Sveriges dataportal Open data in a single API request

National data portal in Sweden datasets available on official portal for European data

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IED Directive (2010/75/EU) — up-to-date emission data from large combustion plants Open Data

Current emissions data from large combustion plants, reporting 2021 (IED 2010/75/EU). Applies to dat

Issued on 2020-09-10

IED Directive (2010/75/EU) — up-to-date emission data from large combustion plants details >

Distribution of species, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2013 Open Data

Species Distribution describes the presence of species listed in the Habitats Directive (EEC 92/443

Issued on 2022-11-25

Distribution of species, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2013 details >

Landscape analysis of forest cores in boreal region: Proposals for forest value areas — working... Open Data

Data has been produced within the project “Analyses of forest value areas and networks in the boreal

Issued on 2022-03-23

Landscape analysis of forest cores in boreal region: Proposals for forest value areas — working... details >

Nature type mapping (knas) Open Data

These data are no longer maintained and have been replaced for operational use by National Land Cove

Issued on 2021-03-16

Nature type mapping (knas) details >

Biogeographical regions: Anttype regions Open Data

The ant type regions describe the prevalence of predominant ant types in Sweden. The four regions de

Issued on 2020-06-17

Biogeographical regions: Anttype regions details >

Air Quality Monitoring Stations (Air Quality Directive) Open Data

Air quality monitoring stations

Issued on 2020-03-01

Air Quality Monitoring Stations (Air Quality Directive) details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Trachemy’s script Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Trachemy’s script details >

Discharge points of the waste water treatment plant (91/271/EEC) Open Data

This data package contains GIS layers of points representing discharge points of the waste water tre

Issued on 2020-09-17

Discharge points of the waste water treatment plant (91/271/EEC) details >

Landscape analysis of forest cores in boreal region: Network Analysis — Work Materials Open Data

Data has been produced within the project “Analyses of forest value areas and networks in the boreal

Issued on 2022-03-23

Landscape analysis of forest cores in boreal region: Network Analysis — Work Materials details >

National soil cover data 2018; base layer Open Data

National Land Cover Data (NMD) is a comprehensive mapping of Sweden. The aim is to get basic informa

Issued on 2020-07-08

National soil cover data 2018; base layer details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Impatiens glandulifera Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Impatiens glandulifera details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Eriocheir sinensis Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Eriocheir sinensis details >

National soil cover data 2018; additional layer low mountain forest Open Data

Low mountain forest is defined as tree-clad areas within the mountain border, with a tree height bet

Issued on 2020-07-08

National soil cover data 2018; additional layer low mountain forest details >

Regional environmental monitoring: Mapping of vegetation on open marshes in Norrbotten, 1986.... Open Data

“Satellite-based monitoring of wetlands” is used to detect land use-related vegetation changes in op

Issued on 2022-03-23

Regional environmental monitoring: Mapping of vegetation on open marshes in Norrbotten, 1986.... details >

Geomorphological map Open Data

The project geomorphological mapping in the mountains was a comprehensive inventory and evaluation o

Issued on 2020-06-18

Geomorphological map details >

Protected areas, Species and Habitats Directive (Natura2000, SCI, SAC) Open Data

The Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) was introduced in 1992. It deals with nature types as w

Issued on 2020-09-23

Protected areas, Species and Habitats Directive (Natura2000, SCI, SAC) details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Asclepias syriaca Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Asclepias syriaca details >

Habitat range, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2013 Open Data

Habitat Distribution describes the presence of habitats listed in the Habitats Directive (EEC 92/443

Issued on 2020-09-17

Habitat range, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2013 details >

Habitat types and biotopes: Wetland Inventory, VMI Open Data

Object of the Wetland Inventory (VMI). The data contains the delimitation of the VMI object (surface

Issued on 2022-03-23

Habitat types and biotopes: Wetland Inventory, VMI details >

National soil cover data 2018; additional layer productivity Open Data

The product reports the breakdown of productive and unproductive forest land within what is mapped a

