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Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by sector, occuptional (SSYK 2012), sex, age, observations and

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Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... details >

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by region,... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by region, sector, occupation (SSYK 2012), sex, observations an

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Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by region,... details >

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by region,... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by region, sector, occuptional (SSYK 2012), sex, observations

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Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by region,... details >

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by sector, occupation (SSYK 2012), sex, level of education, obs

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Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... details >

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by sector, occuptional (SSYK 2012), sex, level of education, o

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Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... details >

Labour supply not utilised, number of persons aged 15-74 and hours (LFS) for unemployed,... Open Data

Number of persons aged 15-74 and hours (LFS) by labour underutilization, born in Sweden/foreign born

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Labour supply not utilised, number of persons aged 15-74 and hours (LFS) for unemployed,... details >

Underutilized labour supply, number of persons aged 15-74 and hours (LFS) for unemployed, not fully... Open Data

Number of persons aged 15-74 and hours (LFS) by labour underutilization, sex, age, observations and

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Underutilized labour supply, number of persons aged 15-74 and hours (LFS) for unemployed, not fully... details >

Number of hours actually worked per week for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the... Open Data

Number of hours actually worked per week for persons aged 15-74 (LFS), millions by degree of attachm

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Number of hours actually worked per week for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the... details >

Number of hours actually worked per week for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the... Open Data

Number of hours actually worked per week for persons aged 15-74 (LFS), millions by degree of attachm

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Number of hours actually worked per week for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the... details >

Unemployed persons and of which full-time students aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... Open Data

Unemployed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, sex, age, observations and month

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Unemployed persons and of which full-time students aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... details >

Unemployed aged 15-74 (LFS) by duration of unemployment (27+ weeks) and by born in Sweden/foreign... Open Data

Unemployed aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by duration of unemployment, born in Sweden/foreign born, sex, ag

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Unemployed aged 15-74 (LFS) by duration of unemployment (27+ weeks) and by born in Sweden/foreign... details >

Unemployed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by duration of unemployment, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... Open Data

Unemployed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by duration of unemployment, sex, age, observations and month

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Unemployed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by duration of unemployment, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... details >

Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, born in Sweden/foreign born, sex and age. Month... Open Data

Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, born in Sweden/foreign born, sex, age, observations an

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Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, born in Sweden/foreign born, sex and age. Month... details >

Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex, age and labour status. Month 2021M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex, age, labour status, observations and month

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Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex, age and labour status. Month 2021M01 - 2022M09 details >

Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour force status, sex, marital status and whether there are... Open Data

Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, sex, marital status, with/without children, observatio

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Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour force status, sex, marital status and whether there are... details >

Persons not in the labour force aged 15-74 (LFS) by wanting to work/being available for work, sex... Open Data

Persons not in the labour force aged 15-74 (LFS) by wanting to work/being available for work, sex, a

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Persons not in the labour force aged 15-74 (LFS) by wanting to work/being available for work, sex... details >

Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by reason, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... Open Data

Number of persons not in the labour force aged 15-74 (LFS) by reason, sex, age, observations and mon

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Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by reason, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... details >

Employees aged 15-74 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union membership and sex. Month 2021M01 -... Open Data

Employees aged 15-74 (LFS) by type of employment, main union organisation, sex, observations and mon

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Employees aged 15-74 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union membership and sex. Month 2021M01 -... details >

Average number of hours (actually) worked per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree... Open Data

Average number of hours (actually) worked per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS), hours by d

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Average number of hours (actually) worked per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree... details >

Average of actual hours worked for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... Open Data

Average of actual hours worked for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) with children living at home by marital

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Average of actual hours worked for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... details >

Absence from main job in the reference week (LFS) among employees aged 15-74 (persons and hours) by... Open Data

Absence from main job among employees aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, observations and month

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Absence from main job in the reference week (LFS) among employees aged 15-74 (persons and hours) by... details >

Persons absent from work aged 15-74 (LFS)/hours of absence during the reference week by reason for... Open Data

