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Likely and Potential Continuity Forest Open Data
Mapping of continuity forests and forests that have the potential to meet the requirements to be con
Issued on 2022-01-03
Skogliga grunddata - Grundyta Open Data
Skogliga grunddata är framtaget genom en sambearbetning av laserdata från Lantmäteriets nationella l
Issued on
ÖSI - Översiktlig skogsinventering (punkter) Open Data
Översiktlig skogsinventering, ÖSI, var en inventering av de privata skogarna som gjordes mellan 1982
Issued on
Värmlands museum Open Data
Fotografier och föremål
Issued on
Medelhavsmuseet, Foto Open Data
Fotografier från arkeologiska utgrävningar i Medelhavsområdet, verksamhetsbilder från Medelhavsmusee
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Jönköpings läns museum Open Data
Fotografier, föremål och ritningar
Issued on
Etnografiska Arkiv Open Data
Ca 30 000 sidor ur generalkatalogen med ocr-tolkning.
Issued on
Ajtte, objekt Open Data
Objekt och föremål
Issued on
Östasiatiska, arkiv Open Data
Issued on
Ajtte, fågel Open Data
Issued on
Bebyggelseregistret organisationer Open Data
Bebyggelseregistretsorganisationsregister innehåller förhållandevis få uppgifter i nuläget. Registre
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Malmö museer, delobjekt Open Data
Issued on
Blekinge museum Open Data
Fotografier, föremål, och konstverk
Issued on
Teknikland Open Data
Föremål och fördon
Issued on
Etnografiska Agenter Open Data
Agenter och personer
Issued on
Örebro läns museum Open Data
Fotografier, föremål, och kartor
Issued on
Medelhavsmuseet, Cyprus Open Data
Föremål, huvudsakligen från Cypern.
Issued on
Supplier invoices Open Data
Incoming supplier invoices to the agency
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Air quality mapping Open Data
Air quality mapping of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) for 2020 in Gävle Munici
Issued on
Noise study Open Data
Noise study in Gävle Municipality. The Municipality of Gävle disclaims all responsibility for any e
Issued on
Park furniture Open Data
Park furniture in Gävle. The Municipality of Gävle disclaims all responsibility for any errors or ch
Issued on
Available commercial land Open Data
Available commercial land owned by Gävle Municipality. The Municipality of Gävle disclaims all resp
Issued on
Drone Photos Open Data
Drone photos in Gävle Municipality. All images has undergone safety review performed by the Swedish
Issued on
Maintenance objects - Gavlefastigheter Open Data
Objects in Gävle Municipality where the municipal company Gavlefastigheter is responsible for the ma
Issued on
Leasehold estates Open Data
Leasehold estates and usufruct in Gävle Municipality. The Municipality of Gävle disclaims all res
Issued on 2020-12-14
Åtgärder i vatten Open Data
Sveriges nationella databas över utförda akvatiska restaureringsåtgärder såsom biotopvård, återintro
Issued on
SKR Local Group Classification_historical_1988_2023 Open Data
SKR’s historical municipal group divisions (seven) from 1988 to 2023.
Issued on 2022-11-29
Consultation on data collections/surveys 2003-2018 Open Data
List of government authorities’ data collections from municipalities and county councils where SKR h
Issued on
SKR surveys to municipalities and regions Open Data
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR)'s own surveys to members (certificate
Issued on 2019-04-12
Swedish language models Open Data
Language models for Swedish, including spacy and transformer models such as BERT.
Issued on
Expenditure on scientific publication at Swedish higher education institutions 2017— Open Data
Cost data on what Swedish higher education institutions pay for scientific publication. This include
Issued on
Sound recordings from around 1900 Open Data
Digitised phonograph recordings from the Royal Library’s collections. Music and speech from the turn
Issued on
Swedish Library Statistics 2010— Open Data
Statistics for public, research, hospital and school libraries from 2010 onwards. Library statistics
Issued on
Sound recordings from British East Africa (Kenya) 1911 Open Data
Ethnographic recordings made in 1911 by Gerhard Lindblom in British East Africa (now Kenya)
Issued on
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2008 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2009-06-01
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2011 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2012-06-01
3D buildings Open Data
3D models of buildings in Helsingborg City are available as open data in the formats dwg and SketchU
Issued on 2022-02-24
Electricity network operators’ electricity network charges for household customers Open Data
Each year, electricity network operators report data on their network tariffs, i.e. electricity netw
Issued on
Electricity network companies’ network charges larger hedging customers Open Data
Each year, electricity network operators report data on their network tariffs, i.e. electricity netw
Issued on
Distribution by price area — district heating Open Data
Distribution by price area provides information on investments in district heating networks and cent
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Heat delivered per price area — district heating Open Data
Delivered heat per price area contains information on the number of customers and the number of deli
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Production per price area — district heating Open Data
Production by price area provides data on heat produced, investments in production and the types of
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Special report — district heating Open Data
The Special Report contains information on supplied heat and electricity within and outside its own
Issued on
Parking spaces in Haninge Open Data
Information about the location of the parking lot, payment methods, service times and places for dis
Issued on
Primary schools with geographical links Open Data
Here you will find preschools with geographical connection listed in SWEREF 99-18-00 as well as unit
Issued on 2017-01-01
Musikinstrument Open Data
Bilder och föremål
Issued on
Primary schools Open Data
Huddinge Municipality’s municipal and independent primary schools. The map warehouse contains name,
Issued on
Cultural Environment Programme 2019 (lines) Open Data
The municipality’s new cultural environment is aimed at increasing understanding of the cultural env
Issued on
Habitat (Brunn gold beetle) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
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Spreading Corridor (New Insect) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
Issued on
Spread Links (Tofsmes) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
Issued on
Charging stations Open Data
The data set contains charging stations and charging points (also known as charging posts) owned by
