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Long term income, income inequality indicators by region. Period 2011-2012 - 2019-2020 Open Data
Long term income, income inequality indicators by region, type of income, observations and period
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Long term income, Income distribution (fractiles) by region. Period 2011-2012 - 2019-2020 Open Data
Long term income, Income distribution (fractiles) by region, type of income, distribution measuremen
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Change in income group, net income. Start year/End year 2000/2005 - 2015/2020 Open Data
Change in income group by type of income, study domain, sex, income group start year, income group e
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Persistency in income group, net income. Period 2000-2000 - 2015-2020 Open Data
People remaining in the income group by income group, type of income, study domain, sex, observation
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Number of years in income group, net income. Period 2000-2005 - 2015-2020 Open Data
People by initial income group, number of years, type of income, study domain, sex, observations and
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Population in localities by sex, age and locality. Every fifth year 2005 - 2020 Open Data
Population, number of by region, sex, age, observations and every fifth year
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Number of localities (urban areas) and population density by region. Every fifth year 2005 - 2020 Open Data
Localities by region, observations and every fifth year
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Urban population with more than 30 000 inhabitants with water within 300 meters from dwelling by... Open Data
Urban population with more than 30 000 inhabitants with water within 300 meters from dwelling by loc
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Table 1.15 — Board and management of listed companies. Year 2017-2020 Open Data
Board and management of listed companies by position, gender, table content and year
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Table 1.17 — Board of Directors and Management in Business Administrations. Year 2017-2021 Open Data
Board of Directors and Management in Enterprises by Position, Gender, Table Content and Year
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Table 1.19 — Employees in trade unions 1973-2022 Open Data
Elected representatives in trade unions. Gender distribution by trade union organisation, position,
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Table 6.12 — Reported assault, victims aged 18 and over. Year 2020-2021 Open Data
Reported ill-treatment, victims aged 18 and over by relationship and location of the crime, gender,
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Tabell 2.1 - Från löne- och näringsinkomst till nettoinkomst för personer i åldern 20-64 år. År 2011... Open Data
Från löne- och näringsinkomst till nettoinkomst för personer i åldern 20-64 år efter inkomstslag, kö
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Table 2.11 — Population 20-64 years in and inactive. In 2021 Open Data
Population aged 20-64 in and inactive by labour force, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.11b — Employees aged 20-64 by industry and sector. In 2021 Open Data
Employees 20-64 years by industry/sector, gender, table content and year
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Table 2.11b — Employees 20-64 years by industry and sector, previous definitions. Year 2019-2020 Open Data
Employees 20-64 years by industry/sector, gender, table content and year
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Table 2.11 — Population 20-64 years in and inactive, previous definitions. Year 2018-2020 Open Data
Population aged 20-64 in and inactive by labour force, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.12 — Relative labour force numbers by age. In 2021 Table 2.12 — Relative labour force... Open Data
Labour force figures by sex, age, table content and year
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Table 2.12 — Relative labour force numbers by age, previous definitions. Year 1970-2020 Open Data
Labour force figures by sex, age, table content and year
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Table 2.13 — Population and relative labour force figures by age and region of birth. In 2021 Open Data
Population and relative labour force figures by sex, age, region of birth, table content and year
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Table 2.13 — Population and relative labour force figures by age and region of birth, previous... Open Data
Population and relative labour force figures by sex, age, region of birth, table content and year
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Table 2.14 — Employment rate of persons aged 20-74 by age. In 2021 Open Data
Employment rate by sex, age, table content and year
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Tabell 2.14 - Sysselsättningsgrad för personer i åldern 20-74 år efter ålder, tidigare definitioner.... Open Data
Sysselsättningsgrad efter kön, ålder, tabellinnehåll och år
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Table 2.15 — Employees aged 20-64 by sector and degree of attachment to the labour market. In 2021 Open Data
Employees 20-64 years by sector, degree of attachment to the labour market, gender, table content an
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Tabell 2.15 - Anställda 20-64 år efter sektor och anknytningsgrad till arbetsmarknaden, tidigare... Open Data
Anställda 20-64 år efter sektor, anknytningsgrad till arbetsmarknaden, kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Table 2.16 — The 30 largest professions. Year 2017-2020 Open Data
