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Scope of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Ambbilly (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2015-08-24

Scope of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Ambbilly (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130014) commune de Cendras - zones d'aléa Open Data

Zones exposées à un ou plusieurs aléas représentées sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse d

Issued on 2016-04-28

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130014) commune de Cendras - zones d'aléa details >

DDT95 — RG de Garges-lès-Gonesse Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the municipality of Garges-lès-Gonesse (95268)

Issued on 2022-03-09

DDT95 — RG de Garges-lès-Gonesse details >

Regulatory zoning of the Forest Fire Risk Prevention Plan (PPRIF) of the municipality of... Open Data

Plans for the prevention of natural hazards were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on streng

Issued on 2017-04-24

Regulatory zoning of the Forest Fire Risk Prevention Plan (PPRIF) of the municipality of... details >

List of utility easements SUP PM3 (RPP Regulated Perimeter — Risk Prevention Plan) in Corrèze Open Data

PM3_SERVITUDE List of utility easements SUP PM3 (RPP Regulated Perimeter — Risk Prevention Plan) in

Issued on 2019-06-18

List of utility easements SUP PM3 (RPP Regulated Perimeter — Risk Prevention Plan) in Corrèze details >

PPRN — Perimeter of the PPR Flood — POMPEY (54430) Open Data

This scope of risk exposure corresponds to the scope regulated by the approved RPP. It is public uti

Issued on 2020-11-18

PPRN — Perimeter of the PPR Flood — POMPEY (54430) details >

FNIPP Restricted Area of the Loir Valley in Sarthe. Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-12-11

FNIPP Restricted Area of the Loir Valley in Sarthe. details >

Areas affected by road noise in the department of Maine-et-Loire(49) Open Data

In accordance with Law No. 92-1444 of 31 December 1992 on noise control and the Environmental Code (

Issued on 2020-12-04

Areas affected by road noise in the department of Maine-et-Loire(49) details >

Land-sea boundary — Finistère department Open Data

The Land-Sea Limit is the astronomical high seas lead (PHMA) in the case of a 120 tide and under nor

Issued on 2021-12-27

Land-sea boundary — Finistère department details >

DDT 70 — Areas of high density subsidence and collapse phenomena Open Data

Area of high density of collapse and subsidence (6-16 indices located in the sector).

Issued on 2018-09-04

DDT 70 — Areas of high density subsidence and collapse phenomena details >

Regulated zone of the Megevette natural hazard prevention plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Regulated zone of the Megevette natural hazard prevention plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Regulated Area of the Technology Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT) EPM in Haut-Rhin Open Data

For PPRTs, the environmental code defines a single category of zones for zones (L515-15 et seq.): ar

Issued on 2016-03-02

Regulated Area of the Technology Risk Prevention Plan (PPRT) EPM in Haut-Rhin details >

Surfacing issues of the PPRN SAONE MOYEN Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-04-06

Surfacing issues of the PPRN SAONE MOYEN details >

Flooding zones according to low probability hazard on the TRI Nevers — Nièvre (58) Open Data

Table of floodable surfaces (area that will be flooded in the event of a flood of a certain type und

Issued on 2020-08-20

Flooding zones according to low probability hazard on the TRI Nevers — Nièvre (58) details >

N_tri_nime_iso_ht_s_030 Open Data


Issued on 2020-12-17

N_tri_nime_iso_ht_s_030 details >

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the map of the landslide of the coast of Île-de-France... Open Data

The hazard map is the result of the study of hazards, the objective of which is to assess the intens

Issued on 2021-12-10

Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the map of the landslide of the coast of Île-de-France... details >

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 09.09.1988) of the municipality of Aubinges Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-09

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 09.09.1988) of the municipality of Aubinges details >

PPRN — Risk Entities for VILLERUPT Mining RPP (54580) Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2020-11-26

PPRN — Risk Entities for VILLERUPT Mining RPP (54580) details >

Regulated zone of the Metz-Tessy Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Regulated zone of the Metz-Tessy Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Risk — One-time STORENGY PPRT Issue in Loir-and-Cher Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2017-10-02

Risk — One-time STORENGY PPRT Issue in Loir-and-Cher details >

Table containing all the surface elements of the zoning of the PPRN hazard of the Sava basin in Gers Open Data

Table containing all the surface elements of the zoning of the PPRN hazard of the Sava basin in Gers

Issued on 2017-05-12

Table containing all the surface elements of the zoning of the PPRN hazard of the Sava basin in Gers details >

Bâtiment d'exploitation agricole dans le département de l'Orne. Open Data

Bâtiment ou ensemble cohérent de bâtiments, qu'il soit à usage d'habitation, de logement d'animaux,

Issued on 2018-02-02

Bâtiment d'exploitation agricole dans le département de l'Orne. details >

DDT95 — RG de Saint-Clair-sur-Epte Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the commune of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte (95541)

Issued on 2022-03-08

DDT95 — RG de Saint-Clair-sur-Epte details >

Table containing surface plates related to the INT1 category easements (neighbourlines of... Open Data

Category INT1 easements concern the easements established by Article L. 2223-5 of the General Code o

Issued on 2017-10-24

Table containing surface plates related to the INT1 category easements (neighbourlines of... details >

Linear issues of the PPRN AZERGUES Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-04-06

Linear issues of the PPRN AZERGUES details >

List of urban planning documents (PLU, POS, municipal map) existing on the Seine-et-Marne department... Open Data

An urban planning document is the result of an urban planning procedure in a given territory. This f

Issued on 2017-04-12

List of urban planning documents (PLU, POS, municipal map) existing on the Seine-et-Marne department... details >

Plan for the Prevention of Natural Risks of Field Movement — Regulated Area — Commune de Montrouge... Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key government instrument for risk prevention. Their objective

Issued on 2022-04-01

Plan for the Prevention of Natural Risks of Field Movement — Regulated Area — Commune de Montrouge... details >

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130014) commune de Cendras - périmètre Open Data

Périmètre du Plan de Protection contre le Risque Inondation établi pour la commune de Cendras identi

Issued on 2016-04-28

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130014) commune de Cendras - périmètre details >

Information about the POS (doc. of 21.04.2011) of the municipality of Cerbois Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-10

Information about the POS (doc. of 21.04.2011) of the municipality of Cerbois details >

Risk — 41DREAL20140004 Area of hazard of PPRT MBDA municipality of Selles-Saint-Denis Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2016-07-08

Risk — 41DREAL20140004 Area of hazard of PPRT MBDA municipality of Selles-Saint-Denis details >

PPRI de Manduel (30) - périmètre Open Data

Périmètre du Plan de Protection contre le Risque Inondation établi pour la commune de Manduel

Issued on 2016-10-12

PPRI de Manduel (30) - périmètre details >

Surface plates related to PT2 grade easements Open Data

Public utility easements (SUPs) are administrative limitations on the right to property, they are es

Issued on 2018-11-13

Surface plates related to PT2 grade easements details >

Areas where limit noise values are exceeded, according to Ln indicator in Haute-Savoie Open Data

Areas where the noise limit values referred to in Article L572-6 of the Environment Code are exceede

Issued on 2018-08-06

Areas where limit noise values are exceeded, according to Ln indicator in Haute-Savoie details >

Scope of the natural risk prevention plan of FETERNES (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 10 May 2017 Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2018-06-28

Scope of the natural risk prevention plan of FETERNES (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 10 May 2017 details >

Hazard zone of the natural risk prevention plan of Vallorcine (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2021-07-21

Hazard zone of the natural risk prevention plan of Vallorcine (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 26.04.2011) of the municipality of Oizon Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-18

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 26.04.2011) of the municipality of Oizon details >

Existing sites — Pisciculture — Ponctuel Open Data

Regional Development Schemes for Marine Aquaculture — Mediteranated Frontage Existing Sites — Pisci

Issued on 2021-04-22

Existing sites — Pisciculture — Ponctuel details >

List 1 of rivers and water bodies (environment code L214-17) of the department of Orne. Open Data

An Ecological Continuity Classification corresponds to all or part of a course or channel identified

Issued on 2016-02-09

List 1 of rivers and water bodies (environment code L214-17) of the department of Orne. details >

SUP PT2 LH (60) Open Data

Easements relating to radio transmissions concerning the protection of transmission and reception ce

Issued on 2020-07-27

SUP PT2 LH (60) details >

Scope of the BASF COATEX PPRT Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRT. The cha

Issued on 2020-04-09

Scope of the BASF COATEX PPRT details >

Areas of the POS (doc. of 03.11.1986) of the municipality of Torteron Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2016-04-15

