Sveriges dataportal Open data in a single API request

National data portal in Sweden datasets available on official portal for European data

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Number of innovative enterprises by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2 and size. Year 2006-2008 -... Open Data

Innovation activity of enterprises by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, size class, type of val

Issued on

Number of innovative enterprises by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2 and size. Year 2006-2008 -... details >

Turnover and innovation expenditure of enterprises in product or process innovations, SEK million by... Open Data

Turnover and innovation expenditure of enterprises by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of value,

Issued on

Turnover and innovation expenditure of enterprises in product or process innovations, SEK million by... details >

Fuel use and electricity input in electricity, gas and heating plants. Quarter 2022K1-2022k2 Open Data

Fuel use by fuel type, production, plant, table content and quarter

Issued on

Fuel use and electricity input in electricity, gas and heating plants. Quarter 2022K1-2022k2 details >

Fuel use in mining and manufacturing industries. Quarter 2022K1-2022k2 Open Data

Fuel consumption by fuel type, industry SNI 2007, table content and quarter

Issued on

Fuel use in mining and manufacturing industries. Quarter 2022K1-2022k2 details >

Fuel use, terajoule (TJ), in mining of minerals, manufacturing, electricity, gas and heating plants... Open Data

Fuel consumption, terajoules (TJ) by industry SNI 2007, fuel type, table content and quarter

Issued on

Fuel use, terajoule (TJ), in mining of minerals, manufacturing, electricity, gas and heating plants... details >

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation with various types of partners by... Open Data

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation with various types of partners by indu

Issued on

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation with various types of partners by... details >

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation cooperation with different types of partners by... Open Data

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation cooperation with different types of partners by ind

Issued on

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation cooperation with different types of partners by... details >

Retail sale index by industry NACE Rev.2. Monthly index 1991M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Retail sale index by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and month

Issued on

Retail sale index by industry NACE Rev.2. Monthly index 1991M01 - 2022M09 details >

Income and costs from regions by activity. Year 2007 - 2021 Open Data

Income and costs from regions in SEK millions, current prices by region, activity, observations and

Issued on

Income and costs from regions by activity. Year 2007 - 2021 details >

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation by location of partner, industrial... Open Data

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation by industrial classification NACE Rev.

Issued on

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation by location of partner, industrial... details >

Exports of goods to all countries by commodity group CN 2,4,6,8-level and trading partner,... Open Data

Exports of goods to all countries. Not adjusted for non response by commodity group according to CN,

Issued on

Exports of goods to all countries by commodity group CN 2,4,6,8-level and trading partner,... details >

County councils purchase and sale of activity by activity. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

County councils purchase and sale of activity in SEK millions, current prices by region, activity, o

Issued on

County councils purchase and sale of activity by activity. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2015K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and quarte

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2015K1 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Month 2015M01 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by Commodity group SITC, observations and month

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SITC. Volume index 2015=100. Month 2015M01 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2015. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2015K1 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter by products by SPIN 2015, observations

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2015. Volume index 2015=100. Quarter 2015K1 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2015. Volume index 2015=100. Month 2015M01 -... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods. Volume index 2015=100 by products by SPIN 2015, observations and month

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity groups SPIN2015. Volume index 2015=100. Month 2015M01 -... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group CN 2,4,6 level, adjusted for non response,... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, adjusted for non response by commodity group according to CN, observat

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group CN 2,4,6 level, adjusted for non response,... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods, not adjusted for non response by SPIN2015, trading partner, observatio

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015 and trading partner, not adjusted for non... details >

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015, adjusted for non response, confidential... Open Data

Imports and exports of goods , adjusted for non response by SPIN2015, observations and month

Issued on

Imports and exports of goods by commodity group SPIN 2015, adjusted for non response, confidential... details >

Imports of goods from all countries by commodity group CN 2,4,6,8-level and trading partner,... Open Data

Imports of goods from all countries, not adjusted for non response by commodity group according to C

Issued on

Imports of goods from all countries by commodity group CN 2,4,6,8-level and trading partner,... details >

Investment in regions by pracitce area. Year 2007 - 2021 Open Data

Investment in regions in SEK millions, current prices by region, activity, observations and year

