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Average hourly pay, pay dispersion etc., Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by,... Open Data
Average hourly pay, pay dispersion etc., manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupational group (
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Average hourly pay, pay dispersion etc., manual workers private sector (SLP) by region, occupational... Open Data
Average hourly pay, pay dispersion etc., manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation, sex, obs
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Average monthly pay, pay dispersion etc., non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupational... Open Data
Average monthly pay, pay dispersion etc., non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupational gr
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Average monthly pay, pay dispersion etc., non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation... Open Data
Average monthly pay, pay dispersion etc., non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation, sex
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Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by, occupational group (SSYK) age and sex.... Open Data
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupational group (SSYK), age, sex, obse
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Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation (4-digit SSYK) and sex. Year... Open Data
Average hourly pay, manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation, age, sex, observations and ye
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Average monthly pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupational group (SSYK) age and... Open Data
Average monthly pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupational group (SSYK), age, sex,
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Average monthly pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation (4-digit SSYK), age and... Open Data
Average monthly pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by occupation, age, sex, observations
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Employed workers in the private sector (SLP) by hourly pay interval (total hourly wage), age and... Open Data
Workers, private sector (SLP) by hourly pay interval, age, gender, table content and years
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Private sector civil servants (SLP) by monthly pay interval (total monthly salary), age and gender.... Open Data
Civil servants, private sector (SLP) by monthly pay interval, age, gender, table content and year
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Private sector civil servants (SLP) by monthly pay interval (total monthly salary), occupational... Open Data
Civil servants, private sector (SLP) by monthly pay interval, occupation, gender, table content and
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Genomsnittlig timlön, lönespridning m.m., arbetare privat sektor (SLP) efter näringsgren SNI 2002,... Open Data
Genomsnittlig timlön, lönespridning m.m., arbetare privat sektor (SLP) efter näringsgren SNI92, utbi
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Average monthly salary, wage distribution, etc., civil servants private sector (SLP) by industry SNI... Open Data
Average monthly salary, wage distribution, etc., civil servants private sector (SLP) by industry SNI
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Average hourly wage, worker, private sector (SLP), broken down by wage element by industry SNI 2002,... Open Data
Average hourly wage, worker private sector (SLP) by industry SNI92, type of working time, sex, table
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Average hourly wages and confidence intervals, private sector workers (SLP) by industry SNI 2002,... Open Data
Average hourly earnings and confidence intervals, workers (SLP) by industry SNI92, type of working t
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Average monthly salary, civil servants private sector (SLP) by industry SNI 2002, type of... Open Data
Average monthly salary, civil servants private sector (SLP) by industry SNI92, type of employment, f
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Average monthly pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by industry SNI 2007, type of... Open Data
Average monthly pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) by industrial classification NACE Rev.
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End use (MWh), by county and municipality, user category and fuel type. Year 2009-2020 Open Data
End-use (MWh) by region, consumer category, fuel type, table content and year
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Service production index, change from the previous period. Month 2001M01 - 2017M08 Open Data
Service production index, percent by economic indicator, observations and month
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Industrial Production Index for total industry (B+C). Month 2014M01 - 2017M08 Open Data
Industrial Production Index for total industry (B+C), percent by observations and month
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Orders and turnover in industry for total industry (B+C). Month 2014M01 - 2017M09 Open Data
Orders and turnover in industry for total industry (B+C) by economic indicator, observations and mon
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Total inventories in total industry (B+C), change from previous quarter, percent. Quarter 2013K4 -... Open Data
Total inventories in total industry (B+C), change from previous quarter, percent by observations and
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Investment survey, plans and outcomes. Year 2009 - 2019 Open Data
Investment survey, plans and outcomes by economic indicator, observations and year
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Families that have received economic support at some time during the year, share of families with... Open Data
Families that have received economic support at some time during the year, share of families with ch
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Higher education students’ assessment of the social situation has a negative impact on studies in... Open Data
Higher education students’ assessment of the social situation has a negative impact on studies in sp
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Higher education students’ assessment of the social situation has a negative impact on studies in... Open Data
Higher education students’ assessment of the social situation has a negative impact on studies in sp
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Higher education students’ assessment of the social situation has a negative impact on studies in... Open Data
Higher education students’ assessment of the social situation has a negative impact on studies in sp
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Spec c. Appropriations according to Structural Business Statistics by NACE Rev.1 and Income... Open Data
Appropriations according to Structural Business Statistics, SEK millions by industrial classificatio
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Spec d. Items affecting comparability/extraordinary items according to Structural Business... Open Data
Spec d. Items affecting comparability/extraordinary items according to Structural Business Statistic
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Spec a. Personnel costs according to Structural Business Statistics by NAce Rev.1 and income... Open Data
Personnel costs according to Structural Business Statistics, SEK millions by industrial classificati
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Employees in the central government sector by region, extent of employment and sex. Year 2000 - 2013 Open Data
Employees in the central government sector by region, extent of employment, sex, observations and ye
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Employees in the public sector (governmental, county council-, municipal-, other public sectors and... Open Data