Areas of the POS (doc. of 03.11.1986) of the municipality of Torteron details >

[DDT65] Fish categories of rivers and water bodies of the Hautes-Pyrénées — Linear Open Data

A Fish Category Ranking is a legal classification of rivers and water bodies according to the domina

Issued on 2019-07-08

[DDT65] Fish categories of rivers and water bodies of the Hautes-Pyrénées — Linear details >

EPCI of Finistère — current year Open Data

Outline of the Finistère Public Institutions for Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) Situation January

Issued on 2020-12-07

EPCI of Finistère — current year details >

Restricted zone of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Bonnevaux (Haute-Savoie) —... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Restricted zone of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Bonnevaux (Haute-Savoie) —... details >

Table containing surface generators related to grade PM2 easements Open Data


Issued on 2017-05-16

Table containing surface generators related to grade PM2 easements details >

Municipalities of the atlas of floodplains and flood risk prevention plans Open Data

The risk of flooding is the predominant natural risk in metropolitan France. Almost half of the muni

Issued on 2017-06-19

Municipalities of the atlas of floodplains and flood risk prevention plans details >

PPRMT Soisy-sous-Montmorency (Area area) Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2019-02-19

PPRMT Soisy-sous-Montmorency (Area area) details >

SUP PT1 (60) Open Data

Easements for radio transmissions concerning the protection of reception centres against electromagn

Issued on 2020-07-27

SUP PT1 (60) details >

Watershed Collective Irrigation Sector in the Somme — 2017 Drought Sector Open Data

Watershed Collective Irrigation Sector in the Somme — 2017 Drought Sector

Issued on 2017-06-19

Watershed Collective Irrigation Sector in the Somme — 2017 Drought Sector details >

Scope of the Marignier natural risk prevention plan — Arve (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 19/11/2001 Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2016-01-04

Scope of the Marignier natural risk prevention plan — Arve (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 19/11/2001 details >

PPR SALIES DE BEARN (64DDTM20170002) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2022-04-07

PPR SALIES DE BEARN (64DDTM20170002) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of... details >

DDT95 — RG of Cléry-en-Vexin Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the commune of Cléry-en-Vexin

Issued on 2022-02-24

DDT95 — RG of Cléry-en-Vexin details >

Regulated zone of the Morzine Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 24/09/2013 Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Regulated zone of the Morzine Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 24/09/2013 details >

DDT95 — Theuville RG Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the commune of Theuville (95611)

Issued on 2022-03-08

DDT95 — Theuville RG details >

Table describing the Noise Zones of Ferrovier Infrastructure A LDEN in Seine-et-Marne Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2022-02-01

Table describing the Noise Zones of Ferrovier Infrastructure A LDEN in Seine-et-Marne details >

Passenger railway stations in Seine-et-Marne Open Data

The Ile-de-France Urban Travel Plan (PDUIF 2014) classifies passenger rail stations in 3 categories

Issued on 2017-10-06

Passenger railway stations in Seine-et-Marne details >

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 28.02.2011) of the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-17

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 28.02.2011) of the municipality of Mehun-sur-Yèvre details >

Risk — TRI Cher — Flood zone for a water height of 4.65 m in Châtillon-sur-Cher en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Table of floodable surfaces (area that will be flooded in the event of a flood of a certain type und

Issued on 2017-07-13

Risk — TRI Cher — Flood zone for a water height of 4.65 m in Châtillon-sur-Cher en Loir-et-Cher details >

Land — aggregated file by district at national level Open Data

Aggregation of land data in the district

Issued on 2017-07-18

Land — aggregated file by district at national level details >

Noise Zones (Type A Map, LN Index) of the RN98, unlicensed national road network Open Data

European Directive 2002/49/EC of 25 June 2002 on the assessment and management of environmental nois

Issued on 2018-06-13

Noise Zones (Type A Map, LN Index) of the RN98, unlicensed national road network details >

Textual dressings of the PLU (doc. of 13.06.2012) of the commune of Thénioux Open Data

Label dressing the plan of a PLU

Issued on 2015-11-26

Textual dressings of the PLU (doc. of 13.06.2012) of the commune of Thénioux details >

[Tri of the Strasbourg AGGLOMERATION] Table of issues related to polluting installations of the IPPC... Open Data

European Directive 2007/60/EC of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks (OJ

Issued on 2015-11-25

[Tri of the Strasbourg AGGLOMERATION] Table of issues related to polluting installations of the IPPC... details >

Strategic noise maps — Roads where daily traffic exceeds 8200 — Road networks (departmental and... Open Data

Sections of road where 2011 traffic exceeds 8,200 vehicles per day. This plot was used as the basis

Issued on 2017-10-07

Strategic noise maps — Roads where daily traffic exceeds 8200 — Road networks (departmental and... details >

Table describing the areas of exceedance of night noise limit values on road infrastructure in the... Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2019-03-20

Table describing the areas of exceedance of night noise limit values on road infrastructure in the... details >

Restricted area of the PPRGA of the municipality of Pellefigue (Gers) Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Pelle

Issued on 2015-10-14

Restricted area of the PPRGA of the municipality of Pellefigue (Gers) details >

Zones d'iso-classes de hauteur(ZICH) pour la station d'Argentan(Orne) Open Data

La présente fiche décrit l'ensemble des séries de données géographiques produites pour la déterminat

Issued on 2020-10-14

Zones d'iso-classes de hauteur(ZICH) pour la station d'Argentan(Orne) details >

AGREGATION of Type A Strategic Noise Cards with a large infrastructure such as Communal Way. Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise aims at a

Issued on 2018-12-26

AGREGATION of Type A Strategic Noise Cards with a large infrastructure such as Communal Way. details >

Highest known waters in the department of Haute-Marne Open Data

Highest known waters in the department of Haute-Marne.

Issued on 2022-01-24

Highest known waters in the department of Haute-Marne details >

Flow velocities in case of flooding of the Saône in Côte-d’Or Open Data

This layer corresponds to surfaces of the same speed for the centennial flood.

Issued on 2019-04-05

Flow velocities in case of flooding of the Saône in Côte-d’Or details >

Table des informations linéaires pour les cartes communales dans le département de l'Orne Open Data

Les informations surfaciques, linéaires ou ponctuelles figurant sur les documents graphiques d'un do

Issued on 2020-01-03

Table des informations linéaires pour les cartes communales dans le département de l'Orne details >

Gross results of detection of potential farmland 2018 Open Data

Gross results of the detection of potential farmland of more than 2 hectares in the department of Lo

Issued on 2020-11-03

Gross results of detection of potential farmland 2018 details >

RPP Restricted Area Valone Flood Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2020-11-24

RPP Restricted Area Valone Flood details >

Linear requirements of the POS (doc. of 06.02.1992) of the municipality of Saint-Eloy-de-Gy Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-19

Linear requirements of the POS (doc. of 06.02.1992) of the municipality of Saint-Eloy-de-Gy details >

Restricted areas of the PPRT BASF COATEX Open Data

For PPRTs, the environmental code defines a single category of zones for zones (L515-15 et seq.): ar

Issued on 2020-04-09

Restricted areas of the PPRT BASF COATEX details >

Unites of the Seine-Normandie Basin Open Data

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) sets out the basic principles for sustainable water policy. Its

Issued on 2022-04-08

Unites of the Seine-Normandie Basin details >

Regulated area of PPC CRISTAL’s Technological Risk Prevention Plan (RTPP) in Haut-Rhin Open Data

For PPRTs, the environmental code defines a single category of zones for zones (L515-15 et seq.): ar

Issued on 2016-03-02

Regulated area of PPC CRISTAL’s Technological Risk Prevention Plan (RTPP) in Haut-Rhin details >

* Surface generators related to grade PM2 easements (ICPE) in Corrèze Open Data

* PM2_GENERATEUR_SUP_S * The DDT is not responsible for publishing this data, this metadata sheet i

Issued on 2017-07-06

* Surface generators related to grade PM2 easements (ICPE) in Corrèze details >

Water bodies of Puy-de-Dôme Open Data

Water bodies of Puy-de-Dôme from the database of DDT 63.

