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Cost per square metre for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, investor, gross-/net price, obser

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Cost per square metre for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... details >

Cost per square metre for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of tenure, gross-/net price,

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Cost per square metre for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region,... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, development/reconstruction, gross

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region,... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region and... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, gross-/net price, observations an

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region and... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, investor, gross-/net price, obser

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of tenure, gross-/net price,

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by region, gross-/n

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by region, investor

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling... details >

Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling... Open Data

Newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by region, type of

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Cost per dwelling for newly constructed conventional collectively built one- or two-dwelling... details >

Dwellings in newly constructed conventional residential buildings purchased with contract with... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed conventional residential buildings (contract) with regulation of cost

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Dwellings in newly constructed conventional residential buildings purchased with contract with... details >

Gross and net costs, SEK per capita, for operations in municipalities by region and fields of... Open Data

Gross and net costs for municipalities operations, SEK per capita by region, activity, gross and net

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Gross and net costs, SEK per capita, for operations in municipalities by region and fields of... details >

Net costs for the regions activities by area of activity. Year 2007 - 2013 Open Data

Net costs for the regions activities, SEK/inhabitant by region, activity, observations and year

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Net costs for the regions activities by area of activity. Year 2007 - 2013 details >

Cost equalisation for regions by model. Year 1996 - 2022 Open Data

Outcome, Cost equalisation for county councils, standard cost SEK/resident by region, activity model

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Cost equalisation for regions by model. Year 1996 - 2022 details >

Costs by kind-of-activity unit according to Structual Business Statistics by NACE rev.1 and type of... Open Data

Costs by kind-of-activity unit according to Structual Business Statistics by industrial classificati

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Costs by kind-of-activity unit according to Structual Business Statistics by NACE rev.1 and type of... details >

Kind of activity unit - Costs by kind-of-activity unit according to Structual Business Statistics by... Open Data

Kind of activity unit - Costs by kind-of-activity unit according to Structual Business Statistics by

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Kind of activity unit - Costs by kind-of-activity unit according to Structual Business Statistics by... details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual changes (Inflation Rate, according to old method, no update after... Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual changes (Inflation Rate), 1980=100, per cent by observations and

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual changes (Inflation Rate, according to old method, no update after... details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual averages by product group (COICOP), 1980=100. Year 1980 - 2021 Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual averages (by COICOP), 1980=100 by Product group, observations and

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual averages by product group (COICOP), 1980=100. Year 1980 - 2021 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), Fixed Index numbers, total annual average, 1980=100. Year 1980 - 2021 Open Data

Konsumentprisindex (KPI) fastställda årsmedeltal, totalt, 1980=100 by observations and year

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), Fixed Index numbers, total annual average, 1980=100. Year 1980 - 2021 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Fixed Index numbers, 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2005M12 Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Fixed Index numbers, 1980=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Fixed Index numbers, 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2005M12 details >

Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), annual changes, 1980=100 (no update after 2021M11).... Open Data

Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), annual changes, 1980=100. Month by observations and

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Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), annual changes, 1980=100 (no update after 2021M11).... details >

Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), 1980=100 (no update after 2021M11). Month 1980M01 -... Open Data

Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), 1980=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), 1980=100 (no update after 2021M11). Month 1980M01 -... details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Living Cost Index, excluding taxes and social benefits, July 1914=100.... Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Living Cost Index, July 1914=100 by observations and year

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Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Living Cost Index, excluding taxes and social benefits, July 1914=100.... details >

Consumer price index by commodity/service group (Riksbanken). In 1980-2020 Open Data

Consumer Price Index (Riksbanken) by commodity/service group, table content and year

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Consumer price index by commodity/service group (Riksbanken). In 1980-2020 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total annual averages, Shadow Index numbers, 1980=100. Year 1980 - 2021 Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total annual averages, Shadow Index, 1980=100 by observations and year

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), total annual averages, Shadow Index numbers, 1980=100. Year 1980 - 2021 details >

Underlying inflation (Riksbanken), Index year to year. Year 2003-2020 Open Data

Index year to year by index type, table content and year

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Underlying inflation (Riksbanken), Index year to year. Year 2003-2020 details >

Number of employees (CS) by region and sector. Quarter 2004K1-2015K1 Open Data

Number of employees (CS) by region, sector, table content and quarter

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Number of employees (CS) by region and sector. Quarter 2004K1-2015K1 details >

Number of employees in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI2002. Quarter 2004K1-2008K4 Open Data

Number of employees in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI 2002, table content and quarter

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Number of employees in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI2002. Quarter 2004K1-2008K4 details >

Number of employees in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI2002. Month 2004M01-2005M12 Open Data

Number of employees in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI 2002, table content and month

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Number of employees in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI2002. Month 2004M01-2005M12 details >

