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Studiemedel för studier i Sverige och utomlands Open Data
Statistik om utbetalningar av studemedel oavsett om studier bedrivits i Sverige eller utomlands
Issued on 2016-08-19
Utländska medborgare Open Data
Statistik om grundlggande rätt till svenskt studiestöd för utländska medborgare
Issued on 2016-08-19
Studiemedel för studier utomlands Open Data
Statistik om utbetalningar av studemedel för studier utomlands
Issued on 2016-08-19
News from Gullspångs municipality web site as RSS Open Data
The RSS flow is an XML-version of the news flow published on Gullspång municipality web page, https:
Issued on 2020-11-21
Meeting protocols of the community boards of Gullspång municipality, 5 years back in time Open Data
Meeting protocols from all executive boards of the community of Gullspång five years back in time. I
Issued on 2020-11-23
School restaurant menu for the municipality of Töreboda Open Data
School restaurant menus are presented in a web interface with RSS capabilities per school for the sc
Issued on 2020-11-26
Municipally owned parking spots in Gullspång municipality Open Data
Description including coordinates of the parking spots owned and operated by the municipality of Gul
Issued on 2020-12-08
Municipality schools with postal address and coordinates Open Data
Adress, coordinate and type of operation for schools in the municipality. Additional information inc
Issued on 2021-07-07
Kolada, comparison data for municipalities and regions from SKR Open Data
Comparison data of self reported KPI from SKR and the municipalities and regions of Sweden. The data
Issued on
News from Mariestads municipality web site as RSS Open Data
The RSS flow is an XML-version of the news flow published on Mariestad municipality web page, https:
Issued on 2020-11-21
Meeting protocols of the community boards of Mariestad municipality, 5 years back in time Open Data
Meeting protocols from all executive boards of the community of Mariestad five years back in time. I
Issued on 2020-11-23
Municipally owned parking spots in Mariestad municipality Open Data
Description including coordinates of the parking spots owned and operated by the municipality of Mar
Issued on 2020-12-08
School restaurant menu for the municipality of Mariestad Open Data
School restaurant menus are presented in a web interface with RSS capabilities per school for the sc
Issued on 2020-11-26
Municipality schools with postal address and coordinates Open Data
Adress, coordinate and type of operation for schools in the municipality. Additional information inc
Issued on 2021-07-07
Kolada, comparison data for municipalities and regions from SKR Open Data
Comparison data of self reported KPI from SKR and the municipalities and regions of Sweden. The data
Issued on
News from Tidaholm Municipality as RSS feed Open Data
RSS stands for “Rich document format Site Summary” and is a standard format for delivering digital n
Issued on
News from Töreboda municipality web site as RSS Open Data
The RSS flow is an XML-version of the news flow published on Töreboda municipality web page, https:/
Issued on
Meeting protocols of the community boards of Töreboda municipality Open Data
Meeting protocols from all executive boards of the community of Töreboda five years back in time. If
Issued on 2020-11-23
Municipally owned parking spots in Töreboda municipality Open Data
Description including coordinates of the parking spots owned and operated by the municipality of Tör
Issued on 2020-12-08
Municipality schools with postal address and coordinates Open Data
Adress, coordinate and type of operation for schools in the municipality. Additional information inc
Issued on 2021-07-07
Kolada, comparison data for municipalities and regions from SKR Open Data
Comparison data of self reported KPI from SKR and the municipalities and regions of Sweden. The data
Issued on
Concordance between IPC and the German Patent Classification (DPK) Open Data
A basic concordance table between the subclasses of the IPC (International Patent Classification) an
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Authority files Open Data
Lists (Authority files) of document numbers and kind codes of all patent documents that have been pu
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The Swedish Patent Gazette Open Data
The Swedish Patent Gazette is the newspaper for public notification about patent applications and pa
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IPC classifications in Swedish Open Data
A list of brief descriptions in Swedish of the content of the classes of the International Patent Cl
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The German Patent Classification (DPK) in English Open Data
A list in English of all classes in the German Patent Classification (DPK, Deutsche Patentklassifika
Issued on
The German Patent Classification (DPK) in Swedish Open Data
A list in Swedish of all classes in the German Patent Classification (DPK, Deutsche Patentklassifika
Issued on
Kind codes used on Swedish patent documents Open Data
A list of the kind codes that are used for identifying different kinds of Swedish patent documents.
