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Jobbinflöden (E2b). Nya förvärvsarbetande och jobbytare 20-64 år efter region, näringsgren och kön... Open Data
Jobbinflöden (E2b) efter region, näringsgren enligt SNI 2007, kön, tabellinnehåll och årsintervall
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Match — different groups (M2). Share of employees with educational and professional matching, by... Open Data
Matching rate (M2), per cent by region, gender, age/country of birth group, table content and year
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Population structure (R1a). Population by region, gender and age. Year 2006-2021 Open Data
Population by region, gender, age, table content and year
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Population structure (R1b). Population by region, gender, age and country of birth. Year 2006-2018 Open Data
Population by region, gender, age, country of birth, table content and year
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Population structure (R1b). Population by region, gender, age and country of birth. Year 2006-2021 Open Data
Population by region, gender, age, country of birth, table content and year
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Demographic dependency ratio (R2). Number of young and elderly in relation to the number aged 20-64,... Open Data
Demographic dependency ratio (R2) by region, table content and year
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Industrial structure (R3a). Persons in employment aged 20-64 by region, industry and sex (day... Open Data
Employed persons by region, industry by SNI 2007, sex, table content and year
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Industrial change (R3b). Change in the number of employed persons aged 20-64 by region, industry and... Open Data
Change in industry (R3b) by region, industry according to SNI 2007, sex, table content and annual ra
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High School Transitions (R4). The departures from upper secondary school that began university... Open Data
University transitions (R4) by region, gender, table content and academic year
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Arbetsmarknadsställning (U1a) i befolkningen 20–64 år efter region och utbildningsnivå- och... Open Data
Arbetsmarknadsställning (U1a) efter region, utbildning, tabellinnehåll och år
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Labour market position (U1a) in the population aged 20-64 by region and by level of education and... Open Data
Labour market position (U1a) by region, education, table content and year
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Arbetskraftsdeltagande (U1b) i befolkningen 20–64 år efter region, utbildning och kön... Open Data
Arbetskraftsdeltagande (U1b) efter region, utbildning, kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Labour force participation (U1b) in the population aged 20-64 by region, education and sex (night... Open Data
Labour force participation (U1b) by region, education, gender, table content and year
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In and out commuting (U2). Persons in employment aged 20-64 commuting across regional borders, by... Open Data
Commuting (U2) by region, education, gender, table content and year
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In- och utpendling (U2). Förvärvsarbetande 20–64 år som pendlar över regiongräns, efter region och... Open Data
In- och utpendling (U2) efter region, utbildning, kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Utbildningsflöden (U3). Åldersinträden och åldersutträden, inflyttare och utflyttare, samt... Open Data
Utbildningsflöden (U3) efter region, utbildning, kön, tabellinnehåll och årsintervall
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Förväntade åldersavgångar (U4). Förvärvsarbetande 60–64 år efter region, utbildning och kön... Open Data
Förväntade åldersavgångar (U4) efter region, utbildning, kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Lediga jobb (E1) efter region och sektor. År 2006 - 2016 Open Data
Lediga jobb (E1) efter region, sektor, tabellinnehåll och år
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Job vacancies (E1) by region and sector. Quarter 2006K1-2022K2 Open Data
Job vacancies (E1) by region, sector, table content and quarter
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Matched acquisition rate (E3). Matching between education and occupation among the population aged... Open Data
Matched acquisition rate (E3) by region, education, gender/age, table content and year
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Aggregated Match (M1). Job vacancies, unemployed and job vacancies per unemployed by region. Year... Open Data
Aggregated matching (M1) by region, table content and year
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Level of matching (M2). Share of employees with educational and professional matching, by region,... Open Data
Matching rate (M2), per cent by region, gender, age/country of birth group, table content and year
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Income statement for municipal groups by region and income statement item. Year 1998 - 2021 Open Data
Income statement for municipal groups by region, Income statement, observations and year
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Income statement for region groups by region and balance sheet items. Year 1999 - 2021 Open Data
Income statement for region groups by region, Income statement, observations and year
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Income statement for municipalities by region and income statement item. Year 1998 - 2021 Open Data
Income statement for municipalities by region, Income statement, observations and year
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Income statement for regions by income statement items. Year 1999 - 2021 Open Data
Income statement for regions by region, Income statement, observations and year
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Voting sympathy (party to vote for) after party sympathy (best party). (Selection survey, see... Open Data
Electorate (response distribution PSU) by party sympathy, party election now, table content and 2 ti
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Voting sympathy now (party to vote for) after party elections in the previous parliamentary... Open Data
The electorate (answer distribution PSU) by party elections in the previous parliamentary elections,
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Voting sympathy now (party to vote for) after voting sympathy in the previous PSU. (Selection... Open Data
The electorate (response distribution PSU) by party elections in the previous PSU, party elections n
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Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year... Open Data
Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year
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Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year... Open Data
Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year
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Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year... Open Data
Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year
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Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year... Open Data
Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register during the whole year
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Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register 31 December by... Open Data
Total earned income for persons registered in the national population register 31 December by region
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Total income from employment and business for persons registered in Sweden both 1 January and 31... Open Data
Total income from employment and business for persons registered in Sweden. Year by region, sex, reg
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Estimated R & D funds from research foundations by purpose and receiving entities. Year... Open Data
Estimated R & D funds from research foundations, SEK million by purpose, receiving units, table
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Institutional non-financial sector accounts (ESA2010), current prices, SEK million. Year 1950 - 2021 Open Data
Institutional non-financial sector accounts (ESA2010), current prices, SEK million by sector, transa
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Key indicators for income growth, savings ratio, debt ratio, interest ratio by sector and indicator.... Open Data
Key indicators for income growth, savings ratio, debt ratio, interest ratio by sector, indicator, o
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Institutional non-financial sector accounts (ESA2010), current prices, SEK million. Quarter 1980K1 -... Open Data
Institutional non-financial sector accounts (ESA2010), current prices, SEK million by sector, transa
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Key indicators for income growth, savings ratio, debt ratio, interest ratio by sector and indicator.... Open Data
Key indicators for income growth, savings ratio, debt ratio by sector, indicator, observations and q
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Institutional non-financial sector accounts (ESA2010), seasonally adjusted current prices, SEK... Open Data
Institutional non-financial sector accounts (ESA2010), seasonally adjusted current prices, SEK milli
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Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, by institutional sector and... Open Data
Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, SEK million by sector, transaction it
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Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), account form, by institutional sector and transaction... Open Data
Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, SEK million by sector, transaction it
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Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), account form, total economy, by transaction item,... Open Data
Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, SEK million by transaction item, obse
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Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, by institutional sector and... Open Data
Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, SEK million by sector, transaction it
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Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), current prices, Rest of the World, by transaction... Open Data
Incomes, outlays and capital accounts (ESA95), Rest of the World, current prices, SEK million by tra
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Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more employees that share information electronically with... Open Data
Proportion of enterprises sharing information electronically with customers or suppliers by type of
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Share of companies with 10 or more employees that share information electronically with customers or... Open Data
Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more employees sharing information electronically with customer
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Proportion of enterprises with 10 or more employees that share information electronically with... Open Data
Proportion of enterprises that share information electronically with customers or suppliers by indus
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Share of companies with 10 or more employees that share information electronically with customers or... Open Data
Percentage of companies sharing information electronically with customers or suppliers by size class
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Number of sickperiods and sickdays per employee distributed by sex and sector. Quaterly 2015K2 -... Open Data
Number of sickperiods and sickdays per employee by sex, sector, observations and quarter
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Tax revenues, equalization systems and general grants from central government as well as financial... Open Data
Tax revenues, equalization systems and general grants from central government as well as financial i
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Taxes by region, type of tax, sex, age and income bracket. Year 2000 - 2020 Open Data
Taxes by region, Type of tax, sex, age, income bracket, observations and year
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Tax reductions by region, type of tax reduction, sex, age and income bracket. Year 2000 - 2020 Open Data
Tax reductions by region, type of tax credit, sex, age, income bracket, observations and year
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Yield per hectar and total production in regions/country for different crops. Yearly data 1965 -... Open Data
Yield by region, crop, observations and year
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National parks, nature reserves, nature management areas, habitat protection areas, by region. Year... Open Data
Protected nature by region, protection type, observations and year
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Protected nature within and around localities with more than 10 000 inhabitants. Not updated. Year... Open Data
Protected nature within and around localities by region, observations and year
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Protected nature in and around agglomerations with more than 10,000 inhabitants. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Protected nature in and around agglomerations by region, table content and year
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Formally protected forest land, voluntary set-asides, consideration patches and unproductive forest... Open Data
Formally protected forest land, voluntary set-asides, consideration patches and unproductive forest
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Employed workers in the private sector (SLP) by hourly pay interval (total hourly wage),... Open Data
Workers, private sector (SLP) by hourly pay interval, occupational area, gender, table content and y
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Property price statistics for single-family houses (Small House Barometer) by region. Month... Open Data
Property price statistics for single-family houses (Small Houses Barometer) by region, table content
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Property price statistics for single-family houses (Small House Barometer), where the month refers... Open Data
Property price statistics for single-family houses (Small House Barometer), where month refers to a
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Use of social media, by type of platform and accounting group. Share of enterprises. Year 2014 -... Open Data
Use of social media by type of platform, study domain, observations and year
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Real estate price statistics, change compared with the previous three-month period and the... Open Data
Real estate price statistics, percent by economic indicator, observations and month
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Balance of Payments net, Quarterly data 2021K1 - 2022K2 Open Data
Balance of Payments net, SEK billion by economic indicator, observations and quarter
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Trends in volume of exports and imports of goods, change in percent against corresponding period... Open Data
Trends in volume of exports and imports of goods, change in percent against corresponding quarter la
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National Accounts (GDP), change in volume, Quarter 1993K1 - 2014K2 Open Data
National Accounts (GDP), change in volume, percent by economic indicator, observations and quarter
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Infant mortality by sex. Year 1946 - 2021 Open Data
Infant mortality rate, number of children by sex, Infant mortality , observations and year
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SSYK, 4-digit level with occupations 2017 Open Data
SSYK, 4-digit level with occupations by occupation, table content and year
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Government grants and intramunicipal equalisation by region. Year 1996 - 2004 Open Data
Government grants and intramunicipal equalisation by region, observations and year
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Employees in municipalities, regions, governmental sector and the Church of Sweden by sector and... Open Data
Employees in the public sector by sector, sex, observations and year
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The Swedish central government debt by item. Month 1970M01 - 2022M09 Open Data
Central government debt, balance, SEK million by item, observations and month
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National parks and nature reserves, number by size class. Year 2018 - 2021 Open Data
Number of protected areas by size class, observations and year
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Forest in protected areas, number by size class. Not updated. Year 2015 - 2017 Open Data
Number of protected areas by size class, type of protection, observations and year
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Strategies to improve the economic preformance of the enterprise by NACE rev.2 and size class. Year... Open Data
Strategies to improve the economic preformance of the enterprise by meets strategy, industrial class
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Population 16-64 years of age by sex, age, type of studies the autumn term, level of educational... Open Data
Participation in education of the adult population by sex, age, type of studies, level of education,
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Deltagare i folkbildning efter verksamhetsform, folkbokföringsregion, studieförbund, åldersgrupp och... Open Data
Deltagare efter verksamhetsform, folkbokföringsregion, studieförbund, kön, åldersgrupp, tabellinnehå
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Participants in civic education by type of activity, region of activity, educational associations,... Open Data
Participants by type of activity, region of activity, study association, gender, age group, table co
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Has documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security. Share of enterprises. Year 2019 Open Data
Has documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security by study domain, observations and
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Difficulties experienced by companies in recruiting IT specialists by accounting group. Percentage... Open Data
Difficulties experienced by companies by type of difficulty, accounting group, table content and yea
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Labour input (ESA95) by industrial classification SNI 2002. Quarter 1993K1 - 2011K2 Open Data
Employment (ESA95) by industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1, observations and quarter
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Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by deciles and region. Year 2011 -... Open Data
Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, type of income, Indicat
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Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, age and type of... Open Data
Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, type of income, age, ty
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Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, country of birth and... Open Data
Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, type of income, country
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Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, age and occupation.... Open Data
Income structure for equivalised disposable income for households by region, type of income, age, em
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Income inequality indicators by region. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Income inequality indicators by region, type of income, observations and year
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Share of persons by quartiles, region, type of income and sex. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Share of persons by region, type of income, sex, observations and year
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Income distribution (fractiles) by region. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Income distribution (fractiles) by region, type of income, distribution measurements, observations a
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Income structure net income by region and sex. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Income structure net income by region, type of income, sex, observations and year
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Equivalised disposable income, share of persons by quartiles and region. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Equivalised disposable income, share of persons by quartiles by region, observations and year
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Disposable income for households by region, type of households and age. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Disposable income for households by region, type of household, age, observations and year
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Low (at-risk-of-poverty rate) and high economic standard by region and age. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Low (at-risk-of-poverty rate) by region, age, observations and year
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Income distribution for households (fractiles) by region. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Income distribution (fractiles) by region, type of income, distribution measurements, observations a
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Economic standard by region, type of households and age. Year 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Economic standard by region, age, type of household, type of income, observations and year
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Economic standard by region, form of leasing, age and type of household 2012 - 2020 Open Data
Economic standard by region, age, type of household, tenure, type of income, observations and year
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Economic standard by region, country of birth number of years in Sweden and age 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Economic standard by region, age, region of birth, number of years in Sweden, type of income, observ
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Economic standard by region, employment, foreign/Swedish background and age 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Economic standard by region, age, employment status, foreign/Swedish background, type of income, obs
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Change in income group, equalised disposable income. Start year/End year 2011/2012 - 2019/2020 Open Data
Change in income group by type of income, income group start year, income group end year, type of ho
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Change in income group by region of birth, equalised disposable income. Start year/End year... Open Data
Change in income group by type of income, income group start year, income group end year, region of
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Long term income by region, region of birth, type of household and age, equalised disposable income.... Open Data
Long-term income by region, type of income, region of birth, type of household, age, observations an
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