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Données de la Pluviométrie Annuelle Moyenne de la Guyane de 1979 (2017) Open Data

La donnée vectorielle réalisée est une numérisation au 1/200.000e de la carte de la Climatologie (OR

Issued on 2017-02-24

Données de la Pluviométrie Annuelle Moyenne de la Guyane de 1979 (2017) details >

Points de mesure - Nappes du Lutétien / Yprésien (BE 2013) Open Data

Aquifère du Lutétien et de l'Yprésien (Eocène moyen et inférieur) Cartes piézométriques basses eaux

Issued on

Points de mesure - Nappes du Lutétien / Yprésien (BE 2013) details >

Zones d'Activité Commerciale (ZAC) du département du Var Open Data

Emprise des Zones d'Activité Commerciale (ZAC) dans le département du Var

Issued on 2016-04-18

Zones d'Activité Commerciale (ZAC) du département du Var details >

Léchiagat - Tréffiagat (Finistère). Profils des plages de Lehan (P1), Skividen (P2) et de Kersauz... Open Data

Étude des variations du profil de plage (plage intertidale + dune). Profils des plages de Lehan (Pr

Issued on 2016-05-27T09:40:00Z

Léchiagat - Tréffiagat (Finistère). Profils des plages de Lehan (P1), Skividen (P2) et de Kersauz... details >

Multi-decade follow-up of the coast line of Porz beach (Island of Trielen, Molène Archipelago,... Open Data

Study of the kinematics of the coast line of the island of Trielen (Porz beach), located in the arch

Issued on 2016-05-27T15:00:00Z

Multi-decade follow-up of the coast line of Porz beach (Island of Trielen, Molène Archipelago,... details >

Surface bâtimentaire des établissements du département du Var Open Data

Emprise des établissements recevant du public, des établissements public, des entreprises, des équip

Issued on 2016-03-10

Surface bâtimentaire des établissements du département du Var details >

Scope of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications in Limousin in 2013 Open Data

Geographical areas of municipalities forming part of the protected designations of origin (PDO) and

Issued on

Scope of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications in Limousin in 2013 details >

Surfaces militaires du département du Var Open Data

emprises des terrains militaires dans le département du Var

Issued on 2016-03-10

Surfaces militaires du département du Var details >

Modèle Numérique de Surface de Camopi Open Data

Modèle Numérique de Surface de la commune de Camopi.

Issued on

Modèle Numérique de Surface de Camopi details >

areas vulnerable to pollution of nitrates of agricultural origin in the PUY DE DOME (Order of... Open Data

Vulnerable zones are all areas that feed into or likely to be affected by nitrate pollution and cont

Issued on

areas vulnerable to pollution of nitrates of agricultural origin in the PUY DE DOME (Order of... details >

Localisation des parkings dans le département du Var Open Data

Localisation des parkings dans le département du Var

Issued on 2016-04-18

Localisation des parkings dans le département du Var details >

Zone de corridors diffus pour la sous-trame pelouses et landes sèches à humides sur sols acides du... Open Data

Cette table liste les différentes zones de corridors diffus à préciser localement pour la sous-trame

Issued on

Zone de corridors diffus pour la sous-trame pelouses et landes sèches à humides sur sols acides du... details >

Reliability of the model Milieux Predisposed to the Presence of Humid Zones — Normandy. Open Data

Reliability of the model Milieux Predisposed to the Presence of Humid Zones (MPPZH) in Normandy. Lin

Issued on

Reliability of the model Milieux Predisposed to the Presence of Humid Zones — Normandy. details >

Bassin Loire : Production de juvéniles de saumon atlantique Open Data

Le recrutement en juvéniles de saumon est réalisé avec la méthode des indices d’abondance. Cette mét

Issued on 2019-04-24

Bassin Loire : Production de juvéniles de saumon atlantique details >

Carroyage 100m sur le département du Var Open Data

Quadrillage 100m sur le département du Var.