Top 30 occupations by occupation, gender, table content and years
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Table 2.17 — Degree of gender dominance in the labour market. Year 2017-2020 Open Data
The two-divided labour market by gender, gender, table content and year
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Table 2.18 — Segregation index by age. Year 2017-2020 Open Data
Segregation index by age, table content and year
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Table 2.19 — Employed 20-64 years by age and time usually worked. In 2021 Open Data
Employed persons by time usually worked, age, sex, table content and years
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Table 2.19b — Percentage of persons aged 20-64 by labour force affiliation and time normally worked.... Open Data
Share of employed persons aged 20-64 by time usually worked, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.19b — Percentage of persons aged 20-64 by labour force affiliation and time normally worked,... Open Data
Share of employed persons aged 20-64 by time usually worked, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.19 — Employed 20-64 years by age and time usually worked, previous definitions. Year... Open Data
Employed persons by time usually worked, age, sex, table content and years
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Tabell 2.2 - Från löne- och näringsinkomst till nettoinkomst för personer i åldern 65 år och äldre.... Open Data
Från löne- och näringsinkomst till nettoinkomst för personer i åldern 65 år och äldre efter inkomsts
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Table 2.20 — Employed 20-74. Average time worked by age. In 2021 Open Data
Employed persons by age, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.20 — Employed 20-74. Average time worked by age, previous definitions. Year 2018-2020 Open Data
Employed persons by age, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.21 — Employed 20-64 years by age and degree of attachment to the labour market. In 2021 Open Data
Employed persons by association with the labour market, age, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.21 — Employed 20-64 years by age and degree of attachment to the labour market, previous... Open Data
Employed persons by association with the labour market, age, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.22 — Temporary employees 20-64 years by type of employment. In 2021 Open Data
Fixed-term employees 20-64 years by type of employment, gender, metric and year
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Table 2.22 — Temporary employees 20-64 years by type of employment, previous definitions. Year... Open Data
Fixed-term employees 20-64 years by type of employment, gender, metric and year
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Table 2.23 — Employed parents aged 20-64 with children aged 16 and younger after the age of the... Open Data
Employed persons by connection to the labour market, age of youngest child, gender, table content an
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Table 2.23 — Employed parents aged 20-64 with children aged 16 and younger after the age of the... Open Data
Employed persons by connection to the labour market, age of youngest child, gender, table content an
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Table 2.24 — Employed parents aged 20-64 with children living at home after the age of the youngest... Open Data
Employed parents aged 20-64 by length of working time, number of children, age of youngest child, se
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Table 2.24b — Employed 20-64. Actual and commonly worked time on average per week by household type,... Open Data
Employed persons by sex, household type, age of children, table content and year
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Table 2.24 — Employed parents aged 20-64 with children living at home after age of youngest child... Open Data
Employed parents aged 20-64 by length of working time, number of children, age of youngest child, se
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Table 2.25 — Employed 20-64 years by age and usually worked, full-time and part-time. In 2021 Table... Open Data
Employed persons by age, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.25 — Employed 20-64 years by age and usually worked, full-time and part-time, previous... Open Data
Employed persons by age, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.26 — Cause of part-time work for persons aged 20-64, previous definitions. Year 2018-2020 Open Data
Reason for part-time work for persons aged 20-64 by reason of part-time work, gender, metric value a
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Table 2.27 — Unemployed 20-64 years by level of education and time in unemployment. In 2021 Open Data
Unemployed persons by level of education, unemployment, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.27 — Unemployed 20-64 years by level of education and time in unemployment, previous... Open Data
Unemployed persons by level of education, unemployment, sex, table content and year
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Table 2.28 — Underemployed part-time workers 20-64 years by level of education and time... Open Data
Underemployed part-time workers by level of education, time as underemployed, gender, table content
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Table 2.29 — Underemployed part-time workers aged 20-64 by age. In 2021 Open Data
Underemployed part-time employees by age, gender, metric and year
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Table 2.29 — Part-time underemployed 20-64 years by age, previous definitions. Year 2018-2020 Open Data
Underemployed part-time employees by age, gender, metric and year
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Tabell 2.3 - Disponibel inkomst per konsumtionsenhet för hushåll 20-64 år efter hushållstyp. År 2011... Open Data
Disponibel inkomst per konsumtionsenhet för hushåll 20-64 år. Medianinkomst, kronor i tusental efter
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Table 2.30 — Persons aged 20 to 64 who do not belong to the labour force by main activity. In 2021 Open Data
Persons aged 20-64 who do not belong to the labour force by main activity, sex, metric and year
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Table 2.30 — Persons aged 20-64 who do not belong to the labour force by main activity, previous... Open Data
Persons aged 20-64 who do not belong to the labour force by main activity, sex, metric and year
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Table 2.31 — Ongoing sickness benefit in December. In 1974-2021 Open Data
Ongoing sickness benefit cases. Number in 1000s by length, sex, table content and year of sickness b
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Table 2.32 — Persons with sickness and activity benefits in December by age. Year 2003-2021 Open Data
Persons with sickness and activity compensation in December by age, gender, table content and year
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Table 2.33 — Absence due to illness all or part of the reference week by age. In 2021 Open Data
Absent due to illness all or part of the reference week by age by whole or part of the reference wee
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Tabell 2.4 - Disponibel inkomst efter hushållstyp och antal barn. År 2011 - 2020 Open Data
Disponibel inkomst efter hushållstyp, kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Tabell 2.7 - Ersatta dagar för vård av barn. År 1974 - 2021 Open Data
Ersatta dagar för vård av barn efter vård av barn, kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Tabell 2.8 - Frånvarande hela veckan p.g.a. föräldraledighet efter frånvarotid och utbildningsnivå.... Open Data
Frånvarande hela veckan p.g.a. föräldraledighet efter frånvarotid, utbildningsnivå, kön, tabellinneh
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Table 2.8 — Absence throughout the week due to parental leave by period of absence and level of... Open Data
Absence throughout the week due to parental leave by period of absence, level of education, gender,
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Tabell 4.11 - Personer med närståendepenning. År 1999 - 2021 Open Data
Personer med närståendepenning efter kön, mätvärde och år
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Table 4.12 — Parents who are recipients of care allowance and additional cost reimbursement for... Open Data
Parents who are recipients of care allowance and additional cost reimbursement for children by recip
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Tabell 4.2 - Ersatta dagar för vård av barn. År 1974 - 2021 Open Data
Ersatta dagar för vård av barn efter kön, tabellinnehåll och år
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Tabell 4.8 - Sysselsatta 20-64 år efter ålder och heltid och deltid. År 2021 Open Data
Sysselsatta 20-64 år efter ålder och heltid och deltid efter veckoarbetstid, ålder, kön, mätvärde oc
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Table 4.8 — Employed 20-64 years by age and full-time and part-time, previous definitions. Year... Open Data
Employed persons aged 20-64 by age and full-time and part-time by weekly working time, age, sex, met
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Tabell 4.9 - Sysselsatta 20-64 år som arbetar deltid av orsak som vård av barn och vård av vuxen... Open Data
Sysselsatta 20-64 år som arbetar deltid efter orsak, kön, mätvärde och år
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Table 4.9 — Employed 20-64 years working part-time for reasons such as child care and care of adult... Open Data
Employed persons aged 20-64 working part-time by reason, sex, metric and year
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Table 3.11 — Retiring from upper secondary school by programme or affiliation. Academic year... Open Data
Departures from upper secondary school by upper secondary school programme, gender, table content an
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Table 3.12 — Students with basic eligibility for higher education studies according to Swedish and... Open Data
Students with basic eligibility for higher education studies by Swedish and foreign background, gend
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Table 3.13 — Students in upper secondary school year 3 who, directly into the autumn, are... Open Data
Students in upper secondary school year 3 who transition to comvux after graduation/not graduation,
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Table 3.21 — Students at folk high schools by course orientation and course type in the autumn... Open Data
Students at folk high schools by course orientation and course type. Number by course orientation, c
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Table 3.24 — Personnel in kindergarten after education. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Pre-school staff by education, gender, table content and year
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Table 3.25 — Personnel in primary school by education. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Staff in primary school by education by category of teacher, gender, table content and year
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Table 3.26 — Personnel in upper secondary school by education. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Staff in upper secondary school by education by category of teacher, gender, table content and year
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Table 3.33 — Graduates from university/university establishment in the labour market one year after... Open Data
Graduated from university/university establishment in the labour market one year after completing st
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Table 3.34 — Graduates from postgraduate education establishment in the labour market three years... Open Data
Graduates from postgraduate education establishment in the labour market one year after completing s
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Table 3.5 — Students in upper secondary school by programme and Swedish and foreign background.... Open Data
Students at upper secondary school by upper secondary school programme, Swedish and foreign backgrou
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Table 3.6 — Students on programmes with unequal gender distribution in upper secondary schools and... Open Data
Students on programmes with gender imbalance in upper secondary school by upper secondary school pro
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Table 3.7 — Retired pupils from upper secondary school by gender distribution in upper secondary... Open Data
Resigned pupils from upper secondary school by gender distribution in upper secondary school program
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Table 3.8 — Students in upper secondary school by type of programme and by parents’ level of... Open Data
Upper secondary school students by programme type, parental education level, Swedish and foreign bac
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Table 3.9 — grade score for pupils at upper secondary school with final grades according to Swedish... Open Data
Average grade score with final grade by parent’s educational level, Swedish and foreign background,
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Table 5.16 — Labour force affiliation of persons with disabilities and the rest of the population... Open Data
Labour force status of persons with disabilities and the rest of the population aged 16-64 by labour
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Table 5.17 — Unhealth by age. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Unhealth by age, gender, table content and year
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Table 5.18 — sickness benefit by age. Year 2000-2021 Open Data
Number of sickness benefits by age, sex, table content and year
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Table 5.19 — Ongoing illness due to adaptation disorders and reaction to severe stress. Month... Open Data
Ongoing illness due to adaptation disorders and reaction to severe stress by sex, table content and
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Table 5.20 — Ongoing illness due to depressive episode. Quarter 2005K1-2021K4 Open Data
Ongoing illness due to depressive episode by sex, table content and quarter
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Table 5.25 — Causes of death by age. Death toll. Year 2017-2019 Open Data
Causes of death. Number of deaths per 100,000 of the average population by cause of death, age, gend
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Table 5.26 — Causes of death for people aged 35-79 by level of education. Year 2017-2019 Open Data
Causes of death for people aged 35-79 years. Number of deaths per 100,000 of the average population
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Table 5.26 — Causes of death for people aged 35-84 by level of education. The year 2020 Open Data
Causes of death for people aged 35-84 years. Number of deaths per 100,000 of the average population
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Table 5.28 — Grade III and IV failures in vaginal childbirth by parity. In 1990-2020 Open Data
Grades III and IV stretch marks in vaginal childbirth by parity, table content and years
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Table 5.29 — Grade III and IV perineal ruptures in vaginal childbirth among first-natal females by... Open Data
Grades III and IV perineal stretch marks during vaginal childbirth. Percentage, age-standard values
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Table 5.30 — Women questioned about exposure to violence in connection with visits to maternal... Open Data
Women who have been asked about exposure to violence in connection with visits to maternal health ca
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Table 5.32 — Complaints to patient boards after the most recurring sub-problems. The year 2017 Open Data
Complaints to patient boards by partial problems, gender, table contents and years
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Table 5.33 — Critical decision of the Health and Social Care Inspectorate according to the subject... Open Data
Critical decision of the Health and Social Care Inspectorate according to the subject matter, gender
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Table 5.38 — Persons with LSS intervention by disability and age 1 October. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Persons with intervention according to LSS 1 October each year. Number per 10,000 inhabitants by dis
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Table 5.39 — Persons with LSS operation by type of operation on 1 October. Year 2018-2021 Open Data
Persons with intervention according to LSS 1 October each year. Number by type of operation, gender,
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Table 6.11 — Percentage of women questioned about exposure to violence in connection with visits to... Open Data
Percentage of women who have been asked about exposure to violence in connection with visits to mate
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Table 6.13 — Reported aggravated violation of women’s freedom. Year 1998-2021 Open Data
Reported aggravated violation of women’s freedom. Number by table content and year
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