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Protection zone of a catchment feeding area (ACA) intended for the AEP in the Drôme Open Data

Catchment Feeding Area Protection Area (PAC) defined by regulation, where action programs for farmer

Issued on 2021-07-29

Protection zone of a catchment feeding area (ACA) intended for the AEP in the Drôme details >

Surface generators linked to the easements of protected agricultural areas (category A9) in the... Open Data

Category A9 easements concern protected agricultural areas, i.e. agricultural areas the preservation

Issued on 2017-12-05

Surface generators linked to the easements of protected agricultural areas (category A9) in the... details >

Water — Eutrophication sensitive areas in Central Region Open Data

Sensitive areas require more stringent treatment of urban waste water. They include bodies of water

Issued on 2017-10-02

Water — Eutrophication sensitive areas in Central Region details >

N_RPG_ANONYME_S_067_2010 Open Data

An island is a set of crop parcels:- contiguous, whole or partial, bearing one or more crops, farmed

Issued on 2017-05-05

N_RPG_ANONYME_S_067_2010 details >

Linear layout covering the plan of the PLU (doc. of 23.9.2011) of the municipality of Méry-sur-Cher Open Data

The cladding elements are entries in relation to a regulatory provision (way width, odds, names of n

Issued on 2016-04-12

Linear layout covering the plan of the PLU (doc. of 23.9.2011) of the municipality of Méry-sur-Cher details >

Informative perimeters of ORLU’s local planning plan Open Data

The informational perimeters of the local planning plan (LDP) are digitised in accordance with the n

Issued on 2017-10-07

Informative perimeters of ORLU’s local planning plan details >

Strategic Noise Maps — Granted Highways — Type C card (day) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise sets out a

Issued on 2017-03-06

Strategic Noise Maps — Granted Highways — Type C card (day) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 details >

Planning — Linear Prescription of PLU/POS in Loir-and-Cher Open Data


Issued on 2017-09-21

Planning — Linear Prescription of PLU/POS in Loir-and-Cher details >

SUP PT2 (60) Open Data

Easements relating to radio transmissions concerning the protection of transmission and reception ce

Issued on 2020-07-27

SUP PT2 (60) details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140531_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the commune of Tournecoupe in the department of Gers. For

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140531_S_032 details >

Linear information of the POS (doc. of 29.12.1988) of the municipality of Saint-Caprais Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-19

Linear information of the POS (doc. of 29.12.1988) of the municipality of Saint-Caprais details >

Intercommunality — Areas of competence in Sanitation Open Data

An EPCI regardless of its form may have powers of Sanitation conferred by its statutes (Article L521

Issued on 2016-07-08

Intercommunality — Areas of competence in Sanitation details >

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographic Entities describing the natural habitats of the site “Gat Mort and... Open Data

This dataset contains the specific natural habitats zoning identified in the objective document of t

Issued on 2015-12-08

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographic Entities describing the natural habitats of the site “Gat Mort and... details >

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) hazard zone for field and seismic movements of the Largue and... Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2016-03-04

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) hazard zone for field and seismic movements of the Largue and... details >

RPP Surface Issue Vincou/Gartempe Flood Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-11-23

RPP Surface Issue Vincou/Gartempe Flood details >

Assembling the textual dressing elements of POS and PLU digitised in the Eure. Open Data

The cladding elements are entries in relation to a regulatory provision (way width, odds, names of n

Issued on 2017-10-07

Assembling the textual dressing elements of POS and PLU digitised in the Eure. details >

Scope of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Vailly (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2015-08-24

Scope of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Vailly (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

DDT95 — RG de Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the commune of Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt (95539)

Issued on 2022-03-08

DDT95 — RG de Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. 24.02.2005) of the municipality of Fussy Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-10

Areas of the PLU (doc. 24.02.2005) of the municipality of Fussy details >

NatureSpecial Protection Area (SPA) Natura 2000 in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

The Natura 2000 network comprises 2 types of regulatory areas: special Protection Areas (SPAs) and S

Issued on 2017-10-02

NatureSpecial Protection Area (SPA) Natura 2000 in Loir-et-Cher details >

Linear coverings of the PLU (doc. of 22.05.2006) of the municipality of Saint-Michel-de-Volangis Open Data

The cladding elements are entries in relation to a regulatory provision (way width, odds, names of n

