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Zones de protection liées aux servitudes INT1 (cimetières) dans le département de l'Orne Open Data

Les servitudes de catégorie INT1 concernent les servitudes instituées instituées par l'article L. 22

Issued on 2020-01-07

Zones de protection liées aux servitudes INT1 (cimetières) dans le département de l'Orne details >

Schéma Régional de Cohérence Écologique (SRCE) - Réservoirs de biodiversité - en Provence Alpes Côte... Open Data

Cette table liste les différents réservoirs de biodiversité. En application de l’article R.371-19 II

Issued on 2017-11-07

Schéma Régional de Cohérence Écologique (SRCE) - Réservoirs de biodiversité - en Provence Alpes Côte... details >

Potential Flood Zones for Alençon Station (Orne)(LIC_1800) Open Data

This sheet describes all the spatial data sets produced for the determination of Potential Flood Zon

Issued on 2021-08-02

Potential Flood Zones for Alençon Station (Orne)(LIC_1800) details >

Regulated zone of the natural hazard prevention plan of La Chapelle-d’Abondance (Haute-Savoie) —... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2016-01-04

Regulated zone of the natural hazard prevention plan of La Chapelle-d’Abondance (Haute-Savoie) —... details >

Issues related to sensitive institutions, infrastructure and facilities on the TRI Nevers — Nièvre... Open Data

Tables of issues relating to sensitive establishments, infrastructures and installations whose flood

Issued on 2020-08-20

Issues related to sensitive institutions, infrastructure and facilities on the TRI Nevers — Nièvre... details >

Noise zone of a strategic noise map of type C, associated index Lden, on the road network of Upper... Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2019-02-25

Noise zone of a strategic noise map of type C, associated index Lden, on the road network of Upper... details >

Strategic noise maps — Granted highways — Type C card (night) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 Open Data

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise sets out a

Issued on 2017-03-06

Strategic noise maps — Granted highways — Type C card (night) in Côte d’Or — 2nd deadline 2012-2017 details >

Restricted zone of the partial revision of the PPRi du Val d’Allier Issoirien (63DDT20160001)... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the environmental code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2020-06-09

Restricted zone of the partial revision of the PPRi du Val d’Allier Issoirien (63DDT20160001)... details >

PPRI Presles (Area Zone) Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2015-07-28

PPRI Presles (Area Zone) details >

Areas of the POS (doc. of 07.04.2000) of the municipality of Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-17

Areas of the POS (doc. of 07.04.2000) of the municipality of Ménétréol-sous-Sancerre details >

Habitat — Directory of Social Leasehold Park of Social Donors (RPLS) in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

The aim of the register of rental housing for social landlords is to establish the overall status of

Issued on 2019-07-02

Habitat — Directory of Social Leasehold Park of Social Donors (RPLS) in Loir-et-Cher details >

Table of the Wind Poles Open Data

These data describe the location of the wind masts in the PACA region.

Issued on 2020-10-13

Table of the Wind Poles details >

Location of Travellers’ Bench Areas Open Data

A Traveller’s Land is a generic designation of any land permanently or intermittently developed for

Issued on 2017-01-19

Location of Travellers’ Bench Areas details >

Linear information of the PLU (doc. of 29.06.2009) of the municipality of Dun-sur-Auron Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-10

Linear information of the PLU (doc. of 29.06.2009) of the municipality of Dun-sur-Auron details >

Areas of the POS (doc. of 11.02.2000) of the municipality of Léré Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-16

Areas of the POS (doc. of 11.02.2000) of the municipality of Léré details >

Agricultural education institution of Burgundy-Franche-Comté Open Data

Agricultural education institution of Burgundy-Franche-Comté

Issued on 2016-07-12

Agricultural education institution of Burgundy-Franche-Comté details >

Easements — A9 List of Utility easements in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Public utility easements (SUPs) are administrative limitations on the right to property established

Issued on 2015-02-04

Easements — A9 List of Utility easements in Loir-et-Cher details >

Water — Loire kilometric point in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Kilometric point Loire en Loir-et-Cher

Issued on 2017-10-02

Water — Loire kilometric point in Loir-et-Cher details >

Forest — File subject to a special forest management regime (PSG, RSAAC,...) in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Contains the lines representing geographical elements of the management files entered in SYLVA

Issued on 2015-09-21

Forest — File subject to a special forest management regime (PSG, RSAAC,...) in Loir-et-Cher details >