Absence from work, persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by reason for absence, sex, age, observations and month

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Persons absent from work aged 15-74 (LFS)/hours of absence during the reference week by reason for... details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (number and share) absent from main job (LFS) in the reference week... Open Data

Persons aged 15-74 absent from main job in the reference week (LFS) by time of absence, born in Swed

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (number and share) absent from main job (LFS) in the reference week... details >

Absent employed persons and employees aged 15-74 (number and portion) during the reference week (the... Open Data

Absent from main job aged 15-74 during the reference week (LFS) by time of absence, sex, age, observ

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Absent employed persons and employees aged 15-74 (number and portion) during the reference week (the... details >

Employed perons aged 15-74 (LFS) by average of actual hours worked, hours of absence and overtime... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) per week in main job by born in Sweden/foreign born, sex, age, obs

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Employed perons aged 15-74 (LFS) by average of actual hours worked, hours of absence and overtime... details >

Employed perons aged 15-74 (LFS) by average of actual hours worked, hours of absence and overtime... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) per week in main job by sex, marital status, with/without children

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Employed perons aged 15-74 (LFS) by average of actual hours worked, hours of absence and overtime... details >

Average number of working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons and number of employed... Open Data

Average number of working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons and number of employed

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Average number of working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons and number of employed... details >

Average working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex and age.... Open Data

Average working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex, age, obs

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Average working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex and age.... details >

Average number of working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by... Open Data

Average number of working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by ind

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Average number of working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by... details >

Overtime in main occupation for employees aged 15-74 (persons and hours) during the reference week... Open Data

Overtime in main occupation among employees aged 15-74 during the reference week (LFS), 1000s by typ

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Overtime in main occupation for employees aged 15-74 (persons and hours) during the reference week... details >

Employees, total/permanent employees aged 15-74 (LFS) by sector, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... Open Data

Employees aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by sector, sex, age, observations and month

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Employees, total/permanent employees aged 15-74 (LFS) by sector, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... details >

Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) - average number of hours worked/study hours per week and number... Open Data

Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) - average number of hours worked/study hours per week/number of

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Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) - average number of hours worked/study hours per week and number... details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by number of working hours (by agreement) per week, industrial... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by working hours (by agreement) per week, industrial classi

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by number of working hours (by agreement) per week, industrial... details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, sex and age. Month... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS), figures expressed in thousands by sex, age, degree of attachment

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, sex and age. Month... details >

Employment rate for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) with children living at home by marital status, sex and... Open Data

Employment rate for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) with children living at home, percent by marital status

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Employment rate for persons aged 15-74 (LFS) with children living at home by marital status, sex and... details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by working hours (by agreement) per week, sex and age. Month... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by working hours (by agreement) per week, sex, age, observa

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by working hours (by agreement) per week, sex and age. Month... details >

Employed aged 15-74 (LFS), of which at work and of which absent from work the whole week by sex and... Open Data

Employed aged 15-74 (LFS) by sex, age, labour status, observations and month

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Employed aged 15-74 (LFS), of which at work and of which absent from work the whole week by sex and... details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by attachment to the labour market, occupation SSYK 2012 and sex.... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by degree of attachment to the labour market, occupation, s

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by attachment to the labour market, occupation SSYK 2012 and sex.... details >

Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) by full-time/part-time studies, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... Open Data

Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS), 1000s by full-time/part-time studies, sex, age, observations an

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Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) by full-time/part-time studies, sex and age. Month 2021M01 -... details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by status in employment and by born in Sweden/foreign born, sex... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by status in employment, born in Sweden/foreign born, sex, age, ob

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by status in employment and by born in Sweden/foreign born, sex... details >

Key figures (percentages) 2022M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Key figures (percentages) by key figure, observations and month

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Key figures (percentages) 2022M01 - 2022M09 details >

Key figures (percentages), seasonally adjusted 2005M04 - 2022M09 Open Data

Key figures (percentages) by key figure, observations and month

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Key figures (percentages), seasonally adjusted 2005M04 - 2022M09 details >

Key figures for Foreign trade - exports and imports of goods 2016M10 - 2022M09 Open Data

Key figures by key figure, observations and month

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Key figures for Foreign trade - exports and imports of goods 2016M10 - 2022M09 details >

Key figures, PPI 2018M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Key figures, PPI by key figure, observations and month

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Key figures, PPI 2018M01 - 2022M09 details >

Number of enterprises with different types of process innovations by industry SNI 2007 and size... Open Data

Number of enterprises that introduced new or significantly improved process innovations by industry

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Number of enterprises with different types of process innovations by industry SNI 2007 and size... details >

Imports and exports of goods. Total values by trading partner, adjusted for non response. Month... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods by trading partner, adjusted for non response. Month by trading partner

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Imports and exports of goods. Total values by trading partner, adjusted for non response. Month... details >

Imports and exports of goods by trading partner and commodity groups according to SITC rev3/rev4,... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Not adjusted for non response by trading partner, Commodity group SITC

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Imports and exports of goods by trading partner and commodity groups according to SITC rev3/rev4,... details >

Number of enterprises with different types of organisational innovation by industry SNI 2007 and... Open Data

Number of enterprises that introduced new or significantly improved organisational innovations by in

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Number of enterprises with different types of organisational innovation by industry SNI 2007 and... details >

Producer Price Index by market and products SPIN 2015, 2020=100. Month 1990M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Producer Price Index by market and products, 2020=100 by products by SPIN 2015, observations and mon

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Producer Price Index by market and products SPIN 2015, 2020=100. Month 1990M01 - 2022M09 details >

Number of enterprises with different types of innovations in marketing by industry SNI 2007 and size... Open Data

Number of enterprises with different types of innovations in marketing by industry SNI 2007, size cl

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Number of enterprises with different types of innovations in marketing by industry SNI 2007 and size... details >

Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74, by economic indicator. Non seasonally adjusted... Open Data

Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74. Non seasonally adjusted estimates by economic ind

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Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74, by economic indicator. Non seasonally adjusted... details >

Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74, by economic indicator. Seasonally adjusted... Open Data

Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74. Seasonally adjusted estimates by economic indicat

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Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74, by economic indicator. Seasonally adjusted... details >

Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74, by economic indicator. Smoothed and seasonally... Open Data

Labour Force Surveys (LFS) population aged 15-74 by economic indicator. Smoothed and seasonally adju

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Labour Force Surveys (LFS), population aged 15-74, by economic indicator. Smoothed and seasonally... details >

Retail trade sales, comparison to previous period. Monthly 2001M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Retail trade sales, comparison to previous period, percent by economic indicator, observations and m

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Retail trade sales, comparison to previous period. Monthly 2001M01 - 2022M09 details >

Exports of goods, imports of goods and net trade of goods. Month 2014M03 - 2022M09 Open Data

Exports of goods, imports of goods and net trade of goods, SEK billion by economic indicator, observ

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Exports of goods, imports of goods and net trade of goods. Month 2014M03 - 2022M09 details >

Trends in volume and value of exports and imports of goods, change in percent. Month 2015M01 -... Open Data

Trends in volume and value of exports and imports of goods, change in percent by economic indicator,

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Trends in volume and value of exports and imports of goods, change in percent. Month 2015M01 -... details >

Price indices in Producer and Import stages (PPI), change from previous period. Month 2014M01 -... Open Data

Price indices in Producer and Import stages (PPI), percent by economic indicator, observations and m

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Price indices in Producer and Import stages (PPI), change from previous period. Month 2014M01 -... details >

Number of enterprises with product innovations, innovation news by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Enterprises’ innovation activities by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of value, table content an

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Number of enterprises with product innovations, innovation news by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

Number of enterprises with different types of innovation activity by industry SNI 2007 and size... Open Data

Number of enterprises with different types of innovation activity by industry SNI 2007, size class,

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Number of enterprises with different types of innovation activity by industry SNI 2007 and size... details >

Turnover from product innovations that were first in the world by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Number of enterprises with turnover from product innovations first in the world by industry SNI 2007

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Turnover from product innovations that were first in the world by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

Number of enterprises supporting innovation activities by industry SNI 2007 and size class. Year... Open Data

Number of enterprises supporting innovation activities by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of val

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Number of enterprises supporting innovation activities by industry SNI 2007 and size class. Year... details >

Number of enterprises with innovation activities as part of procurement to public sector... Open Data

Number of enterprises with innovation activities as part of procurement to public organisations by i

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Number of enterprises with innovation activities as part of procurement to public sector... details >

Number of enterprises with procurement contracts to supply goods or services to public organisations... Open Data

Number of enterprises with procurement contracts to supply goods or services to public sector organi

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Number of enterprises with procurement contracts to supply goods or services to public organisations... details >

Companies’ most valuable partners in innovation cooperation by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Companies’ most valuable partners in innovation cooperation by industry SNI 2007, size class, type o

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Companies’ most valuable partners in innovation cooperation by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

Intellectual property rights and licensing by industry and size class. Year 2012-2014-2014-2016 Open Data

Intellectual property rights and licensing by industry SNI 2007, activity, size class, type of value

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Intellectual property rights and licensing by industry and size class. Year 2012-2014-2014-2016 details >

Population 16-95+ years by region, level of education, age and gender. Year 2008-2021 Open Data

Population 16-95+ years by region, level of education, age, gender, table content and year

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Population 16-95+ years by region, level of education, age and gender. Year 2008-2021 details >

Population aged 16-74 by region, level of education, age and gender. In 1985-2021 Open Data

Population by region, age, level of education, gender, table content and year

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Population aged 16-74 by region, level of education, age and gender. In 1985-2021 details >

Immigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, national background, level of educational attainment, field of... Open Data

Immigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, national background, level of education, field of education SU

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Immigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, national background, level of educational attainment, field of... details >

Emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, national background, level of educational attainment, field of... Open Data

Emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, national background, level of education, field of education SUN

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Emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, national background, level of educational attainment, field of... details >

Population 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, level of educational attainment and... Open Data

Population 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, level of education, field of educati

Issued on

Population 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, level of educational attainment and... details >

Population 16-74 by sex, age, national background, level of education and education focus SUN 2020.... Open Data

Population 16-74 by sex, age, national background, level of education, education focus SUN 2020, tab

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Population 16-74 by sex, age, national background, level of education and education focus SUN 2020.... details >

Immigrants and emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, level of educational... Open Data

Immigrants and emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, level of education, fi

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Immigrants and emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, level of educational... details >

Immigrants 16-74 years by sex, age, national background, time abroad, level of education and... Open Data

Immigrants 16-74 years by sex, age, national background, migration patterns, level of education, edu

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Immigrants 16-74 years by sex, age, national background, time abroad, level of education and... details >

Emigrants 16-74 years by sex, age, national background, time in Sweden, level of education and... Open Data

Emigrants 16-74 years by sex, age, national background, migration patterns, level of education, educ

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Emigrants 16-74 years by sex, age, national background, time in Sweden, level of education and... details >

Emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, type of migration, level of... Open Data

Emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, type of migration, level of education

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Emigrants 16-74 years of age by sex, age, national background, type of migration, level of... details >

The regions revenue by account record. Year 2007 - 2021 Open Data

The regions revenue, SEK millions, current prices by region, item, observations and year

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The regions revenue by account record. Year 2007 - 2021 details >

The regions costs by account record. Year 2007 - 2021 Open Data

The regions costs, SEK millions, current prices by region, item, observations and year

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The regions costs by account record. Year 2007 - 2021 details >

Who develops companies’ product innovations by industry SNI 2007, type of innovation and size class.... Open Data

Who essentially develops business innovations? Percentages by industry SNI 2007, type of innovation,

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Who develops companies’ product innovations by industry SNI 2007, type of innovation and size class.... details >

Who develops companies’ product innovations by industry and size class. Percentages of product... Open Data

Who essentially develops business innovations? Percentages by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of

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Who develops companies’ product innovations by industry and size class. Percentages of product... details >

Applicants to higher vocational education, by sex, educational orientation, level of education,... Open Data

Applicants to higher vocational education by sex, educational orientation, the student´s prior level

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Applicants to higher vocational education, by sex, educational orientation, level of education,... details >

Students and graduates of higher vocational education, by sex, educational orientation, level of... Open Data

Students and graduates of higher vocational education by sex, educational orientation, the student´s

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Students and graduates of higher vocational education, by sex, educational orientation, level of... details >

Who develops business process innovations by industry and size class. Percentages of process... Open Data

Who essentially develops business process innovations. Percentages by industry SNI 2007, size class,

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Who develops business process innovations by industry and size class. Percentages of process... details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting nature data birds and butterflies Open Data

The station register is a national register of installations (stations, test sites) where environmen

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting nature data birds and butterflies details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Lakes and streams Open Data

Sites where measurements of water chemistry, plant and zooplankton, bottom fauna, algae and macrophy

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Lakes and streams details >

Protected areas, cultural reserves Open Data

With the support of the Environmental Code, the municipality or county administrative board can prot

Issued on 2020-09-23

Protected areas, cultural reserves details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Oceanography and Marine Biology Open Data

Locations where measurements of physics, chemistry and biology in oceans and coastal waters were per

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Oceanography and Marine Biology details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Air quality Open Data

The station register is a national register of installations (stations, test sites) where environmen

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Air quality details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Sample fishing Open Data

Places where measurements of electric fishing, sea sample fishing and coastal testing have been carr

Issued on 2022-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Sample fishing details >

Protected areas, marine areas in Sweden according to Helcom (MPA) Open Data

Protected areas of the Baltic Sea that are part of the network HELCOM (Marine Protected Areas, MPA).

Issued on 2021-12-27

Protected areas, marine areas in Sweden according to Helcom (MPA) details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Environmental toxins Open Data

In data hosting for environmental toxins, results from monitoring of environmental toxins in sedimen

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Environmental toxins details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Radiation measurements (SSM) Open Data

Sites where radioactive substances are measured in different types of environmental samples such as

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Radiation measurements (SSM) details >

Protected, animal and plant health areas Open Data

It is possible to protect, for example, breeding birds or seal colonies by prohibiting access to an

Issued on 2020-09-23

Protected, animal and plant health areas details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Groundwater Open Data

Sites where groundwater chemistry and groundwater levels have been measured.

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Groundwater details >

Protected areas, national parks Open Data

The purpose of a national park is to “preserve a larger contiguous area of a given landscape type in

Issued on 2020-09-23

Protected areas, national parks details >

Protected areas, World Heritage Sites with High Nature Values Open Data

Sweden has 15 World Heritage Sites. This layer contains information about the two identified because

Issued on 2022-03-23

Protected areas, World Heritage Sites with High Nature Values details >

Scientific knowledge gaps Open Data

SBU gathers scientific knowledge gaps in the areas of health care, dental care, social services, fun

Issued on 2010-11-02

Scientific knowledge gaps details >

SBU’s ongoing project Open Data

Title and information about SBU’s ongoing evaluation project.

Issued on 2016-04-14

SBU’s ongoing project details >

SBU publications Open Data

Title and information on the following types of publications: SBU Evaluators, SBU Comments, Response

Issued on 1989-01-01

SBU publications details >

Food waste Preschool 2021 and 2022 Open Data

Food waste Preschools

Issued on 2022-05-12

Food waste Preschool 2021 and 2022 details >

Food waste Elementary school and High school 2020 and forward Open Data

Statistics on food waste in primary and secondary schools

Issued on 2019-08-28

Food waste Elementary school and High school 2020 and forward details >
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