Issued on
The German Patent Classification (DPK) in German Open Data
A list in German of all classes in the German Patent Classification (DPK, Deutsche Patentklassifikat
Issued on
File Inspection Open Data
File Inspection is PRV's public archive for patent applications, Supplementary Protection Certificat
Issued on
Bibliografic data for Swedish patent documents 2019- Open Data
This data set contains the bibliographic data of all Swedish national patent documents published sin
Issued on
Jämförelse service av Barn och utbildning på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Barn och utbildnings service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Pedagogisk omsorg på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Pedagogisk omsorgs service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Grundskola på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Grundskolans service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Gymnasium på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Gymnasiumens service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Omsorg och stöd på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Omsorg och stöds service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Hemtjänst på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Hemtjänstens service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Vård- och omsorgsboende på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Vård- och omsorgsboende service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Familj och relation på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Familj och relations service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Jämförelse service av Familjerådgivning på Lidingö Open Data
Jämför Familjerådgivningens service på Lidingö
Issued on 2017-01-01
Postlista för Lidingö stad och Lidingö stads Tomtaktiebolag Open Data
Postlista för Lidingö stad och Lidingö stads Tomtaktiebolag
Issued on 2017-01-01
Skolmaten på Lidingö Open Data
Skolmaten på Lidingös skolor
Issued on 2017-01-01
Food controls Open Data
The municipality regularly checks how food activities such as restaurants and supermarkets meet the
Issued on
Reports from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management Open Data
Reports published in DiVA, Academic Archive Online
Issued on 2019-10-30
Fishing geographies Open Data
The dataset describes areas in Sweden where fishing is regulated by national regulations: Skagerrak,
Issued on
Limnic water-type regions Open Data
Sweden has been divided into four different regions to facilitate the work on typing lakes and strea
Issued on
Areas protected under the EQS Regulation for fish and mussel waters Open Data
Areas protected under Ordinance (2001:554) laying down environmental quality standards for fish and
Issued on
Hydroelectric Power Plant Test Groups Open Data
The data set is a merger of SMHI’s sub-basin basins for most of Sweden. These merged sub-basins thus
Issued on
School meals in Skövde municipality Open Data
School meal menus in Skövde municipality, for all schools, preschools and highschools in operating i
Issued on 2017-09-29
Comparison data for Preschools in Skövde municipality Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Comparison data primary school (Nursery class to grade 6) in Skövde municipality Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Comparison data primary school (Grade 7 to grade 9) Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Comparison data High Schools in Skövde municipality Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Comparison data home care services Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Comparison data block of service apartments Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Comparison data nursing homes Open Data
Data from quality- and assurance tools used for a comparison service available on the municipality o
Issued on
Parking lots and parking spaces in Skövde municipality urban area Open Data
Description of parking lots and parking spaces in Skövde urban area with meta data about hours of ac
Issued on 2017-12-15
Parking spaces and parking areas reserved holders of disabled persons parking card Open Data
Describes parking spaces and areas reserved for parking for those who hold special disabled persons
Issued on 2018-03-08
Skövde municipality base map as WMS service with data layers Open Data
Skövde municipality base map as WMS-service from GIS systems. Dataset is used to produce the visual
Issued on 2019-10-23
Key performance indicator from Kolada Open Data
This data is retrieved from the Kommun- and landstings-database Kolada which contains compareble Key
Issued on
Charging stations for vehicular applications/electric cars as JSON, on municipality owned parking... Open Data
WMS Service for displaying charging stations on municipality owned parking areas. One geographical c
Issued on 2019-12-20
Badanläggningar och badplatser i Skövde kommun Open Data
Badanläggningar, bassängbad och badplatser
Issued on 2021-04-06
Vagueness zones, interpreted lines (open data) Open Data
Vagueness zones are based, inter alia, on subsoil information from different constructions, such as
Issued on 2018-05-24
NVDB Road Number Open Data
The data product includes data on the national numbering of road sections. Decisions on numbering ar
Issued on
Strategic road network for heavier transport Open Data
Shows where the heavier transports go and are expected to go in the future on the state road network
Issued on
TN.CommonTransportElements.TransportNode Open Data
This data warehouse records different types of nodes occurring within the Inspiretema Transport Netw
Issued on 2008-01-01
Ascent field Open Data
The compound type refers to road sections that have increased road width in larger slopes to facilit
Issued on
Risk areas for erosion of agricultural land Open Data
On behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the SLU has produced high-resolution (2x2m) maps show
Issued on
AM.Areas protected under the Ordinance on environmental quality standards for fish and mussel... Open Data
View Service (WMS) for the data set Areas protected under the Ordinance on environmental quality sta
Issued on
Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Bathing water Open Data
Places where municipalities have carried out bathing water quality measurements. This mainly applies
Issued on
Jvgdata Track width Open Data
Track gauge (division), indicates the distance between the right and left rails. There is a specialt
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Wild-key maps — Wild wine 2015-2019 Open Data
Wild boar key maps consist of vector and raster data presenting aggregated wild game meat statistics
Issued on 2020-01-01
NVDB road transport network Open Data
The entity type contains information on the main mode of use for which the network component is inte
Issued on
BR.Limit for mountain forest established by the National Board of Forestry Open Data
Geodata indicating the boundary of mountain forest, established by the National Board of Forestry. T
Issued on
Noise assessment 2008 — City of Lidingö Open Data
Noise assessment 2008
Issued on 2016-01-01
Holiday home areas WMS Open Data
Holiday home areas are concentrations of holiday homes with a minimum of 50 holiday homes and a maxi
Issued on
Jvgdata Line Category Open Data
Line category (division), explains which maximum permissible axle load “STAX” (from 16 to 32.5 tonne
Issued on
Jvgdata Railway Bridge Open Data
A railway bridge is a bridge loaded by the trains. The railway bridge is part of the railway network
Issued on
TN.RailwayTransportNetwork.RailwayLine Open Data
The dataset accounts for the modal split according to the Inspiretema Transport Network (TN) Railway
Issued on
Wild key maps — Ren 2015-2019 Open Data
Key maps for reindeer consist of vector and raster data presenting aggregated key statistics with re
Issued on 2020-01-01
PD.Population distribution.5-year class.Atom Open Data
Population statistics are reported for Rutor (1x1 km). The statistics refer to 2019-12-31.
Issued on
Traffic rule phenomena — NVDB Open Data
Phenomena from the National Road Database (NVDB) for the entire road network: * Restricted gross wei
Issued on
Approximate distribution of the reindeer herding area in Sweden Inspire viewing service Open Data
The WMS service shows the approximate distribution of reindeer husbandry in Sweden and is the way in
Issued on 2020-09-30
AM.Training groups for hydropower plants.ATOM Open Data
The ISO19139/119 Metadata Standard is the preferred metadata standard to be used for services (WMS,
Issued on
Jvgdata track type Open Data
In order to work on different strategies for operation and maintenance in the form of delivery quali
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Environmental monitoring of ionising radiation: Radioactive substances in air Open Data
Concentrations of radioactive substances bound to particulate matter in the air have been monitored
Issued on
Swedish Board of Agriculture’s download service Inspire Open Data
Swedish Board of Agriculture’s download service Inspire Contains Download Service for the datasets:
Issued on
NVDB Walking Area Open Data
The data product consists of the phenomenon type Walking area, which belongs to the product group NV
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Technical features — NVDB Open Data
Information on Sweden’s road network from the National Road Database (NVDB) on: * ferry * Altitude
Issued on 2013-07-01
Jvgdata stopbock folding Open Data
Stop bar foldable, used on some marshalling yards depending on the length of train sets to be assemb
Issued on
SU.Statistics Rutnet.1KmRutor Open Data
The boxes are 1000x1000 metres and are created by machine.
Issued on
Monitoring stations, VISS Water Information Systems Sweden Open Data
VISS (Water Information Systems Sweden) records environmental monitoring stations for all types of w
Issued on 2012-11-16
TN.Road TransportNetwork.DownloadService Open Data
The service is the Swedish Transport Administration’s download service for data sets covered by the
Issued on 2012-06-28
Jvgdata farmed Open Data
Farmed, available in several different designs to prevent grooves, fenced by pasture or for other sa
Issued on
SLU forest map Open Data
ftp://salix.slu.se/download/skogskarta SLU Forest Map container’s spatial information with a high le
Issued on
Jvgdata Assignment class_track Open Data
The need for the number of safety inspections depends, among other things, on the following factors:
Issued on 2012-10-18
Jvgdata Cutting Open Data
Cutting, area where the railway facility is lower than the surrounding ground surface, the opposite
Issued on
NVDB GCM separation Open Data
The data product includes data indicating that there is a separation between walking and cycling net
Issued on
US.ElectricityNetwork.ViewService Open Data
The service is the Swedish Transport Administration’s view service for datasets covered by the INSPI
Issued on 2019-01-01
BR.Limit for forest protection regulations established by the Forest Agency. ATOM Open Data
ATOM flow for download (ZIP) of limit of forest protection regulations established by the Forest Age
Issued on
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