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Använder automatiserat informationsutbyte efter ändamål och näringsgren SNI 2002. Andel företag. År... Open Data
Andel företag som har automatiserat informationsutbyte efter informationstyp, näringsgren SNI 2002,
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Uses automated exchange of information by purpose and industry SNI 2007. Percentage of companies.... Open Data
Proportion of enterprises that have automated information exchange by type of information, industry
Issued on
Använder automatiserat informationsutbyte efter ändamål och storleksklass (3 grupper). Andel... Open Data
Andel företag som har automatiserat informationsutbyte efter informationstyp, storleksklass, tabelli
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Uses different types of formats for automated exchange of information by format and industry SNI... Open Data
Proportion of enterprises that have automated information exchange by industry SNI 2002, ADE format,
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Uses different types of formats for automated information exchange by format and size class (3... Open Data
Percentage of companies that have automated information exchange by ADE format, size class, table co
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Uses electronic exchange of information on stocks and deliveries by type of business contact (2... Open Data
Share of enterprises with electronic exchange of information by business contacts, industry SNI 2007
Issued on
Uses electronic exchange of information on stocks and deliveries by type of business contact (2... Open Data
Percentage of companies that have automated exchange of information by business contacts, size class
Issued on
Uses CRM systems by field of application and industry SNI 2002. Percentage of companies. Year... Open Data
Proportion of enterprises using CRM systems by use (last three months), industry SNI 2002, table con
Issued on
2009 - 2014 Open Data
Andel företag som använder CRM-system efter användningsområde (senaste tre månaderna), näringsgren S
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2008 - 2014 Open Data
Andel företag som använder CRM-system efter användningsområde (senaste tre månaderna), storleksklass
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Uses computers by industry SNI 2007. Percentage of companies. Year 2009-2013 Open Data
Computer use in enterprises with 10 or more employees by industry SNI 2007, table content and year
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Använder datorer efter storleksklass (3 grupper). Andel företag. År 2008 - 2013 Open Data
Datoranvändning i företag med 10 eller fler anställda efter storleksklass, tabellinnehåll och år
Issued on
Uses digital signature by industry SNI 2002. Percentage of companies. Year 2008-2009 Open Data
Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more employees using digital signature by industry SNI 2002, ta
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Uses digital signature by industry SNI 2007. Percentage of companies. Year 2009-2010 Open Data
Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more employees using digital signature by industry SNI 2007, ta
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Uses digital signature by size class (3 groups). Percentage of companies. Year 2008-2010 Open Data
Proportion of companies with 10 or more employees using digital signature by size class, table conte
Issued on
Teleworking by size class (3 size classes). Share of enterprises. Year 2009 - 2015 Open Data
Teleworking in enterprises (with 10 or more employees) by size of company, observations and year
Issued on
Adopted persons by sex, region of birth, number of adoptive parents and year of birth. Year 2000 -... Open Data
Adopted persons by sex, year of birth, observations and year
Issued on
2011 - 2016 Open Data
Andel företag som använt e-handel efter e-handelsaktivitet, näringsgren SNI 2007, tabellinnehåll och
Issued on
2011 - 2016 Open Data
Andel företag som använt e-handel efter e-handelsaktivitet, storleksklass, tabellinnehåll och år
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Has its own staff working with software development by industry SNI 2002. Percentage of companies.... Open Data
Share of enterprises with their own personnel involved in software development by industry SNI 2002,
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Enterprises that have employees working with software development by industrial classification NACE... Open Data
Share of enterprises that have employees working with software development by industrial classificat
Issued on
Enterprises that have employees working with software development by size class (3 size classes).... Open Data
Share of enterprises that have employees working with software development by size class, observatio
Issued on
Electronic commerce by activity and industry SNI 2002. Percentage of companies. Year 2008-2009 Open Data
Proportion of enterprises using e-commerce by e-commerce activity, industry SNI 2002, table content
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Electronic commerce by activity and industry SNI 2007. Percentage of companies. Year 2009-2010 Open Data
Proportion of enterprises using e-commerce by e-commerce activity, industry SNI 2007, table content
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Electronic commerce by activity and size class (3 groups). Percentage of companies. Year 2008-2010 Open Data
Percentage of companies using e-commerce by e-commerce activity, size class, table content and year
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Uses business systems (ERPs) by industry SNI 2002. Percentage of companies. Year 2008-2009 Open Data
Proportion of enterprises using ERP systems by industry SNI 2002, table content and year
Issued on
Usage of ERP software by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2. Share of enterprises. Year 2009 -... Open Data
Share of enterprises that use ERP software by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations an
Issued on
Usage of ERP software by size class (3 size classes). Share of enterprises. Year 2008 - 2014 Open Data
Share of enterprises that use ERP software by size class, observations and year
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Services available on the website by type of service and accounting group. Share of enterprises.... Open Data
Services available on the website by services on the website, study domain, observations and year
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Has a website, by size class (3 size classes). Share of enterprises. Year 2008 - 2016 Open Data
Enterprises that have a website by size class, observations and year
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Internet connections by type of connection and by industry SNI 2002. Percentage of companies. Year... Open Data
Internet connections in enterprises with 10 or more employees by connection option, industry SNI 200
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Anslutningar till Internet efter typ av anslutning och efter näringsgren SNI 2007. Andel företag. År... Open Data
Internetanslutningar i företag med 10 eller fler anställda efter anslutningsalternativ, näringsgren
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Internet connections by type of connection and by size class (3 groups). Percentage of companies.... Open Data
Internet connections in companies with 10 or more employees by connection options, size class, table