Issued on 2019-02-15

Water bodies of Puy-de-Dôme details >

Land — National aggregation file by municipality Open Data

Aggregation of land data to the municipality

Issued on 2017-07-18

Land — National aggregation file by municipality details >

PPRI de Vallabrègues (30) - zones d'aléa Open Data

Zones exposées à un ou plusieurs aléas représentées sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse d

Issued on 2017-10-06

PPRI de Vallabrègues (30) - zones d'aléa details >

Noise exposure zones where the indicator Ln (night) is between 55 dB(A) and 60 dB(A) in Finistère Open Data

Noise exposure zones where Ln (night) is between 55 dB(A) and 60 dB(A) for roads with annual traffic

Issued on 2021-01-15

Noise exposure zones where the indicator Ln (night) is between 55 dB(A) and 60 dB(A) in Finistère details >

Risk — 41DDT19990004 Cher in Loir-and-Cher PPRI hazard zone Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2016-07-08

Risk — 41DDT19990004 Cher in Loir-and-Cher PPRI hazard zone details >

Strategic Map of Noise — Department of Marne — Deadline 2 (C_RN_RD_VC_LDC) Open Data


Issued on 2022-02-28

Strategic Map of Noise — Department of Marne — Deadline 2 (C_RN_RD_VC_LDC) details >

Linear requirements of the PLU (doc. of 22.05.2008) of the municipality of Arçay Open Data


Issued on 2015-11-30

Linear requirements of the PLU (doc. of 22.05.2008) of the municipality of Arçay details >

Zones d'Inondations Potentielles pour la station d'Argentan (Orne)(ZIP_3500) Open Data

La présente fiche décrit l'ensemble des séries de données géographiques produites pour la déterminat

Issued on 2021-07-30

Zones d'Inondations Potentielles pour la station d'Argentan (Orne)(ZIP_3500) details >

Perimeter of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Cluses (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2015-08-24

Perimeter of the plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Cluses (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 13.02.2014) of the municipality of Soye-en-Septaine Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-26

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 13.02.2014) of the municipality of Soye-en-Septaine details >

Partial New-Aquitaine: Business Travel Plans (BDP) — Communes — Location (one-off) Open Data

This dataset contains the municipalities (one-off objects), concerned by the business travel plans (

Issued on 2017-10-04

Partial New-Aquitaine: Business Travel Plans (BDP) — Communes — Location (one-off) details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 18.06.2010) of the municipality of Saint-Laurent Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-24

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 18.06.2010) of the municipality of Saint-Laurent details >

Table containing linear plates related to grade A5 easements (public water and sewerage pipes) in... Open Data

Class A5 easements relate to easements relating to public water and sewerage pipes. For the benefit

Issued on 2019-08-14

Table containing linear plates related to grade A5 easements (public water and sewerage pipes) in... details >

Zoning of urban spaces in Cantal Open Data

INSEE zoning representing urban spaces consisting of urban areas and associated multipolarised commu

Issued on 2016-05-23

Zoning of urban spaces in Cantal details >



Issued on 2019-04-10

N_AOP_FROMAGE_AIRE_GEO_S_027 details >

Périmètres de protection des points de prélèvement pour l'AEP dans le département de l'Orne en 2012 Open Data

Positionnement des limites des périmètres de protection des points de prélèvements d'eau au milieu n

Issued on 2019-10-25

Périmètres de protection des points de prélèvement pour l'AEP dans le département de l'Orne en 2012 details >

Easements: PM1 utility easement management organisation in Indre Open Data

Service or body guaranteeing the implementation of and compliance with the established SUP. It may a

Issued on 2017-10-07

Easements: PM1 utility easement management organisation in Indre details >

Linear entity at the origin of the risk of the RPP Roselle flood Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2020-11-24

Linear entity at the origin of the risk of the RPP Roselle flood details >

Textual dressings of the POS (doc. of 06.02.1992) of the municipality of Saint-Eloy-de-Gy Open Data

Label dressing the plan of a PLU

Issued on 2015-11-19

Textual dressings of the POS (doc. of 06.02.1992) of the municipality of Saint-Eloy-de-Gy details >

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 03.11.2008) of the municipality of Henrichemont Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-16

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 03.11.2008) of the municipality of Henrichemont details >

scope of protection of sampling points for the production of mineral water Open Data

scopes of protection of sampling points in the natural environment for the production of declared pu

Issued on 2015-12-21

scope of protection of sampling points for the production of mineral water details >

Perimeter of the FNIPP of the mancelle agglomeration Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2020-09-02

Perimeter of the FNIPP of the mancelle agglomeration details >

Risk — 41DDT20060003 RPP Hazard Zone R111.3 TROO Field Movement in Loir-and-Cher Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2016-07-08

Risk — 41DDT20060003 RPP Hazard Zone R111.3 TROO Field Movement in Loir-and-Cher details >
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Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

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API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks