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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) in the main activity and industry... Open Data

Employed (LFS), 100s by industry SNI2002 in main activity, activity SNI2002 in secondary employment,

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) in the main activity and industry... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of labour force, sex and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). In... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS), 100s by type of labour force, sex, industry SNI 2002, table content and year

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of labour force, sex and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). In... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and occupational status/sector.... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS), 100s by sex, industry SNI 2002, employment status, table content and year

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and occupational status/sector.... details >

Arbetade timmar per vecka för sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter näringsgren SNI2002 (SNI92) och kön.... Open Data

Arbetade timmar per vecka (AKU), 10 000-tal efter näringsgren SNI 2002, kön, tabellinnehåll och år

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Arbetade timmar per vecka för sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter näringsgren SNI2002 (SNI92) och kön.... details >

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and... Open Data

Hours worked per week (LFS), 10,000's by industry SNI 2002, employment status, table content and yea

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Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and... details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, domestic/foreign born, sex and age. Year 2005-2007 Open Data

Population (LFS) by labour force, domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table content and year

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, domestic/foreign born, sex and age. Year 2005-2007 details >

Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, inrikes -/utrikes född, kön och ålder. ... Open Data

Befolkningen (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, inrikes/utrikes född, kön, ålder, tabellinnehåll

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Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, inrikes -/utrikes född, kön och ålder. ... details >

Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, inrikes -/utrikes född, kön och ålder. ... Open Data

Befolkningen (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, inrikes/utrikes född, kön, ålder, tabellinnehåll

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Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, inrikes -/utrikes född, kön och ålder. ... details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Year 2005-2007 Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, labour force affiliation, table content and year

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Year 2005-2007 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, gender, marital status and whether or not there are... Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, sex, marital status, with/without children, table conte

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, gender, marital status and whether or not there are... details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, gender, marital status and whether or not there are... Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, sex, marital status, with/without children, table conte

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, gender, marital status and whether or not there are... details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, gender, marital status and whether or not there are... Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, sex, marital status, with/without children, table conte

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, gender, marital status and whether or not there are... details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Quarter 2005K2-2007K4 Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, labour force affiliation, table content and quarter

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Quarter 2005K2-2007K4 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, labour force status and gender. Year 2005-2007 Population... Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, labour force, gender, table content and year

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, labour force status and gender. Year 2005-2007 Population... details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, labour force status and gender. Quarter 2005K2-2007K4 Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, labour force status, gender, table content and quarter

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, labour force status and gender. Quarter 2005K2-2007K4 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Month 2005M04-2007M12 Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, labour force affiliation, table content and month

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Month 2005M04-2007M12 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, education (SUN 2000) and sex. Year 2005-2007 Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, education focus SUN 2000, sex, table content and year

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, education (SUN 2000) and sex. Year 2005-2007 details >

Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, utbildningsnivå och kön. År 2005 - 2007 Open Data

Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, utbildningsnivå, kön, tabellinnehåll och

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Befolkningen 16-64 år (AKU) efter arbetskraftstillhörighet, utbildningsnivå och kön. År 2005 - 2007 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, domestic/foreign born, level of education and sex. Year... Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, domestic/foreign born, level of education, gender, tabl

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by labour force, domestic/foreign born, level of education and sex. Year... details >

Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) according to wishes/opportunities for... Open Data

Number of persons not in the labour force (LFS) according to wishes/opportunities for gainful employ

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Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) according to wishes/opportunities for... details >

Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) according to wishes/opportunities for... Open Data

Number of persons not in the labour force (LFS) according to wishes/opportunities for gainful employ

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Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) according to wishes/opportunities for... details >

Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause and sex. Year 2005-2007 Open Data

Number of persons not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause, sex, table content and year

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Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause and sex. Year 2005-2007 details >

Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause and sex. Quarter 2005K2-2007K4 Open Data

Number of persons not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause, sex, table content and quarter

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Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause and sex. Quarter 2005K2-2007K4 details >

Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause and sex. Month 2005M04-2007M12 Open Data

Number of persons not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause, sex, table content and month

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Not in the labour force, number of persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by cause and sex. Month 2005M04-2007M12 details >

Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union organisation and gender. Year... Open Data

Employees 16-64 years (LFS) by type of employment, main trade union organisation, gender, table cont

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Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union organisation and gender. Year... details >

Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union organisation and gender. Quarter... Open Data

Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, main trade union organisation, gender, table conte

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Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union organisation and gender. Quarter... details >

Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union organisation and gender. Month... Open Data

Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, main trade union organisation, gender, table conte

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Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of employment, trade union organisation and gender. Month... details >

Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of attachment... Open Data

Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons (LFS), hours by degree of attachment to

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Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of attachment... details >

Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of attachment... Open Data

Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons (LFS), hours by degree of attachment to

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Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of attachment... details >

Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of attachment... Open Data

Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons (LFS), hours by degree of attachment to

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Average working time (actual) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by degree of attachment... details >

Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... Open Data

Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home, hours by ma

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Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... details >

Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... Open Data

Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home, hours by ma

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Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... details >

Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... Open Data

Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home, hours by ma

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Average working time (actual) for persons aged 16-64 (LFS) with children living at home by marital... details >

Absence in the main job among employees aged 16-64 (persons and hours) during the reference week... Open Data

Absence in main job among employees (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, table content and years

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Absence in the main job among employees aged 16-64 (persons and hours) during the reference week... details >

Absence in the main job among employees aged 16-64 (persons and hours) during the reference week... Open Data

Absence in main job among employees (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, table content and quarter

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Absence in the main job among employees aged 16-64 (persons and hours) during the reference week... details >

Absence in the main job among employees aged 16-64 (persons and hours) during the reference week... Open Data

Absence in main job among employees (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, table content and month

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Absence in the main job among employees aged 16-64 (persons and hours) during the reference week... details >

Absence from work/hours of absence, 16-64 years, during the reference week (LFS) by reason of... Open Data

Absence from work (LFS) by reason of absence, gender, age, table content and years

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Absence from work/hours of absence, 16-64 years, during the reference week (LFS) by reason of... details >

Absence from work/hours of absence, 16-64 years, during the reference week (LFS) by reason of... Open Data

Absence from work (LFS) by reason of absence, gender, age, table content and quarter

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Absence from work/hours of absence, 16-64 years, during the reference week (LFS) by reason of... details >

Absence from work/hours of absence, 16-64 years, during the reference week (LFS) by reason of... Open Data

Absence from work (LFS) by reason of absence, gender, age, table content and month

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Absence from work/hours of absence, 16-64 years, during the reference week (LFS) by reason of... details >

Absent persons and employees (number and proportion), aged 16-64, during the reference week (full... Open Data

Absence in main job during reference week (LFS) by period of absence, sex, age, table content and ye

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Absent persons and employees (number and proportion), aged 16-64, during the reference week (full... details >

Absent persons (number and proportion) 16-64 years of age during the reference week (full and part... Open Data

Absent in main job during reference week (LFS) by time of absence, domestic/foreign born, sex, age,

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Absent persons (number and proportion) 16-64 years of age during the reference week (full and part... details >

Absent persons (number and proportion) 16-64 years of age during the reference week (full and part... Open Data

Absence in main job during reference week (LFS) by time of absence, domestic/foreign born, sex, age,

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Absent persons (number and proportion) 16-64 years of age during the reference week (full and part... details >

Absent persons (number and proportion) 16-64 years of age during the reference week (full and part... Open Data

Absent in main job during reference week (LFS) by time of absence, domestic/foreign born, sex, age,

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Absent persons (number and proportion) 16-64 years of age during the reference week (full and part... details >

Absent persons and employees (number and proportion), aged 16-64, during the reference week (full... Open Data

Absence in main job during reference week (LFS) by period of absence, sex, age, table content and qu