Employees in the public sector by sector, sex, observations and year
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Number of employees, new appointments and resignations/retirements in the central government sector... Open Data
Number of employees in the central government sector by type of employment, extent of employment, ag
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Average monthly salary in the central government sector by county, occupation and sex. Old table,... Open Data
Average monthly salary in the central government sector by region, occupational group (SSYK), sex, o
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Average monthly salary in the central government sector by county, occupation and sex. Year 2004 -... Open Data
Average monthly salary in the central government sector by region, occupation, sex, observations and
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Average monthly salary, salary dispersion etc. in the central government sector by occupation and... Open Data
Average monthly salary, salary dispersion etc. in the central government sector by occupational grou
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Average monthly salary, salary dispersion etc. in the central government sector by occupation and... Open Data
Average monthly salary, salary dispersion etc. in the central government sector by occupation, sex,
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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by occupation, age and sex.... Open Data
Average monthly salary by occupational group (SSYK), age, sex, observations and year
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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by occupation, age and sex.... Open Data
Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by occupation, age, sex, o
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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by region (NUTS2),... Open Data
Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by region, occupational gro
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Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by region (NUTS2),... Open Data
Average monthly salary and basic salary in the central government sector by region, occupation, sex,
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Employees in the central government sector by monthly salary interval in SEK, sex and age. Year 2000... Open Data
Employees in the central government sector by monthy salary interval, sex, age, observations and yea
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Employed in the central government sector by monthly pay interval, occupational area SSYK and... Open Data
Employed persons in central government sector by monthly pay interval, occupational area, sex, table
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Entities providing aviation support services, net turnover by type of revenue and category of... Open Data
Net turnover of companies providing aviation support services, SEK million by type of revenue, custo
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Undertakings providing aviation support services, net turnover by type of revenue and size class.... Open Data
Net turnover of companies providing aviation support services, SEK million by type of revenue, size
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Studerat för att slippa arbetslöshet sedan avslutad utbildning efter examenstyp, utbildningens... Open Data
Studerat för att slippa arbetslöshet sedan avslutad utbildning bland högskoleexaminerade efter exame
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Enrolment in post upper secondary studies among beginners at upper secondary school the year 2000 by... Open Data
Enrolment in post upper secondary studies among beginners at upper secondary school the year 2000 by
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Population 16-74 years of age by sex, age, types studies the autumn term, level of educational... Open Data
Participation in education of the adult population by sex, age, type of studies, level of educationa
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Population 16-74 years of age by sex, age, type of studies the autumn term, level of educational... Open Data
Participation in education of the adult population by sex, age, type of studies, level of education,
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Population 16-64 years of age by residencial region, sex, age, type of studies the autumn term. Year... Open Data
Participation in education of the adult population by region, sex, age, type of studies, observation
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Number of students 16-64 years o age by region of the of educational institution, sex, type of... Open Data
Participation in education of the adult population by region, sex, type of studies, place of school
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Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 after... Open Data
Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 by universi
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Studies as main activity three years after upper secondary school, by type of programme, and sex.... Open Data
Studies as main activity three years after upper secondary school by group, type of programme, sex,
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Persons who completed long-term courses in the school year 2002/03 by study situation, course... Open Data
Persons who completed long-term courses in the school year 2002/03 by study situation, course rating
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Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants according to how the Swedish language is... Open Data
Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by answer option, gender, study path, tab
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Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants according to how important the Swedish... Open Data
Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by answer option, gender, study path, tab
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With/without party sympathy. The entire net selection. (Selection survey, see footnotes) 2... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by batch sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by age. Net selection. (Selection survey, see footnotes) 2 times/year... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by age, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by sex and age. Net selection. (Selection survey, see footnotes) 2... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by sex, age, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by marital status and age. Net selection. (Selection survey, see... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by marital status, age, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by the number of children and the age of the sample person. Net... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by number of children, partial sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without partial sympathy by aggregate income (different income years, see note). Net... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by aggregate income, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without partial sympathy by income band (different income years, see note). Net selection.... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by income range by percentiles, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/ye
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With/without partial sympathy by total total income (different income years, see note). Net... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by total total income, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by region. Net selection. (Selection survey, see footnotes) 2 times/year... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by region, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by socioeconomic classification (SEI, secondary coded). Net selection.... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by socio-economic classification SEI82, Party sympathy status, table content and 2