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Contacts with authorities via the Internet by purpose and industry SNI 2007. Percentage of... Open Data
Internet usage in contacts with public authorities in enterprises with 10 or more employees by purpo
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Contacts with authorities via the Internet by purpose and size class (3 groups). Percentage of... Open Data
Internet usage in contacts with public authorities in companies with 10 or more employees by size cl
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Access to the internet, by size classe (3 size classes). Share of enterprises. Year 2008 - 2016 Open Data
Access to the internet in enterprises with 10 or more employees by size class, observations and year
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Access to the internet by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2. Share of enterprises. Year 2009 -... Open Data
Access to the internet in enterprises with 10 or more employees by industrial classification NACE Re
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Use of artificial intelligence by purpose. Share of enterprises. Year 2021 Open Data
Use of AI techniques by purpose, study domain, observations and year
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Reasons why enterprises have refrained from using AI technologies. Share of enterprises. Year 2021 Open Data
Reasons why enterprises have refrained from using AI technologies by reason, study domain, observati
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Use of AI software or systems by way of acquiring them. Share of enterprises. Year 2021 Open Data
Use of AI software or systems by way of acquiring, study domain, observations and year
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Enterprises that have considered using AI technologies. Share of enterprises. Year 2021 Open Data
Enterprises that have considered using AI technologies by study domain, observations and year
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Use of AI techniques by type of technology. Share of enterprises. Year 2021 Open Data
Use of AI techniques by type of technology, study domain, observations and year
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Use of arable land by county/country and crop. Year 1981 - 2007 Open Data
Arable land, hectares by region, crop, observations and year
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The marriages average duration in years at divorce respectively death, by region. Year 1998 - 2021 Open Data
The marriages average duration in years by region, dissolved by, observations and year
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Ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish marketplaces by sector and class. Twice a year... Open Data
Ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish marketplaces by sector, classes of shares, observ
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Activity Index (AI), 2005=100. Month 1993M01-2009M12 Open Data
Activity Index (AI), 2005=100 by table content and month
Issued on
Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, full/part time and weekly working time. In 1987-2004 Open Data
Employees (LFS), 100s by sex, age, full/part time, weekly working time, table contents and years
Issued on
Employees aged 16-64, who have worked more than usual (LFS) by sex, age and additional working time... Open Data
Employees who have worked more than usual (LFS), 100s by sex, age, reasons of additional working tim
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Employees aged 16 to 64, with children under 7 years of age, who have worked more than usual (LFS)... Open Data
Employees with children under the age of 7 who have worked more than usual (LFS), 100s by sex, addit
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Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and unemployment status. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Unemployed (LFS), 100s by sex, unemployment status, table content and year
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Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and period of unemployment. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Unemployed (LFS), 100s by sex, age, unemployment time, table content and year
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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Population (LFS), 100s by sex, age, labour force affiliation, table content and year
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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, sex and labour force. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Population aged 16-64 (LFS), 100s by region, sex, labour force affiliation, table content and year
Issued on
Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and wish/possibility to work. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Not in the labour force (LFS), 100s by sex, age, wishes/possibility to work, table content and years
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Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and cause. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Not in the labour force (LFS), 100s by sex, age, cause, table content and year
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Absence from work aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and reason for absence. In 1987-2004 Open Data
Absence from work (LFS), 100s by sex, cause of absence, table content and year
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Employed persons aged 16-64 in employment (LFS) by sex, age and weekly working time (actual). In... Open Data
In work (LFS), 100s by sex, age, weekly working time (actual), table content and years
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Unused labour supply, number of persons and hours aged 16-64 (LFS) for unemployed, underemployed and... Open Data
Number of persons/hours (LFS) by unused labour supply, gender, age, table content and year
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Unutilised labour supply, number of persons and hours aged 16-64 (LFS) for unemployed, underemployed... Open Data
Number of persons and hours (LFS) by unused labour supply, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table co
Issued on
Unutilised labour supply, number of persons and hours aged 16-64 (LFS) for unemployed, underemployed... Open Data
Number of persons and hours (LFS) by unused labour supply, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table co
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Unutilised labour supply, number of persons and hours aged 16-64 (LFS) for unemployed, underemployed... Open Data
Number of persons and hours (LFS) by unused labour supply, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table co
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Unused labour supply, number of persons and hours aged 16-64 (LFS) for unemployed, underemployed and... Open Data
Number of persons/hours (LFS) by unused labour supply, gender, age, table content and quarter
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Unused labour supply, number of persons and hours aged 16-64 (LFS) for unemployed, underemployed and... Open Data
Number of persons and hours (LFS) by unused labour supply, gender, age, table content and month
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Women aged 16-64 with children < 7 years (LFS) by age and labour force. In 1976-2004 Open Data
Women with children < 7 years (LFS), 100s by age, labour force affiliation, table content and year
