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Number of innovative enterprises by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2 and size. Year 2016-2018 -... Open Data

Innovation activity of enterprises by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, size class, type of val

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Number of innovative enterprises by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2 and size. Year 2016-2018 -... details >

Number of adoptions of children aged 0-17 by sex and country of birth. Year 2000 - 2021 Open Data

Adoptions, number by sex, country of birth, observations and year

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Number of adoptions of children aged 0-17 by sex and country of birth. Year 2000 - 2021 details >

Adopted children and young persons aged 0-21 by sex, age and country of birth. Year 2000 - 2021 Open Data

Adopted children and young persons, number by sex, age, country of birth, observations and year

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Adopted children and young persons aged 0-21 by sex, age and country of birth. Year 2000 - 2021 details >

Enterprises’ innovation and R & D expenditure, SEK million by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Enterprises’ innovation and R & D expenditure by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of value, t

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Enterprises’ innovation and R & D expenditure, SEK million by industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

Construction Cost index (CCI) for multi-dwelling buildings, excluding VAT, 1968=100 by building... Open Data

Construction Cost index (CCI) for multi-dwelling buildings, excluding VAT, 1968=100 by building mate

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Construction Cost index (CCI) for multi-dwelling buildings, excluding VAT, 1968=100 by building... details >

Enterprises’ share of turnover by product/services innovation/news value by industry SNI 2007 and... Open Data

Companies’ share of turnover by goods/services innovation/news value. Percentages by industry SNI 20

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Enterprises’ share of turnover by product/services innovation/news value by industry SNI 2007 and... details >

Turnover index for the service sector by industry NACE Rev.2. Monthly index 2000M01 - 2022M06 Open Data

Turnover index for other services by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and month

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Turnover index for the service sector by industry NACE Rev.2. Monthly index 2000M01 - 2022M06 details >

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation by location of partner, industrial... Open Data

Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation by industrial classification NACE Rev.

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Number of innovative enterprises with innovation co-operation by location of partner, industrial... details >

Flows of goods by fuel type. Month 2018M01-2022M08 Open Data

Deliveries of fuels by fuel type, table content and month

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Flows of goods by fuel type. Month 2018M01-2022M08 details >

Financial accounts by sector, item and counterpart-sector (ESA2010). Quarterly 1996K1 - 2022K2 Open Data

Financial accounts by sector, item, counterpart-sector, observations and quarter

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Financial accounts by sector, item and counterpart-sector (ESA2010). Quarterly 1996K1 - 2022K2 details >

Outstanding and issued amount, gross, net and yield during the month after sector, item and... Open Data

Amount issued by sector, item, currency, observations and month

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Outstanding and issued amount, gross, net and yield during the month after sector, item and... details >

Maturitystructure, amount outstanding by sector, maturity and currency. Month 2013M03 - 2022M09 Open Data

Maturitystructure, amount outstanding, msek by sector, maturity, currency, observations and month

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Maturitystructure, amount outstanding by sector, maturity and currency. Month 2013M03 - 2022M09 details >

Construction cost index for buildings (CCI), excluding wage drift and VAT, 2015=100, by type of... Open Data

Construction Cost index (CCI) for buildings, excluding wage drift and VAT, 2015=100, by type of buil

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Construction cost index for buildings (CCI), excluding wage drift and VAT, 2015=100, by type of... details >

Construction cost index (CCI) for agricultural buildings, excluding wage drift and VAT, 1980=100, by... Open Data

Construction Cost index (CCI) for agricultural buildings (excluding wage drift), 1980=100 by type of

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Construction cost index (CCI) for agricultural buildings, excluding wage drift and VAT, 1980=100, by... details >

Construction cost index (CCI) for agricultural buildings, excluding wage drift and VAT, 2015=100, by... Open Data

Construction Cost index (CCI) for agricultural buildings (excluding wage drift), 2015=100 by type of

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Construction cost index (CCI) for agricultural buildings, excluding wage drift and VAT, 2015=100, by... details >

Number and share of innovative enterprises by group affiliation, industry SNI 2007 and size class.... Open Data

Group membership of enterprises by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of value, table content and y

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Number and share of innovative enterprises by group affiliation, industry SNI 2007 and size class.... details >

General government debt by IMF. Quarter 2010K1 - 2022K2 Open Data

General government debt by IMF, SEK million by item, observations and quarter

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General government debt by IMF. Quarter 2010K1 - 2022K2 details >

Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), 2015=100. Month 1996M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), 2015=100 by observations and month

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Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), 2015=100. Month 1996M01 - 2022M09 details >

Harmonized Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (HICP-CT), 2015=100. Month 2002M12 - 2022M09 Open Data

Harmonized Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (HICP-CT), 2015=100 by observations and month

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Harmonized Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (HICP-CT), 2015=100. Month 2002M12 - 2022M09 details >

Number of innovative enterprises, product innovation news by industry SNI 2007 and size class. Year... Open Data

News of product innovations by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of value, table content and perio

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Number of innovative enterprises, product innovation news by industry SNI 2007 and size class. Year... details >

Employees affected by bankruptcies by region, industry SNI 2007 and form of enterprise. Month... Open Data

Employees affected by bankruptcies by region, industry SNI 2007, form of enterprise, table content a

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Employees affected by bankruptcies by region, industry SNI 2007 and form of enterprise. Month... details >

Bankruptcies by region, industry SNI 2007, size class and form of enterprise. Month 2009M01-2022M09 Open Data

Bankruptcies by region, industry SNI 2007, size class, form of enterprise, table content and month

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Bankruptcies by region, industry SNI 2007, size class and form of enterprise. Month 2009M01-2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual changes (Inflation Rate), 1980=100 (no update after 2022M11).... Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual changes (Inflation Rate), 1980=100, per cent by observations and

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), annual changes (Inflation Rate), 1980=100 (no update after 2022M11).... details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI) by product group, 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Consumer Price Index by product group, observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI) by product group, 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI) by product group (COICOP), 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Consumer Price Index by Product group, observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI) by product group (COICOP), 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index with fixed interest rate (CPIF), 1987=100. Month 1987M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Consumer Price Index with fixed interest rate (CPIF), 1987=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index with fixed interest rate (CPIF), 1987=100. Month 1987M01 - 2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Fixed Index numbers (two decimals), 1980=100 (no update after... Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Fixed Index numbers, 1980=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Fixed Index numbers (two decimals), 1980=100 (no update after... details >

Consumer Price Index exclusive energy with fixed interest rate (CPIF-XE), 1987=100. Month 1987M01 -... Open Data

Consumer Price Index exclusive energy with fixed interest rate (CPIF-XE), 1987=100 by observations a

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Consumer Price Index exclusive energy with fixed interest rate (CPIF-XE), 1987=100. Month 1987M01 -... details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), monthly changes (no update after 2022M11). Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), monthly changes, per cent by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), monthly changes (no update after 2022M11). Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), 1980=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index at constant taxes (CPI-CT), 1980=100. Month 1980M01 - 2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Living Cost Index, excluding taxes and social benefits, July 1914=100.... Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Living Cost Index, July 1914=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Living Cost Index, excluding taxes and social benefits, July 1914=100.... details >

Konsumentprisindex efter varu-/tjänstegrupp (Riksbanken), 1980=100. Månad 1980M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Konsumentprisindex (Riksbanken) efter varu-/tjänstegrupp, tabellinnehåll och månad

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Konsumentprisindex efter varu-/tjänstegrupp (Riksbanken), 1980=100. Månad 1980M01 - 2022M09 details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Shadow Index numbers, 1980=100 (no update after 2022M11). Month... Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Shadow Index numbers, 1980=100 by observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), total, Shadow Index numbers, 1980=100 (no update after 2022M11). Month... details >

Underlying inflation (Riksbanken), Index year to month. Month 2004M01-2022M09 Open Data

Index year to month by index type, table content and month

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Underlying inflation (Riksbanken), Index year to month. Month 2004M01-2022M09 details >

Underlying inflation (Riksbanken), Index 1987=100. Month 1987M01-2022M09 Open Data

Index 1987=100 by index type, table content and month

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Underlying inflation (Riksbanken), Index 1987=100. Month 1987M01-2022M09 details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 with Swedish and foreign background by sex and age. Year 2002 -... Open Data

Children and young persons with Swedish and foreign background, number by sex, age, foreign/Swedish

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 with Swedish and foreign background by sex and age. Year 2002 -... details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 with Swedish and foreign background by region, sex and age. ... Open Data

Children and young persons with Swedish and foreign background, number by region, sex, age, foreign/

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 with Swedish and foreign background by region, sex and age. ... details >

Type of family for children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home by sex, age, type of... Open Data

Type of family for children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home, number by sex, age, fami

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Type of family for children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home by sex, age, type of... details >

Type of family for children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home by region, sex, age and... Open Data