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With/without party sympathy after professional activity. Net selection. (Selection survey, see... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by occupational activity, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by sector and gender. Net selection. (Selection survey, see footnotes) 2... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by sector, gender, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by trade union and gender. Net selection. (Selection survey, see... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by trade union, gender, party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without partial sympathy by type of residence. Net selection. (Selection survey, see footnotes)... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by type of dwelling, Party sympathy status, table content and 2 times/year
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With/without party sympathy by proportion of urban population in the municipality of residence. Net... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by percentage of urban population, Party sympathy status, table content and 2 times
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With/without party sympathy (PSU) by level of education, gender and party sympathy status. Net... Open Data
With/without party sympathy (PSU) by level of education SUN 2000, sex, party sympathy status, table
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With/without party sympathy (PSU) by foreign/Swedish background, and gender. (Selection survey, see... Open Data
Net sample (PSU) by foreign/Swedish background, gender, party sympathy status, table content and 2 t
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Children and young persons aged 0-21 by sex, age, type of family (married/cohabiting or single... Open Data
Children and young persons living at home by sex, age, family type, siblings living at home, foreign
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Children and young persons aged 0-21 by sex, age, siblings and Swedish/foreign background. Year 2000... Open Data
Children and young persons living at home by sex, age, siblings living at home, foreign/Swedish back
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Number and share of children and young persons aged 0-17 by parents occupation and child age. Age... Open Data
Number and share of children and young persons by parent, employment status, age, observations and y
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Persons who completed long-term courses in the school year 2002/03 by main employment 3-9 April... Open Data
Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 by main emp
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Dwellings in newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by roofing materials. Year 1995... Open Data
Dwellings in newly constructed conventional multi-dwelling buildings by roofing materials, observati
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Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by roofing... Open Data
Dwellings in newly constructed collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings by roofing material
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Assessment of Real Estate for one- or two- dwelling buildings, multi-dwelling and commercial... Open Data
Assessment of Real Estate for residential, non-residential and industrial units by region, type of p
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Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry by region and type coding. Year... Open Data
Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry by region, type of property, observ
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Assessment of real estate excluding units for agriculture and forestry by region and type coding... Open Data
Assessment of real estate excluding units for agriculture and forestry by region, type of property,
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Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry. Assessed units, valuation units... Open Data
Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry by region, type of building, observ
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Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry. Assessed units, valuation units... Open Data
Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry by region, type of building, observ
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Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry. Assessed units and total assessed... Open Data
Assessment of real estate for units for agriculture and forestry. Assessed units and total assessed
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Table 1.18 — Private sector managers by type of manager. Year 2017-2020 Open Data
Managers in the private sector by type of manager, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.22 — Managers in the public sector by type of manager. Year 2017-2020 Open Data
Managers in the public sector by sector, type of manager, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.16 — Boards and management of wholly-owned and sub-owned state enterprises. In 2021 Open Data
Boards and management of wholly and partly owned state enterprises by position, gender, table conten
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Table 1.20 — Persons aged 16 to 84 active in political parties. In 1980-2020 Open Data
Persons active in political parties by age, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.21 — Persons aged 16 to 64 active in a trade union organisation. In 1980-2020 Open Data
Persons active in a trade union organisation by age, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.23 — Members of the Boards and Transparency Councils of state authorities. Year 1991-2019 Open Data
Members of the Boards and Transparency Councils of government agencies. Gender distribution by posit
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Table 1.24 — Heads of government, gender balance. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Directors of government by position, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.25 — Professors at universities and colleges, gender distribution. Year 2001-2020 Open Data
Professors at higher education institutions by gender, table content and years
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Table 1.4 — Members of the Riksdag Committee. Gender distribution, percent. In 1973-2021 Open Data
Members of the Riksdag Committee. Gender distribution in per cent by parliamentary committee, gender
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Table 1.5 — Chairman of the Riksdag Committee. Number and gender ratio as a percentage. Year... Open Data
Chairman of the parliamentary committees by parliamentary committee, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.6 — Gender distribution in government and government office by post. In 1973-2021 Open Data
Government and Government Offices, Percentage of Gender by Position, Gender, Table Content and Year
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Table 2.10 — Breakdown of wages by sector. Year 2016-2020 Open Data
Wage distribution by sector, gender, table content and year
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Table 2.34 — Entrepreneurs 20 years and older by industry and age. Year 2018-2020 Open Data
Self-employed persons 20 years and older by industry and age by industry SNI 2007, age, sex, table c
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Table 2.35 — Enterprise start-ups by industry and composition of management. Year 2016-2020 Table... Open Data
Enterprise start-ups by industry according to SNI 2007, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.36 — Start-ups by industry and national background of entrepreneurs. Year 2016-2020 Open Data
Enterprise start-ups by industry, national background, gender, table content and year
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