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Absent persons and employees (number and proportion), aged 16-64, during the reference week (full... details >

Absent persons and employees (number and proportion), aged 16-64, during the reference week (full... Open Data

Absence in main job during reference week (LFS) by period of absence, sex, age, table content and mo

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Absent persons and employees (number and proportion), aged 16-64, during the reference week (full... details >

Proportion of absent persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, occupational status and absence period.... Open Data

Share of absenteeism (LFS) by sex, age, occupational status, absence period, table content and quart

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Proportion of absent persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, occupational status and absence period.... details >

Percentage of hours of absence, excluding holidays and flexitime, of the time usually worked 16-64... Open Data

Percentage of hours of absence excluding holidays and flexitime of commonly worked time (LFS) by sex

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Percentage of hours of absence, excluding holidays and flexitime, of the time usually worked 16-64... details >

Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, full/part time and weekly working time. Quarter... Open Data

Employees (LFS), 100s by sex, age, full/part time, weekly working time, table content and quarterly

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Employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age, full/part time and weekly working time. Quarter... details >

Employees aged 16-64, who have worked more than usual (LFS) by sex, age and additional working time... Open Data

Employees who have worked more than usual (LFS), 100s by sex, age, additional working time reasons,

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Employees aged 16-64, who have worked more than usual (LFS) by sex, age and additional working time... details >

Employees aged 16 to 64, with children under 7 years of age, who have worked more than usual (LFS)... Open Data

Employees with children under the age of 7 who have worked more than usual (LFS), 100s by sex, addit

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Employees aged 16 to 64, with children under 7 years of age, who have worked more than usual (LFS)... details >

Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and unemployment status. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 Open Data

Unemployed (LFS), 100s by sex, unemployment status, table content and quarter

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Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and unemployment status. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 details >

Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and period of unemployment. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 Open Data

Unemployed (LFS), 100s by sex, age, unemployment time, table content and quarter

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Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and period of unemployment. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 Open Data

Population (LFS), 100s by sex, age, labour force affiliation, table content and quarter

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, sex and labour force. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 Open Data

Population aged 16-64 (LFS), 100s by region, sex, labour force affiliation, table content and quarte

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Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by region, sex and labour force. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 details >

Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and wish/possibility to work. Quarter... Open Data

Not in the labour force (LFS), 100s by sex, age, wishes/possibility to work, table contents and quar

Issued on

Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and wish/possibility to work. Quarter... details >

Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and cause. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 Open Data

Not in labour force (LFS), 100s by sex, age, cause, table content and quarter

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Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and cause. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 details >

Absence from work aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and reason for absence. Quarter 1987K1-2005K1 Open Data

Absence from work (LFS), 100s by sex, cause of absence, table content and quarter

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Absence from work aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and reason for absence. Quarter 1987K1-2005K1 details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 in employment (LFS) by sex, age and weekly working time (actual).... Open Data

In work (LFS), 100s by sex, age, weekly working time (actual), table content and quarterly

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Employed persons aged 16-64 in employment (LFS) by sex, age and weekly working time (actual).... details >

Women aged 16-64 with children < 7 years (LFS) by age and labour force. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 Open Data

Women with children < 7 years (LFS), 100s by age, labour force affiliation, table content and quarte

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Women aged 16-64 with children < 7 years (LFS) by age and labour force. Quarter 1976K1-2005K1 details >

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and age. Quarter... Open Data

Average weekly working time (LFS) by sex, age, table content and quarter

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Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and age. Quarter... details >

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and industry SNI2002... Open Data

Average weekly working time of employees (LFS) by sex, industry SNI 2002, table content and quarter

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Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and industry SNI2002... details >

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and occupational... Open Data

Average weekly working time (LFS) by sex, occupational status, table content and quarter

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Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and occupational... details >

Over/over-time for employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Quarter 1987K1-2005K1 Open Data

Overtime/surplus time (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, table content and quarter