Partial New-Aquitaine: Functional economy: Vélib — EPCI — Perimeter (surface) Open Data

This dataset contains EPCI (surface objects), concerned by the saving of the functionality ‘velib’,

Issued on 2017-10-04

Partial New-Aquitaine: Functional economy: Vélib — EPCI — Perimeter (surface) details >

[DRAAF NORMANDIA] Community-wide Soil Observatory — Department of the Channel — Mile 2009 Open Data

The Observatoire des Sols à l’Echelle Communale (also referred to as “OS communale” or “OSCOM”) is a

Issued on 2016-12-06

[DRAAF NORMANDIA] Community-wide Soil Observatory — Department of the Channel — Mile 2009 details >

New-Aquitaine: Call for Projects Territories for Positive Energy for Green Growth (TEPCV) — EPCI —... Open Data

This dataset contains EPCI (surface objects), concerned by a call for projects Territories to Positi

Issued on 2017-10-04

New-Aquitaine: Call for Projects Territories for Positive Energy for Green Growth (TEPCV) — EPCI —... details >

Regional Ecological Coherence Diagram (SRCE) 2014 Alsace — Watercourses classified or important for... Open Data

The spatial information layer available at 1/100 000th produced in the context of the development of

Issued on 2014-12-22

Regional Ecological Coherence Diagram (SRCE) 2014 Alsace — Watercourses classified or important for... details >

Risk — TRI Loir — Flood zone for a water level of 2m60 in Vendome en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Table of floodable surfaces (area that will be flooded in the event of a flood of a certain type und

Issued on 2017-07-13

Risk — TRI Loir — Flood zone for a water level of 2m60 in Vendome en Loir-et-Cher details >

One-off issue of the natural flood risk prevention plan in the Val de Decise — Nièvre (58) Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-08-13

One-off issue of the natural flood risk prevention plan in the Val de Decise — Nièvre (58) details >

Natural Areas of Ecological Interest Faunistic and Floristic Type 1 in Cantal Open Data

Type 1 Wildlife and Florist Ecological Interest Natural Areas A ZNIEFF is defined by the scientific

Issued on 2016-03-21

Natural Areas of Ecological Interest Faunistic and Floristic Type 1 in Cantal details >

SUP INT1 — Servitudes instituted in the vicinity of cemeteries in Meurthe-et-Moselle (Generator) Open Data

The easements established by Article L. 2223-5 of the General Code of Local and Regional Authorities

Issued on 2019-10-15

SUP INT1 — Servitudes instituted in the vicinity of cemeteries in Meurthe-et-Moselle (Generator) details >

Requirements of the POS (doc. of 08.03.2004) of the municipality of Graçay Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-13

Requirements of the POS (doc. of 08.03.2004) of the municipality of Graçay details >

Scope of the natural risk prevention plan for Fillinges (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 14/01/1997 Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2015-09-17

Scope of the natural risk prevention plan for Fillinges (Haute-Savoie) — approved on 14/01/1997 details >

Partial perimeter (part of the Solenzara) of the PPRI in the catchment areas of Solenzara, Chiola... Open Data

This dataset contains the part of the Solenzara of the perimeter of the PPRI in the catchment areas

Issued on 2018-08-30

Partial perimeter (part of the Solenzara) of the PPRI in the catchment areas of Solenzara, Chiola... details >

Risk — Highest Water Isocote Line Known for Loir-and-Cher Sauldre Open Data

The PHE benchmarks are an important element in the flood risk prevention and information system, as

Issued on 2016-08-10

Risk — Highest Water Isocote Line Known for Loir-and-Cher Sauldre details >

Types of risk treated in a multi-hazard PPRT in Haut-Rhin Open Data

Non-geometric table to be used for multi-hazard RPPs to inform the types of risk addressed in the RP

Issued on 2016-04-14

Types of risk treated in a multi-hazard PPRT in Haut-Rhin details >

Table contenant les générateurs surfaciques liés aux servitudes AC3 (réserves naturelles) dans le... Open Data

Les servitudes de catégorie AC3 concernent les servitudes relatives aux réserves naturelles et périm

Issued on 2021-01-14

Table contenant les générateurs surfaciques liés aux servitudes AC3 (réserves naturelles) dans le... details >

Zones de protection liées aux servitudes PT1 (centre de réception) dans le département de l'Orne Open Data

Servitude de protection des centres de réception radio-électriques contre les perturbations électrom