Type of family for children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home, number by region, sex, a

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Type of family for children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home by region, sex, age and... details >

Families with children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by region, age of children, type... Open Data

Families with children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home, number by region, the child’s age

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Families with children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by region, age of children, type... details >

Families with children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by number of children. Year 2014 -... Open Data

Families with children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home, number by the child’s age, number

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Families with children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by number of children. Year 2014 -... details >

Number of families and average number of children per family among families with children and young... Open Data

Number of families and average number of children per family among families with children and young

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Number of families and average number of children per family among families with children and young... details >

Full siblings, half siblings and step siblings among children and young persons aged 0-21 and living... Open Data

Full siblings, half siblings and step siblings among children and young persons aged 0-21 and living

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Full siblings, half siblings and step siblings among children and young persons aged 0-21 and living... details >

Number of siblings living at home among children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home by... Open Data

Number of siblings living at home among children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home, num

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Number of siblings living at home among children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home by... details >

Adopted children and young persons aged 0-21 by sex, age and type of adoption. Year 2014 - 2021 Open Data

Adopted children and young persons aged 0-21, number by sex, age, type of adoption , observations an

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Adopted children and young persons aged 0-21 by sex, age and type of adoption. Year 2014 - 2021 details >

Number of adoptions of children and young persons aged 0-17 by age and type of adoption. Year 2014 -... Open Data

Number of adoptions of children and young persons aged 0-17, number by sex, type of adoption , obser

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Number of adoptions of children and young persons aged 0-17 by age and type of adoption. Year 2014 -... details >

Number of legal guardians for children aged 0-17 living at home by sex, guardian and type of family.... Open Data

Legal guardians for children aged 0-17 living at home, number by sex, caregiver, family type, observ

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Number of legal guardians for children aged 0-17 living at home by sex, guardian and type of family.... details >

Young persons aged 16-21 who have left home by sex, age and type of family. Year 2014 - 2021 Open Data

Young persons 16-21 years that have left home, number by sex, age, family type, observations and yea

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Young persons aged 16-21 who have left home by sex, age and type of family. Year 2014 - 2021 details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year... Open Data

Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year... details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year... Open Data

Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year... details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year... Open Data

Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 and living at home whose parents have separated during the year... details >

Geographic distance to absent parent for children and young persons aged 0-21 who lives apart from... Open Data

Geographic distance to absent parent for children and young persons aged 0-21 who lives apart from o

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Geographic distance to absent parent for children and young persons aged 0-21 who lives apart from... details >

Housing type and average housing space per person for children and young persons aged 0-21 living at... Open Data

Housing type and average housing space per person for children and young persons aged 0-21 living at

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Housing type and average housing space per person for children and young persons aged 0-21 living at... details >

Housing type and average housing space for children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by... Open Data

Housing type and average housing space for children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by re

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Housing type and average housing space for children and young persons aged 0-21 living at home by... details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 whose parents have died during the year by sex, age and which... Open Data

Children and young persons aged 0-21 whose parents have died during the year by sex, age, parents wh

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 whose parents have died during the year by sex, age and which... details >

Children and young persons aged 0-21 whose parents have died during the child´s life by sex, age and... Open Data

Children and young persons aged 0-21 whose parents have died during the child´s life by sex, age, pa

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Children and young persons aged 0-21 whose parents have died during the child´s life by sex, age and... details >

Number of persons in overcrowded households in multi-dwelling buildings as defined by norm 2, by... Open Data

People in overcrowded households in multi-dwelling buildings as defined by norm 2. Number by region,

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Number of persons in overcrowded households in multi-dwelling buildings as defined by norm 2, by... details >

Number of residents by region of birth, type of house, grounds for residence, duration of residence,... Open Data

Number in population by region of birth, type of building, grounds for settlement, number of years i

Issued on

Number of residents by region of birth, type of house, grounds for residence, duration of residence,... details >

Number of residents, by region of birth, type of tenure, grounds for residence, duration of... Open Data

Number in population by region of birth, tenure, grounds for settlement, number of years in Sweden,

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Number of residents, by region of birth, type of tenure, grounds for residence, duration of... details >

Average living space per person, by region of birth, grounds for residency, duration of residence,... Open Data

Square meters per person by region of birth, grounds for settlement, number of years in Sweden, sex,

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Average living space per person, by region of birth, grounds for residency, duration of residence,... details >

Number of persons, by household situation, region of birth, duration of residence, sex, age. Year... Open Data

Persons. Number by household status, region of birth, number of years in Sweden, sex, age, observati

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Number of persons, by household situation, region of birth, duration of residence, sex, age. Year... details >

Number of persons who are Swedish citizens, by country of birth, duration of residence, sex, and... Open Data

Population. Number by country/region of birth, number of years in Sweden, sex, age, observations and

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Number of persons who are Swedish citizens, by country of birth, duration of residence, sex, and... details >

Gainfully employed persons aged 20–69 by occupation (1-digit SSYK 2012), education level, number of... Open Data

Number employed by occupation, level of education, number of years in Sweden, region of birth, sex,

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Gainfully employed persons aged 20–69 by occupation (1-digit SSYK 2012), education level, number of... details >

Number of persons received for settlement, by region, year of reception, age and sex. Year 2016 -... Open Data

Population. Number by region, year of reception, sex, observations and year

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Number of persons received for settlement, by region, year of reception, age and sex. Year 2016 -... details >

Number of persons received for settlement, by receiving region, duration of residence, sex, and... Open Data

Newly arrived refugees. Number by receiving region, number of years in Sweden, sex, observations and

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Number of persons received for settlement, by receiving region, duration of residence, sex, and... details >

Number of persons received for settlement, by number of migrations, region, age, and sex. Year 2016... Open Data

Population. Number by region, age, sex, observations and year

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Number of persons received for settlement, by number of migrations, region, age, and sex. Year 2016... details >

Sickness and rehabilitation benefit by number of years in Sweden, region of birth, sex and age.... Open Data

Number by Sickness and rehabilitation benefit, number of years in Sweden, region of birth, sex, age,

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Sickness and rehabilitation benefit by number of years in Sweden, region of birth, sex and age.... details >

Persons aged 20–74 by occupation, grounds for settlement, number of years in Sweden, region of... Open Data

Number in population by employment status, grounds for settlement, number of years in Sweden, region

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Persons aged 20–74 by occupation, grounds for settlement, number of years in Sweden, region of... details >

Persons aged 20–74 by occupation, level of education, number of years in Sweden, region of birth,... Open Data

Number in the population by employment status, level of education, number of years in Sweden, region

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Persons aged 20–74 by occupation, level of education, number of years in Sweden, region of birth,... details >

Persons aged 16–74 by level of educational attainment, field of education, duration of residence,... Open Data

Number in population by level of education, educational orientation, number of years in Sweden, regi

Issued on

Persons aged 16–74 by level of educational attainment, field of education, duration of residence,... details >

Persons aged 16–74 by level of educational attainment, field of education, duration of residence,... Open Data

Number in population by level of education, educational orientation, number of years in Sweden, grou

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Persons aged 16–74 by level of educational attainment, field of education, duration of residence,... details >

Life tables by level of education, type of household, sex and age. Year 2012 - 2021 Open Data

Life tables by level of education, type of household, sex, age, observations and year

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Life tables by level of education, type of household, sex and age. Year 2012 - 2021 details >

Life tables by level of education, county, sex and age. Period 2012-2016 - 2017-2021 Open Data

Life tables by region, level of education, sex, age, observations and period

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Life tables by level of education, county, sex and age. Period 2012-2016 - 2017-2021 details >

Inventory adjusted Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100, by industrial classification... Open Data

Inventory adjusted Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100 by industrial classification

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Inventory adjusted Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100, by industrial classification... details >

Treated waste by treatment category and waste category. Every second year 2010 - 2020 Open Data

Treated waste (tonnes) by property, treatment category, waste category, observations and every other

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Treated waste by treatment category and waste category. Every second year 2010 - 2020 details >

Generated waste by property, economic activity NACE Rev. 2 (incl. households) and waste category.... Open Data

Generated waste (tonnes) by property, industrial classification, waste category, observations and ev

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Generated waste by property, economic activity NACE Rev. 2 (incl. households) and waste category.... details >

Environmental taxes by industry SNI 2007. Year 2008 - 2020 Open Data

Energy tax fuels, SEK million by environmental taxation level, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2

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Environmental taxes by industry SNI 2007. Year 2008 - 2020 details >

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, industrial... Open Data

Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS), figures expressed in thousands by degree of attachment to the lab

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Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, industrial... details >

Antal företag med olika typer av produktinnovationer efter näringsgren SNI 2007 och storleksklass.... Open Data

Antal företag som introducerat produktinnovationer efter näringsgren SNI 2007, storleksklass, typ av