Number of employees, private sector, index 2000Q1=100, by industry SNI2007. Quarter 2000K1 - 2015K1 Open Data

Number of employees, private sector, index 2000Q1=100 by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, obse

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Number of employees, private sector, index 2000Q1=100, by industry SNI2007. Quarter 2000K1 - 2015K1 details >

Number of employees, private sector by industry. Quarter 1993K1 - 2008K4 Open Data

Number of employees, private sector, first quarter 1994=100 by industrial classification SE-SIC92, o

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Number of employees, private sector by industry. Quarter 1993K1 - 2008K4 details >

Sick leave in the private sector (KSP) by industry SNI2002. Quarter 1995K1-2008K4 Open Data

Sick leave, private sector (KSP), quarter 1 1995=100 by industry SNI92, table content and quarter

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Sick leave in the private sector (KSP) by industry SNI2002. Quarter 1995K1-2008K4 details >

Sick leave, total (KS) by region. Quarter 2004K1-2006K3 Open Data

Sick leave percentage by region, table content and quarter

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Sick leave, total (KS) by region. Quarter 2004K1-2006K3 details >

Share of sick leave in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI2002. Quarter 2004K1-2008K4 Open Data

Percentage of sick leave in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI 2002, table content and quarter

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Share of sick leave in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI2002. Quarter 2004K1-2008K4 details >

Share of sick leave in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI 2007. Quarter 2008K2-2015K1 Open Data

Percentage of sick leave in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI 2007, table content and quarter

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Share of sick leave in the private sector (CS) by industry SNI 2007. Quarter 2008K2-2015K1 details >

Culture and rekreation, net turnover by type of income and type of customer. Year 2000 Open Data

Net turnover for culture and rekreation, SEK millions by type of income, type of customer, observati

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Culture and rekreation, net turnover by type of income and type of customer. Year 2000 details >

Culture and rekreation, net turnover by type of income and by NACE rev.1. Year 2000 Open Data

Net turnover for culture and rekreation, SEK millions by type of income, industrial classification S

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Culture and rekreation, net turnover by type of income and by NACE rev.1. Year 2000 details >

Culture and recreation, net turnover by type of revenue and size class. Year 2000 Open Data

Net sales for culture and recreation, SEK million by type of revenue, size class, table content and

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Culture and recreation, net turnover by type of revenue and size class. Year 2000 details >

People who completed long-term courses in the school year 2002/03 after received expected knowledge,... Open Data

Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 after recei

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People who completed long-term courses in the school year 2002/03 after received expected knowledge,... details >

Higher education students (sometimes) who completed long courses in the folk high school academic... Open Data

Higher education students who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2

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Higher education students (sometimes) who completed long courses in the folk high school academic... details >

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by industry Nace Rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 - 2015K1 Open Data

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations an

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Job openings and vacancies, private sector by industry Nace Rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 - 2015K1 details >

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by industry Nace Rev 1.1, Quarter 2001K2 - 2008K4 Open Data

Job openings and vacancies, private sector (KV) by industrial classification SE-SIC92, observations

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Job openings and vacancies, private sector by industry Nace Rev 1.1, Quarter 2001K2 - 2008K4 details >

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region NUTS2 and industry Nace Rev 1.1, Quarter 2001K1... Open Data

Job openings and vacancies, private sector (KV) by region, industrial classification SE-SIC92, obser

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Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region NUTS2 and industry Nace Rev 1.1, Quarter 2001K1... details >

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region and industry Nace Rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 -... Open Data

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observa

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Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region and industry Nace Rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 -... details >

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by number of employees, Quarter 2001K1 - 2015K1 Open Data

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by number of employees, observations and quarter

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Job openings and vacancies, private sector by number of employees, Quarter 2001K1 - 2015K1 details >

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by region NUTS2, Quarter 2002K2 - 2015K1 Open Data

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector (KV) by region, observations and quarter

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Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by region NUTS2, Quarter 2002K2 - 2015K1 details >

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region NUTS2, Quarter 2001K1 - 2015K1 Open Data

Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region, observations and quarter

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Job openings and vacancies, private sector by region NUTS2, Quarter 2001K1 - 2015K1 details >

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by industry Nace rev 1.1, Quarter 2001K2 - 2008K4 Open Data

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector (KV) by industrial classification SE-SIC92, observation

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Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by industry Nace rev 1.1, Quarter 2001K2 - 2008K4 details >

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by industry Nace rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 - 2015K1 Open Data

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector (KV) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observat

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Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by industry Nace rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 - 2015K1 details >

Average recruitment time, in months, private sector by region NUTS 2. Quarter 2003K3 - 2015K1 Open Data

Average recruitment time, in months, private sector (KV) by region, observations and quarter

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Average recruitment time, in months, private sector by region NUTS 2. Quarter 2003K3 - 2015K1 details >

