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New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Perigueux — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of speed field points (points for which there is an estimate of the speed and direction of wat

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Perigueux — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1954 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1954 details >

ARCWIND - Satellite Ocean Data - 0.125deg Open Data

Wind analyses, estimated over the North Atlantic Ocean with a focus on some specific regions, are on

Issued on

ARCWIND - Satellite Ocean Data - 0.125deg details >

Prévision quotidiennes des concentrations de polluants atmosphériques et d'indices de la qualité de... Open Data

Cartes de prévisions des concentrations en ozone, dioxyde d'azote, particules (PM10) et des indices

Issued on 2017-10-26

Prévision quotidiennes des concentrations de polluants atmosphériques et d'indices de la qualité de... details >

New-Aquitaine: Pau Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of speed field points (points for which there is an estimate of the speed and direction of wat

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Pau Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Built issues Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Built issues details >

Carottages réalisés en Mer du Nord, Manche et Atlantique Open Data

Carottages effectués en Mer du Nord, Manche et Atlantique. Ce fichier englobe des campagnes effectué

Issued on

Carottages réalisés en Mer du Nord, Manche et Atlantique details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flooding Directive — High flood risk territory TOULOUSE — Flood maps Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flooding Directive — High flood risk territory TOULOUSE — Flood maps details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Territorial and Rural Balance Poles (PETR) headquartered in Occitania Open Data

The territorial and rural balance poles, created by law of 27 January 2014, are intended to be a too

Issued on 2016-09-09

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Territorial and Rural Balance Poles (PETR) headquartered in Occitania details >

Digital Elevation model — large Suscinio beach Open Data

Suscinio’s large beach MNE from photogrammetric drone image treatments — IGN69 — Dynalit

Issued on 2020-11-02

Digital Elevation model — large Suscinio beach details >

Espaces Naturels Sensibles - Département du Cantal - 2016 Open Data

Les Espaces Naturels Sensibles (ENS) ont pour objectif de protéger un patrimoine naturel, paysager o

Issued on 2016-05-03

Espaces Naturels Sensibles - Département du Cantal - 2016 details >

Foyer (ponctuel) d'événement de crise en santé des végétaux - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Open Data

Tout type d'événement lié à une crise sanitaire ou indiquant la présence d'un ravageur, dans les dom

Issued on 2018-10-15

Foyer (ponctuel) d'événement de crise en santé des végétaux - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes details >

Réseau d' éclairage public - Armoire Open Data

Armoire. Plan numérique vecteur à grande échelle représentant les éléments patrimoniaux des communes

Issued on 2013-07-01

Réseau d' éclairage public - Armoire details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Tonneins-Marmande — Flooding Zones, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of flooding areas (area to be flooded in case of flooding of a certain type under a certain sc

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Tonneins-Marmande — Flooding Zones, Flood Directive details >


AIRE GEOGRAPHIQUE de l'AOC COTEAUX CHAMPENOIS En application des réglementations européenne et nat

Issued on


Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans les Alpes-Martimes... Open Data

Missionné par la DHUP (Bureau de la législation de l'urbanisme), le Cerema a réalisé une actualisati

Issued on 2018-02-07T10:10:00Z

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans les Alpes-Martimes... details >

Évaluation des émissions totales de GES de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes de 2010 à 2017 Open Data

Estimation des émissions annuelles totales de Gaz à Effet de Serre, fluorés et non fluorés, sur la r

Issued on 2020-01-21

Évaluation des émissions totales de GES de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes de 2010 à 2017 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Cartographie informative des zones inondables - obstacle (CIZI) - Midi-Pyrénées Open Data

Ce lot est constitué d'objets ponctuels matérialisant les obstacles à l'écoulement. Sont considérés

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Cartographie informative des zones inondables - obstacle (CIZI) - Midi-Pyrénées details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — linear anthropogenic elements Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — linear anthropogenic elements details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Wastewater... Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Wastewater... details >

New-Aquitaine: Dax Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of speed field points (points for which there is an estimate of the speed and direction of wat

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Dax Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive details >

Territoires à Risques Important d'Inondation (TRI) du Mans - Enjeux liés à des activités économiques Open Data

Série de données géographiques produites par le SIG Directive inondation du territoire à risque impo

Issued on 2014-04-28

Territoires à Risques Important d'Inondation (TRI) du Mans - Enjeux liés à des activités économiques details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — One-time Cultural Heritage Issues, Flood Directive Open Data

This dataset contains the ad hoc cultural heritage issues produced for reporting purposes for the Eu

Issued on 2016-12-15

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — One-time Cultural Heritage Issues, Flood Directive details >

Parts of spawning streams under Article L. 432-3 of the Environmental Code for the Department of Ain Open Data

