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ÖSI - Översiktlig skogsinventering Open Data
Översiktlig skogsinventering, ÖSI, var en inventering av de privata skogarna som gjordes mellan 1982
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Bekämpningsmedelsrester Open Data
Information från den svenska kontrollen av bekämpningsmedelsrester.
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SHM, platser Open Data
Innehåller platser som har koppling till Historiska museets samlingar. Platsen har fyra viktiga funk
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Ajtte, svamp Open Data
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Östasiatiska, delobjekt Open Data
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Göteborgs stadsmuseum, showcase Open Data
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Sundsvall Museum Open Data
Photographs, objects, and maps
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Medelhavsmuseet, Luristan Open Data
Föremål från Luristan.
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Världskulturmuseet Ljud Open Data
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Östasiatiska, arkivdok Open Data
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Bebyggelseregistret byggnad Open Data
Bebyggelseregistret, BeBR, är ett nationellt register med information om det byggda kulturarvet. Här
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Göteborgs stadsmuseum, exhibitionpart Open Data
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Göteborgs stadsmuseum, inventering Open Data
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Världskultur samling Open Data
Världskulturmuseet har cirka 2 500 samlingar från hela världen, de flesta från områden utanför Europ
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shfa Open Data
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Marinmuseum Open Data
Fotografier, föremål, ritningar och kartor
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Östasiatiska, showcase Open Data
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Världskulturmuseet, objekt Open Data
Samlingarna består av ca 100 000 föremål. Alla dessa är digitaliserade.
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LSH, föremål Open Data
I Livrustkammaren finns över 30.000 föremål. Flertalet har anknytning till svenska kungar från Gusta
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Sörmlands museum Open Data
Fotografier, föremål, konstverk
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Dramawebben txt Open Data
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Stiftelsen Nordiska museet Open Data
Dokument, fotografier, föremål, kartor, och ritningar
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Etnografiska samling Open Data
Etnografiska museet har cirka 3 500 föremålssamlingar från hela världen, de flesta från områden utan
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Ongoing Detailed Plans Open Data
Detailed plans — ongoing
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Bus stops Open Data
Bus stops within Gävle municipality. The data includes bus stops within the municipality of Gävle.
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Historical objects Open Data
Historical objects in Gävle Municipality. The dataset is produced mainly from history books, Wikiped
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Public Wi-Fi Open Data
Location of access points for public wireless network in the city center and outlying areas of Gävle
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Waste containers Open Data
Waste containers in Gävle. Points, types and waste collection frequency. The Municipality of Gävle
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Comprehensive plan - Boundaries Open Data
Valid comprehensive plans in Gävle Municipality. To see all valid comprehensive plans in Gävle Munic
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Basemap - Elevations Open Data
Elevation contours from Gävles basemap. The basemap provided by us is constructed in an accurate,
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Trafikbuller karttjänst WMS 2016 Open Data
WMS service showing the distribution of day-to-day (LAeq, day) traffic noise in the municipality of
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Biotopkartering Open Data
Sveriges nationella databas för biotopkarteringar I Biotopkarteringsdatabasen kan du söka och hämta
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VISS - Vatteninformationssystem Sverige Open Data
VattenInformationsSystem Sverige VISS är havs- och vattenförvaltningens informationssystem. Som öppe
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Statistics on activities in the field of health care (speciality) Open Data
Primary care, somatic and psychiatric care contacts. Health centres, medical centres and medical v
Issued on 2020-06-05
Experience and do Open Data
RSS feed for Ulricehamns municipality’s experience and work
Issued on
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2013 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2014-06-01
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2020 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2021-06-14
Health, diseases and causes of death in marine mammals in Sweden, 2020: Results from post-mortem... Open Data
This report summarizes findings from the first year of the health- and disease surveillance program
Issued on 2021-03-08
Aerial/ortophoto Open Data
Orthophotos for the city of Helsingborg taken in 2020 and 2018.
Issued on 2017-12-01
Verification of greenhouse gases EU-ETS Open Data
Verification of greenhouse gases EU-ETS
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Gas cylinders Open Data
Gas cylinders
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Genetics Open Data
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Genetic analysis Open Data
Genetic analysis
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GEP Open Data
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GMO analysis Open Data
GMO analysis
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Speed controller Open Data
Speed controller
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Strength test Open Data
Strength test
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It and communication testing Open Data
It and communication testing
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Ionising radiation Open Data
Ionising radiation
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Asset management Open Data
Asset management
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Chemistry and Biology Open Data
Chemistry and Biology
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Chemical analysis Open Data
Chemical analysis
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Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine Open Data
Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine
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Clinical pathology Open Data
Clinical pathology
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Proficiency testing Open Data
Proficiency testing
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Controller — Building Open Data
Controller — Building
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Control inspection Open Data
Control inspection
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Energy management system Open Data
Energy management system
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Elleverantörers priser för konsumenter 20 000 kWh/år Open Data
Electricity suppliers’ prices/kWh for consumers with an annual consumption of 20 000 kWh. The prices
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Electricity network operators’ electricity network charges power customers Open Data
Each year, electricity network operators report data on their network tariffs, i.e. electricity netw
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Special Report — Natural Gas Open Data
The special report contains, among other things, information on the length of the gas network pipeli
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Protective material supplies Covid19 Eskilstuna municipality Open Data
Supplies of protective material 2020 05 04-2020 06 12. Non-supplier identified and the packaging can
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Lediga tomter Open Data
Med hjälp av Linköping kommuns data kan du se var i kommunen det finns lediga tomter. Tillhörande da
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Mobilnätens täckningsgrad Open Data
Linköpings kommun har genomfört oberoende mätningar av mobilnätens täckningsgrad inom kommunens geog
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Trafikmätningar fordon Open Data
Den här öppna datan beskriver trafikmätningar som Linköpings kommun förfogar över. Vi tillhandahålle
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Skyfall modeling 100-year rain, max water depth (m) Open Data
Skyfall modeling throughout Huddinge municipality for a 100-year rain with climate factor. The wareh
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Skyfall modelling 100-year rain, maximum flow rates (m³/s/m) Open Data
Skyfall modeling throughout Huddinge municipality for a 100-year rain with climate factor. The wareh
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Skyfall modeling Copenhagen rain, max water depth (m) Open Data
Skyfall modeling throughout Huddinge municipality for the so-called Copenhagen rain. The result shou
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Habitat (Tofsmes) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
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Relationship between core areas (New insect) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
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Scattering Links (Brune Gold Beetle) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
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Cultural Environment Programme 2019 (spaces) Open Data
The municipality’s new cultural environment is aimed at increasing understanding of the cultural env
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Strategic plan areas Open Data
Administrative areas level 2
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Max Noise Railroad (max., 2 m) Open Data
Maximum noise levels from rail 2 m above ground. Tyren’s noise mapping.
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Max Noise Railway (max. 4 m) Open Data
Maximum noise levels from rail 4 m above ground. Tyren’s noise mapping.
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Regional bike path Open Data
A planned corridor or stretch between designated regional target points. The regional cycle covers s
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Party rooms Open Data
Family daycare centres within Huddinge municipality. map warehouse contains name and address.
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Skating rinks ploughed Open Data
Skating rinks ploughed
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Earth cellar Open Data
Identified soil cellar
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Energy consumption in Geographical Area 154004 (Eriksdal) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T22:59:04.746Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 154012 (Lövöbacken, northern) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:32:04.249Z
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 164404 (Sörmjöle) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-17T03:36:04.632Z
Rest areas Open Data
There are prepared rest areas around the municipality of Umeå on some of them there are grill facili
Issued on 2023-03-21T02:15:05.930Z
Broadband access of at least 100 Mbps, share (%) (Colada) Open Data
Share of the area’s households with broadband access of at least 100 megabits per second. PTS (Post-
Issued on 2023-03-05T22:11:12.656Z
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2015-06-30 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
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Månadsstatistik premiepension 2012-01-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
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Monthly statistics premium pension 2002-08-31 Open Data
Statistics Premiepension
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Månadsstatistik premiepension 2001-10-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
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Prognosvärdesregler 2021 (nov 2020) Open Data
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AP Fund time series market values 2017 Open Data
Statistics Premiepension
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AP-fonden tidsserie marknadsvärden 2016 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
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Fonddatalista i csv-format Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
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List all funds Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
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Statistics on premium pensions 2020-06-30 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
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Green technology payments, statistics Open Data
Here are the Swedish Tax Agency’s statistics on green technology payments as of 1 January 2021. The
Issued on 2021-01-01
Guide value indications for agriculture, soil (arables and pastures) 2014-2016 Open Data
Guide values are factors representing the average price situation of similar agricultural properties
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New car prices for cars with manufacturing years 2008-2023 (API) Open Data
Compilation of new car prices for cars with production years 2008 to 2023. New car prices are used i
Issued on 2019-01-02
Number of children whose parents change from split to full child benefit Open Data
Statistics showing how many children whose parents have changed from shared child benefit to a paren
Issued on
The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s download service ATOM Inspire Open Data
Atom download service
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