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Gräns för skogsskyddsbestämmelser - Skogsstyrelsen Open Data
Geodata som anger gräns för skogsskyddsbestämmelser.
Issued on
Skogliga grunddata - Medeldiameter Open Data
Skogliga grunddata är framtaget genom en sambearbetning av laserdata från Lantmäteriets nationella l
Issued on
Malmö museer, delfoto Open Data
Issued on
Basemap - Buildings Open Data
Building polygons and building types from Gävles basemap. The geometries are represented in 2D. Bui
Issued on
Foot Thread Measurement Open Data
Pedestrian Measurement using WIFI. The purpose of the measurement was to test the technology in a la
Issued on 2019-06-12
City of Gothenburg in Minecraft Open Data
Now we have the whole of Gothenburg in Minecraft divided into neighborhoods. 10 City parts plus Hamm
Issued on
Statistics on activities in healthcare (care places) Open Data
Primary care, somatic and psychiatric care contacts. Health centres, medical centres and medical v
Issued on 2016-06-01
Statistics on activities in healthcare (education) Open Data
Primary care, somatic and psychiatric care contacts. Health centres, medical centres and medical v
Issued on 2016-06-01
Today’s news Open Data
Digitised version of Dagens Nyheter. Digitalisation is made from KB’s paper templates and was carrie
Issued on
Norrköping Weko magazines 1758-1786 Open Data
Digitised version of the Royal Library’s portfolio of Norrköpings Weko-Tidningar 1758-1786. Digitali
Issued on
Postal and domestic newspapers 1645-1705 Open Data
Digitised version of the Royal Library’s portfolio of Post- and domestic newspapers from 1645-1705.
Issued on
Open data, examinations of cetaceans in Swedish waters, 2020 and 2021 Open Data
Health status, diseases and cause of stranding or death of cetaceans examined at SVA in 2020 and 202
Issued on 2021-03-08
Electricity network operators’ network charges for household customers Open Data
Each year, electricity network operators report data on their network tariffs, i.e. electricity netw
Issued on
Number of cases of COVID-19 in Sweden by sex Open Data
This dataset shows statistics for COVID-19 in Sweden on the number of reported confirmed cases, inte
Issued on 2020-03-27
Entrance parking Open Data
Huddinge municipality’s entrance parkings with information about, among other things, the number of
Issued on
Hiking trails Open Data
Marked hiking trails in Huddinge Municipality
Issued on
Library bus tours Open Data
Umeå municipality’s library bus runs to places where it is far to a regular library. Here is the dat
Issued on 2022-07-14T08:55:24.030Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 030605 (Centrum, Eastern) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T03:36:10.412Z
Energy consumption in Geographical area 040703 (Western plain (industrial area)) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T01:34:08.786Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 071408 (Kassjö) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T00:25:08.556Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 081702 (Railing) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:49:11.917Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 081708 (Rödånäs) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:35:07.766Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 102414 (Skravelsjö) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T01:32:05.510Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 133501 (Nydala Height) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:23:04.471Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 133502 (Lilljan area) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:26:04.804Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 143702 (Tomtebo, South) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:28:04.663Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 143706 (Tomtebo, West) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:02:41.516Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 200102 (I20) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T04:38:11.346Z
Requirements Apps Open Data
A list (requirement libraries) of non-functional requirements to start from when an IT procurement i
Issued on 2023-02-08T11:00:07.203Z
Leverantörsfakturor 2018 Open Data
Information om Umeå kommuns inkomna leverantörsfakturor för 2018 finns samlade i denna datamängd. Da
Issued on 2020-04-09T05:57:56.070Z
Key figures for the Department of Physical Planning Open Data
Key figures for the Department of Physical Planning (formerly Detaljplan) at Umeå Municipality from
Issued on 2023-02-07T14:26:37.032Z
Results City Dialogue 2019 Tribulous Places Open Data
During the autumn of 2019, Umeå Municipality has conducted a dialogue on Umeå’s neighbourhoods. Amon
Issued on 2020-09-28T08:09:10Z
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2011-08-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2011-12-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2010-08-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2007-07-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Monthly statistics on premium pensions 2007-08-31 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2005-05-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Fund participation rates 2014 Open Data
Fund participation rates
Issued on
Premiepension: pensionärer Open Data
Premiepension: pensionärer
Issued on
Statistics premium pension 2018-02-28 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Statistics on premium pensions 2017-12-31 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
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Statistics premium pension 2017-11-30 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Tax outturn for 2019 Open Data
Beskattningsutfallet (tidigare taxeringsutfallet) innehåller uppgifter om kommunalt beskattningsbar
Issued on
Tax tables for nearby sea income Open Data
Tax tables for calculating the provisional A tax on nearby sea income.
Issued on 2017-01-04
Tax deduction on annual income up to SEK 400 000 Open Data
The table can be used to easily see how much tax deduction (preliminary A-tax) in percent will make
Issued on 2017-01-12
Guidelines for apartment blocks and owner-occupied apartments 2022-2024 Open Data
Benchmark indicators are factors representing the average price situation of similar apartment block
Issued on 2021-09-13
Guide values for agriculture, forests (productive forest land and forest obstacle) 2017-2022 Open Data
Guide values are factors representing the average price situation of similar agricultural properties
Issued on 2019-03-21
Månadsutfall för statens budget Open Data
Månadsutfallet för statens budget är en sammanställning över statens inkomster och utgifter
Issued on 2018-03-15
Årsutfall för statens budget Open Data
Årsutfallet för statens budget är en sammanställning över statens inkomster och utgifter år
Issued on 2018-03-15
Wilt key maps — dovhort 2015-2019 Open Data
Dovhort key maps consist of vector and raster data presenting aggregated wolf statistics with dovhor
Issued on 2020-01-01
Jvgdata Signal (mainly ATC) Open Data
The data product consists of Signal (mainly ATC) that describes the signals related to ATC. In simpl
Issued on
Jvgdata meeting length Open Data
Meeting length, the maximum length a train vehicle may have in order not to affect safety or vehicle
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Protected roads Open Data
The data product consists of “Protection Classified Roads” phenomena belonging to the product group
Issued on
Jvgdata Turntable Open Data
Fifth wheel, device to reverse the direction of train-work vehicles in order to obtain optimal use o
Issued on
Mr GE.Borehole Open Data
Data set of boreholes for the Swedish Transport Administration’s database for geotechnical surveys.
Issued on
Acid sulfate soil (open data) Open Data
The data set “Sur sulfate soil” shows where there may be acid sulphate soils along the coasts of Väs
Issued on 2019-12-18
Stop position Open Data
The data product contains features of the type “State Mode” and belongs to the product group STVDB a
Issued on
TN.Road TransportNetwork.Road Name Open Data
The dataset records road names and road numbers according to the Inspiretema Transport Network (TN)
Issued on 2010-01-01
Jvgdata Infrastructure Manager Open Data
According to the Railways Act, anyone wishing to operate and manage infrastructure must have a permi
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Happening landslides, subspecies and other earth movements (redaction database) — download Open Data
SGI, the State Geotechnical Institute, is the state’s expert body in research, race and strangulatio
Issued on
Groundwater levels, time series (open data) Open Data
The dataset “groundwater levels time series” reports measured groundwater levels and information abo
Issued on 2014-01-01
SLU forest map WMS Open Data
SLU Forest Map container’s spatial information with a high level of detail over most of Sweden’s for
Issued on 2016-10-28
Geodata for noise calculations Open Data
The data product Geographical data for noise calculations is a compilation of different datasets for
Issued on
NVDB Walking Street Open Data
The data product consists of the phenomenon type Gågata, which belongs to the product group NVDB and
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NVDB GCM Passage Open Data
The data product consists of the phenomenon type GCM passage. The type of association contains info
Issued on
TN.RailwayTransportNetwork.MaintenanceAuthority Open Data
The dataset reports the railway infrastructure manager Inspiretema transport network (TN) Maintenanc
Issued on
Seveso facilities — viewing service Open Data
The Sefari system has been developed to meet the requirements for reporting inspections under Counci
Issued on 2012-09-30
Major Accidents Open Data
The database contains data on major accidents in Sweden from 1950 onwards. “Major accidents” means a
Issued on
TN.RailwayTransportNetwork.NominalTrackGauge Open Data
The data set records the rail gauge according to the Inspiretema Transport Network (TN) NominalTrack
Issued on
NVDB Establishment of the company Open Data
The data product describes how the data in the phenomenon (s) to which it relates have been created.
Issued on
Jvgdata Roll (mainly ATC) Open Data
The data product consists of Tavla (mainly ATC) and describes the boards related to ATC. The ATC mon
Issued on
Major Accidents — Download Service Open Data
The database contains data on major accidents in Sweden from 1950 onwards. “Major accidents” means a
Issued on 2012-12-21
Demographic statistical domains — DeSO WFS Open Data
Demographic statistical domains — DeSO is a nationwide classification created by the SCB, which beca
Issued on 2018-01-06
Peat bearing sequences (open data) Open Data
The product contains information on the strength and characteristics of peat layers, such as peat co
Issued on 2018-01-17
HB.Keyelbiotoper surveyed by the National Board of Forestry Open Data
A key biotop is a forest area which, from an overall assessment of the structure, species content, h
Issued on
AU.Baseline Open Data
This is the inspiring presentation of baselines. More information can be found in baselines metadata
Issued on 2018-03-02
TN.RailwayTransportNetwork.MarkerPost Open Data
The dataset records the networked location of physical kilometre boards along the railway line of th
Issued on 2012-06-28
Holiday home areas WFS Open Data
Holiday home areas are concentrations of holiday homes with a minimum of 50 holiday homes and a maxi
Issued on
Meadows and pastures inventory of habitat types Open Data
In the map layer the meadows and pastures inventory are only habitat types. In this layer, the inven
Issued on
VVIS Open Data
The data product refers to the VIS lineside posts belonging to the Road VäderInformationsSystemet.Th
Issued on
SU.Statistics Rutnät.1KmRutor.Atom Open Data
The boxes are 1000x1000 metres and are created by machine.
Issued on
Jvgdata Bandel Open Data
The data product is a classification of a coherent number of trace links from an economic and geogra
Issued on
Places and attractions — City of Lidingö Open Data
Bathing areas, boat clubs, Grill/wind shelters, Cultural migrations, playgrounds, Lidingö Rall, Natu
Issued on 2016-01-01
HB.Keyelbiotopes surveyed by the National Board of Forestry, ATOM Open Data
ATOM download (ZIP) flow of key biotopes established the Forest Agency
Issued on
State Road Operating Area Polygons Open Data
Operational area polygons are a processed data product that originates from the corresponding phenom
Issued on 2017-07-26
Investigation of travel habits in Skåne Open Data
The travel habits in Skåne 2018 show the results of the largest regional travel habits survey carrie
Issued on 2019-05-27
Switching and stop-ups download service Open Data
The download service contains switching and stop-points. A switching point (TransferNode) is the des
Issued on 2016-09-07
Natural accidents Open Data
Data on natural accidents. Documentation on the underlying causes, events, handling and lessons lear
Issued on
Ores and refiners (open data) Open Data
Ores contain data on production in mines and mining areas with information on the name of the mine o
Issued on 2021-01-21
Jvgdata Rälsupply Open Data
Cants are normally arranged in circular and transition curves in the track so that the outer rail is
Issued on
Generalised rail transport location Open Data
The data product Generalised rail traffic is a refined railway data product. The type of breeding is
Issued on
NVDB Reference Line Arrival Open Data
The phenomenon describes how the reference line to which it is linked came into being. The purpose
Issued on
NVDB Availability Open Data
The data product includes forest roads on Sweden’s road network and describes data on road accessibi
Issued on
Jvgdata Rail Open Data
The data product Räl is a visualisation of the physical rails in the railway network. A rail is the
Issued on
Orthophoto Historical View Open Data
Historical ortho-imagery in black and white with a resolution of 0.5 m. Our view services allow you
Issued on 2018-03-20
Jvgdata Frozen protection insulation Open Data
Anti-freeze insulation means insulating structures designed to prevent freezing of the track body. T
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Wild Fence Open Data
Refers to high net fences, which the Swedish Transport Administration owns or manages and which make
Issued on
AM.Environmental Protection Agreement drawn up by the Forest Agency. Open Data
ATOM flow for download (ZIP) of nature conservation contracts established by the National Board of F
Issued on
SL Trafikläget 2 Open Data
Övergripande information per trafikslag med aktuell status för hur SL-trafiken fungerar. API ’et h
Issued on
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