An inventoried Frayère brings together the concepts of fish spawning grounds and crustaceans growing

Issued on

Parts of spawning streams under Article L. 432-3 of the Environmental Code for the Department of Ain details >

Indice de qualité de l'air par commune pour J-1, J, J+1 Open Data

L'indice ATMO est produit chaque jour entre 13 et 14 heures, pour la veille, le jour même, et le len

Issued on

Indice de qualité de l'air par commune pour J-1, J, J+1 details >

WISE 2016 SurfaceWaterBody_FR_20170324 Open Data

This file describes the following surface water bodies : Lake waters, Transitional waters and Coasta

Issued on

WISE 2016 SurfaceWaterBody_FR_20170324 details >

Reference characteristic flow rate: average inter-year flow of rivers in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Open Data

In the framework of the agreement signed with Onema, Irstea carried out, after four years of researc

Issued on

Reference characteristic flow rate: average inter-year flow of rivers in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Overalea Areas Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Overalea Areas details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1968 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1968 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — clear limit of topographic difference Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — clear limit of topographic difference details >

Île de la réunion,St Gilles les bains, Site des Brisants, Levés TLS 2011 à 2016 Open Data

Levé du site de Réunion - Brisants réalisé au TLS - produit: MNT

Issued on

Île de la réunion,St Gilles les bains, Site des Brisants, Levés TLS 2011 à 2016 details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — Flood Subtracted Areas (protected from natural flooding), Flood... Open Data

This dataset contains areas subtracted from flooding (area protected from natural flooding by the ex

Issued on 2016-12-15

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — Flood Subtracted Areas (protected from natural flooding), Flood... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — one-off anthropogenic elements Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — one-off anthropogenic elements details >


Aire parcellaire délimitée de l'AOP CHIROUBLES En application des réglementations européenne et nat

Issued on

AOP_VIN_69058_CHIROUBLES_AIRE_PARCELLAIRE_2013.01.24 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Issues related to... Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Issues related to... details >

New-Aquitaine: Dax sorting — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR,... Open Data

Table of homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR, produced for reporting

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Dax sorting — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR,... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding Languedoc-Roussillon — AZI per catchment area Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding Languedoc-Roussillon — AZI per catchment area details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Flooding Areas Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Flooding Areas details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Issues... Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Issues... details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR,... Open Data

This dataset contains homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR, produced f

Issued on 2016-12-15

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Agen — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR,... details >

Réseau Routier départemental - Points de Repère - Département du Cantal - 2020 Open Data

Un point de repère, dans le domaine de l'exploitation routière, est un point créé par le gestionnair

Issued on

Réseau Routier départemental - Points de Repère - Département du Cantal - 2020 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Desman of the Pyrenees — Area of Presence in Occitania Open Data

‘National action plans for the conservation or recovery of the species referred to in Articles L.411

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Desman of the Pyrenees — Area of Presence in Occitania details >

Cartographie des équipements sportifs sur Bayeux Intercom Open Data

Cartographie numérique des équipements sportifs sur Bayeux Intercom (piscine)

Issued on 2012-01-01

Cartographie des équipements sportifs sur Bayeux Intercom details >

Forêts de protection - Rhône-Alpes Open Data

Forêt de protection (articles L.411-1 à L.413-1 du code forestier) Peuvent être classées comme forêt

Issued on 2012-01-30

Forêts de protection - Rhône-Alpes details >

New-Aquitaine: Bergerac Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of speed field points (points for which there is an estimate of the speed and direction of wat

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Bergerac Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Cultural Heritage... Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Cultural Heritage... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1986 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1986 details >

Niveaux annuels de polluants dans l'air ambiant issus de la modélisation sur la région Auvergne -... Open Data

Estimation des concentrations de dioxyde d'azote, de particules PM10 et PM2.5 par maille de 10m et d

Issued on 2020-04-17T00:00:00Z

Niveaux annuels de polluants dans l'air ambiant issus de la modélisation sur la région Auvergne -... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Built Issues Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Built Issues details >

New-Aquitaine: Sort of Agen — Flood Protection Works in the TRI ROW, Flood Directive. Open Data

This dataset contains the flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purp

Issued on 2016-12-15

New-Aquitaine: Sort of Agen — Flood Protection Works in the TRI ROW, Flood Directive. details >

WISE 2016 RiverBasinDistrict_FR_20161109 Open Data

River basin is The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams,

Issued on

WISE 2016 RiverBasinDistrict_FR_20161109 details >

WISE 2016 GroundWaterBodyHorizon_FR_20160726 Open Data

GroundWaterBody means a distinct volume of groundwater (All water which is below the surface of the

Issued on

WISE 2016 GroundWaterBodyHorizon_FR_20160726 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1953 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1953 details >

Etablissements de production de lait et de produits laitiers - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Open Data

Localisation des : - établissements de production de lait et de produits laitiers agréés CE - centre

Issued on

Etablissements de production de lait et de produits laitiers - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Vautour Moine - Domaines Vitaux en Occitanie Open Data

Les Plans Nationaux d’Actions pour les espèces menacées constituent une des politiques mises en plac

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Vautour Moine - Domaines Vitaux en Occitanie details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CAHORS — Crisis management issues... Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CAHORS — Crisis management issues... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1978 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1978 details >

Bati spontané quartier Baka Pasi, Saint-Laurent du Maroni 1999 Open Data

Bati spontané du quartier Baka Pasi à Saint-Laurent du Maroni 1999 numérisé à partir d'anciennes pho

Issued on

Bati spontané quartier Baka Pasi, Saint-Laurent du Maroni 1999 details >

Directive inondation - Enjeux liés aux stations de traitement des eaux usées du TRI CHERBOURG -... Open Data

Table des enjeux liés aux stations de traitement des eaux usées

Issued on

Directive inondation - Enjeux liés aux stations de traitement des eaux usées du TRI CHERBOURG -... details >

Sensibilité du critère « diversité » à l'extraction de granulats marins, basée sur les richesses... Open Data

Sensibilité des ressources halieutiques aux activités d'extraction de granulats marins, critère "div

Issued on

Sensibilité du critère « diversité » à l'extraction de granulats marins, basée sur les richesses... details >

Abondance d’œufs de merlan (Merlangius merlangus) observée lors de la campagne scientifique IBTS sur... Open Data

L'abondance d’œufs de merlan (Merlangius merlangus) est exprimée en nombre d’œufs par m3. Les œufs o

Issued on

Abondance d’œufs de merlan (Merlangius merlangus) observée lors de la campagne scientifique IBTS sur... details >

WISE 2016 SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline_FR_20170207 Open Data

A representation of the centrelines of surface water bodies is requested and is composed of WaterBod

Issued on

WISE 2016 SurfaceWaterBodyCentreline_FR_20170207 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1998 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1998 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Zonages 1 2 3 HLM in Occitania Open Data

Zoning 1/2/3 is a parameter used in the calculation of personal housing aids (AL and APL). It is als

Issued on 2016-10-04

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Zonages 1 2 3 HLM in Occitania details >

New-Aquitaine: Libourne sorting (overflow hazard) — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way,... Open Data

Table of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purposes for the Euro

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Libourne sorting (overflow hazard) — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way,... details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Tonneins-Marmande — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of ad hoc cultural heritage issues produced for reporting purposes for the European Flood Dire

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Tonneins-Marmande — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood Directive details >

Cartographie de l'alimentation en eau potable sur Bayeux Intercom et alentours (réseaux, captages,... Open Data

Cartographie numérique du réseau d'eau potable (canalisations de transport et de distribution aux us

Issued on

Cartographie de l'alimentation en eau potable sur Bayeux Intercom et alentours (réseaux, captages,... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — Significant Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Enterprise Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — Significant Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Enterprise details >

Spatialisation des relations des habitants de Vienne-Condrieu Agglomération au fleuve Rhône (2018) Open Data

30 entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès d’habitants de l’agglomération de Vienne-Condri

Issued on

Spatialisation des relations des habitants de Vienne-Condrieu Agglomération au fleuve Rhône (2018) details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Libourne (marine submersion) — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood... Open Data

Table of ad hoc cultural heritage issues produced for reporting purposes for the European Flood Dire

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Libourne (marine submersion) — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - zone... Open Data

L'Atlas numérique des zones inondables par submersion marine, est basé sur des données géographiques

Issued on 2017-05-15

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - zone... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Iso Areas Height Class Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Iso Areas Height Class details >

Périmètre PPR AZERGUES : révision du PPR en cours Open Data

Cette classe décrit tout périmètre délimitant une zone influencée par la présence d'un PPR. Les péri

Issued on

Périmètre PPR AZERGUES : révision du PPR en cours details >

Evaluation des émissions totales de polluants atmosphériques des EPCI de la région Auvergne -... Open Data

Estimation des émissions annuelles totales des principaux polluants atmosphériques (SO2 - NOx équiva

Issued on 2018-08-20

Evaluation des émissions totales de polluants atmosphériques des EPCI de la région Auvergne -... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Maculinéa en Occitanie Open Data

Les Plans Nationaux d'Action pour les Espèces menacées constituent une des politiques mise en place

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Maculinéa en Occitanie details >

Profils DGPS de la grande plage de Suscinio - LGO - 2014-->aujourd'hui Open Data

Profils DGPS en format CSV de Suscinio (Morbihan) acquis par le Laboratoire Géosciences Océan de l'U

Issued on 2020-11-19

Profils DGPS de la grande plage de Suscinio - LGO - 2014-->aujourd'hui details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Areas eligible for the protection measure of herds against predation by bears in... Open Data

These areas are defined by prefectural decree in the light of indications of presence or attacks The

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Areas eligible for the protection measure of herds against predation by bears in... details >

Nouvelle-Aquitaine : TRI de Tonneins et Marmande - Données géolocalisées produites par le SIG... Open Data

Les cartes des surfaces inondables et des cartes des risques d'inondation du TRI ont été approuvées

Issued on 2015-08-31

Nouvelle-Aquitaine : TRI de Tonneins et Marmande - Données géolocalisées produites par le SIG... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Flooding... Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Flooding... details >

Qualitomètres Open Data

La station de mesure de la qualité des eaux souterraines ou qualitomètre est un point d'eau ou un en

Issued on

Qualitomètres details >

New-Aquitaine: Prefectures and sub-prefectures Open Data

Representation of prefectures and sub-prefectures of the New Aquitaine region. Dataset created from

Issued on

New-Aquitaine: Prefectures and sub-prefectures details >

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Haute-Loire -... Open Data

Missionné par la DHUP (Bureau de la législation de l'urbanisme), le Cerema a réalisé une actualisati

Issued on 2018-02-07T10:10:00Z

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Haute-Loire -... details >

New-Aquitaine: Bordeaux Sorting (overflow) — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way, Flood... Open Data

Table of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purposes for the Euro

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Bordeaux Sorting (overflow) — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way, Flood... details >


Différents zonages ont été définis pour orienter la mise en œuvre des politiques d’intervention de l

Issued on


Near the historic monuments of Auvergne Rhône Alpes. Extract from the Atlas of Heritage October 2021 Open Data

Buildings or sets of buildings that form with a historical monument a coherent set or that are likel

Issued on 2021-03-29

Near the historic monuments of Auvergne Rhône Alpes. Extract from the Atlas of Heritage October 2021 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Cartographie informative des zones inondables - zone inondable (CIZI) -... Open Data

Ce lot est constitué des polygones d'emprise des surfaces inondables caractérisées par les fréquence

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Cartographie informative des zones inondables - zone inondable (CIZI) -... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — List of municipalities used... Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — List of municipalities used... details >

New-Aquitaine: Tonneins-Marmande Sorting — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way, Flood... Open Data

Table of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purposes for the Euro

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Tonneins-Marmande Sorting — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way, Flood... details >

Les études pré-opérationnelles en Bretagne Open Data

Mise à jour au 2016_01_01 - Les études pré-opérationnelles précisent les conditions de mise en place

Issued on

Les études pré-opérationnelles en Bretagne details >

New-Aquitaine: Pau Sorting — Table listing flood risk maps produced on a given IRR, Flood Directive. Open Data

Table listing flood risk maps produced on a given IRR, produced for reporting purposes for the Europ

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Pau Sorting — Table listing flood risk maps produced on a given IRR, Flood Directive. details >


Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages de l'Agence Art

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[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Iso Areas Height... Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Iso Areas Height... details >

WISE 2016 GroundWaterBody_FR_20170406 Open Data

GroundWaterBody means a distinct volume of groundwater (All water which is below the surface of the

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WISE 2016 GroundWaterBody_FR_20170406 details >

Mediterranean modelled seabed shear stress (90th percentile) Open Data

Seabed shear stress (in N.m-2) is a measure of the friction of water on the seabed due to waves and

Issued on 2010-02-01T00:00:00Z

Mediterranean modelled seabed shear stress (90th percentile) details >

Filière crevetticole de Nouvelle-Calédonie Open Data

Localisation ponctuelle des fermes de grossissement, écloseries, ateliers de conditionnement, usines

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Filière crevetticole de Nouvelle-Calédonie details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Economic Issues Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

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[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Economic Issues details >

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Drôme - 026 Open Data

Missionné par la DHUP (Bureau de la législation de l'urbanisme), le Cerema a réalisé une actualisati

Issued on 2018-02-07T10:10:00Z

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Drôme - 026 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Plans locaux d'urbanisme intercommunaux (PLUi) en Occitanie Open Data

Le PLUi est un document d’urbanisme à l’échelle d’un groupement de communes (EPCI) qui étudie le fon

Issued on 2016-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Plans locaux d'urbanisme intercommunaux (PLUi) en Occitanie details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1980 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1980 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables Languedoc-Roussillon - éléments naturels surfaciques Open Data

La DREAL Occitanie (ex Languedoc-Roussillon) conduit depuis 1999 la réalisation d''atlas de zones in

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[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables Languedoc-Roussillon - éléments naturels surfaciques details >
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