Issued on 2015-11-24

Linear coverings of the PLU (doc. of 22.05.2006) of the municipality of Saint-Michel-de-Volangis details >

Risk — TRI Loir — IsoClasses Height Zones (ICZ) for a water level of 2m80 in Vendome en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Tables of areas in which a hazard of a certain type under a certain scenario causes a rise of water

Issued on 2017-07-13

Risk — TRI Loir — IsoClasses Height Zones (ICZ) for a water level of 2m80 in Vendome en Loir-et-Cher details >

Area of economic activity of Puy de Dome Open Data

Area of economic activity of Puy de Dome

Issued on 2020-11-19

Area of economic activity of Puy de Dome details >

Regulated area of the PPRT generated by the company TITANOBEL in the municipalities of Moissat,... Open Data

This PPRT approved on 08/12/2011 applies to the municipalities of Moissat, GLAINE-MONTAIGUT, RAVEL a

Issued on 2021-03-23

Regulated area of the PPRT generated by the company TITANOBEL in the municipalities of Moissat,... details >

PPRI de Sauveterre (30) - zonage règlementaire Open Data

Zonage règlementaire du Plan de Prévention contre le Risque Inondation établi pour la commune de Ide

Issued on 2017-10-06

PPRI de Sauveterre (30) - zonage règlementaire details >

Liste des servitudes d'utilité publique dans la Manche Open Data

Les servitudes d'utilité publique (SUP) sont des limitations administratives au droit de propriété i

Issued on 2017-10-05

Liste des servitudes d'utilité publique dans la Manche details >

PPRT — TRTPP Regulated Area — TITANOBEL (54) Open Data

For PPRTs, the environmental code defines a single category of zones for zones (L515-15 et seq.): ar

Issued on 2017-05-22

PPRT — TRTPP Regulated Area — TITANOBEL (54) details >

All sections of the BD Topo forming the network of highways for departmental use Open Data

The main roads defined in Article L. 110-3 of the Highway Code are:(a) The national roads defined in

Issued on 2016-07-12

All sections of the BD Topo forming the network of highways for departmental use details >

RPP Surface Issue Aurence Flood Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-11-23

RPP Surface Issue Aurence Flood details >

Information about the POS (doc. of 19.03.1988) of the municipality of Cornusse Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-10

Information about the POS (doc. of 19.03.1988) of the municipality of Cornusse details >

Linear coverings of the PLU (doc. of 14.09.2010) of the municipality of Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny Open Data

The cladding elements are entries in relation to a regulatory provision (way width, odds, names of n

Issued on 2015-11-24

Linear coverings of the PLU (doc. of 14.09.2010) of the municipality of Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny details >

Regulated zone of the Preventive Natural Risk Prevention Plan of the municipality of Auriol —... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2020-06-03

Regulated zone of the Preventive Natural Risk Prevention Plan of the municipality of Auriol —... details >

Linear Sound Classification of Land Transport Infrastructure — Tarn Open Data

The noise classification of land transport infrastructure is a regulatory mechanism for preventing n

Issued on 2015-09-24

Linear Sound Classification of Land Transport Infrastructure — Tarn details >

PPRN Restricted Area Swelling of Gers Clays Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the commune of Saint-Soul

Issued on 2017-06-27

PPRN Restricted Area Swelling of Gers Clays details >

DDT95 — Ennery’s RG Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the municipality of Ennery

Issued on 2022-02-25

DDT95 — Ennery’s RG details >

Restricted areas of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of the municipality of BONNAC Open Data

The regulated zoning of the Natural Hazard Prevention Plan (PPRN) is digitised in accordance with th

Issued on 2017-10-07

Restricted areas of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of the municipality of BONNAC details >

LES — Administrative Institutions in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Location of main administrative establishments in Loir-et-Cher

Issued on 2017-10-02

LES — Administrative Institutions in Loir-et-Cher details >

Rivers evaluated for water police in Sarthe Open Data

This layer represents the expert rivers to which the water policy applies.

Issued on 2019-10-21

Rivers evaluated for water police in Sarthe details >

Identified hazardous area of the site concerned by a Special Intervention Plan (PPI) in... Open Data

The Special Intervention Plan (PPI) is a local mechanism defined in France to protect people, proper

Issued on 2022-02-01

Identified hazardous area of the site concerned by a Special Intervention Plan (PPI) in... details >

Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PRIP) of the Doller watershed in the Haut-Rhin River Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2016-11-30

Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PRIP) of the Doller watershed in the Haut-Rhin River details >

Wetland of International Importance under the RAMSAR Convention Open Data

The RAMSAR Convention applies to wetlands, i.e. areas of marshes, fens, peatlands, natural or artifi

Issued on 2018-02-20

Wetland of International Importance under the RAMSAR Convention details >

Envelopes of zoning related to easements of category PM3 (Technological Risk Prevention) in the... Open Data

Envelopes for zoning related to easements of the PM3 category (Technological Risk Prevention). The a

Issued on 2017-09-14

Envelopes of zoning related to easements of category PM3 (Technological Risk Prevention) in the... details >

Textual dressings of the PLU (doc. of 20.12.2010) of the municipality of Plaimpied-Givaudins Open Data

Label dressing the plan of a PLU

Issued on 2015-11-18

Textual dressings of the PLU (doc. of 20.12.2010) of the municipality of Plaimpied-Givaudins details >

RPP Surface Challenge Vienna II Flood — Aixe/Saillat Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-11-23

RPP Surface Challenge Vienna II Flood — Aixe/Saillat details >

Regulatory zoning of the River Seine-et-Marne Flood Risk Prevention Plans Open Data

Flood Risk Prevention Plans are the main flood risk prevention tool. Their objectives are to charact

Issued on 2021-10-18

Regulatory zoning of the River Seine-et-Marne Flood Risk Prevention Plans details >

zoning consisting of the geographical areas of designations of protected origin of a type other than... Open Data

The PDO, the protected designation of origin, corresponds to the European controlled designation of

Issued on 2015-05-19

zoning consisting of the geographical areas of designations of protected origin of a type other than... details >

Fishing — Fishing Lot in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Surface lot of the river public domain allocated to an AAPPMA. The fishing lots are defined by a Pre

Issued on 2017-10-02

Fishing — Fishing Lot in Loir-et-Cher details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140510_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the commune of Bivès in the department of Gers. For PPRIs,

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140510_S_032 details >

Scope of the Magland Natural Risk Prevention Plan — outside Flaine (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 27... Open Data


Issued on 2018-07-17

Scope of the Magland Natural Risk Prevention Plan — outside Flaine (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 27... details >

Zoning related to easements of category PM3 (Technological Risk Prevention Plan) of the Yvelines... Open Data

The attitude of an easement is the spatial field (i.e., the geographical area) within which the ease

Issued on 2019-03-05

Zoning related to easements of category PM3 (Technological Risk Prevention Plan) of the Yvelines... details >

Risk — RPP Regulated Areas Field Movement in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2016-07-08

Risk — RPP Regulated Areas Field Movement in Loir-et-Cher details >

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of field movement — Municipality of Roquecor — Document —... Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-03-10

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of field movement — Municipality of Roquecor — Document —... details >

Infra-communal less-favoured agricultural area of the Rhône Open Data

Less-favoured agricultural areas are territories with specific (economic, agricultural, physical and

Issued on 2019-09-17

Infra-communal less-favoured agricultural area of the Rhône details >

Risk — TRI Loir — Isocote lines for a height of water of 1.20 m in Chateaudun en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Table of isocote lines (level curves representing altitudes reached by water during flooding). Spat

Issued on 2018-07-06

Risk — TRI Loir — Isocote lines for a height of water of 1.20 m in Chateaudun en Loir-et-Cher details >

Driving Licence Examination Centres Open Data

Driving licence examination centres are mainly characterised by their geographical location, their n

Issued on 2015-12-28

Driving Licence Examination Centres details >

Aquitaine: Issues identified in the development of a natural risk prevention plan (Surfacique) Open Data

This table contains the specific issues identified during the preparation of the PPRNs in the Aquita

Issued on 2017-09-04

Aquitaine: Issues identified in the development of a natural risk prevention plan (Surfacique) details >

Face-to-face issues addressed in the downstream Ept RIP Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2016-09-27

Face-to-face issues addressed in the downstream Ept RIP details >

l_prescription_lin_haies_061 Open Data

hedges from prescription_lin — source: DDT61/CPP/CTTN/ADG — validity: 21/01/2020

Issued on 2020-01-21

l_prescription_lin_haies_061 details >

Specific information from the POS (doc. 25.09.1987) of the municipality of Barlieu Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-09

Specific information from the POS (doc. 25.09.1987) of the municipality of Barlieu details >