Issued on 2020-01-07

Zones de protection liées aux servitudes PT1 (centre de réception) dans le département de l'Orne details >

Masses d'eau souterraines - profondeur 1 - en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Open Data

Une masse d'eau souterraine est un volume distinct d'eau souterraine à l'intérieur d'un ou de plusie

Issued on 2018-02-19

Masses d'eau souterraines - profondeur 1 - en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur details >

Risk — TRI Loir — IsoClasses Height Zones (ICZ) for a water level of 1m45 in Vendome en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Tables of areas in which a hazard of a certain type under a certain scenario causes a rise of water

Issued on 2018-02-09

Risk — TRI Loir — IsoClasses Height Zones (ICZ) for a water level of 1m45 in Vendome en Loir-et-Cher details >

Textual dressings of the PLU (doc. of 02.07.2009) of the municipality of Parassy Open Data

Label dressing the plan of a PLU

Issued on 2015-11-18

Textual dressings of the PLU (doc. of 02.07.2009) of the municipality of Parassy details >

PPRT document on the department of Haut-Rhin Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2017-06-09

PPRT document on the department of Haut-Rhin details >

Regulated areas of the local planning plan of TARASCON-SUR-ARIEGE Open Data

The regulated zoning of the local planning plan (LDP) is digitised in accordance with the national r

Issued on 2016-09-02

Regulated areas of the local planning plan of TARASCON-SUR-ARIEGE details >

Risks — Envelope of the hillside cellars in Montoire-sur-le-Loir Open Data

Envelope of the hillside cellars in Montoire-sur-le-Loir

Issued on 2019-07-02

Risks — Envelope of the hillside cellars in Montoire-sur-le-Loir details >

Inventory 2020 of potential farmland in Finistère Open Data

In accordance with Article 25 of the Law on the Future for Agriculture, Food and Forestry of 13 Octo

Issued on 2020-12-23

Inventory 2020 of potential farmland in Finistère details >

Remote vigilance perimeters and view cones around some iconic heritage sites Open Data

15/04/2020 source: DRAC The perimeters of distant vigilance and cones of view around some iconic he

Issued on 2021-04-29

Remote vigilance perimeters and view cones around some iconic heritage sites details >

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 07.09.2012) of the municipality of Rians Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-19

Specific requirements of the PLU (doc. of 07.09.2012) of the municipality of Rians details >

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130021) commune de Saint-Christol-lès-Alès - zonage règlementaire Open Data

Zonage règlementaire du Plan de Prévention contre le Risque Inondation établi pour la commune de Sai

Issued on 2016-09-28

PPRI du Gardon d'Alès (20130021) commune de Saint-Christol-lès-Alès - zonage règlementaire details >

Observatoire des sols à l'échelle communale de la zone Nord Est du département de la GIRONDE pour... Open Data

Le descriptif de la donnée est disponible dans la fiche de métadonnées de lot de données "Observatoi

Issued on 2016-07-25

Observatoire des sols à l'échelle communale de la zone Nord Est du département de la GIRONDE pour... details >

N_RPG_ANONYME_S_067_2006 Open Data

An island is a set of crop parcels:- contiguous, whole or partial, bearing one or more crops, farmed

Issued on 2017-05-05

N_RPG_ANONYME_S_067_2006 details >

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 29.02.2008) of the municipality of Herry Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-16

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 29.02.2008) of the municipality of Herry details >

Natural Land Movement Risk Prevention Plan — Regulatory Area — Aulnay-sous-Bois Commune (93005) Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key government instrument for risk prevention. Their objective

Issued on 2022-03-17

Natural Land Movement Risk Prevention Plan — Regulatory Area — Aulnay-sous-Bois Commune (93005) details >

Linear entity at the origin of the Libercourt PPRN risk Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2015-12-16

Linear entity at the origin of the Libercourt PPRN risk details >

Zones de protection liées aux servitudes AC1(monuments historiques classés ou inscrits) dans le... Open Data

Les servitudes de catégorie AC1 concernent les servitudes de protection des monuments historiques cl

Issued on 2020-01-07

Zones de protection liées aux servitudes AC1(monuments historiques classés ou inscrits) dans le... details >

Identification of degraded wetlands of the Chiers-Meuse hydrographic unit in the Meuse department Open Data

When their functionalities have been disrupted or impaired by anthropogenic practices (drainage, emb

