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General assessment of real estate. Assessed units (type codes 220-223), total assessed value in... Open Data
General assessment of real estate by region, type of property, observations and year
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General assessment of real estate. Assessed units (type codes 210-212), total assessed value in... Open Data
General assessment of real estate by region, type of property, observations and year
Issued on
Number of employed persons according to the occupational safety and health survey by sex and... Open Data
Number of employed persons in 1000s according to the occupational safety and health survey by sex, i
Issued on
General and simplified assessment of real estate. Assessed units (type code 320, 321, 325) total... Open Data
General and simplified assessment of real estate by region, type of property, observations and year
Issued on
Population 16-74 years (RAMS) by region, employment, age and sex. Year 2019 - 2020 Open Data
Population 16-74 years (RAMS) by region, employment status, age, sex, observations and year
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According to the survey, the proportion of employed persons caused work-related problems per... Open Data
Share of employed persons per selected question by job-related problems, sex, occupation, table cont
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Andel sysselsatta personer enligt undersökningen Arbetsorsakade besvär per vald besvärsfråga efter... Open Data
Andel sysselsatta personer per vald fråga efter arbetsorsakade besvär, kön, utbildningsnivå, tabelli
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The ratio of assessed values for comparable multi-dwelling and commercial building units compared... Open Data
The ratio of assessed values for comparable multi-dwelling and commercial building units compared wi
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The ratio of assessed values for industrial units compared with the year before assessment, by... Open Data
The ratio of assessed values for industrial units compared with the year before assessment by region
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Gainfully employed 16-74 years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2007,... Open Data
Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, stat
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med bostad i reg (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, yrke och socioek indeln... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med bostad i regionen (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, yrke, socioeko
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med bostad i reg (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, näringsgren SNI69 och... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med bostad i regionen (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, näringsgren SN
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med arbetsplats i reg (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, veckoarbetstid,... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med arbetsplats i regionen (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, veckoarbet
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med arbetsplats i reg (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, ålder och yrke 1990 Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med arbetsplats i regionen (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, ålder, yrk
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med arbetsplats i reg (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, näringsgren SNI69... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med arbetsplats i regionen (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, näringsgre
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med bostad i reg (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, näringsgren SNI69 och... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med bostad i regionen (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, näringsgren SN
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med arbetsplats i reg (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, ålder,... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med arbetsplats i regionen (dagbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, ålder, vec
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Förvärvsarb bef 16+ år med bostad i reg (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, ålder, veckoarbetstid,... Open Data
Förvärvsarb befolkn 16+ år med bostad i regionen (nattbef) (FoB90) efter region, kön, ålder, veckoar
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Acquisitionarb bef 16+ years with residence (nightbef) (FoB90) by region, sex, sectoral affiliation... Open Data
Persons aged 16+ with housing in the region (nightbef) (FoB90) by region, gender, sectoral affiliati
Issued on
Number of self-employed by region, form of company and sex. Year 2019 - 2020 Open Data
Share of gainfully employed foreign born by region, form of company, sex, observations and year
Issued on
Housing expenditures as a percentage of disposable income, disposable income and residual income per... Open Data
Housing expenditures as a percentage of disposable income, disposable income and residual income per
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Housing expenditures as a percentage of disposable income, disposable income and residual income per... Open Data
Housing expenditures as a percentage of disposable income, disposable income and residual income per
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Equalised disposable income, equalised residual income and number of persons by region, tenure and... Open Data
Equalised disposable income, equalised residual income and number of persons by region, tenure, type
Issued on
Equalised disposable income, equalised residual income and number of persons by tenure, type of... Open Data
Equalised disposable income, equalised residual income and number of persons by tenure, type of hous
Issued on
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU), housing associations, by region, year of... Open Data
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU) by region, organisational affiliation, year of
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Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU), tenant-owner associations, by region, year of... Open Data
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU) by region, organisational affiliation, year of
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Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings by region, new construction year/value year, annual... Open Data
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU), SEK/sqm by region, new construction year/valu
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Intäkter och kostnader i flerbostadshus (IKU), kommunägda bostadsföretag, efter region,... Open Data
Intäkter och kostnader i flerbostadshus (IKU), kommunägda bostadsföretag efter region, lägenhetsanta
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Assessment values, loan debts, interest rates, interest subsidies and conversion expenses (IKU),... Open Data
Economic data (ICU) by region, number of flats, account type, table content and year
Issued on
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU), privately owned, by region, year of... Open Data
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU) by region, year of completion, type of income/
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Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU), privately owned, by region, year of value and... Open Data
Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings (ICU) by region, year of value, type of income/cost,
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Income and expenses of multi-dwelling buildings without premises (ICU), privately owned, by region,... Open Data
Income/costs of multi-dwelling buildings without premises (ICU) by region, year of completion, type
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Ytor och antal för lägenheter, lokaler, garage och bilplatser i flerbostadshus efter region,... Open Data
Ytor och antal för lägenheter, lokaler, garage, bilplatser i flerbostadshus IKU efter region, fastig
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Areas and number of apartments in IKU by region, ownership category and type of apartment.... Open Data
Areas and number of apartments in IKU by region, owner category, apartment type, table content and y
Issued on
Voter turnout in elections to Parliament, municipality and region by municipality, gender and... Open Data
Voter turnout in elections by region, variable, gender, table content and year
Issued on
Voter turnout in elections to Parliament, municipality and region by county, gender and background... Open Data
Voter turnout in elections by region, variable, gender, table content and year
Issued on
Voter turnout in elections to parliament, municipality and region. The whole kingdom by gender and... Open Data
Voter turnout in elections by region, variable, gender, table content and year
Issued on
Average monthly salary in the county councils by occupation and sex. Year 1999 Open Data
Average monthly salary in the county councils by occupation, sex, observations and year
Issued on
Table 1.7, 1.9 — Missions of trust in municipalities and regions by body. Year 2014-2019 Open Data
Positions of trust in municipalities and regions, per cent by sector, body, gender, table content an
Issued on
Shoreline affected by new buildings, in km, by region. Year 2018 - 2019 Open Data
Shoreline affected by new buildings by region, type of shoreline, type of area, observations and yea
Issued on
Gainfully employed nighttime population aged 16-74 years, by region and industry (SNI07), new time... Open Data
Gainfully employed 16+ years by region, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and year
Issued on
Gainfully employed 16-74 years by region of residence (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI2007,... Open Data
Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of residence (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2,
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Vacant dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, and year of completion.... Open Data
Vacant dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, year of completion for dw
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Average hourly wages, wage distribution, etc., workers private sector (SLP) by industry SNI92, level... Open Data
Average hourly wage, wage distribution, etc., worker private sector (SLP) by industry SNI92, level o
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SSYK, 4-siffernivå med beskrivning 2017 Open Data
SSYK, 4-siffernivå med beskrivning efter yrkesbeskrivning, tabellinnehåll och år
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General and simplified assessment of real estate. Assessed units (type code 320, 321, 325) total... Open Data
General and simplified assessment of real estate by region, type of property, observations and year
Issued on
Assessment units (type code 320, 321, 325, 520), total cadastral value in 2015, total cadastral... Open Data
General and simplified real estate taxation by region, type of property, table content and year
Issued on
Change of assessed value for multi-dwelling and commercial buildings at the general assessment of... Open Data
Change of assessed value for multi-dwelling and commercial buildings by region, type of real estate,
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Change of assessed value for multi-dwelling and commercial buildings at the simplified assessment of... Open Data
Change of assessed value for multi-dwelling and commercial buildings by region, type of real estate,
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Change of assessed value for multi-dwelling and commercial buildings at the general assessment of... Open Data
Change of assessed value for multi-dwelling and commercial buildings by region, type of real estate,
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Table 1.26 — Board members of limited liability companies by birth and function of domestic/foreign... Open Data
Table 1.26 — Board members of limited liability companies by domestic/foreign born, function, gender
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Table 1.27 — Board members of limited liability companies by number of boards they serve. Open Data
Table 1.27 — Board members of limited liability companies by gender, number of boards, table content
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Tabell 3.35 - Vuxna i åldern 25–64 år efter högsta avslutade utbildning respektive inrikes/utrikes... Open Data
Personer, 25-64 år antal och könsfördelning, samt andel personer i icke-formell utbildning under en
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Tabell 3.38 - Vuxna i åldern 25–64 år efter högsta avslutade utbildning respektive inrikes/utrikes... Open Data
Personer, 25-64 år antal och könsfördelning, samt andel deltagare i olika typer av informellt lärand
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Tabell 3.43 - Andel elever i årskurs 9 som uppgivit att de blivit utsatta för kränkning via internet... Open Data
Andel elever i årskurs 9 utsatta för kränkning via internet eller mobbning efter typ av kränkning/mo
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Tabell 3.44 - Andel av elever i årskurs 9 som uppgivit att de blivit mobbade som även uppger att de... Open Data
Andel elever i årskurs 9 utsatta för brott efter brottstyp, utsatt för mobbning, kön, tabellinnehåll
Issued on
Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Ondatra zibethicus Open Data
The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec
Issued on 2019-09-04
Population of Ale Open Data
Number of registered people per age and week in municipality of Ale
Issued on 2021-05-07
Kolada, comparison data municipality and region from SKR Open Data
Comparison data for self-reported comparative figures from SKR and Sweden’s municipalities and regio
Issued on
Report from Ale Municipality Open Data
Report from Ale municipality ten years back
Issued on
Bathing areas in Essunga municipality Open Data
All of the municipality’s bathing areas
Issued on 2021-06-18
Utegym in Essunga municipality Open Data
The utegyms owned and managed by the municipality of Essunga
Issued on 2021-10-29
Municipal activities of the municipality of Essunga Open Data
Addresses of municipal activities
Issued on 2020-11-18
Chart of accounts Open Data
The chart of accounts is a list of all the accounts the Municipality of Gävle uses in its accounting
Issued on 2022-12-14
Address Open Data
Detailed and current state of play of established and current addresses in the City of Gothenburg. T
Issued on 2022-12-21
Master Plan 2020 — Long-term development strategy Open Data
The Planning and Building Act (PBL) regulates how Swedish municipalities should work with spatial pl
Issued on
Digital zoning plans Open Data
Zoning plans in Lomma municipality
Issued on
Median salary women employed by the municipality, kr Open Data
Median salary for women employed by the municipality SEK (in the month). All wages reported are enum
Issued on 2022-12-01T00:00:00Z
End-use energy in households in the geographical area, MWh/inv Open Data
End-use of energy measured in megawatt hours (MWh) divided by the number of inhabitants of the munic
Issued on 2022-12-15T00:00:00Z
XML full text from new Swedish national patent documents Open Data
The text of new national patent documents is identified by OCR and proofread after publication. This
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Full text from Swedish national patent documents 1973-2017 Open Data
The text of national patent documents published during the years 1973-2017 was identified by OCR dur
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Trademark database export Open Data
PRV publishes the contents of the Swedish Trademark Database via a collection of files that can be d
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Special accommodations in the municipality of Tomelilla Open Data
The information quantity of special accommodation in the municipality of Tomelilla contains the name
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Ice skating rinks Open Data
Ice courses outdoors such as the Environment and Land Building Administration at Falu Municipality,
Issued on 2022-04-07
Air data Western Esplanade Open Data
Continuous air measurements are performed in central Umeå at Västra Esplanaden.The data set shown he
Issued on 2023-03-26T01:31:05.142Z
Police stations in Västerbotten Open Data
The dataset contains police stations in Västerbotten.The dataset comes from the Swedish Police Autho
Issued on 2023-03-25T02:00:09.744Z
Greenhouse gas emissions in Umeå Open Data
Data come from the national Emissions Database, which collects Sweden’s national emissions of climat
Issued on 2022-04-13T07:06:46Z
Biofuels consumption by category from 2005, TWh Open Data
Biofuels consumption by category from 2005, TWh
Issued on
Total final energy consumption in dwellings, services etc by energy commodity from 1983, TWh Open Data
Total final energy consumption in dwellings, services etc by energy commodity from 1983, TWh
Issued on
Consumption of own produced biofuels in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007 Open Data
Consumption of own produced biofuels in mining and manufacturing industry by SNI2002, 2005-2007
Issued on
Energy balance by year (four quarters), 2017- Open Data
Energy balance by year (four quarters), 2017-
Issued on
Grid connected photovoltaic power systems, number and installed capacity, 2016 - Open Data
Grid connected photovoltaic power systems, number and installed capacity, 2016 -
Issued on
Number of Wind Turbines, Installed Capacity and Wind Power Production by Installation Type, Whole... Open Data
Information about Wind Power in Sweden, land and seabased.
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Primary road network Open Data
The primary road network shows roads in Stockholm County that are important for the regional accessi
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Splash pond Open Data
Surface geometry
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Home Service (from Find Service API) Open Data
The information in the Find service API is used on the City of Stockholm’s websites to find differen
Issued on 2021-05-04
NVDB — road transport network Open Data
Geometry representing data on the main mode of use as a network component is intended for on road di
Issued on 2012-03-09
Varningssignal Open Data
Akustisk enhet för att varna i en trafiksignalanläggning. Verksamhet Trafikplanering, Teknik, Trafik
Issued on 2018-09-04
SBK Stadskarta - Stadsdelsnämnsområden Open Data
Stadskarta - Stadsdelsnämndsområden bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklassni
Issued on 2005-01-01
SBK Ortofoto (2005) Open Data
An orthophoto of Stockholm consists of hundreds of aerial images. Aerial images are processed so tha
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NVDB — Achievability of certain vehicle combinations Open Data
Geometry that represents the distribution of road traffic on the road stretch classified according t
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SBK Tätortskarta - Administrativ indelning Open Data
Tätortskarta - Administrativ indelning bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklas
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Parking data — Taxa — Parking fee areas Open Data
Contains geometries for different parking fee areas and respective parking rates on the municipal ro
Issued on 2012-03-09
3D-byggnadsblock (LOD1) - utbildning Open Data
3D-byggnadsblock är modeller i tre dimensioner av byggnader upp till takets medianhöjd. Som bas för
Issued on 2016-06-09
Regulatory activities — Food Open Data
Monitoring activities, relating to food control, from the Environmental Administration’s case manage
Issued on
SBK City Map — Grounds Open Data
City Map — Grounds consisted of the following subtypes (subtypes) at the information classification
Issued on 2005-01-01
NVDB — Motorways Open Data
Line geometry
Issued on 2012-03-09
SBK Tätortskarta - Bebyggelse Open Data
Tätortskarta - Bebyggelse bestod av följande undertyper (subtyper) vid informationsklassningen 2020
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SBK Snedbilder (2013) Open Data
Användes för den fotorealistiska modellen som togs fram 2013.
Issued on
Cremation and burial Open Data
Cremation and burial is an API for software developers who have funeral directors as end users. With
Issued on 2022-05-04
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