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Pupils in primary school (incl. experimental school) by school year, specialisation and gender. Year... Open Data

Number of pupils in comprehensive school (incl. experimental school) by school year, specialisation

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Pupils in primary school (incl. experimental school) by school year, specialisation and gender. Year... details >

Pupils in higher individual girls’ schools by specialisation, duration of education, school year and... Open Data

Number of pupils by specialisation, duration of education, school year, gender, table content and ye

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Pupils in higher individual girls’ schools by specialisation, duration of education, school year and... details >

Pupils in higher individual custodial and cohabiting schools by type of school, specialisation,... Open Data

Number of pupils by type of school, specialisation, duration of education, school year, gender, tabl

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Pupils in higher individual custodial and cohabiting schools by type of school, specialisation,... details >

Pupils in individual middle schools by type of school, specialisation, duration of education, school... Open Data

Number of pupils by type of school, specialisation, duration of education, school year, gender, tabl

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Pupils in individual middle schools by type of school, specialisation, duration of education, school... details >

Pupils in basic education by school form, specialisation, school year and gender. In 1944-2021 Open Data

Pupils in basic education by school form, specialisation, school year, gender, table content and yea

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Pupils in basic education by school form, specialisation, school year and gender. In 1944-2021 details >

Pupils in girls’ school by length of education, school year, specialisation and gender. 1911-1973 Open Data

Number of pupils in girls’ school by type of education, length of education, school year, specialisa

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Pupils in girls’ school by length of education, school year, specialisation and gender. 1911-1973 details >

Students in real-time school by duration, year of school, specialisation and gender. In 1960-1972 Open Data

Number of pupils in real-time school by type of education, length of education, school year, special

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Students in real-time school by duration, year of school, specialisation and gender. In 1960-1972 details >

Institutioner och barn inom barnomsorg efter skolform och kön. År 1937 - 2021 Open Data

Institutioner och barn inom barnomsorg efter skolform, kön, tabellinnehåll och år

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Institutioner och barn inom barnomsorg efter skolform och kön. År 1937 - 2021 details >

Total health capital by type of assets (HK) and by provider industry (HP). Year 2001 - 2020 Open Data

Total health capital, SEK million by type of assets, provider industry, observations and year

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Total health capital by type of assets (HK) and by provider industry (HP). Year 2001 - 2020 details >

Hotels and restaurants, net turnover by type of income and type of customer. Year 2000 Open Data

Net turnover for hotels and restaurants, SEK millions by type of income, type of customer, observati

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Hotels and restaurants, net turnover by type of income and type of customer. Year 2000 details >

Hotels and restaurants, net sales by type of income and industry. Year 2000 Open Data

Net sales of hotels and restaurants, SEK million by type of income, industry SNI92, table content an

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Hotels and restaurants, net sales by type of income and industry. Year 2000 details >

Hotels and restaurants, net turnover by type of income and by company size. Year 2000 Open Data

Net turnover for hotels and restaurants, SEK millions by type of income, size class, observations an

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Hotels and restaurants, net turnover by type of income and by company size. Year 2000 details >

Livestock by municipality and type of animal. Year 1981, 1985, 1989-1995, 1999, 2003 1981 - 2007 Open Data

Livestock by region, type of animal, observations and year

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Livestock by municipality and type of animal. Year 1981, 1985, 1989-1995, 1999, 2003 1981 - 2007 details >

Dwellings in newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by type of building. Year 2007... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by type of building, observatio

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Dwellings in newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by type of building. Year 2007... details >

Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by region and type... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by region, type of

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Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by region and type... details >

Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by type of... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by type of building

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Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by type of... details >

Households (HEK) broken down by type of household and type of dwelling. Sample survey, see... Open Data

Household (HEK) by type of household, type of dwelling, table content and year

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Households (HEK) broken down by type of household and type of dwelling. Sample survey, see... details >

Share of household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places, by sex and age.... Open Data

Share of household ownership, percent by sex, age, observations and two times per year

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Share of household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places, by sex and age.... details >

Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places, distributed by income.... Open Data

Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places by Taxable income of labo

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Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places, distributed by income.... details >

Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places in different market... Open Data

Value of portfolio, total holding by sex, age, marketplace, observations and two times per year

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Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places in different market... details >

Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places, by sex and age. Twice a... Open Data

Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places by sex, age, observations