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Spontaneous sports Open Data
Spontaneous sports in Huddinge Municipality
Issued on
Energy consumption in Geographical area 020203 (Sandbacka Ö, Ö. Church, northern) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:25:11.222Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 030609 (Öbacka, western) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:36:09.826Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 092216 (Söder Tegsvägen) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:56:07.084Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 154109 (Obbolas Omland) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T04:59:11.374Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 1643 (part of Hörnefors) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:33:04.149Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 164403 (Norrbyskär) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T03:10:04.657Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 193611 (Bergsboda) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:41:04.058Z
Radonriskområden Open Data
Radongas finns naturligt i jord och bergarter. Jordluften innehåller därför nästan alltid radon. Luf
Issued on 2019-12-19T07:43:52.844Z
Utlåningsstatistik från biblioteken i Umeå kommun Open Data
Loan statistics from Umeå Municipal Library. statistics are also published on the municipality’s web
Issued on 2023-02-01T16:19:50.721Z
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2012-12-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2011-07-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2011-10-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2010-04-30 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2010-06-30 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Pensionsrätter: tidsserie Open Data
Pensionsrätter: tidsserie
Issued on
Statistics on premium pensions 2018-05-31 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Statistics premium pension 2018-03-31 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Statistics on premium pensions 2017-08-31 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Indicative values for single-family houses 2021-2023 Open Data
Guide values are factors representing the average price situation of similar single-family house pro
Issued on 2020-09-29
Average rentals of dwellings 2022-2024 Open Data
Here you can see average rents for dwellings between 2022 and 2024. Average rents serve as indicativ
Issued on
One-off tax deductions for e.g. wages and salaries of long-distance seafarers Open Data
Summary of provisional tax deductions on lump sum payments for long-distance seamen. The tax deducti
Issued on 2018-12-18
Tax outturn for 2018 Open Data
Beskattningsutfallet (tidigare taxeringsutfallet) innehåller uppgifter om kommunalt beskattningsbar
Issued on 2019-06-07
NVDB road width Open Data
The data product consists of the type of road width. The substance type contains information on the
Issued on
Gravity Download Open Data
The service displays detailed centre of gravity in Sweden from the Lantmäteriet’s basic data layer.
Issued on 2017-12-19
AM.Fiskets geographies.ATOM Open Data
The ISO19139/119 Metadata Standard is the preferred metadata standard to be used for services (WMS,
Issued on
Road Safety Class-Corsing Open Data
The data product consists of traffic safety class-Corsing phenomena belonging to the product group S
Issued on
ISA speed Open Data
The data product ISA, which belongs to the product group Processed road data products (i.e. data ext
Issued on 2017-11-30
Green areas in urban areas WMS Open Data
Green areas in agglomerations are geographically delimited by SCB as part of the production of offic
Issued on
Information on the built cultural heritage, download service Open Data
Download service consisting of pre-defined data access containing information on the built cultural
Issued on
Game jump Open Data
Refers to a construction that makes it easier for medium-sized and larger mammals to jump out of the
Issued on
TN.RailwayTransportNetwork.RailwayYardNode Open Data
The data set reports railway yard nodes for the majority of Sweden’s railways according to the Inspi
Issued on 2012-06-28
NVDB Bridge and Tunnel Open Data
The data product includes data on crossings, underpasses and tunnels on road sections. The data prod
Issued on
Jvgdata UH contract area Bass Open Data
Uh contract area base (division), financial breakdown, indicates which area/contract number a mainte
Issued on
NVDB Crossing Open Data
The data product consists of the type of intersection. The entity type is a place where two or more
Issued on
TN.Road TransportNetwork.VerticalPosition Open Data
The data set records the vertical position of the road according to the Inspiretema Transport Networ
Issued on 2010-01-01
Jvgdata LÖ-road Open Data
Lö-road is the name of a track link that can be included as a possible track link for simulation of
Issued on
Water body risk assessments, VISS Water Information Systems Sweden Open Data
The VISS (Water Information Systems Sweden) contains status classifications of Sweden’s water bodies
Issued on 2012-11-16
TN.ITS.RoadFeature.Data Open Data
The data set contains a selection of changes to road data recorded in NVDB since the previous versio
Issued on 2013-09-01
Core Point Direct Open Data
Direct service for core points of the national reference networks in planes and altitude.
Issued on 2019-02-28
Environmental problems VISS water bodies, Water Information Systems Sweden Open Data
The VISS (Water Information Systems Sweden) contains status classifications of Sweden’s water bodies
Issued on 2012-11-16
Bridge and tunnel data — road Open Data
The data product consists of Bro and Tunnel type phenomena included in the National Road Database (N
Issued on 2012-12-17
Agricultural blocks Open Data
Agricultural block is a data set containing information on the maximum eligible agricultural land as
Issued on
LST HS121 Risk impact on general surface water supply — GIS support for small sewers Open Data
The layer for water protection areas (VSO) covers only VSOs decided by the County Administrative Boa
Issued on
LST GIS support for small sewerage planning and supervision — Basic Water Service (API) Open Data
API to calculate the groundwater filling rate and the dimensioning level in the case of high groundw
Issued on
NVDB — Cycle phenomena Open Data
Cycle specific data from the National Road Database (NVDB): * C_Passenger car cycle traffic * hazard
Issued on
Jvgdata Fastening Open Data
Fortification is a concept for the anchorage made of rails against sleepers. The fortification has s
Issued on 2012-08-02
Jvgdata Sliper Open Data
The main task of the sleepers is to transfer forces from the rail to the ballast via elastic interla
Issued on
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