Municipalities of Ariège covered by an effective and digitised urban planning document at the date... Open Data

Table containing the list of municipalities covered by an effective and digitised urban planning doc

Issued on 2017-06-20

Municipalities of Ariège covered by an effective and digitised urban planning document at the date... details >

Perimeter of PPRGA of the municipality of Pujaudran (Gers) Open Data

Perimeter of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Pujau

Issued on 2015-10-21

Perimeter of PPRGA of the municipality of Pujaudran (Gers) details >

DDT95 — RG de Deuil-la-Barre Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the commune of Deuil-la-Barre

Issued on 2022-02-24

DDT95 — RG de Deuil-la-Barre details >

Risk — TRI Loire aval — Flood zone for a water height of 5m30 in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Table of floodable surfaces (area that will be flooded in the event of a flood of a certain type und

Issued on 2019-07-02

Risk — TRI Loire aval — Flood zone for a water height of 5m30 in Loir-et-Cher details >

[DRAAF NORMANDIA] Observatoire des Sols on the Communal scale — Department of Calvados — Millesime... Open Data

The Observatoire des Sols à l’Echelle Communale (also referred to as “OS communale” or “OSCOM”) is a

Issued on 2016-11-21

[DRAAF NORMANDIA] Observatoire des Sols on the Communal scale — Department of Calvados — Millesime... details >

Informations surfaciques du PLU (doc. from 28.02.2011) in the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-17

Informations surfaciques du PLU (doc. from 28.02.2011) in the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre details >

DDT95 — RG of La-Chapelle-en-Vexin Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the commune of La-Chapelle-en-Vexin

Issued on 2022-02-24

DDT95 — RG of La-Chapelle-en-Vexin details >

Specific information from the POS (doc. of 24.02.2006) of the municipality of Sancoins Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-25

Specific information from the POS (doc. of 24.02.2006) of the municipality of Sancoins details >

Fishing — Loir-et-Cher Fishing Reserve Open Data

Take-over of fishing reserves over the public domain of rivers and non-state waters. Fisheries reser

Issued on 2015-09-21

Fishing — Loir-et-Cher Fishing Reserve details >

Information about the PLU (doc. of 24.10.2008) in the municipality of Bué Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-10

Information about the PLU (doc. of 24.10.2008) in the municipality of Bué details >

Linear information of the PLU (doc. of 05.10.2005) of the municipality of Plou Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-19

Linear information of the PLU (doc. of 05.10.2005) of the municipality of Plou details >

Noise zone of a strategic rail source noise map, of type A associated index LN of Ille-et-Vilaine Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2019-01-31

Noise zone of a strategic rail source noise map, of type A associated index LN of Ille-et-Vilaine details >

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 04.09.1998) of the municipality of Vailly-sur-Sauldre Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-27

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 04.09.1998) of the municipality of Vailly-sur-Sauldre details >

Flood Risk Prevention Plans (PPRI) hazard zones in Seine-et-Marne Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2016-02-01

Flood Risk Prevention Plans (PPRI) hazard zones in Seine-et-Marne details >

Punctual element engaged in an agro-environmental measure (AEM) not anonymised in the Orne. Open Data

The committed element (a commitment contracted by a beneficiary) is an element of the agricultural a

Issued on 2018-10-08

Punctual element engaged in an agro-environmental measure (AEM) not anonymised in the Orne. details >

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 30.01.2015) of the municipality of Venesmes Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-27

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 30.01.2015) of the municipality of Venesmes details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140519_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the commune of L’Isle-Bouzon in the department of Gers. Fo

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140519_S_032 details >

New-Aquitaine: Areas vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources in the Adour-Garonne... Open Data

This dataset contains restricted areas (surface objects) of vulnerable areas. A vulnerable area is a

Issued on 2016-01-13

New-Aquitaine: Areas vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources in the Adour-Garonne... details >

Linear entity at the origin of the PPRMT risk of Loir en Vallée en Sarthe. Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2017-06-13

Linear entity at the origin of the PPRMT risk of Loir en Vallée en Sarthe. details >

Zones d'Inondations Potentielles pour la station d'Argentan (Orne)(ZIP_2750) Open Data

La présente fiche décrit l'ensemble des séries de données géographiques produites pour la déterminat

Issued on 2021-07-30

Zones d'Inondations Potentielles pour la station d'Argentan (Orne)(ZIP_2750) details >

Regulated zone of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Arrenthon (Haute-Savoie) —... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2016-01-04

Regulated zone of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Arrenthon (Haute-Savoie) —... details >

Table contenant les générateurs surfaciques liés aux servitudes INT1 (cimetières) dans le... Open Data

Les servitudes de catégorie INT1 concernent les servitudes instituées instituées par l'article L. 22

Issued on 2020-01-07

Table contenant les générateurs surfaciques liés aux servitudes INT1 (cimetières) dans le... details >

Risk — 45DREAL20090007 Area of hazard of the PPRT AXAREAL (LIGEA) municipality of Blois Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2016-07-08

Risk — 45DREAL20090007 Area of hazard of the PPRT AXAREAL (LIGEA) municipality of Blois details >

Scope of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Samoëns (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Scope of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Samoëns (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Public Institution of Intercommunal Cooperation in Seine-et-Marne (population 2015) Open Data

Scope of public institutions for inter-communal cooperation with own taxation Public institutions f

Issued on 2015-09-24

Public Institution of Intercommunal Cooperation in Seine-et-Marne (population 2015) details >

Nuisance — Location of waste disposal in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Points locating the location of the landfills

Issued on 2017-10-02

Nuisance — Location of waste disposal in Loir-et-Cher details >

Order No 022-2021 Open Data

Requiring deliberation No. 2021/C-SEI-MO-03 of the Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Mar

Issued on 2021-12-16

Order No 022-2021 details >

Specific information from the PLU (doc. of 25.02.2010) of the municipality of Aubigny-sur-Nère Open Data


Issued on 2015-11-09

Specific information from the PLU (doc. of 25.02.2010) of the municipality of Aubigny-sur-Nère details >

Wetlands of the community of communes of Colombey and South Toulois Open Data

According to L.211-1 of the Environmental Code, I. — 1° [...] Wetland means land, whether or not ope

Issued on 2019-03-05

Wetlands of the community of communes of Colombey and South Toulois details >

DDT95 — RG de Vémars Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the municipality of Vémars (95641)

Issued on 2022-03-08

DDT95 — RG de Vémars details >

Scope of the Technology Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT) EPM in Haut-Rhin Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRT. The cha

Issued on 2016-03-02

Scope of the Technology Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT) EPM in Haut-Rhin details >

POS (doc. 29.12.1988) of the municipality of Saint-Caprais Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-19

POS (doc. 29.12.1988) of the municipality of Saint-Caprais details >

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographical Entities Describing the Natural Habitats of the Mées Bog Site —... Open Data

This dataset contains the natural surface habitats zoning identified in the objective document of th

Issued on 2015-12-08

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographical Entities Describing the Natural Habitats of the Mées Bog Site —... details >

Orders of Prefectural Protection of Bioteope — NORD Department(59) Open Data

Biotope Protection Order (BPA) The biotope protection order, better known as the simplified biotope

Issued on 2021-04-13

Orders of Prefectural Protection of Bioteope — NORD Department(59) details >

Area affected by noise — resumed on a large scale — Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

The Prefectural Ordinance of Noise Classification defines the width of the areas affected by noise,

Issued on 2017-10-04

Area affected by noise — resumed on a large scale — Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Trail of the Littoral in the Bouches-du-Rhône Open Data

The coastal path must allow pedestrians to reach the shoreline of the sea and to walk as long as pos

Issued on 2021-08-18

Trail of the Littoral in the Bouches-du-Rhône details >

ERP — Location of Commercial Centres in Loir-and-cher Open Data

Location of Shopping Centres in Loir-et-cher

Issued on 2018-07-20

ERP — Location of Commercial Centres in Loir-and-cher details >

Risk — 41DDT20010002 Perimeter of RPP Field Movement Vendôme in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2015-09-21

Risk — 41DDT20010002 Perimeter of RPP Field Movement Vendôme in Loir-et-Cher details >

Risk — PPRI Perimeters in Loir-and-Cher Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the RIP. The char

Issued on 2016-04-07

Risk — PPRI Perimeters in Loir-and-Cher details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. 28.02.2011) of the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-17

Areas of the PLU (doc. 28.02.2011) of the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre details >

Table containing the list of acts establishing a public utility easement — Aveyron Open Data

Table containing the list of acts establishing a public utility easement — Aveyron. The act of a pub

Issued on 2016-09-13

Table containing the list of acts establishing a public utility easement — Aveyron details >
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Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

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API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks