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Estimates in 2021 by region of birth, sex and age. Forecast year 2021-2120 Open Data

Emigration rate by region of birth, gender, age, table content and years

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Estimates in 2021 by region of birth, sex and age. Forecast year 2021-2120 details >

Emigration rate by region of birth, sex and age. Year 2022 - 2120 Open Data

Emigration rate by region of birth, sex, age, observations and year

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Emigration rate by region of birth, sex and age. Year 2022 - 2120 details >

Population 16+ years (RAMS) by region, employment, age and sex. Year 2004 - 2018 Open Data

Population 16+ years (RAMS) by region, employment status, age, sex, observations and year

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Population 16+ years (RAMS) by region, employment, age and sex. Year 2004 - 2018 details >

Population 16+ years (RAMS) at national level, employment, country of birth, latest year of... Open Data

Population 16+ yeras (RAMS) by employment status, region of birth, latest year of immigration, age,

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Population 16+ years (RAMS) at national level, employment, country of birth, latest year of... details >

Population 16+ years (RAMS) at national level, employment, country of citizenship, age and sex. Year... Open Data

Population 16+ yeras (RAMS) by employment status, country of citizenship, age, sex, observations and

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Population 16+ years (RAMS) at national level, employment, country of citizenship, age and sex. Year... details >

Overcrowded persons according to norm 3 (HEK), broken down by age, gender and form of tenure. Sample... Open Data

Overcrowded persons according to norm 3 (HEK) by age, sex, form of tenure, table content and year

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Overcrowded persons according to norm 3 (HEK), broken down by age, gender and form of tenure. Sample... details >

Overcrowded households according to norm 3 (HEK), broken down by household type and type of lease.... Open Data

Overcrowded households according to standard 3 (HEK) by type of household, form of lease, table cont

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Overcrowded households according to norm 3 (HEK), broken down by household type and type of lease.... details >

Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 after basic... Open Data

Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 after basic

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Persons who completed long-term courses in folk high school in the academic year 2002/03 after basic... details >

Rental apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual interval and... Open Data

Rental apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual interval, apartment t

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Rental apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual interval and... details >

Number of rented dwellings, annual rent, useful floor space by region, year of... Open Data

Number of rented dwellings, annual rent, useful floor space by region, year of construction/valuatio

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Number of rented dwellings, annual rent, useful floor space by region, year of... details >

Rental apartments (BHU) by owner category, new construction year/value year, annual intervals and... Open Data

Apartments with rental right (BHU) by owner category, new construction year/value year, annual inter

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Rental apartments (BHU) by owner category, new construction year/value year, annual intervals and... details >

Number of rented dwellings by type of ownership, year of construction/valuation, year range and... Open Data

Number of rented dwellings with tenancy by type of ownership, year of construction/valuation, year,

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Number of rented dwellings by type of ownership, year of construction/valuation, year range and... details >

Rents in rental apartments (BHU) by region, ownership category, new construction year/value year,... Open Data

Rents in rental apartments (BHU) by region, ownership category, new year/value year, annual interval

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Rents in rental apartments (BHU) by region, ownership category, new construction year/value year,... details >

Annual rent per apartment, annual rent per square metre by region, ownership category, new... Open Data

Annual rent per apartment, annual rent per sqm by region, ownership category, new construction year/

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Annual rent per apartment, annual rent per square metre by region, ownership category, new... details >

January rents in rental apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual... Open Data

January rents in rental apartments by region, year of new construction/value year, annual interval,

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January rents in rental apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual... details >

New monthly rent, rent change by region, new construction year/value year, annual interval and... Open Data

January rents, rent change in rental apartments by region, year of new construction/value year, annu

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New monthly rent, rent change by region, new construction year/value year, annual interval and... details >

January rents in rental apartments (BHU) by owner category, new construction year/value year, annual... Open Data

January rents in rental apartments (BHU) by owner category, new construction year/value year, annual

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January rents in rental apartments (BHU) by owner category, new construction year/value year, annual... details >

Ny månadshyra, hyresförändring efter ägarkategori, nybyggår/värdeår, årsintervall och lägenhetstyp.... Open Data

Januarihyra, hyresförändring efter ägarkategori, nybyggår/värdeår, årsintervall, lägenhetstyp, tabel

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Ny månadshyra, hyresförändring efter ägarkategori, nybyggår/värdeår, årsintervall och lägenhetstyp.... details >

Condominium apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual interval and... Open Data

Condominium apartments (BHU) by region, new construction year/value year, annual interval, apartment

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Condominium apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual interval and... details >

January fees in tenant-owner apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual... Open Data

January fees in tenant-owner apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual

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January fees in tenant-owner apartments (BHU) by region, year of new construction/value year, annual... details >

Amount of debt, interest expense m m per house for ownership (BHU) by area of residence and year of... Open Data

Amount of debt, interest expense m per house (BHU) by area of dwelling, year of completion, table co

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Amount of debt, interest expense m m per house for ownership (BHU) by area of residence and year of... details >

Visits to municipal public libraries by region. Year 2000-2012 Open Data

Visits to municipal public libraries by region, table content and year

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Visits to municipal public libraries by region. Year 2000-2012 details >

Media stock and new acquisitions in municipal public libraries by region and type of media. Year... Open Data

Media stock in municipal public libraries by region, type of media, table content and year

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Media stock and new acquisitions in municipal public libraries by region and type of media. Year... details >

Kostnader och investeringar i kommunala folkbibliotek efter region och typ av kostnad. År 2000 -... Open Data

Kostnader och investeringar i kommunala folkbibliotek, tkr efter region, typ av kostnad, tabellinneh

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Kostnader och investeringar i kommunala folkbibliotek efter region och typ av kostnad. År 2000 -... details >

Borrowers in municipal public libraries by region and registration. Year 2000-2012 Open Data

Borrowers in municipal public libraries by region, registration, table content and year

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Borrowers in municipal public libraries by region and registration. Year 2000-2012 details >

Opening in municipal public libraries by region and library premises. Year 2000-2012 Open Data

Opening hours in municipal public libraries by region, library premises, table contents and year

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Opening in municipal public libraries by region and library premises. Year 2000-2012 details >

Branches and bookbuses belonging to municipal public libraries by region and organisation. Year... Open Data

Branches and bookbuses belonging to municipal public libraries by region, organisation, table conten

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Branches and bookbuses belonging to municipal public libraries by region and organisation. Year... details >

Staff in municipal public libraries by region, gender and staff category. Year 2000-2012 Open Data

Staff in municipal public libraries by region, gender, staff category, table content and year

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Staff in municipal public libraries by region, gender and staff category. Year 2000-2012 details >

Annual subscriptions in municipal public libraries by region and Swedish/foreign... Open Data

Annual subscriptions in municipal public libraries by region, Swedish/foreign newspapers/journals, t

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Annual subscriptions in municipal public libraries by region and Swedish/foreign... details >

Newspaper/journal titles in the main library of municipal public libraries by region and... Open Data

Newspaper/journal titles in the main library of municipal libraries by region, Swedish/foreign newsp

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Newspaper/journal titles in the main library of municipal public libraries by region and... details >

Lending in municipal public libraries by region and type of media. Year 2000-2012 Open Data

Lending in municipal public libraries by region, type of media, table content and year

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Lending in municipal public libraries by region and type of media. Year 2000-2012 details >

Aid households and financial assistance (social assistance) by region, household type and born in... Open Data

Aid households and financial assistance granted by region, household type, born in Sweden/foreign, t

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Aid households and financial assistance (social assistance) by region, household type and born in... details >

Aid households and financial assistance (social assistance) by region, household type and born in... Open Data

Aid households and financial assistance granted by region, household type, born in Sweden/foreign, t

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Aid households and financial assistance (social assistance) by region, household type and born in... details >

Aid households and financial assistance (social assistance) by region, household type and... Open Data

Aid households and financial assistance granted by region, household type, Swedish/non-Swedish citiz

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Aid households and financial assistance (social assistance) by region, household type and... details >

Beneficiaries 18+ years by region, age and gender. In 1983-2011 Open Data

Beneficiaries by region, age, gender, table content and year

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Beneficiaries 18+ years by region, age and gender. In 1983-2011 details >

Beneficiaries by region and age. In 1983-2011 Open Data

Beneficiaries by region, age, table content and year

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Beneficiaries by region and age. In 1983-2011 details >

Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type and Swedish/non-Swedish citizen and... Open Data

Month of assistance (during the year) by region, household type, Swedish/non-Swedish citizen, number

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Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type and Swedish/non-Swedish citizen and... details >

Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type and born in Sweden/foreign (as well... Open Data

Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type, born in Sweden/foreign, number of

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Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type and born in Sweden/foreign (as well... details >

Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type and born in Sweden/foreign and... Open Data

Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type, born in Sweden/foreign, number of

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Months of assistance (during the year) by region, household type and born in Sweden/foreign and... details >

Industry key figures by industry SNI 2002 and size class and quartile. Year 2003-2007 Open Data

Industry key figures by industry SNI 2002, size class, quartile, table content and year

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Industry key figures by industry SNI 2002 and size class and quartile. Year 2003-2007 details >

Industry key figures by industry SNI 92 and size class and quartile. Year 1997-2002 Open Data

Industry key figures by industry SNI92, size class, quartile, table content and year

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Industry key figures by industry SNI 92 and size class and quartile. Year 1997-2002 details >

Regional key figures by industry SNI 2007 and size class and quartile. Year 2008-2020 Open Data

Industry key figures by region, industry SNI 2007, size class, quartile, table content and year

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Regional key figures by industry SNI 2007 and size class and quartile. Year 2008-2020 details >

Regional key figures by industry SNI 2002 and size class and quartile. Year 2003-2007 Open Data

Industry key figures by region, industry SNI 2002, size class, quartile, table content and year

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Regional key figures by industry SNI 2002 and size class and quartile. Year 2003-2007 details >

Industry key figures by industry SNI 2007 and size class and quartile. Year 2008-2020 Open Data

Industry key figures by industry SNI 2007, size class, quartile, table content and year

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Industry key figures by industry SNI 2007 and size class and quartile. Year 2008-2020 details >

Number of dwellings by region and type of building (including special housing). Year 2013 - 2021 Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of building, observations and year

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Number of dwellings by region and type of building (including special housing). Year 2013 - 2021 details >

Number of dwellings by region, type of building and period of construction. Year 2013 - 2021 Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of building, period of construction, observations and year

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Number of dwellings by region, type of building and period of construction. Year 2013 - 2021 details >

Number of dwellings by region, type of building and type of ownership (including special housing).... Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of building, type of ownership, observations and year

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Number of dwellings by region, type of building and type of ownership (including special housing).... details >

Number of dwellings by region, type of building and tenure (including special housing). Year 1990 -... Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of building, tenure, observations and year

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Number of dwellings by region, type of building and tenure (including special housing). Year 1990 -... details >

Number of buildings for seasonal and secondary use owned by private persons or estates of deceased... Open Data

Number of buildings for seasonal and secondary use by region by region, observations and year

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Number of buildings for seasonal and secondary use owned by private persons or estates of deceased... details >

Number of dwellings by region, type of building and size of dwelling. Year 2013 - 2021 Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of building, size of dwelling, observations and year

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Number of dwellings by region, type of building and size of dwelling. Year 2013 - 2021 details >

Number of Swedish and foreign ownership of buildings for seasonal and secondary use owned by private... Open Data

Number of Swedish and foreign ownership of buildings for seasonal and secondary use by region, count

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Number of Swedish and foreign ownership of buildings for seasonal and secondary use owned by private... details >

Number of dwellings by region, type of building and useful floor space. Year 2013 - 2021 Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of building, useful floor space, observations and year

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Number of dwellings by region, type of building and useful floor space. Year 2013 - 2021 details >

Number of dwellings in special housing by region, type of special housing and useful floor space.... Open Data

Number of dwellings by region, type of special housing, useful floor space, observations and year

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Number of dwellings in special housing by region, type of special housing and useful floor space.... details >

The ratio of assessed values of comparable agriculture and forestry units compared with the year... Open Data

The ratio of assessed values of comparable agriculture and forestry units compared with the year bef

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The ratio of assessed values of comparable agriculture and forestry units compared with the year... details >

Average housing expenditure, housing allowance and housing expenditure per household (HEK) broken... Open Data

Average housing expenditure, housing allowance and housing expenditure per household (HEK) by region

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Average housing expenditure, housing allowance and housing expenditure per household (HEK) broken... details >

Average housing expenditure per household (HEK) by type of lease, type of household and apartment... Open Data

Average housing expenditure per household (HEK), SEK per tenancy, household type, apartment type, ta

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Average housing expenditure per household (HEK) by type of lease, type of household and apartment... details >

Bostadshyror i nybyggda hus efter region, hustyp, byggherre, upplåtelseform och lägenhetstyp. År... Open Data

Bostadshyror i nybyggda hus efter region, hustyp, byggherre, upplåtelseform, lägenhetstyp, tabellinn

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Bostadshyror i nybyggda hus efter region, hustyp, byggherre, upplåtelseform och lägenhetstyp. År... details >

Bostadshyror i nybyggda hus efter byggherre och sanerings- eller exploateringsområde. År 1997 - 2007 Open Data

Bostadshyror i nybyggda hus efter sanerings- eller exploateringsområde, byggherre, tabellinnehåll oc

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Bostadshyror i nybyggda hus efter byggherre och sanerings- eller exploateringsområde. År 1997 - 2007 details >

Outhyrda/osålda lägenheter i nybyggda hus efter region, hustyp, byggherre, upplåtelseform och... Open Data

Outhyrda/osålda lägenheter i nybyggda hus efter region, hustyp, byggherre, upplåtelseform, lägenhets

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Outhyrda/osålda lägenheter i nybyggda hus efter region, hustyp, byggherre, upplåtelseform och... details >

Outhyrda/osålda lägenheter i nybyggda hus efter sanerings- eller exploateringsområde. År 1997 -... Open Data

Outhyrda/osålda lägenheter i nybyggda hus efter sanerings- eller exploateringsområde, tabellinnehåll

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Outhyrda/osålda lägenheter i nybyggda hus efter sanerings- eller exploateringsområde. År 1997 -... details >

Kategoribostäder i nybyggda hus efter lägenhetstyp och boendeform. År 1997 - 2007 Open Data

Kategoribostäder i nybyggda hus efter lägenhetstyp, boendeform, tabellinnehåll och år

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Kategoribostäder i nybyggda hus efter lägenhetstyp och boendeform. År 1997 - 2007 details >

Spec c. Appropriations according to Structural Business Statistics by NACE Rev.1.1 and Income... Open Data

Appropriations according to Structural Business Statistics, SEK millions by industrial classificatio

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Spec c. Appropriations according to Structural Business Statistics by NACE Rev.1.1 and Income... details >

Antal deltagare i svenskundervisning för invandrare som skulle lära sig svenska snabbare med en... Open Data

Antal deltagare i svenskundervisning för invandrare efter bonussystem i sfi, kön, studieväg, tabelli

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Antal deltagare i svenskundervisning för invandrare som skulle lära sig svenska snabbare med en... details >

Unsold dwellings in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by type of dwelling. Year... Open Data

Unsold dwellings in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by size of dwelling, observ

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Unsold dwellings in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by type of dwelling. Year... details >

Unsold dwellings in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by region. Year 2014 -... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by region, observations and year

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Unsold dwellings in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by region. Year 2014 -... details >

Costs and price in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by region and dwelling type.... Open Data

Newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by region, size of dwelling, observations and y

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Costs and price in newly constructed buildings (tenant-owned dwellings) by region and dwelling type.... details >

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by type of residence, gender and path of... Open Data

Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by type of residence, gender, study path,

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Number of participants in Swedish education for immigrants by type of residence, gender and path of... details >

Average dwelling area per dwelling (HEK) by region, type of lease and apartment type. Sample survey,... Open Data

Average dwelling area per dwelling (HEK), square metre by region, type of lease, apartment type, tab

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Average dwelling area per dwelling (HEK) by region, type of lease and apartment type. Sample survey,... details >

Fuel use, terajoules (TJ), in mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and heating plants by industry... Open Data

Fuel consumption, terajoules (TJ) by industry SNI92, fuel type, table content and quarter

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Fuel use, terajoules (TJ), in mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and heating plants by industry... details >

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... Open Data

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95) b

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Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... details >

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... Open Data

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95) b

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Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... details >

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... Open Data

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95) b

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Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... details >

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... Open Data

Regional Gross Domestic Product (BRP), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95) by

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Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... details >

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... Open Data

Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95) b

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Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDPR), number of employed and compensation of employees (ENS95)... details >

Gross fixed capital formation (ESA95) by region (NUTS2) and activity SNI2007. Year 2000 - 2011 Open Data

Gross fixed capital formation (ESA95), current prices, million SEK by region, industrial classificat

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Gross fixed capital formation (ESA95) by region (NUTS2) and activity SNI2007. Year 2000 - 2011 details >

Gross fixed capital formation (ESA95) by region (NUTS2) and activity SNI2002. Year 1995 - 2008 Open Data

Gross fixed capital formation (ESA95), current prices, million SEK by region, industrial classificat

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Gross fixed capital formation (ESA95) by region (NUTS2) and activity SNI2002. Year 1995 - 2008 details >

Fiscal data for social security funds. Year 2014 - 2021 Open Data

Fiscal data for social security funds, SEK million by observations and year

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Fiscal data for social security funds. Year 2014 - 2021 details >

Fiscal data for central government. Year 2014 - 2021 Open Data

Fiscal data for central government, SEK million by sector, observations and year

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Fiscal data for central government. Year 2014 - 2021 details >

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings by region, type of building and type of investor. Year 1998... Open Data

Dwellings in newly constructed buildings by region, type of building, investor, observations and yea

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Dwellings in newly constructed buildings by region, type of building and type of investor. Year 1998... details >

Average number of dwellings per project in newly constructed multi-dwelling buildings by region and... Open Data

Average number of dwellings per project in newly constructed multi-dwelling buildings by region, inv

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Average number of dwellings per project in newly constructed multi-dwelling buildings by region and... details >

Projects with newly constructed residential buildings by region, type of building and type of... Open Data

Projects with newly constructed residential buildings by region, type of building, investor, observa

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Projects with newly constructed residential buildings by region, type of building and type of... details >

Building price index for dwellings (BPI), including VAT by type of building and type of index. Year... Open Data

Building price index for dwellings (BPI), including VAT, 1968=100 by type of building, type of index

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Building price index for dwellings (BPI), including VAT by type of building and type of index. Year... details >

Building price index for dwellings (BPI), including VAT by type of building and type of index.... Open Data

Building price index for dwellings (BPI), including VAT, 1968=100 by type of building, type of index

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Building price index for dwellings (BPI), including VAT by type of building and type of index.... details >

Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in elections to the European Parliament by sex and... Open Data

Candidates in European parliament election, in numbers and percentage by sex, age, observations and

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Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in elections to the European Parliament by sex and... details >

Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in the elections to the European Parliament by sex and... Open Data

Candidates in European parliament elections, in numbers and percent by sex, born in Sweden/foreign b

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Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in the elections to the European Parliament by sex and... details >

Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in the elections to the European Parliament by sex and... Open Data

Candidates in European parliament elections, in numbers and percent by sex, level of education, obse

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Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in the elections to the European Parliament by sex and... details >

Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in the elections to the European Parliament by sex and... Open Data

Candidates in European parliament elections, in numbers and percent by sex, party, observations and

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Nominated, elected and not elected candidates in the elections to the European Parliament by sex and... details >

Enterprises and employees (FDB) by industry SNI92 and size class. Year 1993-2002 Open Data

Enterprises and employees (FDB) by industry SNI92, size class, table content and year

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Enterprises and employees (FDB) by industry SNI92 and size class. Year 1993-2002 details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), by region, sector, age and sex. Year 2004 -... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region (RAMS by region, sector, age, sex, observations and year

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), by region, sector, age and sex. Year 2004 -... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), by region, industry SNI 2007 and sex. Year... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by region, industrial classification NACE Rev.

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), by region, industry SNI 2007 and sex. Year... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2007, level... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, leve

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2007, level... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2007, status... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, stat

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2007, status... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), by region, industry SNI 2002 and sex. Year... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by region, industrial classification NACE Rev.

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), by region, industry SNI 2002 and sex. Year... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2002, level... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, le

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2002, level... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2002, status... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, st

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2002, status... details >

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2002 , status... Open Data

Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, st

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Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS), at national level, industry SNI 2002 , status... details >

Data consulting companies, net sales by type of revenue and customer category. Year 1999-2001 Open Data

Net sales for data consulting companies, SEK million by type of revenue, customer category, table co

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Data consulting companies, net sales by type of revenue and customer category. Year 1999-2001 details >

Data consulting companies, net sales by type of revenue and size class. Year 1999-2001 Open Data

Net sales for data consulting companies, SEK million by type of revenue, size class, table content a

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Data consulting companies, net sales by type of revenue and size class. Year 1999-2001 details >

Debited taxes and fees as well as tax credits, individuals, all of Sweden. SEK millions, assessment... Open Data

Debited taxes and fees, individuals, SEK millions by type of tax/fee, observations and year

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Debited taxes and fees as well as tax credits, individuals, all of Sweden. SEK millions, assessment... details >

Income, wealth and real estate taxes and individual general pension contributions, all taxpayers, by... Open Data

Debited taxes and general pension contributions, all taxpayers, SEK 1000 by region, observations and

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Income, wealth and real estate taxes and individual general pension contributions, all taxpayers, by... details >
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Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2024. Made with ♥ by Apitalks