Issued on 2020-07-08

National soil cover data 2018; additional layer productivity details >

Landscape analysis of forest cores in boreal region: Sealing analysis — working materials Open Data

Data has been produced within the project “Analyses of forest value areas and networks in the boreal

Issued on 2022-03-23

Landscape analysis of forest cores in boreal region: Sealing analysis — working materials details >

Extended base mapping of alpine silage cutters (7240) Open Data

The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten and ArtDatabanken made an expanded base mapping of a

Issued on 2022-03-23

Extended base mapping of alpine silage cutters (7240) details >

Bird distribution, reporting under the Birds Directive 2013 Open Data

Bird distribution 2008-2013. Data reported under the Birds Directive 2013.

Issued on 2020-06-18

Bird distribution, reporting under the Birds Directive 2013 details >

Georeferencing of the Master Map Open Data

The county economic map (1859 to 1934) was based on real parcel maps and describes land use, vegetat

Issued on 2022-03-23

Georeferencing of the Master Map details >

Mapping of inland sandlands for biogeographic follow-up, 2017 Open Data

The work (report and data) presents an assignment with the aim of producing a basis for decisions on

Issued on 2022-03-23

Mapping of inland sandlands for biogeographic follow-up, 2017 details >

Palsy mites in Sweden 2008-2010 Open Data

The dataset is a total mapping of Sweden’s pals ants reported in the form of a 100x100m grid with th

Issued on 2022-03-23

Palsy mites in Sweden 2008-2010 details >

Nature Type Map of Basin Inventory Open Data

The data contain the mapping of nature types for Natura 2000 and protected areas carried out under t

Issued on 2022-03-23

Nature Type Map of Basin Inventory details >

Myrskyddplan 2007 revised 2016 Open Data

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency revised the Myr Conservation Plan for Sweden in 2007. Th

Issued on 2022-03-23

Myrskyddplan 2007 revised 2016 details >

Protected areas, Birds Directive (Natura 2000, SPA) Open Data

In 1979, Member States decided to introduce specific rules for the protection of birds, the Birds Di

Issued on 2022-03-23

Protected areas, Birds Directive (Natura 2000, SPA) details >

Habitat types and biotopes: Natura Nature Type Map Open Data

The Natura Nature Type Map describes the distribution of habitat types included in the EU’s Art and

Issued on 2020-09-23

Habitat types and biotopes: Natura Nature Type Map details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Pacifastacus leniusculus Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Pacifastacus leniusculus details >

Station Register Open Data

The station register is a national register of installations (stations, test sites) where environmen

Issued on 2020-09-29

Station Register details >

Protected areas, water protection areas Open Data

The County Administrative Board or the municipality may decide on a water protection area for the pr

Issued on 2022-03-23

Protected areas, water protection areas details >

Outdoor life: Joints and devices in protected areas Open Data

Data for joints and devices in protected areas as well as state trails in the mountains are availabl

Issued on 2022-07-07

Outdoor life: Joints and devices in protected areas details >

Biogeographical regions: Natural Geographical Regions (according to the Nordic Council of Ministers... Open Data

Sweden is divided into different natural geographical regions. The regional classification is based

Issued on 2020-06-17

Biogeographical regions: Natural Geographical Regions (according to the Nordic Council of Ministers... details >

Base mapping of Swedish inland sandlands Open Data

Knowledge of inland sandlands — Natura 2000 types of rice sand heaths (2320) and grass sand heaths (

Issued on 2019-09-04

Base mapping of Swedish inland sandlands details >

Protected areas, biosphere zones Open Data

Data report the external borders of Sweden’s biosphere areas. Biosphere sites are about nature con

Issued on 2021-12-27

Protected areas, biosphere zones details >

Landscape image protection area Open Data

Landscape image protection is an older form of protection (established on the basis of Section 19 of

Issued on 2022-03-23

Landscape image protection area details >

Protected areas, biotope protection areas Open Data

Biotope conservation areas are used to conserve smaller habitats for nationally endangered species a

Issued on 2020-09-23

Protected areas, biotope protection areas details >

Data from the Agricultural Register, formerly SCB Atlas Agriculture, 1951-1995 Open Data

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, together with the National Board of Agriculture and the

Issued on 2022-03-23

Data from the Agricultural Register, formerly SCB Atlas Agriculture, 1951-1995 details >

Habitat distribution, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2019 Open Data

Habitat Distribution describes the presence of habitats listed in the Habitats Directive (EEC 92/443

Issued on 2020-09-14

Habitat distribution, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2019 details >

Protected areas, natural monuments Open Data

Most of the natural monuments are established through older decisions and with the support of previo

Issued on 2020-09-23

Protected areas, natural monuments details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Heracleum mantegazzianum Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Heracleum mantegazzianum details >

Bird distribution, reporting according to bird directive 2019 Open Data

Bird distribution 2013-2018. Data reported under the Birds Directive 2019. Data refer to the period

Issued on 2019-09-03

Bird distribution, reporting according to bird directive 2019 details >

Slope in the mountainous — data from the lavin forecast service Open Data

The product is taken by classifying a subdata set of Lantmäteriets DEM 2 m (NH 2 +, rating level 3,

Issued on 2019-09-26

Slope in the mountainous — data from the lavin forecast service details >

National soil cover data 2018; add-on layer object height and object coverage Open Data

NMD object height and coverage is an additional layer within National Land Cover Data. This addition

Issued on 2020-07-08

National soil cover data 2018; add-on layer object height and object coverage details >

Basal inventory, aerial image interpretation Open Data

The data contains aerial interpretations of Natura 2000 and protected areas carried out under the pr

Issued on 2019-09-04

Basal inventory, aerial image interpretation details >

Prohibition of land drainage Open Data

Data report the areas where the Council bans land drainage under the Environmental Code (Chapter 11,

Issued on 2022-03-23

Prohibition of land drainage details >

Distribution of species, reporting according to species and habitats Directive 2019 Open Data

Species Distribution describes the presence of species listed in the Habitats Directive (EEC 92/443

Issued on 2022-04-28

Distribution of species, reporting according to species and habitats Directive 2019 details >

Green infrastructure: Sealing analysis of grassland value cores Open Data

The data includes the results of analysis of value cores for grasslands for green infrastructure. Th

Issued on 2022-03-23

Green infrastructure: Sealing analysis of grassland value cores details >

Sweden’s zoning for air quality Open Data

Sweden has been divided into six air quality safety zones: Northern Sweden (SW1), Central Sweden (SW

Issued on 2020-02-29

Sweden’s zoning for air quality details >

Meadow and pasture inventory Open Data

The inventory of meadows and pastures began in 1987 and was made by county. The aim was to spread kn

Issued on 2022-03-23

Meadow and pasture inventory details >

Avalanche forecasts — data from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s avalanche forecast... Open Data

Contains all avalanche forecasts published by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Lavin Fo

Issued on 2019-10-23

Avalanche forecasts — data from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s avalanche forecast... details >

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Lysichiton americanus Open Data

The data consist of reported and expert validated observations of Swedish occurrences of listed spec

Issued on 2019-09-04

Invasive alien species, reporting 2019: Lysichiton americanus details >

Base mapping of mountain cress Open Data

Search for mountain cressing Braya linearis, an annex species in the Art and Habitats Directive. Väs

Issued on 2022-03-23

Base mapping of mountain cress details >

Wetland density as a percentage of land area per square Open Data

Two national GIS layers showing the percentage of wetland as a percentage of the land area for grids

Issued on 2019-09-22

Wetland density as a percentage of land area per square details >

Slope direction in the mountainous — data from the lavin forecast service Open Data