Issued on 2016-03-10

Carroyage 100m sur le département du Var details >

Masses d'eau de surface - référentiel du SDAGE 2016-2021 (Rivières, Lac, Littoral, Bassins versants) Open Data

Les masses d'eau sont des objets dérivés du référentiel hydrographique Bd Carthage. Ce sont des lacs

Issued on

Masses d'eau de surface - référentiel du SDAGE 2016-2021 (Rivières, Lac, Littoral, Bassins versants) details >


Aire parcellaire délimitée de l'AOP COTE-DE-BROUILLY En application des réglementations européenne

Issued on


Limite du mur du Dogger dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse Open Data

Limite du mur du Dogger dans le bassin versant Rhin-Meuse et en Lorraine issues du rapport LE NINDRE

Issued on

Limite du mur du Dogger dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse details >

Carte géométrique du cours du Rhône depuis Genève jusqu'au confluent du Guyer (1760) Open Data

7 plans cartographiques en noir et blanc, bruts et géoréférencés, du cours du Rhône dressés en 1760

Issued on 2014-03-09T00:00:00Z

Carte géométrique du cours du Rhône depuis Genève jusqu'au confluent du Guyer (1760) details >

Partial New-Aquitaine: Dams Open Data

Dikes in ex-Aquitaine and ex-Poitou-Charentes. Data compiled from the Hydraulic Works Information Sy

Issued on

Partial New-Aquitaine: Dams details >

Fichiers Fonciers tables principales millésime 2014 Open Data

Ce sont les fichiers traités par le CEREMA DTer Nord-Picardie pour faciliter l'utilisation des fichi

Issued on

Fichiers Fonciers tables principales millésime 2014 details >

New-Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion) — Objects describing the right-of-way and... Open Data

This data set contains the right-of-way and useful characteristics of the flood risk territory produ

Issued on 2017-01-11

New-Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion) — Objects describing the right-of-way and... details >

Schémas d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux (SAGE) du bassin Loire-Bretagne Open Data

Zone d'application des Schéma d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux sur le bassin Loire-Bretagne Cent

Issued on

Schémas d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux (SAGE) du bassin Loire-Bretagne details >

Atlas of completion and first maintenance work (1891) Open Data

53 color map plans, georeferenced, drawn around 1891 by the Administration des Ponts et Chaussées (S

Issued on

Atlas of completion and first maintenance work (1891) details >

Elevages inondés dans le département du Var Open Data

Localisation des élevages d'animaux posant problème lors d'inondations dans le département du Var

Issued on 2016-03-10

Elevages inondés dans le département du Var details >

Massif au titre de la loi dite «loi montagne» sur Rhône-Alpes Open Data

Massif au titre de la loi "montagne" n° 85-30 du 9 janvier 1985 relative au développement et à la pr

Issued on

Massif au titre de la loi dite «loi montagne» sur Rhône-Alpes details >

Tracé des pontons dans le département du Var Open Data

Localisation des pontons dans le département du Var.

Issued on 2016-04-18

Tracé des pontons dans le département du Var details >

Zones réglementées du Plan de Prévention des Risques d'Inondation de la rivière RENAISON et... Open Data

Les plans de prévention des risques (PPR) constituent l'instrument essentiel de l'État en matière de

Issued on

Zones réglementées du Plan de Prévention des Risques d'Inondation de la rivière RENAISON et... details >

Concentrations horaires de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau mobile de mesures de... Open Data

Concentrations horaires issues du réseau mobile de mesure des polluants suivants réglementés dans l'

Issued on 2018-03-08

Concentrations horaires de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau mobile de mesures de... details >

Repères de crue sur le bassin de la Loire Open Data

BDRC_REPERES contient l'ensemble des repères de crue issu du recensement de la DREAL sur le territoi

Issued on 2014-04-14

Repères de crue sur le bassin de la Loire details >

Multi-annual monitoring of morphological changes on the island of Banneg (Molean Archipelago,... Open Data

Study of morphosedimentary changes in clusters of cyclopean blocks. Study coming back as part of the

Issued on 2016-05-31T09:05:00Z

Multi-annual monitoring of morphological changes on the island of Banneg (Molean Archipelago,... details >

Etude Littosis - Isopaque (Raster) Open Data

La carte isopaque (carte des épaisseurs) de l’USU a été réalisée en faisant la différence entre la c

Issued on 2022-01-03

Etude Littosis - Isopaque (Raster) details >

Composition de la densité totale de chaque station observée par vidéo rotative STAVIRO par groupe... Open Data

Composition de la densité totale de chaque station observée par vidéo rotative STAVIRO par groupe tr

Issued on 2018-02-06

Composition de la densité totale de chaque station observée par vidéo rotative STAVIRO par groupe... details >

Multi-decade follow-up of the coast line of Aod Allamm (Island of Trielen, Molène Archipelago,... Open Data

Study of the kinematics of the coast line of the island of Trielen (cordon of Aod Allamm) located in

Issued on 2016-05-27T15:00:00Z

Multi-decade follow-up of the coast line of Aod Allamm (Island of Trielen, Molène Archipelago,... details >

Multi-decade follow-up of the Penn Braz coast line (Island of Trielen, Molène Archipelago,... Open Data

Study of the kinematics of the coast line of the island of Trielen (fale furniture of Penn Braz), lo

Issued on 2016-05-27T15:00:00Z

Multi-decade follow-up of the Penn Braz coast line (Island of Trielen, Molène Archipelago,... details >

Référentiel foncier public de Guyane en 2013 Open Data

Représentation cartographique des propriétaires et gestionnaires des parcelles bâtis et non bâtis pa

Issued on

Référentiel foncier public de Guyane en 2013 details >

Multi-annual monitoring of the coastline of the island of Lez ar Chrizienn (Molene Archipelago,... Open Data

Study of the kinematics of the coastline of the island of Lez ar Chrizienn, located in the archipela

Issued on 2016-05-27T15:00:00Z

Multi-annual monitoring of the coastline of the island of Lez ar Chrizienn (Molene Archipelago,... details >

Emprise des pages de l'atlas urbain opérationnel au 1/5000 format A4 sur le département du Var Open Data

emprise des pages de atlas urbain opérationnel A4 au 1/5000 sur le département du Var.

Issued on 2016-03-10

Emprise des pages de l'atlas urbain opérationnel au 1/5000 format A4 sur le département du Var details >

Levé topographique LASER sur le fleuve Oyapock, Saut Moulouwa Matinon Kangué (2013) - Modèle... Open Data

Dans le cadre de l'aménagement des sauts sur le fleuve Oyapock, la DEAL a acquis en 2013 des levés t

Issued on 2014-05-20

Levé topographique LASER sur le fleuve Oyapock, Saut Moulouwa Matinon Kangué (2013) - Modèle... details >

Surface water table levels in 2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2005 and 2007 in Poitou-Charentes (surface) Open Data

This map illustrates, through the operation of the daily surveys of relevant piezometric stations (s

Issued on

Surface water table levels in 2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2005 and 2007 in Poitou-Charentes (surface) details >

Isopièzes de la nappe des Calcaires de Pithiviers (Oligocène) - HE 2002 (DREAL Centre) Open Data

Carte des hautes eaux de la nappe des calcaires de Pithiviers, année 2002. Aquifère de l'Oligocène.

Issued on

Isopièzes de la nappe des Calcaires de Pithiviers (Oligocène) - HE 2002 (DREAL Centre) details >

Bassin Loire : Surfaces d'habitats productifs pour le saumon Open Data

En dehors des obstacles à la migration des géniteurs de saumons, la reproduction et le potentiel de

Issued on 2019-04-24

Bassin Loire : Surfaces d'habitats productifs pour le saumon details >


This dataset shows the islands that have been sown in tender (RPG2014) Winter soft ble = BH EP Soft

Issued on 2014-12-22

RPG2014_ILOTS_BLE_TENDRE details >

Plan de récolement du réseau d'eau dans le cadre de la RHI du quartier Jamaica d'Apatou : planche 2... Open Data

Plan de récolement du réseau d'eau dans le cadre de la RHI du quartier Jamaica d'Apatou. Cette plan

Issued on

Plan de récolement du réseau d'eau dans le cadre de la RHI du quartier Jamaica d'Apatou : planche 2... details >

Bathy-morphologie régionale de la façade Manche et Atlantique (édition 2014, résolution 100m) Open Data

Modèle bathymétrique (MNT) à 100m de résolution de la façade Atlantique et Manche à partir d'une com

Issued on

Bathy-morphologie régionale de la façade Manche et Atlantique (édition 2014, résolution 100m) details >

Plan n°4 du réseau d'adduction d'eau potable d'Iracoubo (2001) Open Data

Carte scannée du réseau d'adduction d'eau potable de la commune d'Iracoubo.

Issued on

Plan n°4 du réseau d'adduction d'eau potable d'Iracoubo (2001) details >

Zones de phénomènes pédogénétiques (Carte des formations superficielles) Open Data

Données de localisation des zones où des phénomènes hydromorphiques du type encroûtement, accumulati

Issued on

Zones de phénomènes pédogénétiques (Carte des formations superficielles) details >

Massifs forestiers de l'Orne Open Data

Massifs forestiers en 2010 - source : Office National des Forêts en Basse-Normandie (ONF 25)

Issued on 2013-01-30T16:13:00Z

Massifs forestiers de l'Orne details >

Carroyage de 200m des cartes urbaines opérationnelles sur le département du Var Open Data

Carroyage 200m des cartes urbaines opérationnelles sur le département du Var.

Issued on 2016-03-10

Carroyage de 200m des cartes urbaines opérationnelles sur le département du Var details >

Zonage_cognac_ Grand_Crus arrested INAO June 2012 Open Data

Henri Coquand (1811-1881, professor of geology) studied the geology of the region in the middle of t

Issued on 2014-09-12

Zonage_cognac_ Grand_Crus arrested INAO June 2012 details >

Carte de la Climatologie de la Guyane de 1978 (2017) Open Data

Image géolocalisée en RGFG 95 UTM 22 Nord extraite de la carte de la Climatologie de la Guyane (ORST

Issued on 2017-02-24

Carte de la Climatologie de la Guyane de 1978 (2017) details >

New-Aquitaine: Bordeaux Sorting (marine submersion) — Wastewater treatment plant issues, Flood... Open Data

Table of issues related to wastewater treatment plants, produced for reporting purposes for the Euro

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Bordeaux Sorting (marine submersion) — Wastewater treatment plant issues, Flood... details >

Plan Local Urbanism of the municipality of PLEDRAN Open Data

Local Urbanisation Plan (PLU) digitised. This lot informs the right to build in the municipality of

Issued on 2017-02-15

Plan Local Urbanism of the municipality of PLEDRAN details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de la commune de PLOUFRAGAN Open Data

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) numérisé. Ce lot informe du droit à bâtir sur la commune de PLOUFRAGAN.

Issued on 2018-11-23

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de la commune de PLOUFRAGAN details >

Urban areas 2010 of Corrèze and neighbouring departments Open Data

N_URBAINE_AIRE_2010_ZSUP_000 Urban areas 2010 of Corrèze and neighbouring departments

Issued on 2020-11-25

Urban areas 2010 of Corrèze and neighbouring departments details >

Scope of risk exposure of the PPRN of the commune of Rouvres-en-plaine in Côte-d’Or Open Data

This layer contains the perimeters of risk exposure of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan of Rover-en-

Issued on 2016-05-04

Scope of risk exposure of the PPRN of the commune of Rouvres-en-plaine in Côte-d’Or details >

Secteurs affectés par le bruit sur le Jura (zones de type B) Open Data

Carte de type B localisant les secteurs affectés par le bruit tels que désignés par le classement so

Issued on 2018-03-23

Secteurs affectés par le bruit sur le Jura (zones de type B) details >

PPRT — PPRT Perimeter — BRENNTAG (54) Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRT. The cha

Issued on 2017-05-22

PPRT — PPRT Perimeter — BRENNTAG (54) details >

Location of SNCF Stations — Aveyron Open Data

Location of railway stations SNCF — Aveyron. Source: RFF 2012

Issued on 2019-02-27

Location of SNCF Stations — Aveyron details >

Establishments in the areas — Tarn Open Data

Location of establishments present in the lots and in the areas. This table contains all establishm

Issued on 2015-09-24

Establishments in the areas — Tarn details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20160020_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the commune of Jû-Belloc in the department of Gers. For PP

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20160020_S_032 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of landslide — Commune de Montastruc — Document —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2015-12-02

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of landslide — Commune de Montastruc — Document —... details >

Perimeter of PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Nonards — Corrèze Open Data

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20100013_S_019 Perimeter of PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Nonards — Corrèze

Issued on 2020-11-05

Perimeter of PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Nonards — Corrèze details >

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 21.01.2014) of the city of Vesdun Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines two types of areas for municipal maps: however, there are special ca

Issued on 2015-12-07

Areas of the municipal map (doc. of 21.01.2014) of the city of Vesdun details >


This layer, based on reporting data, includes the territories where large game hunting plans apply f

Issued on 2019-08-21


Mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Bazian (Gers) Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Bazian in the Gers department is extr

Issued on 2017-10-06

Mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Bazian (Gers) details >

Zone du PLU of the commune of Dreuil les Amiens Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2017-10-07

Zone du PLU of the commune of Dreuil les Amiens details >

Restricted area of the Prevention Plan of the Predictable Natural Risks of the commune of Roquevaire... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2019-07-08

Restricted area of the Prevention Plan of the Predictable Natural Risks of the commune of Roquevaire... details >

PPRN — Area regulated by Article R111-3 on the commune of Haraucourt (54250) Open Data

Pursuant to Article R.111-3 of the Urban Planning Code, these areas define the risk of subsidisation

Issued on 2019-04-23

PPRN — Area regulated by Article R111-3 on the commune of Haraucourt (54250) details >

Requirements relating to the local urban planning plan of Tabre Open Data

The surface requirements of the local planning plan (LDP) are digitised in accordance with the natio

Issued on 2017-10-07

Requirements relating to the local urban planning plan of Tabre details >

DDT 70 — Areas of subsidence and collapse phenomena: local inventory 2018 Open Data

Identifying one-time subsidence and collapse indices from a local inventory carried out in 2018.

Issued on 2018-09-04

DDT 70 — Areas of subsidence and collapse phenomena: local inventory 2018 details >

Communes de l'aire géographique du camembert de Normandie AOC AOP dans le département de l'Orne. Open Data

Le camembert de Normandie est un fromage à pâte molle et à croûte fleurie élaboré à partir d’un lait

Issued on 2018-07-27

Communes de l'aire géographique du camembert de Normandie AOC AOP dans le département de l'Orne. details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140373_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Lagardère in the Gers department is extrac

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140373_S_032 details >

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Yonval Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2017-10-07

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Yonval details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140306_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Sainte-Mère in the department of Gers is e

Issued on 2020-10-12

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140306_S_032 details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140370_S_032 Open Data

The map of the hay removal of clays in Gazaupouy commune in the Gers department is extracted from th

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140370_S_032 details >

Regulated area of the PPRN of the catchment area of the Lézarde — Seine-Maritime Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2020-12-18

Regulated area of the PPRN of the catchment area of the Lézarde — Seine-Maritime details >

Protection zone for a catchment feeding area Open Data

In response to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, the Water and Aquatic Environments

Issued on 2021-09-02

Protection zone for a catchment feeding area details >

Regulatory areas of the PPRi of Val du Louet and Confluence of Maine and Loire Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2021-03-08

Regulatory areas of the PPRi of Val du Louet and Confluence of Maine and Loire details >

Watercourse mapping as of 12 June 2015 in the Loiret department (45) Open Data

The government instruction of 3 June 2015 requires the State services to carry out a mapping of rive

Issued on 2019-01-11

Watercourse mapping as of 12 June 2015 in the Loiret department (45) details >

Information perimeter of the PLU of the municipality of Caours Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2017-10-07

Information perimeter of the PLU of the municipality of Caours details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140448_S_032 Open Data

Scope of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the commune of Réans in the d

Issued on 2020-10-05

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140448_S_032 details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140365_S_032 Open Data

Perimeter of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Cazen

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140365_S_032 details >

Informative scope of urban planning documents that can be used in Haute-Savoie Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2017-08-02

Informative scope of urban planning documents that can be used in Haute-Savoie details >

Surface generators related to grade PM3 easements in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The PM3 easements result from the establishment of technological risk prevention plans (RTPPs) desig

Issued on 2017-01-04

Surface generators related to grade PM3 easements in Côte-d’Or details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140171_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Antras in the department of Gers is e

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140171_S_032 details >

Table describing areas of exceedance of the 24-hour Noise limit values on D920 in the Loiret... Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2019-03-13

Table describing areas of exceedance of the 24-hour Noise limit values on D920 in the Loiret... details >

Exercise of hunting rights — 1999-2004 — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne Open Data

Delimitation of territories in which the right to hunt is not used, is limited or extended. These a

Issued on 2017-10-07

Exercise of hunting rights — 1999-2004 — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140329_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Tieste-Uragnoux in the department of

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140329_S_032 details >

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2017-10-07

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Longpre-les-Corps-Saints details >

Classes of water heights and flow velocities of the PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Astaillac... Open Data

L_INFO_PPRN_20100003_S_019 Classes of water heights and flow velocities of the PPRI 2013 Dordogne an

Issued on 2020-10-29

Classes of water heights and flow velocities of the PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Astaillac... details >

Table describing areas of exceedance of the 24-hour Noise limit values on D928 in the Loiret... Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2019-03-13

Table describing areas of exceedance of the 24-hour Noise limit values on D928 in the Loiret... details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140388_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Valencia-sur-Baïse in the department

Issued on 2020-10-12

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140388_S_032 details >

Detailed requirements of the local planning plan of Crampagna Open Data

The surface requirements of the local planning plan (LDP) are digitised in accordance with the natio

Issued on 2017-10-07

Detailed requirements of the local planning plan of Crampagna details >

Rivers for compliance with GAEC and application distances — Ille-et-Vilaine (35) Open Data

The reference watercourse usable in Ille-et-Vilaine for the application of the rules of good agricul

Issued on 2019-04-02

Rivers for compliance with GAEC and application distances — Ille-et-Vilaine (35) details >

Mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Callian (Gers) Open Data

The mapping of the clay removal in the Callian commune in the Gers department is extracted from the

Issued on 2017-10-06

Mapping of the hay removal of clays in the municipality of Callian (Gers) details >

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of landslide — Municipality of Piquecos — Document —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2015-11-30

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of landslide — Municipality of Piquecos — Document —... details >

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Cambron Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2017-10-07

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Cambron details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140347_S_032 Open Data

Perimeter of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Gaudo

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140347_S_032 details >

PPRN — Risk Entities for CRUSNES Mining RPP (54149) Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2020-11-27

PPRN — Risk Entities for CRUSNES Mining RPP (54149) details >
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