details >

Data file Large-scale Traffic Research Flevoland 2003 Open Data

Research into all car traffic, distinguishing between passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Topics

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Data file Large-scale Traffic Research Flevoland 2003 details >

Data file Large-scale traffic research Utrecht 2008 Open Data

Research among road users of national roads in Utrecht. A distinction has been made in passenger tra

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Data file Large-scale traffic research Utrecht 2008 details >

Zuid-Holland dataset (shp) river 01-01-2011 Open Data

Soil height of the water system part Zuid-Holland, or part thereof. Depending on the importance of t

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Zuid-Holland dataset (shp) river 01-01-2011 details >

Environmental impact measurements Offshore Windpark Egmond aan Zee Open Data

It concerns monitoring data. The Offshore Windpark Egmond aan Zee is the first offshore wind farm bu

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Environmental impact measurements Offshore Windpark Egmond aan Zee details >

Zuid-Holland dataset (shp) river 01-01-2010 Open Data

Soil height of the water system part Zuid-Holland, or part thereof. Depending on the importance of t

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Zuid-Holland dataset (shp) river 01-01-2010 details >

Dwellings; main resident/household, 1998-2012 Open Data

Households in homes by property, construction method, number of rooms, heating, insulation, construc

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Dwellings; main resident/household, 1998-2012 details >

Historical depth — works of art Open Data

Historical depth of works of art or part thereof. The frequency with which Rijkswaterstaat invades t

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Historical depth — works of art details >

ICT use in companies; industry, 2018 Open Data

This table contains data on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companies.

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ICT use in companies; industry, 2018 details >

Stock of homes; mutations and construction, 1921-2011 Open Data

Since 1921, CBS collects data on housing construction and housing stock within the framework of real

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Stock of homes; mutations and construction, 1921-2011 details >

Water Quality Surface Water — Physical-chemical and chemical components Open Data

Historical measurement data on the physico-chemical and chemical components of surface water in the

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Water Quality Surface Water — Physical-chemical and chemical components details >

Environmental impact measurements monitoring shortlist wind at sea Open Data

It concerns monitoring data. At the start of the construction of the first offshore wind farms much

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Environmental impact measurements monitoring shortlist wind at sea details >

Water Quality — Projects Open Data

Overview of the projects for water quality in the framework of the Management and Development Plan f

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Water Quality — Projects details >

Environmental impact measurements Nature compensation second mesh surface Open Data

It concerns monitoring data. In the period 2008-2013, the Port of Rotterdam Authority created the fi

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Environmental impact measurements Nature compensation second mesh surface details >
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