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Household ownership of shares in companies quoted on Swedish market places, by sex and age. Twice a... details >

Households (HEK) broken down by household size and type of housing. Sample survey, see footnotes.... Open Data

Household (HEK) by household size, housing type, table content and year

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Households (HEK) broken down by household size and type of housing. Sample survey, see footnotes.... details >

Number and percentage of persons by region, type of housing, age and sex. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Number and percentage of persons by region, type of housing, sex, age, observations and year

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Number and percentage of persons by region, type of housing, age and sex. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing and type of household. Year 2012 -... Open Data

Number and percentage of households by region, type of household, type of housing, observations and

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Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing and type of household. Year 2012 -... details >

Average useful floor space per person by region, type of household and type of housing. Year 2012 -... Open Data

Average useful floor space per person by region, type of household, type of housing, observations an

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Average useful floor space per person by region, type of household and type of housing. Year 2012 -... details >

Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing and size of household. Year 2012 -... Open Data

Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing, household size, observations and yea

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Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing and size of household. Year 2012 -... details >

Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing and useful floor space. Special... Open Data

Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing, useful floor space, observations and

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Number and percentage of households by region, type of housing and useful floor space. Special... details >

Number of persons by foreign or Swedish background, type of housing, age and sex. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by foreign/Swedish background, type of housing, age, sex, observations and year

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Number of persons by foreign or Swedish background, type of housing, age and sex. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Number of persons per household by region and type of housing. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons per household by region, type of housing, observations and year

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Number of persons per household by region and type of housing. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Number of persons by type of housing, age and sex. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by region, type of housing, age, sex, observations and year

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Number of persons by type of housing, age and sex. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Number of persons by region and type of building. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by region, type of building, observations and year

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Number of persons by region and type of building. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Number of persons by region and tenure. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Number of persons by region, tenure, observations and year

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Number of persons by region and tenure. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Income of farmers households by size group of fields and types of income. Year 2000-2008 Open Data

Income of farmers households, SEK/household by size group field, income type, table content and year

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Income of farmers households by size group of fields and types of income. Year 2000-2008 details >

Income of farmers households by type of farming and type of income. Year 2000-2008 Open Data

Income of farmers households, SEK/household by type of farming, type of income, table content and ye

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Income of farmers households by type of farming and type of income. Year 2000-2008 details >

Income of farmers households by country and type of income. Year 2000-2008 Open Data

Income of farmers households, SEK/household by region, type of income, table content and year

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Income of farmers households by country and type of income. Year 2000-2008 details >

Household consumption of retail trade by industry SNI 2007, 2010=100. Month 2000M01-2015M02 Open Data

Household consumption of retail trade, 2010=100 by industry SNI 2007, table content and month

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Household consumption of retail trade by industry SNI 2007, 2010=100. Month 2000M01-2015M02 details >

Examined main employment in March/April -three years after completion of education — by type of... Open Data

Graduated main employment in March/April, three years after completion of education by type of degre

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Examined main employment in March/April -three years after completion of education — by type of... details >

Main employment among the highly educated by degree field and gender. Year 2009 Open Data

Main employment among highly educated persons by main activity, field/subject, gender, table content

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Main employment among the highly educated by degree field and gender. Year 2009 details >

The main employment rate among the highly skilled in line with work and gender. Year 2009 Open Data

Main employment among highly educated by main activity, degree of compliance, gender, table content

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The main employment rate among the highly skilled in line with work and gender. Year 2009 details >

Main activities among highly educated, born abroad and in Sweden by age, national background and... Open Data

Main activity among highly educated persons by main activity, age, national background, gender, tabl

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Main activities among highly educated, born abroad and in Sweden by age, national background and... details >

Main activity during week 15 of 2003 among beginners in adulthood by age and gender. In 2003 Open Data

Main activity during week 15 in 2003 by main activity, age, gender, table content and year

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Main activity during week 15 of 2003 among beginners in adulthood by age and gender. In 2003 details >

Main activity during week 15 of 2003 among beginners in comvux by national background and gender. In... Open Data

Main activity during week 15 in 2003 by main activity, national background, gender, table content an

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Main activity during week 15 of 2003 among beginners in comvux by national background and gender. In... details >

Main activities among highly educated, born abroad and in Sweden by subject, national background and... Open Data

Main activity among highly educated by main activity, subject, national background, gender, table co