Average recruitment time, in months, private sector by Nace rev 1.1, Quarter 2003K3 - 2008K4 Open Data

Average recruitment time, in months, private sector (KV) by industrial classification SE-SIC92, obse

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Average recruitment time, in months, private sector by Nace rev 1.1, Quarter 2003K3 - 2008K4 details >

Average recruitment time, in months, private sector by Nace rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 - 2015K1 Open Data

Average recruitment time, in months, private sector (KV) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, o

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Average recruitment time, in months, private sector by Nace rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 - 2015K1 details >

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by region and industry Nace rev 1.1, Quarter 2003K1 -... Open Data

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector (KV) by region, industrial classification SE-SIC92, obs

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Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by region and industry Nace rev 1.1, Quarter 2003K1 -... details >

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by region and industry Nace rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 -... Open Data

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector (KV) by region, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2,

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Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by region and industry Nace rev 2, Quarter 2009K1 -... details >

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by number of employees, Quarter 2002K2 - 2015K1 Open Data

Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector (KV) by number of employees, observations and quarter

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Recruitment and vacancy rate, private sector by number of employees, Quarter 2002K2 - 2015K1 details >

Converted floor space area in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership and period of... Open Data

Converted floor space area in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of const

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Converted floor space area in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership and period of... details >

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings with government subsidies in the whole country by... Open Data

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings with government subsidies by measure, period of cons

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Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings with government subsidies in the whole country by... details >

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of construction... Open Data

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of construction

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Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of construction... details >

Converted multi-dwelling buildings, dwellings added, in the whole country by measure taken, type of... Open Data

Converted multi-dwelling buildings, dwellings added by measure, type of ownership, period of constru

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Converted multi-dwelling buildings, dwellings added, in the whole country by measure taken, type of... details >

Dwellings in converted multi-dwelling buildings, starts and completed by region. Preliminary data.... Open Data

Dwellings in converted multi-dwelling buildings by region, observations and quarter

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Dwellings in converted multi-dwelling buildings, starts and completed by region. Preliminary data.... details >

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by type of ownership, period of construction and... Open Data

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings in the whole country by type of ownership, period of

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Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by type of ownership, period of construction and... details >

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings with government subsidies by region and tenure. Old... Open Data

Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings with government subsidies by region, tenure, observa

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Converted dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings with government subsidies by region and tenure. Old... details >

Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of... Open Data

Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of construc

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Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, type of ownership, period of... details >

Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region and quality group. Old table, not... Open Data

Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region, quality group, observations and year

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Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by region and quality group. Old table, not... details >

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings and average useful floor space of dwellings by region, type... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings by region, type of building, size of dwelling, observations

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Dwellings in newly constructed buildings and average useful floor space of dwellings by region, type... details >

Population and land area within small localities, by small locality. Every fifth year 1990 - 2020 Open Data

Small localities (places with 50-199 inhabitants) by region, observations and every fifth year

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Population and land area within small localities, by small locality. Every fifth year 1990 - 2020 details >

Employees in the county councils by activity, extent of employment and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 Open Data

Employees in the county councils by activity, extent of employment, sex, observations and year

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Employees in the county councils by activity, extent of employment and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 details >

Employees in the county councils by county council, activity and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 Open Data

Employees in the county councils by region, activity, sex, observations and year

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Employees in the county councils by county council, activity and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 details >

Employees in the county councils by county council, extent of employment and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 Open Data

Employees in the county councils by region, extent of employment, sex, observations and year

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Employees in the county councils by county council, extent of employment and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 details >

Employees, new appointments and resignations/retirements in the county councils by agreed rate of... Open Data

Employees in the county councils by type of employment, extent of employment, age, sex, observations

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Employees, new appointments and resignations/retirements in the county councils by agreed rate of... details >

Employees in the county council-, municipal- , governmental, - other public sectors and the Church... Open Data

Employees in the public sector by sector, sex, observations and year

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Employees in the county council-, municipal- , governmental, - other public sectors and the Church... details >

Average monthly salary in the regions by occupation and sex. Year 2000 - 2008 Open Data

Average monthly salary in the regions by region, occupation, sex, observations and year

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Average monthly salary in the regions by occupation and sex. Year 2000 - 2008 details >

Average monthly salary and salary dispersion in SEK in the county councils by occupation and sex.... Open Data

Average monthly salary and salary dispersion in the county councils by occupation, sex, observations

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Average monthly salary and salary dispersion in SEK in the county councils by occupation and sex.... details >

Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by occupation, age and sex. Year 2000... Open Data

Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by occupation, age, sex, observations

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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by occupation, age and sex. Year 2000... details >

Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by region (NUTS2), occupation and... Open Data

Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by region, occupation, sex, observati

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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by region (NUTS2), occupation and... details >

Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by region (NUTS1, 2008), occupation... Open Data

Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by region, occupation, sex, observati

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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the county councils by region (NUTS1, 2008), occupation... details >

Employees in the county councils by monthly salary interval in SEK, sex and age. Year 2000 - 2010 Open Data

Employees in the county councils by monthy salary interval, sex, age, observations and year

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Employees in the county councils by monthly salary interval in SEK, sex and age. Year 2000 - 2010 details >

Employees in the county councils by montly salar interval, occupation and sex. Year 2000 - 2010 Open Data

Employees in the county councils by monthy salary interval, occupation, sex, observations and year

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Employees in the county councils by montly salar interval, occupation and sex. Year 2000 - 2010 details >

Elections to the regional councils - those entitled to vote by region and citizenship. Year of... Open Data

Elections to regional councils - those entitled to vote by region, citizenship, observations and ele

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Elections to the regional councils - those entitled to vote by region and citizenship. Year of... details >

Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax withheld by employers, by industry Nace Rev. 2 (aggr.... Open Data

Information from employers monthly tax returns, private sector by industrial classification NACE Rev

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Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax withheld by employers, by industry Nace Rev. 2 (aggr.... details >

Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax withheld by employers, by industry NACE Rev. 2, for the... Open Data

Information from employers monthly tax returns, private sector by industrial classification NACE Rev

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Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax withheld by employers, by industry NACE Rev. 2, for the... details >

Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns, by sector (not... Open Data

Information from employers monthly tax returns by sector, observations and quarter

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Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns, by sector (not... details >

Professional teachers in autumn 2004. Type of employment in the school system by sex, age, form of... Open Data

Professional teachers in autumn 2004. Type of employment in the school system by sex, age, type of s

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Professional teachers in autumn 2004. Type of employment in the school system by sex, age, form of... details >

Professional teachers in autumn 2004. Type of employment in the school system by gender, age,... Open Data

Professional teachers in autumn 2004. Type of employment in the school system by sex, age, focus of

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Professional teachers in autumn 2004. Type of employment in the school system by gender, age,... details >

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants according to how easy it is to read... Open Data

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by answer option, gender, study path, tab

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Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants according to how easy it is to read... details >

Positive effects on the environment of enterprise innovation by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Share of enterprises with different beneficial effects of eco-innovations by industry SNI 2007, size

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Positive effects on the environment of enterprise innovation by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

Work environment (employees aged 16-74 years) by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, work environment (employees aged 16-74 years) by indicator, study domain,

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Work environment (employees aged 16-74 years) by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and... details >

Holiday travel and holiday homes by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys. Holiday travel and holiday homes by indicator, study domain, sex, observa

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Holiday travel and holiday homes by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated... details >

Civic activities, associations by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, civic activities. Associations by indicator, study domain, sex, observati

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Civic activities, associations by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers... details >

Civic activities, retirement associations by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, civic activities. Retirement associations by indicator, study domain, sex

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Civic activities, retirement associations by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and... details >

Work environment (gainfully employed persons aged 16-74 years) by indicator, study domain and sex.... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, work environment (gainfully employed persons aged 16-74 years) by indicat

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Work environment (gainfully employed persons aged 16-74 years) by indicator, study domain and sex.... details >

Housing by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands. Year... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, housing by indicator, study domain, sex, observations and period

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Housing by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands. Year... details >

Economy by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands. Year... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, economy and material assets by indicator, study domain, sex, observations

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Economy by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands. Year... details >

Leisure activities by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, Leisure activities by indicator, study domain, sex, observations and peri

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Leisure activities by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in... details >

Leisure activities by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands... Open Data

Leisure activities by indicator. Internet use in leisure time by indicator, study domain, sex, obser

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Leisure activities by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands... details >

Body Mass Index (BMI) by indicator, study domain and sex. Persons 16 years or older. Percentage and... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys. Body Mass Index (BMI) in persons 16 years or older by indicator, study do

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Body Mass Index (BMI) by indicator, study domain and sex. Persons 16 years or older. Percentage and... details >

Disabilities by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands. Year... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys. Disabilities by indicator, study domain, sex, observations and period

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Disabilities by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands. Year... details >

Physical and mental health by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys. Physical and mental health by indicator, study domain, sex, observations

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Physical and mental health by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in... details >

Unmet need for examination or treatment by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys. Unmet need for examination or treatment by indicator, study domain, sex,

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Unmet need for examination or treatment by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated... details >

Tobacco habits by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands.... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys. Tobacco habits by indicator, study domain, sex, observations and period

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Tobacco habits by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in thousands.... details >

Civic activities, politics by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in... Open Data

Living Conditions Surveys, civic activities. Politics by indicator, study domain, sex, observations

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Civic activities, politics by indicator, study domain and sex. Percentage and estimated numbers in... details >
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