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Over/over-time for employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. In 1987-2004 Open Data
Overtime/overtime (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, table content and years
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Extra time for employees aged 16-64 with children under 7 years (LFS) by sex. In 1987-2004 Open Data
Overtime/overtime for employees with children under 7 years (LFS), 1000s by sex, table content and y
Issued on
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of... Open Data
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS), 10 000 by degre
Issued on
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of... Open Data
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS), 10 000 by degre
Issued on
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of... Open Data
Number of hours worked (actual time worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS), 10 000 by degree
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Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of... Open Data
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS), 10,000 by degre
Issued on
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of... Open Data
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS), 10,000 by degre
Issued on
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of... Open Data
Number of hours worked (time actually worked) per week for persons aged 16-64 (LFS), 10,000 by degre
Issued on
Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by length, sex and age of unemployment. Year 2005-2007 Open Data
Unemployed persons (LFS) by period of unemployment, sex, age, table content and year
Issued on
Unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) by length of unemployment (27+ weeks) and by national/foreign born, sex... Open Data
Unemployed (LFS), 1000s by period of unemployment, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table content an
Issued on
Unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) by length of unemployment (27+ weeks) and by national/foreign born, sex... Open Data
Unemployed (LFS), 1000s by period of unemployment, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table content an
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Unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) by length of unemployment (27+ weeks) and by national/foreign born, sex... Open Data
Unemployed (LFS), 1000s by period of unemployment, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table content an
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Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by length, sex and age of unemployment. Quarter 2006K2-2007K4 Open Data
Unemployed persons (LFS) by period of unemployment, sex, age, table content and quarter
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Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by length, sex and age of unemployment. Month 2006M02-2007M12 Open Data
Unemployed persons (LFS) by period of unemployment, sex, age, table content and month
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Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) by sex and age. In 2007 Open Data
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed persons (LFS) by sex, age, table content and
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Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) by sex and age. Quarter... Open Data
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed persons (LFS) by sex, age, table content and
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Medelvärde för arbetslöshetstidens längd samt antal arbetslösa 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön och ålder.... Open Data
Medelvärde för arbetslöshetstidens längd samt antal arbetslösa (AKU) efter kön, ålder, tabellinnehål
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Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) and by domestic —/foreign... Open Data
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed persons (LFS) by domestic/foreign born, sex,
Issued on
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) and by domestic —/foreign... Open Data
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed persons (LFS) by domestic/foreign born, sex,
Issued on
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed 16-64 years (LFS) and by domestic —/foreign... Open Data
Average length of unemployment and number of unemployed persons (LFS) by domestic/foreign born, sex,
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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and degree of attachment to the labour market. In... Open Data
Employed persons (LFS), 100s by sex, age, degree of attachment to the labour market, table content a
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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by region and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). In 1987-2004 Open Data
Employed persons (LFS), 100s by region, industry SNI 2002, table content and year
Issued on
Assessment units (type code 210), total cadastral value in 2020, total cadastral value in 2021 and... Open Data
General real estate assessment by region, type of property, table content and year
Issued on
Assessment units (type code 220, 223, 225, 230), total cadastral value in 2020, total cadastral... Open Data
General real estate assessment by region, type of property, table content and year
Issued on
Housing expenditures per household and number of households by region, type of tenure and type of... Open Data
Housing expenditures per household by region, tenure, type of household, observations and year
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2020 Open Data
Boendeutgift per hushåll by region, tenure, observations and year
Issued on
Housing expenditures per household and number of hoseholds, by type of tenure, type of household and... Open Data
Housing expenditures per household by tenure, type of household, size of dwelling, observations and
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2020 Open Data
Boendeutgift per hushåll by tenure, size of dwelling, observations and year
Issued on
2020 Open Data
Boendeutgiftsprocent, disponibel inkomst och konsumtionsutrymme per hushåll by region, tenure, obser
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2020 Open Data
Boendeutgiftsprocent, disponibel inkomst och konsumtionsutrymme per hushåll by tenure, size of dwell
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Physical influences in Swedish coastal waters 1960 and onwards: Bottom substrate Open Data
Bottom substrate from SGU that has been trimmed and adapted to the water surface and current shoreli
Issued on 2020-09-30
Hundreds of yards Open Data
Surface geometry that describes the locations of the city’s hundred yards.
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Citybikes (loan bikes in Stockholm) Open Data
Point geometry showing the spread of Citybikes (loan bikes) within Stockholm municipality.
Issued on 2012-03-09
SBK Ortofoto (2019) Open Data
Ett ortofoto över Stockholm består av hundratals flygbilder. Flygbilderna bearbetas så att perspekti
Issued on 2020-04-01
Parking machine Open Data
Point geometry representing the location of a parking machine within the municipality of Stockholm.
Issued on 2012-03-09
Tax summary for income year 2022 Open Data
The tax summary contains information on declared income and deductions in the Incomes Act Service, C
Issued on 2023-01-23
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