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Over/over-time for employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Quarter 1987K1-2005K1 details >

Över-/mertid för anställda 16-64 år med barn under 7 år (AKU) efter kön. Kvartal 1987K1 - 2005K1 Open Data

Övertid/mertid för anställda med barn under 7 år (AKU), 1000-tal efter kön, tabellinnehåll och kvart

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Över-/mertid för anställda 16-64 år med barn under 7 år (AKU) efter kön. Kvartal 1987K1 - 2005K1 details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and degree of attachment to the labour market. Quarter... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS), 100s by sex, age, degree of attachment to the labour market, table content a

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and degree of attachment to the labour market. Quarter... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by region and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). Quarter 1987K1-2005K1 Open Data

Employed persons (LFS), 100s by region, industry SNI 2002, table content and quarter

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by region and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). Quarter 1987K1-2005K1 details >

Sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter näringsgren SNI2002 (SNI92) i huvudsysslan och näringsgren SNI2002... Open Data

Sysselsatta (AKU), 100-tal efter näringsgren SNI2002 i huvudsysslan, näringsgren SNI2002 i bisysslan

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Sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter näringsgren SNI2002 (SNI92) i huvudsysslan och näringsgren SNI2002... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of labour force, sex and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). Quarter... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS), 100s by type of labour force, sex, industry SNI 2002, table content and quar

Issued on

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by type of labour force, sex and industry SNI2002 (SNI92). Quarter... details >

Sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön, näringsgren SNI2002 (SNI92) och yrkesställning/sektor. Kvartal... Open Data

Sysselsatta (AKU), 100-tal efter kön, näringsgren SNI 2002, yrkesställning, tabellinnehåll och kvart

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Sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön, näringsgren SNI2002 (SNI92) och yrkesställning/sektor. Kvartal... details >

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and sex.... Open Data

Hours worked per week (LFS), 10,000's by industry SNI 2002, sex, table content and quarterly

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Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and sex.... details >

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and... Open Data

Hours worked per week (LFS), 10,000's by industry SNI 2002, employment status, table content and qua

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Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and... details >

Andel frånvarotimmar, exkl semester och flextid, av vanligen arbetad tid 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön... Open Data

Andel frånvarotimmar exkl semester och flextid av vanligen arbetad tid (AKU) efter kön, ålder, tabel

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Andel frånvarotimmar, exkl semester och flextid, av vanligen arbetad tid 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön... details >

Anställda 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön, ålder, hel/deltid och veckoarbetstid. Månad 1987M01 - 2005M03 Open Data

Anställda (AKU), 100-tal efter kön, ålder, hel-/deltid, veckoarbetstid, tabellinnehåll och månad

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Anställda 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön, ålder, hel/deltid och veckoarbetstid. Månad 1987M01 - 2005M03 details >

Employees aged 16-64, who have worked more than usual (LFS) by sex, age and additional working time... Open Data

Employees who have worked more than usual (LFS), 100s by sex, age, additional work time reasons, tab

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Employees aged 16-64, who have worked more than usual (LFS) by sex, age and additional working time... details >

Employees aged 16 to 64, with children under 7 years of age, who have worked more than usual (LFS)... Open Data

Employees with children under the age of 7 who have worked more than usual (LFS), 100s by sex, addit

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Employees aged 16 to 64, with children under 7 years of age, who have worked more than usual (LFS)... details >

Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and unemployment status. Month 1976M01-2005M03 Open Data

Unemployed (LFS), 100s by sex, unemployment status, table content and month

Issued on

Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and unemployment status. Month 1976M01-2005M03 details >

Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and period of unemployment. Month 1976M01-2005M03 Open Data

Unemployed (LFS), 100s by sex, age, unemployment time, table content and month

Issued on

Unemployed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and period of unemployment. Month 1976M01-2005M03 details >

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Month 1976M01-2005M03 Open Data

Population (LFS), 100s by sex, age, labour force affiliation, table content and month

