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Lutningskartan Open Data
Karta som visar markens lutning i grader med en upplösning på 2x2 meter.
Issued on
Nyckelbiotoper - Storskogsbruket Open Data
Fältinventering av nyckelbiotoper på Bergvik, Holmen, ASSI och Sveaskogs marker.
Issued on
Naturvårdsavtal -- Skogsstyrelsen Open Data
Naturvårdsavtalet är ett civilrättsligt avtal som tecknas mellan Skogsstyrelsen, länsstyrelse eller
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Avverkningsanmälningar - Skogsstyrelsen Open Data
Anmälan till Skogsstyrelsen görs vid; föryngringsavverkning, avverkning för annat ändamål än virkesp
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Sumpskog - Skogsstyrelsen Open Data
Samlingsnamn för all skogsklädd våtmark. 3 typer, myrskog, fuktskog och strandskog. Myrskogen kan de
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Falbygdens museum Open Data
Fotografier och föremål; många stenyxor
Issued on
Världskulturmuseet showcase Open Data
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Malmö museer, samling Open Data
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Ajtte, geologi Open Data
Issued on
Etnografiska slinga Open Data
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Östasiatiska delutställning Open Data
Issued on
Upplandsmuseet Open Data
Föremål, fotografier, och byggnader
Issued on
Ajtte, evertebrater Open Data
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Etnografiska fotografisk Open Data
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Medelhavsmuseet, utst Open Data
Utställningar som varit på Medelhavsmuseet.
Issued on
Ajtte, mossalava Open Data
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Sounds of Changes Open Data
Ljud, "Work with Sounds"
Issued on
Flygvapenmuseum Open Data
Fotografier, föremål, och kartor
Issued on
Hemsö fästning Open Data
Föremål från Hemsö fästning
Issued on
Kulturmagasinet, Helsingborgs museer, exhibition Open Data
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Status on the Swedish dataportal Open Data
Current harvesting status on which organisations are publishing a data catalogue to the national dat
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Aerial Photos Open Data
Aerial photos in Gävle Municipality in the form of oblique images. All images has undergone safety r
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Charging stations Open Data
Public charging stations owned by Gävle Energi are linked on the website https://www.energimyndighet
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Outdoor gyms Open Data
Outdoor gyms in Gävle Municipality. The Municipality of Gävle disclaims all responsibility for an
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School assignment areas Open Data
School assignment areas in Gävle Municipality. The Municipality of Gävle disclaims all responsibi
Issued on 2020-03-19
Local plans under development Open Data
Local plans under development in Gävle Municipality. For more information about local plans under de
Issued on
Green structure monitoring Open Data
Green structure monitoring in Gävle Municipality 1999-2006. Monitoring of Gävle's green structure h
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Bicycle plan Open Data
Existing and planned bicycles infrastructure consisting bicycle lanes and passages within Gävle Muni
Issued on 2020-10-28
Basemap - Water Open Data
Water, shorelines and water related objects from Gävles basemap. The basemap provided by us is con
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Basemap - Details Open Data
Various objects from Gävles basemap. The basemap provided by us is constructed in an accurate, tim
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Gothenburg suggestions Open Data
Contains göteborgsförslag that is posted on to our website goteborg.se Following get request can be
Issued on 2022-04-29
Water level in Götaälv Open Data
This service publishes water levels measured in Götaälv and Mölndalsån. For Mölndalsån there are als
Issued on 2018-01-08
Cycle paths Open Data
Bicycle lanes Gothenburg
Issued on 2018-01-25
Underlag för fysisk planering Open Data
Planeringskatalogen är en webbaserad söktjänst för planeringsunderlag. I Planeringskatalogen finns r
Issued on
The Government of the Municipalities 1994— Open Data
The Government of the Municipalities 1994—
Issued on
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2006 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2007-06-01
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2009 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2010-06-01
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden, 2010 Open Data
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans is the annual report describing the survei
Issued on 2011-06-01
Open data, examinations of phocids in Swedish waters, 2020 and 2021 Open Data
Health status, diseases and cause of stranding or death of seals examined at SVA in 2020 and 2021. S
Issued on 2021-03-08
Balance sheet Equity and Debt — Local Networks Open Data
The balance sheet of liabilities and equity includes information on corporate equity, provisions, sh
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Balance sheet Assets — Local Networks Open Data
Balance sheet assets are data on network companies’ assets broken down by asset categories, includin
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Profit and loss account — local network Open Data
Profit and loss account is the part of an entity’s financial statements that includes income and exp
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Special Report Economic Data — Local Networks Open Data
The special report — economic data provides information on companies’ revenue from subscriptions, co
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Contacts with the Guide — Hello Consumer Open Data
Questions from consumers or traders to the Hello Consumer Information Service. Contact with the Swe
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Godkända utförare i Hemtjänsten Open Data
Godkända utförare av Hemtjänst enligt LOV
Issued on 2017-01-01
Solkarta Open Data
Med hjälp av Linköping kommuns kartdata kan du se vilka delar av taket som passar bäst för en solcel
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Road constructions Open Data
Den här datamängden beskriver pågående och kommande vägarbeten inom Linköpings kommun som har en all
Issued on
Senior Centre Open Data
Location of Huddinge Municipality Senior Centre
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Retirement homes Open Data
Nursing homes in Huddinge municipality.
Issued on
Habitat (New Insect) Open Data
The dissemination analysis was developed for the entire municipality as a basis for green infrastruc
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Plan fee Open Data
Areas with a plan fee in connection with building permits
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Plans ongoing Open Data
Areas with ongoing plan projects
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24 Hour Noise Railway (2 m) Open Data
Daily equivalent noise levels from rail 2 m above ground
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Municipal roads (2 m) Open Data
Daily equivalent noise levels from municipal road network 2 m above ground. Tyren’s noise mapping.
Issued on
Max Noise Subway (max. 4 m) Open Data
Maximum noise levels from metro 4 m above ground. Tyren’s noise mapping.
Issued on
Provisions (areas) Open Data
The layer contains surfaces for regulations according to Environmental Code The Road Act Water Act C
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Dog baths (points) Open Data
Decided dog bathing areas in Gömmarens nature reserve
Issued on
Traffic Devices Ongoing (ISY Case) Open Data
On-going traffic control plans which must have been entered into ISYCase before commencing traffic c
Issued on
Accumulated upstream areas (SVAR2016) Open Data
A water catchment area is delineated ultimately by a surface watershed and covers both the surface o
Issued on 2020-06-22
SE.ACMF Meteorological observations — Precipitation, averages over the period 1961-90 of monthly and... Open Data
Data series in text format with normal rainfall values for the period 1961-1990. The files contain m
Issued on 2015-07-16
Impact-based weather warnings — API Open Data
SMHI’s forecasting and warning service provides information for the protection of life and property.
Issued on 2021-10-26
Meteorological forecast model PMP3 g (2.8 km resolution) — API Open Data
PMP is a forecasting database that is quality controlled by a meteorologist. The database consists o
Issued on
SE.OF Oceanographic observations — seawater level RH2000, hourly Open Data
Purpose: Analyse trends, land rise and sea level rise. Unit: cm Characteristics: Seawater level in
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Flash data — real-time Open Data
The service delivers information about lightning discharges in Sweden. When a lightning discharge ha
Issued on 2019-01-24
SE.ACMF Meteorological observations — Precipitation hourly Open Data
Purpose: Describes current weather and over time the climate. Basis for climate studies and forecast
Issued on 2013-09-16
Surface-covered solar irradiation model — STRÖNG Open Data
DESCRIPTION The model system calculates a range of radiation parameters at the surface of a grid acr
Issued on 2015-02-03
SE.ACMF Meteorological observations — Wind speed, max medium (10 min) for the last three hours Open Data
Purpose: Describes current weather and over time the climate. Basis for forecasting and climate stud
Issued on 2018-02-20
SE.OF Oceanographic observations — Wave height, maximum Open Data
Purpose: Observe the height of sea waves and improve wave models. Assimilation and validation of mod
Issued on 2020-04-29
Energy consumption in Geographical Area 193505 (Anumark) Open Data
Anonymised consumption data from Umeå Energi per key code area in Umeå Municipality. This data shoul
Issued on 2023-03-16T23:16:06.138Z
Microsoft Teams users per device type over a period of time Open Data
Get the number of unique Microsoft Teams users per device type over a period of time.
Issued on 2023-03-01T03:13:04.342Z
Supplier invoices 2022 Open Data
Information about Umeå Municipality’s supplier invoices for 2022 is collected in this data set. The
Issued on 2023-02-03T13:31:55.356Z
Districts in Umeå Open Data
The city of Umeå is divided into districts, districts, neighbourhoods and neighbourhood units. The c
Issued on 2023-03-05T01:00:05.860Z
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2014-07-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2009-06-30 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2003-04-30 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2003-06-30 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Månadsstatistik premiepension 2001-12-31 Open Data
Statistik Premiepension
Issued on
Premiepension: sparare per fondportfölj Open Data
Premiepension: sparare per fondportfölj
Issued on
Så beräknas inkomstpensionens delningstal Open Data
Delningstal inkomstpension
Issued on
Fund course list in text format Open Data
Statistics Premiepension
Issued on
Statistics premium pension 2019-06-30 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Statistics premium pension 2019-05-31 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
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Statistics premium pension 2018-11-30 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
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Statistics premium pension 2017-02-28 Open Data
Statistics on premium pensions
Issued on
Tax data for previous years than 2016 Open Data
Här hittar du sammanställningar av beskattningsutfall, beskattningssammandrag och debiteringsstatist
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Hospitals Open Data
Compilation of hospitals in Västra Götaland. The data set contains id, hospital name, street name,
Issued on 2019-10-15
Railway crossing Open Data
The data product consists of rail intersection phenomena belonging to the product group STVDB and th
Issued on
Wilderness maps railway 2015-2019 (wild and reindeer accident maps) Open Data
This dataset presents aggregated wildlife accident statistics for large mammals, either collected as
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NVDB Restricted shoulder bogie pressure Open Data
The data product includes a traffic rule, as provided by regulation or other decision, on the restri
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Wall railing closure Open Data
The purpose of the data product is to provide the basis for the procurement of operations and mainte
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Wilderness maps rail 2016-2020 (wild and reindeer accident maps) Open Data
This dataset presents aggregated wildlife accident statistics for large mammals, either collected as
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NVDB Prohibited Direction of Travel Open Data
The type of activity includes a traffic rule on the prohibited direction of travel or the prohibitio
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Bariary maps larger mammals Open Data
Barriärkartor is a package containing road and rail map layers showing barriers and potential passag
Issued on
Operating area Open Data
The data product consists of phenomena of the operational area that belong to the product group STVD
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Well — Slam sucking Open Data
The data product contains information on the location of sludge suction wells within the road area.T
Issued on
Road construction 2009 Open Data
Describes the year that a new building/conversion has been carried out on a road section, and partly
Issued on
City Road Open Data
The data product consists of urban road phenomena belonging to the product group STVDB and the produ
Issued on
Granted residence permits to close relatives 1986-2014 Open Data
Residence permits granted to close relatives (family ties) by citizenship 1986-2014
Issued on 2022-09-16
ResRobot - Reseplanerare Open Data
Tidtabeller för hela Sveriges kollektivtrafik. Här hittar man också hållplatser baserat på geografis
Issued on
SL Reseplanerare 3 Open Data
Journey planning API for
Issued on
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