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Antal företag med olika typer av produktinnovationer efter näringsgren SNI 2007 och storleksklass.... details >

GDP: production approach (ESA2010), working day and seasonally adjusted by industrial classification... Open Data

GDP: production approach (ESA2010) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and quarte

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GDP: production approach (ESA2010), working day and seasonally adjusted by industrial classification... details >

Key indicators of the Consumer Price Index, CPI: Index numbers and change figures 2016M10-2022M09 Open Data

Index numbers and change figures by type of KPI, table content and month

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Key indicators of the Consumer Price Index, CPI: Index numbers and change figures 2016M10-2022M09 details >

Key indicators of the Consumer Price Index, CPI: Inflation rate 2016M10-2022M09 Open Data

Key figures for KPI: Inflation rate by type of key indicators, table content and month

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Key indicators of the Consumer Price Index, CPI: Inflation rate 2016M10-2022M09 details >

Number of enterprises with different types of process innovations by industry SNI 2007 and size... Open Data

Number of enterprises that introduced new or significantly improved process innovations by industry

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Number of enterprises with different types of process innovations by industry SNI 2007 and size... details >

Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100, by industrial classification NACE Rev.2.... Open Data

Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100 by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observ

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Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100, by industrial classification NACE Rev.2.... details >

Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100, by industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Month... Open Data

Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100 by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observ

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Production Value Index (PVI). Chain index, 2015=100, by industrial classification NACE Rev.2. Month... details >

Balance sheets (ESA2010), end of year, net, current prices in SEK million by institutional sector... Open Data

Balance sheets (ESA2010), end of year, net, current prices in SEK million by sector, type of asset,

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Balance sheets (ESA2010), end of year, net, current prices in SEK million by institutional sector... details >

Consumer Price Index (CPI), monthly and annual changes. Month 2014M01 - 2022M09 Open Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI), percent by economic indicator, observations and month

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), monthly and annual changes. Month 2014M01 - 2022M09 details >

Index of Service Production, 2015=100, by service classification NACE Rev.2. Month 2000M01 - 2022M08 Open Data

Index of Service Production, 2015=100 by industrial classification NACE Rev. 2, observations and mon

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Index of Service Production, 2015=100, by service classification NACE Rev.2. Month 2000M01 - 2022M08 details >

Number of enterprises supporting innovation activities by industry SNI 2007 and size class. Year... Open Data

Number of enterprises supporting innovation activities by industry SNI 2007, size class, type of val

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Number of enterprises supporting innovation activities by industry SNI 2007 and size class. Year... details >

Public toilets Open Data

Tomelilla has public toilets both in settlements, as well as natural areas. You can see where the to

Issued on 2021-06-01

Public toilets details >

Parking for disabled people Open Data

Parking spaces for disabled people show parking spaces intended for persons with disabilities. These

Issued on 2020-05-14

Parking for disabled people details >

Charging stations and charging points for electric vehicles in Tomelilla municipality Open Data

The data includes charging stations and charging points (also known as charging poles) owned by the

Issued on 2021-03-18

Charging stations and charging points for electric vehicles in Tomelilla municipality details >

Sports halls Open Data

Sports halls in Tomelilla municipality. The dataset indicates the name of the sports hall, basic inf

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Sports halls details >

Badegebiete Open Data

The amount of “bathing areas” includes both the outdoor pools and the bathing house we have in the m

Issued on 2022-11-08

Badegebiete details >

Number of pupils in school and preschool Open Data

Tomelillas collected information on the number of pupils per school and preschool, both independent

Issued on

Number of pupils in school and preschool details >

Open Public body index and public company index at Open Data has Sweden's largest open register about Swedish authorities and organizations which a

Issued on 2021-11-01

Open Public body index and public company index at details >

Radon measurement Open Data

Contains property, address, house type, latest measurement and annual average for 2013.

Issued on 2014-01-01

Radon measurement details >

Contact information schools at Lidingö Open Data

Schools in Lidingö municipality with contact information and geographical position according to the

Issued on 2017-06-09

Contact information schools at Lidingö details >

The bike barometer on the bridge to o from Lidingö Open Data

Includes date, time, number of cyclists, average speed and maximum speed for cyclists towards Liding

Issued on 2013-01-01

The bike barometer on the bridge to o from Lidingö details >

Municipality schools including address and coordinates Open Data

Address, position and school form for the public schools of Skövde municipality.

Issued on 2017-09-25

Municipality schools including address and coordinates details >
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