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Main activities among highly educated, born abroad and in Sweden by subject, national background and... details >

Main activity during week 15 of 2003 among newcomers by level of education and gender. In 2003 Open Data

Main activity during week 15 in 2003 by main activity, level of education, gender, table content and

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Main activity during week 15 of 2003 among newcomers by level of education and gender. In 2003 details >

Main activity among highly educated foreign-born by continent and gender. Year 2004 and... Open Data

Main activity among highly educated foreign-born persons by main activity, continent, gender, table

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Main activity among highly educated foreign-born by continent and gender. Year 2004 and... details >

Assessment of real estate for multi-dwelling buildings and commercial buildings. Assessed units and... Open Data

Assessment of real estate for multi-dwelling buildings and commercial buildings by region, type of p

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Assessment of real estate for multi-dwelling buildings and commercial buildings. Assessed units and... details >

Rents in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by region, investor and dwelling type. Year... Open Data

Newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by region, investor, size of dwelling, observations a

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Rents in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by region, investor and dwelling type. Year... details >

Unlet dwellings in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by type of dwelling. Year 2014 -... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by size of dwelling, observations and ye

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Unlet dwellings in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by type of dwelling. Year 2014 -... details >

Unlet dwellings in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by region. Year 2014 - 2020 Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by region, observations and year

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Unlet dwellings in newly constructed buildings (rented dwellings) by region. Year 2014 - 2020 details >

Purpose of enterprises with innovations in marketing by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Share of enterprises with different purposes of innovation in marketing, in cases where the purpose

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Purpose of enterprises with innovations in marketing by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

Participated in non-formal education (participants aged 20-74) by training focus SUN 2000 and... Open Data

Participated in non-formal education (participants aged 20-74) by training focus SUN 2000, gender, t

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Participated in non-formal education (participants aged 20-74) by training focus SUN 2000 and... details >

Participated in non-formal education (participants aged 20-74) according to the reasons for... Open Data

Participated in non-formal education (participants aged 20-74) by reason of education, gender, table

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Participated in non-formal education (participants aged 20-74) according to the reasons for... details >

Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings by region, year of... Open Data

Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), SEK per square metre by region,

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Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings by region, year of... details >

Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), housing cooperatives by region,... Open Data

Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), housing cooperatives by region,

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Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), housing cooperatives by region,... details >

Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership and type... Open Data

Revenues and expenditure for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU) SEK per square metre by region, type of

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Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership and type... details >

Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), municipal housing companies by... Open Data

Revenues and expenditure for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), municipal housing companies, SEK per sq

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Revenues and expenditure survey for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU), municipal housing companies by... details >

Assessed value, loans, interest, interest subsidies and conversion expenditure for multi-dwelling... Open Data

Financial data for multi-dwellings (IKU), municipal housing companies by region, number of dwellings

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Assessed value, loans, interest, interest subsidies and conversion expenditure for multi-dwelling... details >

Assessed value, loans, interest, interest subsidies and conversions expenditure on multi-dwelling... Open Data

Financial data for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU) by region, year of value, type of ownership, type

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Assessed value, loans, interest, interest subsidies and conversions expenditure on multi-dwelling... details >

Assessed value, loans, interest, interest subsidies and conversions expenditure on multi-dwelling... Open Data

Financial data for multi-dwelling buildings (IKU) by region, type of ownership, type of account, obs

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Assessed value, loans, interest, interest subsidies and conversions expenditure on multi-dwelling... details >

Areas and number of residential apartments and premises in multi-dwelling buildings by region and... Open Data

Areas and number of apartments and premises in multi-dwelling buildings (IKU) by region, property ow

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Areas and number of residential apartments and premises in multi-dwelling buildings by region and... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated). Year... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated). Year... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated). Quarter... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2000=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and quarte

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2000=100. (Not updated). Quarter... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITCRev3. Volume index 1980=100. Year 1980 - 1993 Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 1980=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and year

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITCRev3. Volume index 1980=100. Year 1980 - 1993 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITCRev3. Volume index 1980=100. Quarter 1988K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 1980=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and quarte

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Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITCRev3. Volume index 1980=100. Quarter 1988K1 -... details >

Key figures for individual and family care in municipalities. Year 2008-2013 Open Data

Key figures for individual and family care in municipalities by region, care, table content and year

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Key figures for individual and family care in municipalities. Year 2008-2013 details >

Cost of individual and family care for municipalities (older years not updated). Year 2008-2013 Open Data

Cost of individual and family care of municipalities in SEK, current prices by region, care, table c

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Cost of individual and family care for municipalities (older years not updated). Year 2008-2013 details >

Investments by industry and kind of investment, year 1991 prices. Year 1990 - 1999 Open Data

Realized investments, year 1991 prices, SEK million by industrial classification SE-SIC92, kind of i

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Investments by industry and kind of investment, year 1991 prices. Year 1990 - 1999 details >

Investments by industry and kind of investment, year 2000 prices. Year 1993 - 2008 Open Data

Realized investment, year 2000 prices, SEK million by industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, kind

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Investments by industry and kind of investment, year 2000 prices. Year 1993 - 2008 details >

Investments in 1985 prices by investee and industry SNI69. In 1980-1993 Open Data

Investments, outputs, 1985 prices, SEK million by investee, industry SNI69, table content and year

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Investments in 1985 prices by investee and industry SNI69. In 1980-1993 details >

Investments by industry and kind of investment. Quarter 1990K1 - 2008K4 Open Data

Investments, realized and planned, current prices, SEK million by industrial classification NACE Rev

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Investments by industry and kind of investment. Quarter 1990K1 - 2008K4 details >

Investments by enquiry, industry and kind of investment. Quarter and year coming 1990K1 - 2008K5 Open Data

Investments, realized and planned, current prices, SEK million by enquiry occasion, industrial class

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Investments by enquiry, industry and kind of investment. Quarter and year coming 1990K1 - 2008K5 details >

Investments by industry and kind of investment, current prices. Year 1990 - 2008 Open Data

Investments, realized and planned, current prices, SEK million by industrial classification NACE Rev

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Investments by industry and kind of investment, current prices. Year 1990 - 2008 details >

Investments in current prices by investee and industry SNI69. Year 1972-1995 Open Data

Investments, outcome/forecast, current prices, SEK million by investee, industry SNI69, table conten

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Investments in current prices by investee and industry SNI69. Year 1972-1995 details >

Industrial capacity utilization, actual utilization by industrial classification SNI92... Open Data

Industrial capacity utilization, actual utilization by industrial classification SE-SIC92, observati

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Industrial capacity utilization, actual utilization by industrial classification SNI92... details >

Industrial capacity utilisation, actual utilisation by industrial classification SNI 2007... Open Data

Industrial capacity utilisation, actual utilisation, historical time series by industrial classifica

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Industrial capacity utilisation, actual utilisation by industrial classification SNI 2007... details >

Inventories in manufacturing at quarterly changes by type of inventories and industry SNI92. Quarter... Open Data

Inventories in manufacturing at quarterly changes by type of inventories, industry SNI92, table cont

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Inventories in manufacturing at quarterly changes by type of inventories and industry SNI92. Quarter... details >

Changes in industrial inventories (constant prices) by inventory type and NACE Rev 2. Quarter 2008K1... Open Data

Changes in industrial inventories (constant prices) by inventory type , industrial classification NA

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Changes in industrial inventories (constant prices) by inventory type and NACE Rev 2. Quarter 2008K1... details >

Turnover in industry, 2000=100. Annual 1990 - 2008 Open Data

Turnover in industry, constant prices, 2000=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1,

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Turnover in industry, 2000=100. Annual 1990 - 2008 details >

Turnover in industry, 2005=100, by industrial classification SNI 2007. Annual 2000 - 2012 Open Data

Turnover in industry, constant prices, 2005=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, ob

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Turnover in industry, 2005=100, by industrial classification SNI 2007. Annual 2000 - 2012 details >

Turnover in industry, 2005=100, by market and industrial classification SNI 2007. Monthly 2000M01 -... Open Data

Turnover in industry, 2005=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and mo

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Turnover in industry, 2005=100, by market and industrial classification SNI 2007. Monthly 2000M01 -... details >

Turnover in industry, fixed prices 2010=100, by industrial classification SNI 2007. Annual 2000 -... Open Data

Turnover in industry, constant prices, 2010=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, ob

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Turnover in industry, fixed prices 2010=100, by industrial classification SNI 2007. Annual 2000 -... details >

Orders in industry, 2000=100. Annual 1990 - 2008 Open Data

Orders in industry, constant prices, 2000=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, ob

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Orders in industry, 2000=100. Annual 1990 - 2008 details >

Orders in industry, 2000=100. Monthly 1990M01 - 2008M12 Open Data

Orders in industry, 2000=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, observations and mo

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Orders in industry, 2000=100. Monthly 1990M01 - 2008M12 details >

Orders in industry, 2005=100, by industrial classification SNI2007. Annual 2000 - 2012 Open Data

Orders in industry, constant prices, 2005=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, obse

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Orders in industry, 2005=100, by industrial classification SNI2007. Annual 2000 - 2012 details >

Orders in industry, 2005=100, by market and industrial classification SNI2007. Monthly 2000M01 -... Open Data

Orders in industry, 2005=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and mont

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Orders in industry, 2005=100, by market and industrial classification SNI2007. Monthly 2000M01 -... details >

Orders in industry, fixed prices 2010=100, by industrial classification SNI2007. Annual 2000 - 2016 Open Data

Orders in industry, constant prices, 2010=100 by market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, obse

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Orders in industry, fixed prices 2010=100, by industrial classification SNI2007. Annual 2000 - 2016 details >

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants with individual sfi-planning by gender... Open Data

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants according to individual planning, gender,

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Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants with individual sfi-planning by gender... details >

Industrial statistics by industry SNI92. In 1990-1996 Open Data

Industrial statistics by industry SNI92, table content and year

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Industrial statistics by industry SNI92. In 1990-1996 details >

Costs, industrial statistics, by industry SNI92 and type of costs. In 1990-1996 Open Data

Costs, tSEK, according to industrial statistics by industry SNI92, categories of costs, table conten

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Costs, industrial statistics, by industry SNI92 and type of costs. In 1990-1996 details >

Employed persons, industrial statistics, by industry SNI92 and category of personnel. In 1990-1996 Open Data

Employed persons, industrial statistics by industry SNI92, category of personnel, table content and

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Employed persons, industrial statistics, by industry SNI92 and category of personnel. In 1990-1996 details >

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by type of information received during... Open Data

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by type of information, answer options, g

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Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by type of information received during... details >

Average disposable income per household (HEK) by type of lease, household type and apartment type.... Open Data

Average disposable income per household (HEK) by type of lease, type of household, apartment type, t

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Average disposable income per household (HEK) by type of lease, household type and apartment type.... details >

Income standard of families with children, number and percentage of children aged 0-17 living at... Open Data

Income standard of families with children living at home aged 0-17 by income standard, observations

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Income standard of families with children, number and percentage of children aged 0-17 living at... details >

Income standard (median) for families with children aged 0-17 living at home, by population groups.... Open Data

Income standard (median) for families with children living at home aged 0-17 by population group, ob

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Income standard (median) for families with children aged 0-17 living at home, by population groups.... details >

Income standard (median) for families with children aged 0-17, by municipality group. Year 1995 -... Open Data

Income standard of families with children living at home aged 0-17 by region, observations and year

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Income standard (median) for families with children aged 0-17, by municipality group. Year 1995 -... details >

Income by kind-of-activity unit according to Structural Business Statistics by NACE rev. 1. and type... Open Data

Income by kind-of-activity unit by industrial classification SE-SIC92, observations and year

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Income by kind-of-activity unit according to Structural Business Statistics by NACE rev. 1. and type... details >

Income and costs in agriculture and forestry by type group/size class and type of income/cost. Year... Open Data

Income and costs in agriculture and forestry, SEK per enterprise by type group/size class, type of i

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Income and costs in agriculture and forestry by type group/size class and type of income/cost. Year... details >

Income and costs in agriculture and forestry by type group/size class and type of income/cost. Year... Open Data

Income and costs in agriculture and forestry by type group/size class, income/cost type, table conte

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Income and costs in agriculture and forestry by type group/size class and type of income/cost. Year... details >

Personer som avslutade långa kurser i folkhögskolan läsåret 2002/03 efter internatboende, kön och... Open Data

Personer som avslutade långa kurser i folkhögskolan läsåret 2002/03 efter internatboende, kön, kurst

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Personer som avslutade långa kurser i folkhögskolan läsåret 2002/03 efter internatboende, kön och... details >

Unhealthy rate by LUA area. Year 1997-2018 Open Data

Statistics focusing on the unhealth rate by region, variable, table content and year

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Unhealthy rate by LUA area. Year 1997-2018 details >
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