Issued on 2019-03-05

Identification of degraded wetlands of the Chiers-Meuse hydrographic unit in the Meuse department details >

RPP surfacial challenge Auzette flooding Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-11-24

RPP surfacial challenge Auzette flooding details >

information line for planning documents of a PLU, POS or PLUi — Aveyron (CNIG) Open Data

The surface, linear or one-off information contained in the graphic documents of a PLU POS or PLUi u

Issued on 2017-03-28

information line for planning documents of a PLU, POS or PLUi — Aveyron (CNIG) details >

Linear Wetland Open Data

Area where water is the main factor controlling the natural environment and associated animal and pl

Issued on 2015-12-21

Linear Wetland details >

Points of introduction into the natural environment of clean water from wastewater treatment plants... Open Data

Points of introduction into the natural environment of clean water from community STEPs in 2014. For

Issued on 2020-10-16

Points of introduction into the natural environment of clean water from wastewater treatment plants... details >

Regional Ecological Coherence Diagram (SRCE) 2014 Alsace — Special wildlife passes on the road... Open Data

Geographic information layer available at 1/100 000th produced in the context of the development of

Issued on 2014-12-22

Regional Ecological Coherence Diagram (SRCE) 2014 Alsace — Special wildlife passes on the road... details >

Flooding — Dike protected areas in the evening-and-Cher Open Data

Delimitation of the protected areas by class A and B dikes on the Loire and the Cher.

Issued on 2017-09-19

Flooding — Dike protected areas in the evening-and-Cher details >

RPP Restricted Area Vienna Flood — Eymoutiers Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2020-11-25

RPP Restricted Area Vienna Flood — Eymoutiers details >

Table containing point generators related to grade PM2 easements Open Data


Issued on 2017-05-16

Table containing point generators related to grade PM2 easements details >

PPRi de Barjac (30) - zonage règlementaire Open Data

Zonage règlementaire du Plan de Prévention contre le Risque Inondation établi pour la commune de Bar

Issued on 2016-11-23

PPRi de Barjac (30) - zonage règlementaire details >

Linear layout covering the plan of the POS (doc. of 15.01.2002) of the municipality of Pigny Open Data

The cladding elements are entries in relation to a regulatory provision (way width, odds, names of n

Issued on 2016-04-14

Linear layout covering the plan of the POS (doc. of 15.01.2002) of the municipality of Pigny details >

Regulatory zoning of the Gravona RPRI Open Data

This zoning corresponds to the regulatory zoning map as approved on 06/09/2002. This is a revision.

Issued on 2018-02-28

Regulatory zoning of the Gravona RPRI details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. 24.10.2008) of the municipality of Bué Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-10

Areas of the PLU (doc. 24.10.2008) of the municipality of Bué details >

PRUNELLI Valley RPRI Regulatory Zoning Open Data

This zoning corresponds to the regulatory zoning map as approved by the PPRI on 14/09/1999. It inclu

Issued on 2018-06-11

PRUNELLI Valley RPRI Regulatory Zoning details >

poids_proprietaire_modeste_com Open Data

Poids communal des propriétaires occupants très modestes (critères d’éligibilité Anah) – source Filo

Issued on 2019-07-02

poids_proprietaire_modeste_com details >

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographic entities describing the natural habitats of the site “Gat Mort and... Open Data

This dataset contains the natural surface habitats zoning identified in the objective document of th

Issued on 2015-12-08

Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographic entities describing the natural habitats of the site “Gat Mort and... details >

Perimeter of the PPRN BREVENNE TURDINE Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2020-04-06

Perimeter of the PPRN BREVENNE TURDINE details >

Ad hoc issues of the PPRN AZERGUES Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2020-04-06

Ad hoc issues of the PPRN AZERGUES details >

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 19.11.2010) of the municipality of Bruère-Allichamps Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-10

Surface requirements of the POS (doc. of 19.11.2010) of the municipality of Bruère-Allichamps details >

Areas of water rises according to medium probability hazard on the IRR Nevers — Nièvre (58) Open Data

Tables of areas in which a hazard of a certain type under a certain scenario causes a rise of water

Issued on 2020-08-20

Areas of water rises according to medium probability hazard on the IRR Nevers — Nièvre (58) details >

Restricted area of the PPRGA of the municipality of Marestaing (Gers) Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Mares