The product is taken by classifying a subdata set of Lantmäteriets DEM 2 m (NH 2 +, rating level 3,

Issued on 2019-09-26

Slope direction in the mountainous — data from the lavin forecast service details >

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Agricultural land Open Data

Within the Agricultural Land Data Host, results from monitoring of nutrients, plant protection produ

Issued on 2020-09-29

Environmental monitoring sites: Data hosting Agricultural land details >

Habitat distribution, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2013 Open Data

Habitat Distribution describes the presence of habitats listed in the Habitats Directive (EEC 92/443

Issued on 2020-09-17

Habitat distribution, reporting under the Species and Habitats Directive 2013 details >

National shrub layer outside the forest — county-view data Open Data

The bush layers are produced from laser data (National height model point cloud from Lantmäteriet) a

Issued on 2020-06-18

National shrub layer outside the forest — county-view data details >

Highly fluorinated substances (PFAS) and pesticides: an overall picture of the presence in the... Open Data

The report presents the results of the screening of the presence of highly fluorinated substances (P

Issued on 2019-09-22

Highly fluorinated substances (PFAS) and pesticides: an overall picture of the presence in the... details >

National interest nature conservation Open Data

Areas of national interest in nature conservation shall represent the main features of Swedish natur

Issued on 2022-03-23

National interest nature conservation details >

Regional environmental monitoring: Mapping of vegetation on open marshes in Dalarna and Gävleborg,... Open Data

“Satellite-based monitoring of wetlands” is used to detect land use-related vegetation changes in op

Issued on 2022-03-23

Regional environmental monitoring: Mapping of vegetation on open marshes in Dalarna and Gävleborg,... details >

Green infrastructure — analysis results Open Data

In March 2012, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency was commissioned, in consultation with se

Issued on 2022-03-23

Green infrastructure — analysis results details >

Plant and zooplankton in six lakes in Stockholm County, 2021 Open Data

The 2021 survey covered a total of six lakes in Stockholm County. Of these, one lake was given high

Issued on 2022-05-06

Plant and zooplankton in six lakes in Stockholm County, 2021 details >

Diatoms in Swedish rivers and lakes: Evaluation of the 2021 Joint Sub-programme Open Data

The report presents the third and last joint evaluation of regional and national environmental monit

Issued on 2022-05-06

Diatoms in Swedish rivers and lakes: Evaluation of the 2021 Joint Sub-programme details >

Diatoms in Stockholm County2021: A survey of 19 streams and two lakes Open Data

In Stockholm County, water quality was examined using diatoms in 19 premises in watercourses and two

Issued on 2022-05-06

Diatoms in Stockholm County2021: A survey of 19 streams and two lakes details >

A warmer world: Greenhouse effect and climate change Third edition Open Data

The seriousness of climate change and the need for rapid action has never been clearer. At the same

Issued on 2022-05-06

A warmer world: Greenhouse effect and climate change Third edition details >

Notifications about changes in the registers for company information Open Data

Notifications about changes in the registers for company information through files generated daily f

Issued on

Notifications about changes in the registers for company information details >

Statistics about companies and associations Open Data

A CSV file with current statistics about companies and associations in Sweden, both newly registered

Issued on

Statistics about companies and associations details >

Statistics about company representation Open Data

A CSV file with current statistics about company and association representatives in Sweden, i.e. sta

Issued on

Statistics about company representation details >

Statistics about auditor reservations Open Data

A CSV-file with current statistics limited companies in Sweden, both with and without auditors reser

Issued on

Statistics about auditor reservations details >

Company Information, XML Packages Open Data

Notifications about changes in the registers for company information through files generated daily f

Issued on

Company Information, XML Packages details >

Newsfeed in RSS Open Data

Kristianstad open data

Issued on 2022-03-25

Newsfeed in RSS details >

Preschools Open Data

Description of location, form of operation, address and website for preschools in the municipality.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Preschools details >

