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Plan de prévention des risques naturels (PPRN) de Boô-Silhen, approuvé le 19/06/2018 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN de Boô-Silhen (65098). Numérisation issue de la procédure règlement

Issued on 2018-09-17

Plan de prévention des risques naturels (PPRN) de Boô-Silhen, approuvé le 19/06/2018 details >

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NRPP) Durenque Basin Flood — Tarn Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-09-28

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NRPP) Durenque Basin Flood — Tarn details >

Natural hazard prevention plan (PPRN) of the municipality of SAVIGNAC-LES-ORMEAUX Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-07

Natural hazard prevention plan (PPRN) of the municipality of SAVIGNAC-LES-ORMEAUX details >

Orgeix Land Use Plan Open Data

Post rendered void (Article 135 of the Alur Act). Back to the RNU since 01/01/2016. The land use pl

Issued on 2017-10-07

Orgeix Land Use Plan details >

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Saint-Savin du 12/06/2012 Open Data

!!! Ce POS n'est plus opposable. En effet, la loi ALUR (Article L174-1 du Code de l'Urbanisme) impl

Issued on 2012-07-09

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Saint-Savin du 12/06/2012 details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) d'Arcizans-Avant approuvé le 25/05/2001 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN d'Arcizans-Avant (65021). Numérisation réalisée en 2009, reprise s

Issued on 2009-08-21

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) d'Arcizans-Avant approuvé le 25/05/2001 details >

Montdidier Risk Prevention Plan Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-07

Montdidier Risk Prevention Plan details >

[DDT65] Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Pouzac approuvé le 05/08/2009, dernière mise à jour du... Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PLU de Pouzac (65370). Cette numérisation est conforme au cahier des cha

Issued on 2010-02-26

[DDT65] Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Pouzac approuvé le 05/08/2009, dernière mise à jour du... details >

[DDT65] Louit Local Urbanisation Plan (PLU) approved on 14/12/2019 Open Data

Vector scanning of Louit’s PLU (65285). This digitisation is in line with the 2017 CNIG standard. P

Issued on 2020-09-25

[DDT65] Louit Local Urbanisation Plan (PLU) approved on 14/12/2019 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Saint-Ferréol (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 06/03/2015 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Saint-Ferréol (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 06/03/2015 details >

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of BAYON (54054) Open Data

The Barnier Law of 2 February 1995 gives PSS a risk prevention plan (PPR) status, making them enforc

Issued on 2019-03-12

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of BAYON (54054) details >

Risk — 45DREAL20090006 PPRT APPROSERVICE commune de Fossé Open Data

This data set contains the following datasets: — The scope of the delimitation of the PPRT — Regulat

Issued on 2014-07-21

Risk — 45DREAL20090006 PPRT APPROSERVICE commune de Fossé details >

SUP A4 — Servitude of passage through the bed or on the banks of non-federal streams Open Data

Easements relating to the preservation of the heritage enabling the execution of the works, the oper

Issued on 2019-05-07

SUP A4 — Servitude of passage through the bed or on the banks of non-federal streams details >

PPRN — PPRN MT Regulatory Layers — Waville (54593) Open Data

Data package comprising all regulatory layers conforming to the COVADIS Standard for Field Movement

Issued on 2019-09-11

PPRN — PPRN MT Regulatory Layers — Waville (54593) details >

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of Publier (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 27/12/2007 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of Publier (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 27/12/2007 details >

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Trébons du 26/03/2002 Open Data

!!! Ce POS n'est plus opposable, à compter du 27/03/2017. En effet, selon l'Article L174-3 du Code d

Issued on 2017-10-05

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Trébons du 26/03/2002 details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Saint-Sever de Rustan approuvé le 11/04/07 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN de Saint-Sever de Rustan (65397). Numérisation réalisée en 2008, r

Issued on 2009-03-24

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Saint-Sever de Rustan approuvé le 11/04/07 details >

PPRN of the catchment area of the Arques Valley — Seine-Maritime Open Data

Datasets of the PPRN of the Arques Valley — Seine-Maritime

Issued on 2020-12-15

PPRN of the catchment area of the Arques Valley — Seine-Maritime details >

Centennial flood of Orconté — Orconte sector in Frignicourt Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for flood risk analysis. The

Issued on 2022-01-27

Centennial flood of Orconté — Orconte sector in Frignicourt details >

Local urban planning plan for the municipality of Dury Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local urban planning plan for the municipality of Dury details >

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Montgaillard du 23/05/1997 Open Data

!!! Ce POS n'est plus opposable, à compter du 27/03/2017. En effet, selon l'Article L174-3 du Code d

Issued on 2017-10-05

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Montgaillard du 23/05/1997 details >

Thyez Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 07/03/2014 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Thyez Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 07/03/2014 details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Juillan, approuvé le 18/02/2016 Open Data

Représentation du PPRN de Juillan, approuvé le 18/02/2016. Les risques majeurs regroupent les huit

Issued on 2017-10-05

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Juillan, approuvé le 18/02/2016 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards (PPRN) of the municipality of FERRIERES-SUR-ARIEGE Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-07

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards (PPRN) of the municipality of FERRIERES-SUR-ARIEGE details >

Sound classification of transport infrastructure in the department of Ain — Prefectural decree of 9... Open Data

In each department, the prefect is responsible for identifying and classifying land transport infras

Issued on 2017-10-04

Sound classification of transport infrastructure in the department of Ain — Prefectural decree of 9... details >


The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-10-06


Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Dours approuvé le 23/03/1992 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN de Dours (65156). Numérisation réalisée en 2009, reprise selon le

Issued on 2009-08-21

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Dours approuvé le 23/03/1992 details >

Land Use Plan of VILLENEUVE-D’Olmes Open Data

Post rendered obsolete (Article L 174-3 of the Urban Planning Code). Back to the RNU since 27/03/201

Issued on 2017-10-07

Land Use Plan of VILLENEUVE-D’Olmes details >

Brownfields and hollow teeth in the Marne department Open Data

Since 2009, the departmental directorate of the Marne territories has been carrying out a census of

Issued on 2020-07-03

Brownfields and hollow teeth in the Marne department details >

DDT 48 — Noise in the Environment — Noise mapping v1.1 Open Data

Article L.572-3 of the Environmental Code defines noise maps. They provide a diagnosis of the noise

Issued on 2019-03-11

DDT 48 — Noise in the Environment — Noise mapping v1.1 details >

Local urban plan of the municipality of Chaussee Tirancourt Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local urban plan of the municipality of Chaussee Tirancourt details >

All data are used for exceptional transportation management in the department of Maine-et-Loire(49) Open Data

Set of COVADIS tables for exceptional transport management in the Department of Maine-et-Loire(49)

Issued on 2019-07-23

All data are used for exceptional transportation management in the department of Maine-et-Loire(49) details >


This CNIG data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that are P

Issued on 2017-10-06

DDT 48 — MARVEJOLS RAIN details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels prévisibles d'inondation – PPRNi - Commune de VERCOIRAN... Open Data

Ensemble des données SIG et PDF du Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels prévisibles d'inondation

Issued on 2018-09-26

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels prévisibles d'inondation – PPRNi - Commune de VERCOIRAN... details >

Risk — 41DDT19990003 PPRMT of Monthou-sur-Cher, Bourré, Montrichard Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Spatial data set in the Natural Hazard Prevention Plan PPRN (Field Movement): — Regulatory mapping d

Issued on 2017-08-22

Risk — 41DDT19990003 PPRMT of Monthou-sur-Cher, Bourré, Montrichard Loir-et-Cher details >

Local planning plan for the municipality of Fienvillers Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local planning plan for the municipality of Fienvillers details >

RIEUX-DE-Pelleport Land Use Plan Open Data

Post rendered obsolete (Article L 174-3 of the Urban Planning Code). Back to the RNU since 27/03/201