Issued on

Population aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and labour force. Month 1976M01-2005M03 details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS) per week in the main job by domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table content an

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS) per week in the main job by domestic/foreign born, sex, age, table content an

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... Open Data

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) per week in the main job by sex, marital status, with/without chil

Issued on

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... Open Data

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) per week in the main job by sex, marital status, with/without chil

Issued on

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... Open Data

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) per week in the main job by sex, marital status, with/without chil

Issued on

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by actual average working time, hours of absence and overtime per... details >

Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and wish/possibility to work. Month... Open Data

Not in the labour force (LFS), 100s by sex, age, wishes/possibility to work, table content and month

Issued on

Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and wish/possibility to work. Month... details >

Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and cause. Month 1976M01-2005M03 Open Data

Not in the labour force (LFS), 100s by sex, age, cause, table content and month

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Not in the labour force aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, age and cause. Month 1976M01-2005M03 details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 in employment (LFS) by sex, age and weekly working time (actual). Month... Open Data

In work (LFS), 100s by sex, age, weekly working time (actual), table content and month

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Employed persons aged 16-64 in employment (LFS) by sex, age and weekly working time (actual). Month... details >

Women aged 16-64 with children < 7 years (LFS) by age and labour force. Month 1976M01-2005M03 Open Data

Women with children < 7 years (LFS), 100s by age, labour force affiliation, table content and month

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Women aged 16-64 with children < 7 years (LFS) by age and labour force. Month 1976M01-2005M03 details >

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and age. Month... Open Data

Average weekly working time (LFS) by sex, age, table content and month

Issued on

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and age. Month... details >

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and industry SNI2002... Open Data

Average weekly working time of employees (LFS) by sex, industry SNI 2002, table content and month

Issued on

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and industry SNI2002... details >

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and occupational status.... Open Data

Average weekly working time (LFS) by sex, occupational status, table content and month

Issued on

Average weekly working time (LFS) for employed persons aged 16-64 by sex and occupational status.... details >

Over/over-time for employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Month 1987M01-2005M03 Open Data

Overtime/overtime (LFS), 1000s by sex, age, table content and month

Issued on

Over/over-time for employees aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Month 1987M01-2005M03 details >

Sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön, ålder och anknytningsgrad till arbetsmarknaden. Månad 1987M01... Open Data

Sysselsatta (AKU), 100-tal efter kön, ålder, anknytningsgrad till arbetsmarknaden, tabellinnehåll oc

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Sysselsatta 16-64 år (AKU) efter kön, ålder och anknytningsgrad till arbetsmarknaden. Månad 1987M01... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) in the main activity and industry... Open Data

Employed (LFS), 100s by industry SNI2002 in main activity, activity SNI2002 in secondary employment,

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Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) in the main activity and industry... details >

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and occupational status/sector.... Open Data

Employed persons (LFS), 100s by sex, industry SNI 2002, employment status, table content and month

Issued on

Employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex, industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and occupational status/sector.... details >

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and sex.... Open Data

Hours worked per week (LFS), 10,000's by industry SNI 2002, sex, table content and month

Issued on

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and sex.... details >

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and... Open Data

Hours worked per week (LFS), 10,000's by industry SNI 2002, employment status, table content and mon

Issued on

Hours worked per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by industry SNI2002 (SNI92) and... details >

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Year... Open Data

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons (LFS), hours by sex, age, table content

Issued on

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Year... details >

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by national/foreign... Open Data

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons (LFS) by domestic/foreign born, sex, age

Issued on

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by national/foreign... details >

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by domestic —/foreign... Open Data

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons (LFS) by domestic/foreign born, sex, age

Issued on

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by domestic —/foreign... details >

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Quarter... Open Data

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons (LFS), hours by sex, age, table content

Issued on

Average working time (agreed) per week for employed persons aged 16-64 (LFS) by sex and age. Quarter... details >
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