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With List of APIs we currently working on to bridge to life.
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All Concepts Open Data
The dataset contains all concepts in the jobtech taxonomy
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Employment type concepts Open Data
The data set contains employment type concepts with associated descriptions. The employment type con
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Employment length concepts Open Data
The data set contains employment length concepts.
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Concepts describing working hours Open Data
The data set contains concepts descsribing the type of working hours that can be associated with a c
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Concepts and common relations Open Data
The data set contains all concepts of the last version, common properties of those concepts and thei
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Concept types Open Data
All types of concepts that exist along with metadata.
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Management occupations Open Data
The data set contains a list of management occupations. These occupations usually entail responsibil
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Self employment type concepts Open Data
The data set contains self-employment type concepts with associated descriptions.
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EU regions Open Data
The data set contains EU regions with associated NUTS level 3 codes.
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Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council skills Open Data
The data set contains the Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council skill concepts with relations to occu
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SNI hierarchy Open Data
The data set contains the entire SNI structure with associated SNI codes. SNI, the Swedish Standard
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The SSYK hierarchy with occupations Open Data
The data set contains the entire SSYK structure and occupations with relations to their SSYK level 4
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SUN field hierarchy Open Data
The data set contains the entire SUN field structure with associated description texts and SUN 2020
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SUN level hierarchy Open Data
The data set contains the entire SUN level structure with associated description texts and SUN 2020
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ISCO level 4 groups Open Data
The data set contains the ISCO level 4 groups. SSYK, Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation
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Driving licences Open Data
The data set contains driving licences with associated descriptions.
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Skills Open Data
The data set contains skill concepts without any relations to other concepts. Skill concepts in the
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Skills with related skill headlines and SSYK level 4 groups Open Data
The data set contains skill concepts with skill headlines and relations to SSYK level 4 groups. A sk
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Countries Open Data
The data set contains countries with their ISO 3166 codes.
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Wage type concepts Open Data
The data set contains concepts describing wage type.
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SNI level 1 Open Data
The data set contains the first level of the SNI structure with associated SNI codes. SNI, the Swed
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SSYK level 1 groups Open Data
The dataset contains the SSYK level 1 groups. SSYK, Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations,
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SNI level 5 Open Data
The data set contains the fifth level of the SNI structure with associated SNI codes. SNI, the Swed
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SNI level 4 Open Data
The data set contains the fourth level of the SNI structure with associated SNI codes. SNI, the Swe
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SSYK level 4 groups Open Data
The dataset contains the SSYK level 4 groups. SSYK, Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations,
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SNI level 3 Open Data
The data set contains the third level of the SNI structure with associated SNI codes. SNI, the Swed
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SSYK level 3 groups Open Data
The dataset contains the SSYK level 3 groups. SSYK, Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations,
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SNI level 2 Open Data
The data set contains the second level of the SNI structure with associated SNI codes. SNI, the Swe
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SSYK level 2 groups Open Data
The dataset contains the SSYK level 2 groups. SSYK, Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations,
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Keyword concepts. Open Data
The data set contains keyword-concepts.
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Keyword concepts with relations Open Data
The data set contains keyword-concepts with relations to concepts, of other types, that they refer t
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Substitutability relations between occupations Open Data
The data set describes substitutability relations between occupations. A substitutability relation c
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Languages Open Data
The data set contains languages with associated ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 codes.
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SSYK level 4 with related ISCO level 4 groups Open Data
The dataset contains the SSYK level 4 groups and the ISCO level 4 groups with relations between the
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SSYK level 4 groups with related skills Open Data
The data set contains skill concepts with relations to SSYK level 4 groups. A skills is typically re
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SSYK level 4 with related skills and occupations Open Data
The data set contains skills and occupations with relations to SSYK level 4 groups. Occupations and
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SSYK level 4 groups with related occupations Open Data
The dataset contains occupations with relations to SSYK level 4 groups. Occupations in the data set
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SUN field hierarchy level 1 Open Data
The data set contains the first level (1 digit) of the SUN field structure with associated descripti
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SUN field hierarchy level 4 Open Data
The data set contains the fourth level (3 digits, one letter) of the SUN field structure with associ
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SUN field hierarchy level 3 Open Data
The data set contains the third level (3 digits) of the SUN field structure with associated descript
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SUN field hierarchy level 2 Open Data
The data set contains the second level (2 digits) of the SUN field structure with associated descrip
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SUN level hierarchy level 1 Open Data
The data set contains the first level (1 digit) of the SUN level structure with associated descripti
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SUN level hierarchy level 3 Open Data
The data set contains the third level (3 digits) of the SUN level structure with associated descript
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SUN level hierarchy level 2 Open Data
The data set contains the second level (2 digits) of the SUN level structure with associated descrip
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Employment variety concepts Open Data
The data set contains employment and self-employment type concepts with associated descriptions. The
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Concepts describing occupation experience in years Open Data
The data set contains concepts describing the length of time in which a person has been engaged with
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Occupations with no edcuational requirements Open Data
The data set contains occupations that usually do not require vocational training. The list is crea
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Occupations Open Data
The dataset contains occupations without any connections to other concepts. Occupations in the data
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Occupation names for Direct Transferred Job postings Open Data
The data set contains occupation names that is used for Arbetsförmedlingens service for Job posting.
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Occupation fields with related SSYK level 4 groups and occupations Open Data
The data set contains occupations with relations to SSYK 4-level groups and the relations between SS
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Waiting times with the Enforcement Authority Open Data
The average waiting time is the time it normally takes for us to deal with your case. We cannot guar
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JobSearch Open Data
Job Search API is a search engine for all the current job ads from Platsbanken. The aim is to make a
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JobAd Enrichments Open Data
JobAd Enrichments API extracts relevant labor market data from job ad texts, making it possible to a
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