Textile container Open Data

Textile containers placed in Södertälje. The textile containers are owned and managed by Human Bridg

Issued on 2022-01-31

Textile container details >

Recycling centers Open Data

Files containing Södertälje's recycling centers (Telge recycling). Here you can leave bulky rubbish,

Issued on 2022-02-19

Recycling centers details >

Supplier’s ledger 2022 Open Data

In the data set of supplier’s accounts you will find information about the purchases made, supplier

Issued on 2022-03-17

Supplier’s ledger 2022 details >

Transport data food Open Data

Transport data for food to commercial kitchens for the period 2019-01-01-2019-12-31

Issued on 2019-08-28

Transport data food details >

School food Open Data

School food in Södertälje

Issued on

School food details >

Minecraft - terrain map Open Data

Terrain map including Södertälje municipality for Minecraft. The world was created by the municipal

Issued on 2019-05-27

Minecraft - terrain map details >

Paid parking zones Open Data

Description of parking spaces with geographical location and fees.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Paid parking zones details >

Charging stations and charging points for electric vehicles Open Data

The data set contains charging stations and charging points owned by the municipality and which can

Issued on 2019-08-09

Charging stations and charging points for electric vehicles details >

Public toilets Open Data

Location of public toilets in Södertälje municipality

Issued on 2020-04-27

Public toilets details >

Food waste Preschool 2020 Open Data

Food waste Preschools

Issued on 2020-02-18

Food waste Preschool 2020 details >

High schools / Upper Secondary School Open Data

Description of location, mode of operation, address and website for upper secondary schools in the m

Issued on 2018-12-03

High schools / Upper Secondary School details >

Primary schools Open Data

Description of primary schools with geographical location

Issued on 2018-12-17

Primary schools details >

Data Air Quality (IoT) in Södertälje Open Data

Air quality in Södertälje municipality: Södertälje’s measuring points: Östertälje Owner: Södertäl

Issued on 2020-03-09

Data Air Quality (IoT) in Södertälje details >

Parking spaces for the disabled Open Data

Description of parking spaces for the disabled with geographical location and fees.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Parking spaces for the disabled details >

Municipal statistics from Kolada Open Data

Kolada is a database for comparisons and analysis of statistics concerning Sweden's municipalities a

Issued on 2020-04-21

Municipal statistics from Kolada details >

Bird tower Open Data

Location of Bird Tower for bird watching in Södertälje municipality

Issued on 2020-04-23

Bird tower details >

Entrance parking Open Data

Description of entrance parkings with geographical location and fees.

Issued on 2018-12-03

Entrance parking details >

Nature reserve Open Data

Data sets showing the location on various nature reserves in Södertälje municipality, including desc

Issued on 2020-04-24

Nature reserve details >

Walking trails Open Data

Hiking trails in Södertälje municipality. The data set consists of two different files where the KML

Issued on 2020-04-24

Walking trails details >

Bathing places Open Data

Data on public bathing places in Södertälje municipality. Information about geographical location, e

Issued on 2020-06-01

Bathing places details >

Bicycle parking Open Data

Data showing the number of bicycle parking spaces, if there is a roof over the parking spaces, possi

Issued on 2020-04-28

Bicycle parking details >

Exercise tracks parking Open Data

Data in parking spaces adjacent to exercise tracks in Södertälje municipality. Data on the name of e

Issued on 2020-04-28

Exercise tracks parking details >

Walking trails starting points Open Data

Data showing where Södertälje municipality's various hiking trails begin. Some of the hiking trails

Issued on 2020-04-29

Walking trails starting points details >

Bicycle pumps Open Data

Data with the location of public bicycle pumps in Södertälje municipality. Name of the place, any in

Issued on 2020-04-29

Bicycle pumps details >

Cycle paths Open Data

Data with the route of cycle paths in Södertälje municipality in KML and GeoJSON formats.

Issued on 2020-04-29

Cycle paths details >
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