Issued on 2017-10-07

RIEUX-DE-Pelleport Land Use Plan details >

Local Planning Plan of MONTGAILHARD Open Data

The local planning plan (LDP) is digitised according to the national requirements of the CNIG. This

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local Planning Plan of MONTGAILHARD details >

PPRT of Total Saint-Quentin-Fallavier approved 19-12-2017 Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key government instrument for risk prevention. Their objective

Issued on 2020-07-29

PPRT of Total Saint-Quentin-Fallavier approved 19-12-2017 details >

Graphical Parcellar Register — Haute-Garonne Open Data

The standard of data relates to the non-anonymised GPR, i.e. including the personal data (PACAGE num

Issued on 2017-10-05

Graphical Parcellar Register — Haute-Garonne details >

Data set for exceptional transport management in the Sarthe department(72) Open Data

Set of COVADIS tables for exceptional transport management in the Sarthe Department(72)

Issued on 2020-09-16

Data set for exceptional transport management in the Sarthe department(72) details >

Carte Communale d'Armenteule du 27/05/2005 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle de la carte communale d'Armenteule (65027). Cette numérisation est conforme

Issued on 2018-03-02

Carte Communale d'Armenteule du 27/05/2005 details >

[DDT65] Monfaucon Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NPP), approved on 27/02/2019 Open Data

Vector scanning of Monfaucon PPRN (65314). Digitisation resulting from the regulatory procedure, cor

Issued on 2019-11-26

[DDT65] Monfaucon Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NPP), approved on 27/02/2019 details >

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of MANGONVILLE (54344) Open Data

The Barnier Law of 2 February 1995 gives PSS a risk prevention plan (PPR) status, making them enforc

Issued on 2019-03-26

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of MANGONVILLE (54344) details >

PPRN — PPR Geographic Data Set Flood — MONT-SAINT-MARTIN (54382) Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2020-11-17

PPRN — PPR Geographic Data Set Flood — MONT-SAINT-MARTIN (54382) details >


The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-06


Local Planning Plan of FOIX Open Data

The local planning plan (LDP) is digitised according to the national requirements of the CNIG. This

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local Planning Plan of FOIX details >

Local planning plan for the municipality of Bertangles Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local planning plan for the municipality of Bertangles details >

Marignier Natural Risk Prevention Plan — Giffre (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 18/06/2009 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Marignier Natural Risk Prevention Plan — Giffre (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 18/06/2009 details >

Authorised campsites in Charente-Maritime Open Data

Location of authorised campsites in the Charente-Maritime department

Issued on 2020-11-17

Authorised campsites in Charente-Maritime details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Caussade-Rivière approuvé le 02/08/2010 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN de Caussade-Rivière (65137). Numérisation réalisée en Août 2011, re

Issued on 2011-09-26

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Caussade-Rivière approuvé le 02/08/2010 details >

Local planning plan for the municipality of Cottenchy Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local planning plan for the municipality of Cottenchy details >

[DDT65] Excondeaux Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NRPP), approved on 27/02/2019 Open Data

Vector scanning of the Escondeaux PPRN (65161). Digitisation resulting from the regulatory procedure

Issued on 2019-11-26

[DDT65] Excondeaux Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NRPP), approved on 27/02/2019 details >

Plu (doc. of 28.12.2014) from the municipality of Charenton-du-Cher Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2015-12-11

Plu (doc. of 28.12.2014) from the municipality of Charenton-du-Cher details >

Local urban planning plan for the municipality of L Etoile Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local urban planning plan for the municipality of L Etoile details >

Municipal map of ALBIES Open Data

The communal map (CC) is digitised according to the national requirements of the CNIG. This lot info

Issued on 2017-10-07

Municipal map of ALBIES details >

Risk Prevention Plan FNITP of the Sarthe Amont Valley. Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-10-06

Risk Prevention Plan FNITP of the Sarthe Amont Valley. details >

Natural risk prevention plan for the Châlons-en-Champagne flood — Aval sector of the CAC (Department... Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2018-07-04

Natural risk prevention plan for the Châlons-en-Champagne flood — Aval sector of the CAC (Department... details >

Carte Communale de Bourréac du 22/07/2010 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle de la carte communale de Bourréac (65107). Cette numérisation est conforme

Issued on 2012-09-11

Carte Communale de Bourréac du 22/07/2010 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Lugrin (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 28/06/1996 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Lugrin (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 28/06/1996 details >

PPRMT risk prevention plan for Lude in Sarthe. Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-10-06

PPRMT risk prevention plan for Lude in Sarthe. details >

Risk Prevention Plan PPRN of Mesnil-Martinsart Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-07

Risk Prevention Plan PPRN of Mesnil-Martinsart details >

Plu (doc. of 30.01.2015) from the municipality of Venesmes Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2015-12-11

Plu (doc. of 30.01.2015) from the municipality of Venesmes details >

Flood risk prevention plan in the Girolata and Gradelle watersheds Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2018-08-28

Flood risk prevention plan in the Girolata and Gradelle watersheds details >

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of AZERAILLES (54038) Open Data

The Barnier Law of 2 February 1995 gives PSS a risk prevention plan (PPR) status, making them enforc

Issued on 2019-03-12

PPRN — Regulatory layers of the PSS of the municipality of AZERAILLES (54038) details >

Carte Communale d'Escala du 18/11/2005 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle de la carte communale d'Escala (65159), réalisée en juin 2007. Cette numéri

Issued on 2007-07-02

Carte Communale d'Escala du 18/11/2005 details >

Mieussy Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 30/01/2002 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Mieussy Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 30/01/2002 details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Goudon approuvé le 11/04/07 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN de Goudon (65206). Numérisation réalisée en 2007/2008, reprise sel

Issued on 2008-08-25

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Goudon approuvé le 11/04/07 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Cordon (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 31/07/2013 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Cordon (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 31/07/2013 details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Cadeilhan-Trachère du 03/11/2009 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PLU de Cadeilhan-Trachère (65117), actualisée en novembre 2009. Cette nu

Issued on 2009-12-08

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Cadeilhan-Trachère du 03/11/2009 details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Sombrun approuvé le 02/08/2010 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN de Sombrun (65429). Numérisation réalisée en Août 2011, reprise sel

Issued on 2011-09-26

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) de Sombrun approuvé le 02/08/2010 details >

Plan de prévention des risques naturels (PPRN) d'Andrest, approuvé le 25/07/2014 Open Data

PPRN d'Andrest, approuvé le 25/07/2014. Les risques majeurs regroupent les huit risques naturels pr

Issued on 2017-10-05

Plan de prévention des risques naturels (PPRN) d'Andrest, approuvé le 25/07/2014 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards (PPRN) of the municipality of LA BASTIDE-SUR-L’HERS Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-07

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards (PPRN) of the municipality of LA BASTIDE-SUR-L’HERS details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Barbazan-Debat du 01/08/2017 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PLU de Barbazan-Debat (65062), actualisée en février 2018. Cette numéris

Issued on 2018-02-12

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Barbazan-Debat du 01/08/2017 details >

PPRN inondation approuvé le 15/11/1990 pour la commune de MOLLANS SUR OUVEZE 26188 Open Data

Ensemble des données SIG et PDF du Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels inondation approuvé le 15

Issued on 2016-10-25

PPRN inondation approuvé le 15/11/1990 pour la commune de MOLLANS SUR OUVEZE 26188 details >

Bonneville Natural Hazard Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 19/11/2001 Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Bonneville Natural Hazard Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 19/11/2001 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Contamines-Montjoie (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-02

Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Contamines-Montjoie (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Flood risk prevention plan in the Cavu watershed Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2018-07-26

Flood risk prevention plan in the Cavu watershed details >

Flood risk prevention plan for the Lot Amont Basin (Lot) Open Data

Flood risk prevention plan for the Lot Amont basin in the Lot department The COVADIS data standard f

Issued on 2015-02-13

Flood risk prevention plan for the Lot Amont Basin (Lot) details >

Local Planning Plan for the Municipality of Havernas Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local Planning Plan for the Municipality of Havernas details >

Strategic Noise Maps — Type B Maps in Gold Coast — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise sets out a

Issued on 2017-10-07

Strategic Noise Maps — Type B Maps in Gold Coast — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 details >

Risk Prevention Plan PPRN Field Movement of Boischaut Nord Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2020-01-31

Risk Prevention Plan PPRN Field Movement of Boischaut Nord details >

Local Planning Plan of LABATUT Open Data

The local planning plan (LDP) is digitised according to the national requirements of the CNIG. This

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local Planning Plan of LABATUT details >

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Caixon du 30/01/2015 Open Data

!!! Ce POS n'est plus opposable, à compter du 27/03/2017. En effet, selon l'Article L174-3 du Code d

Issued on 2017-10-05

Plan d'Occupation du Sol (POS) de Caixon du 30/01/2015 details >

DDT 48 — FLORAC RAIN Open Data

This CNIG data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that are P

Issued on 2017-10-06

DDT 48 — FLORAC RAIN details >

Plan to prevent natural risks of landslide — Commune de Lafrançaise — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne Open Data

Le standard de données COVADIS sur les plans de prévention des risques comporte toutes les spécifica

Issued on 2017-10-07

Plan to prevent natural risks of landslide — Commune de Lafrançaise — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne details >

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Athies Open Data

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that ar

Issued on 2017-10-07

Local urban planning plan of the municipality of Athies details >

PPRN — Regulatory layers of R111.3 of the municipality of VARANGEVILLE (54549) Open Data

Pursuant to Article R.111-3 of the Urban Planning Code, these layers delimit the risk of subsidisati

Issued on 2019-04-23

PPRN — Regulatory layers of R111.3 of the municipality of VARANGEVILLE (54549) details >

PPRN — Piennes Sector Mining RPP Geographic Data Set Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2020-11-26

PPRN — Piennes Sector Mining RPP Geographic Data Set details >

Aleu Land Use Plan Open Data

Post rendered void (Article 135 of the Alur Act). Back to the RNU since 01/01/2016. The land use pla

Issued on 2017-10-07

Aleu Land Use Plan details >

Natural hazard prevention plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Sabarat Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-07

Natural hazard prevention plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Sabarat details >

Economic Land Observatory — Tarn Open Data

Areas and establishments in the department of Tarn. Non-exhaustive inventory, reflecting only the s

Issued on 2017-09-28

Economic Land Observatory — Tarn details >

[DDT65] Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Campan approuvé le 17/10/2008, dernière mise à jour du... Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PLU de Campan (65123), réalisée en novembre 2012 et actualisée en janvie

Issued on 2012-11-22

[DDT65] Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) de Campan approuvé le 17/10/2008, dernière mise à jour du... details >

BEZAC Local Planning Plan Open Data

The local planning plan (LDP) is digitised according to the national requirements of the CNIG. This

Issued on 2017-10-07

BEZAC Local Planning Plan details >

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NRPP) Bankbreakdown — Tarn downstream — Tarn Open Data

The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-09-28

Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NRPP) Bankbreakdown — Tarn downstream — Tarn details >

aeronautical easement areas Open Data

areas of aeronautical easements of type PT1,PT2 and T5 on the archipelago of Saint-Pierre and Miquel

Issued on 2017-11-14

aeronautical easement areas details >


The COVADIS data standard for risk prevention plans includes all the technical and organisational sp

Issued on 2017-10-06



The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-10-06


Map CARMEN — Natural hazards in the North — Pas de Calais Open Data

AZI, coastal hazards, studies, etc.

Issued on 2007-01-01

Map CARMEN — Natural hazards in the North — Pas de Calais details >

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) d'Izaourt approuvé le 28/06/2011 Open Data

Numérisation vectorielle du PPRN d'Izaourt (65230). Numérisation réalisée en Novembre 2012, reprise

Issued on 2013-01-17

Plan de Prévention des Risques Naturels (PPRN) d'Izaourt approuvé le 28/06/2011 details >
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