Issued on

Investment in regions by pracitce area. Year 2007 - 2021 details >

Expenses and revenues for regions by activity. Year 2007 - 2021 Open Data

Expenses and revenues for regions, SEK millions, current prices by region, activity, observations an

Issued on

Expenses and revenues for regions by activity. Year 2007 - 2021 details >

Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occupation (SSYK 2012) and sex . Year 2014 - 2021 Open Data

Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occupation (SSYK 2012), sex, observations and year

Issued on

Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occupation (SSYK 2012) and sex . Year 2014 - 2021 details >

Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occupational group (SSYK 2012) and sex. Year 2014 -... Open Data

Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occuptional (SSYK 2012), sex, observations and year

Issued on

Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occupational group (SSYK 2012) and sex. Year 2014 -... details >

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by SNI 2007... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, sex, observations and

Issued on

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by SNI 2007... details >

Women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary, standard weighted and unweighted, by occupation... Open Data

Women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by occupation (SSYK 2012), observations and year

Issued on

Women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary, standard weighted and unweighted, by occupation... details >

Women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary, standard weighted and unweighted, by occupational... Open Data

Women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by occuptional (SSYK 2012), observations and year

Issued on

Women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary, standard weighted and unweighted, by occupational... details >

Average basic and monthly salary and women’s salary as a percentage of men’s pay by education group... Open Data

Average basic and monthly salary by education group SUN 2000, sex, table content and year

Issued on

Average basic and monthly salary and women’s salary as a percentage of men’s pay by education group... details >

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... Open Data

Average basic salary, monthly salary by sector, occupation (SSYK 2012), sex, age, observations and y

Issued on

Average basic salary, monthly salary and women´s salary as a percentage of men´s salary by sector,... details >

Community youth center Open Data

Data containing Community youth centers in Södertälje municipality. Name of the center, address, tel

Issued on 2020-04-29

Community youth center details >

Playgrounds Open Data

Data containing Playgrounds in Södertälje municipality. Names of the playgrounds, municipal area, la

Issued on 2020-04-29

Playgrounds details >

Guest harbors Open Data

Guest harbors in Södertälje municipality

Issued on 2020-05-05

Guest harbors details >

Hotel Open Data

Hotels in Södertälje

Issued on 2020-05-05

Hotel details >

Parking garage Open Data

Description of parking garage with geographical location.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Parking garage details >

Dog exercise area Open Data

Data showing the location of dog exercise area in Södertälje municipality. The data set shows the lo

Issued on 2020-05-05

Dog exercise area details >

Sports Centers Open Data

Sports centers in Södertälje municipality. The data set indicates the name of the gym, type of gym a

Issued on 2020-05-05

Sports Centers details >

Latrine draining Open Data

Places for emptying latrines in Södertälje municipality. The data set contains Name, type of latrine

Issued on 2020-05-05

Latrine draining details >

Exercise areas Open Data

Data showing Exercise areas in Södertälje municipality.

Issued on 2020-05-05

Exercise areas details >

Exercise tracks Open Data

Exercise track in Södertälje municipality. The data set shows Name, length, surface, degree of diffi

Issued on 2020-05-05

Exercise tracks details >

Parks Open Data

Parks in Södertälje municipality. The data set shows names of parks, description and coordinates in

Issued on 2020-05-05

Parks details >

Landmarks Open Data

Attractions in Södertälje municipality. The data set contains the name of the attraction, website an

Issued on 2020-05-06

Landmarks details >

Large parking spaces Open Data

Description of large parking spaces with geographical location and fees.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Large parking spaces details >

Hostels Open Data

Hostel in Södertälje municipality. The data set contains name, website and coordinates in WGS84 form

Issued on 2020-05-06

Hostels details >

Facilities for winter sports Open Data

Facilities for winter sports in Södertälje municipality. The data set shows names, information about

Issued on 2020-05-06

Facilities for winter sports details >

Outdoor gym Open Data

The data set of outdoor gyms (also known as outdoor gyms or fitness station/outdoor gym in English)

Issued on 2020-06-08

Outdoor gym details >

Residential parking zones Open Data

Description of residential parking zones with geographical location.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Residential parking zones details >

Municipality border Open Data

Data containing the municipal border in Södertälje municipality. Two different file formats, GeoJSON

Issued on 2020-11-25

Municipality border details >

Motorhome parking Open Data

Description of motorhome parking with geographical location

Issued on 2018-12-03

Motorhome parking details >

Data Parking Sensors (IoT) parking spaces for disabled people Open Data

The data set “Data Parking Sensors (IoT) parking spaces for disabled people” shows parking status in

Issued on 2021-04-07

Data Parking Sensors (IoT) parking spaces for disabled people details >

Data temperature sensors (IoT) bathing sites Open Data

Data temperature sensors (IoT) bathing sites, shows temperature measurements in Södertälje municipal

Issued on 2021-04-07

Data temperature sensors (IoT) bathing sites details >

Data parking sensors (IoT) charging stations for electric cars Open Data

Amount of data that provides access to real-time data from parking sensors in the municipality's cha

Issued on 2021-04-01

Data parking sensors (IoT) charging stations for electric cars details >

Municipal bathing areas in the municipality of Trollhättan Open Data

Data on municipal bathing areas according to specification Region Västra Götaland. The coordinate sy

Issued on 2021-06-18

Municipal bathing areas in the municipality of Trollhättan details >

Swedish Design Registration Journal Open Data

In "Svensk Designtidning", PRV publishes new designs that have been registered in Sweden. We also an

Issued on

Swedish Design Registration Journal details >

Svensk Varumärkestidning (the Swedish Trademark Gazette) Open Data

Svensk Varumärkestidning (the Swedish Trademark Gazette) publishes all newly registered trademarks.

Issued on

Svensk Varumärkestidning (the Swedish Trademark Gazette) details >

New Swedish Patent Documents Open Data

New patent documents are published every week, when different decisions and are announced in Svensk

Issued on

New Swedish Patent Documents details >

All requests about public documents and public data at Open Data

All requests about public documents and public data to Swedish authorities at May con

Issued on

All requests about public documents and public data at details >

Results from Global Data Barometer 2022 Open Data

The Global Data Barometer is a multi-dimensional and multi-layered study that assessed the state of

Issued on 2022-05-11

Results from Global Data Barometer 2022 details >

Number of orders for payment submitted by the public sector to the Enforcement Authority Open Data

Statistics on the number of payment orders submitted to the Enforcement Authority from state, munici

Issued on

Number of orders for payment submitted by the public sector to the Enforcement Authority details >

Number of debt relief applications per month Open Data

The information set contains: year, month, gender, age group, number of e-applications, number of pa

Issued on

Number of debt relief applications per month details >

Seizure of excess tax monthly Open Data

The amount of information contains statistics on how much money is measured by the excess tax paid b

Issued on

Seizure of excess tax monthly details >

Fees and final basis for bankruptcy supervision cases in Sweden Open Data

The statistics refer to all bankruptcies closed by Swedish courts, including foreign companies and o

Issued on

Fees and final basis for bankruptcy supervision cases in Sweden details >

Number of reports of criminal suspicions and disqualifications in bankruptcy supervision cases in... Open Data

The statistics refer to all bankruptcies ordered by Swedish courts, including foreign companies and

Issued on

Number of reports of criminal suspicions and disqualifications in bankruptcy supervision cases in... details >

Number of natural persons with debt subject to enforcement at the Swedish Enforcement Authority Open Data

Statistics from 2010 divided by gender, age, amount, year, attachment of earnings, county and munici

Issued on

Number of natural persons with debt subject to enforcement at the Swedish Enforcement Authority details >

Submitted public claims to the Swedish Enforcement Autorithy Open Data

The dataset contains monthly information regarding: year, month, type of claim, natural person, lega

Issued on 2018-03-05

Submitted public claims to the Swedish Enforcement Autorithy details >

Normal amount of enforcement Open Data

The normal amount includes, among other things, the cost of food, clothing, hygiene, telephone, hous

Issued on

Normal amount of enforcement details >

Nitrogen dioxide Open Data

Shows annual mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2) content on Lidingö from 1997 to 2013.

Issued on 2014-01-01

Nitrogen dioxide details >

Places and sights Open Data

Bathing areas, Boat clubs, Barbecue areas/Wind Protection, Cultural walks, Playgrounds, Lidingöloppe

Issued on 2017-01-01

Places and sights details >

Retirement homes on Lidingö Open Data

Lidingö’s retirement homes

Issued on 2017-01-01

Retirement homes on Lidingö details >

Linked data with KPIs from Kolada Open Data

The municipal and county council database, contains comparable key figures about all Swedish municip

Issued on 2017-01-01

Linked data with KPIs from Kolada details >

Lidingös Event Calendar Open Data

Lidingö Event Calendar

Issued on 2017-01-01

Lidingös Event Calendar details >

Entrance parking at Lidingö Open Data

Entrance parking at Lidingö

Issued on 2017-01-01

Entrance parking at Lidingö details >

Comparison service of Preschool on Lidingö Open Data

Compare preschool service at Lidingö

Issued on

Comparison service of Preschool on Lidingö details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Real Estate Office Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Real Estate Office

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Real Estate Office details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Municipal Executive Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Municipal Executive Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Municipal Executive Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Local Government Housing Committee Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Local Government Housing Committee

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Local Government Housing Committee details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and Culture and Recreation Committee Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and Culture and Recreation Committee

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and Culture and Recreation Committee details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Environmental and Urban Planning Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Environmental and Urban Planning Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Environmental and Urban Planning Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Social Welfare Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Social Welfare Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Social Welfare Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Social Welfare Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Social Welfare Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Social Welfare Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Support and Care Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Support and Care Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Support and Care Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Technology and Real Estate Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Technology and Real Estate Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Technology and Real Estate Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Technical Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Technical Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Technical Board details >

Mailing list for Lidingö City and Education Committee Open Data

Mailing list for Lidingö City and Education Committee

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for Lidingö City and Education Committee details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Election Committee Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Election Committee

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Election Committee details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Older and Disability Board Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Older and Disability Board

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the Older and Disability Board details >

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the transfer guardian Open Data

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the transfer guardian

Issued on 2017-01-01

Mailing list for the City of Lidingö and the transfer guardian details >

City of Lidingö annual budget Open Data

City of Lidingö annual budget

Issued on 2017-01-01

City of Lidingö annual budget details >

GPS positions where Lidingö City openWifi is located Open Data

Contains description, address, location and GPS positions

Issued on 2016-01-01

GPS positions where Lidingö City openWifi is located details >

Lidingö Minecraft Open Data

All objects such as land, buildings, roads and details are all built up and placed correctly based o

Issued on 2018-04-30

Lidingö Minecraft details >

City of Lidingö Open Data

Includes driving distances, energy and fuel consumption as well as emissions for the cars in Lidingö

Issued on 2019-01-01

City of Lidingö details >

Charging poles Lidingö city Open Data

Contains information about charging posts in the city of Lidingö. This is under development together

Issued on 2019-01-01

Charging poles Lidingö city details >

Supplier invoices Open Data

Includes management, supplier number, supplier, verification number, date, account, account descript

Issued on 2019-01-01

Supplier invoices details >

Food establishments Open Data

Contains the control authority(id and name), name, type, address(street address, town and postcode),

Issued on 2017-01-01

Food establishments details >

Background map via Map Service Open Data

Primary map land, water, roads, buildings and elevation curves.

Issued on 2017-01-01

Background map via Map Service details >

Orthophoto 2012 via Map Service Open Data

Orthophoto 2012 via Map Service

Issued on 2017-01-01

Orthophoto 2012 via Map Service details >

Detailed plans and recycling via Map Service Open Data

Applicable zoning plans, Ongoing detailed plans and Recycling

Issued on 2017-01-01

Detailed plans and recycling via Map Service details >

Noise assessment via Map Service Open Data

Noise assessment 2008 via Map Service

Issued on 2017-01-01

Noise assessment via Map Service details >

Schools via Map Service Open Data

Schools, Preschools and Educational care via Lidingö’s map service

Issued on 2017-01-01

Schools via Map Service details >

Search in the PTS register Open Data

The ‘Search in PTS diariaet’ service is used to search information in the PTS diarium. The API consi

Issued on

Search in the PTS register details >

Basic Data about Companies Open Data

Basic data about companies for reuse within the public sector. There are two ways to use the service

Issued on

Basic Data about Companies details >
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