Issued on 2015-10-20

Restricted area of the PPRGA of the municipality of Marestaing (Gers) details >

Risk — TRI Loir — Flood zone for a height of water of 1.25 m in La Chartre en Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Table of floodable surfaces (area that will be flooded in the event of a flood of a certain type und

Issued on 2018-07-09

Risk — TRI Loir — Flood zone for a height of water of 1.25 m in La Chartre en Loir-et-Cher details >

PPR CAMBO LES BAINS (64DDTM20160007) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of... Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2022-04-07

PPR CAMBO LES BAINS (64DDTM20160007) — Perimeter of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN-PPRI) of... details >

Regulatory flood zone established by an approved PPRI in Dawn Open Data

All areas defined by the Prefectural Decree approving the PPRI are seized, including white areas (ar

Issued on 2015-07-03

Regulatory flood zone established by an approved PPRI in Dawn details >

Table containing surface plates related to Grade AC1 easements (Historical Monuments) in Haut-Rhin Open Data

Class AC1 easements relate to easements for the protection of historic monuments classified or regis

Issued on 2017-10-24

Table containing surface plates related to Grade AC1 easements (Historical Monuments) in Haut-Rhin details >

Restricted zone of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Restricted zone of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

Issues related to wastewater treatment plants on the IRR Nevers — Nièvre (58) Open Data

European Directive 2007/60/EC of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks (OJ

Issued on 2020-08-20

Issues related to wastewater treatment plants on the IRR Nevers — Nièvre (58) details >

Water — surface water body in good condition in Loir-et-cher Open Data

Delimitation of surface water bodies in good condition

Issued on 2017-10-02

Water — surface water body in good condition in Loir-et-cher details >

Linear coverings of the PLU (doc. of 13.05.2011) of the municipality of Morthomiers Open Data

The cladding elements are entries in relation to a regulatory provision (way width, odds, names of n

Issued on 2015-11-18

Linear coverings of the PLU (doc. of 13.05.2011) of the municipality of Morthomiers details >

Perimeter of the PPRI in the Vetricella catchment area Open Data

This dataset contains the perimeter of the PPRI of the Vetricella catchment area approved on 23/09/2

Issued on 2018-06-22

Perimeter of the PPRI in the Vetricella catchment area details >

Restricted area of the Annemasse Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2015-08-24

Restricted area of the Annemasse Natural Risk Prevention Plan (Haute-Savoie) — approved on... details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140531_S_032 Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries of the PPR flooding of the municipality of Tournecoupe in the d

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140531_S_032 details >

DDT95 — RG Maudetour-en-Vexin Open Data

DDT95 — Swelling of clay soils for the municipality of Maudetour-en-Vexin (95379)

Issued on 2022-03-08

DDT95 — RG Maudetour-en-Vexin details >

Information about the PLU (doc. of 30.11.2007) of the municipality of Brécy Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-11-10

Information about the PLU (doc. of 30.11.2007) of the municipality of Brécy details >

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 27.08.2009) of the municipality of Belleville-sur-Loire Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-09

Surface requirements of the PLU (doc. of 27.08.2009) of the municipality of Belleville-sur-Loire details >

Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat (OPAH) en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Open Data

l'OPAH est une convention française passée entre une commune, un EPCI (Établissement public de coopé

Issued on 2018-02-19

Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat (OPAH) en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur details >

PPRI hazard zone in the watersheds of Chuini and Esigna — municipality of Cargèse Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the map of hazards used for risk analysis of RIP

Issued on 2018-07-26

PPRI hazard zone in the watersheds of Chuini and Esigna — municipality of Cargèse details >

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 03.12.2012) of the municipality of Ivoy-le-Pré Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2015-11-16

Areas of the PLU (doc. of 03.12.2012) of the municipality of Ivoy-le-Pré details >

Remarkable Heritage Sites (PRS) Open Data

source: DRAC Remarkable Heritage Sites (PRS)

Issued on 2021-04-27

Remarkable Heritage Sites (PRS) details >

Restricted area of the PPRGA of the municipality of Puycasquier (Gers) Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Puyca

Issued on 2015-10-14

Restricted area of the PPRGA of the municipality of Puycasquier (Gers) details >

Urban planning documents PLU, POS, municipal map approved on the department in numerical form Open Data

List of local planning plans, land use plans or maps digitised in the form of approved and enforceab

Issued on 2016-04-21

Urban planning documents PLU, POS, municipal map approved on the department in numerical form details >

Land tenure — Urban housing built in Loir-et Cher Open Data

Urban sprawl mapped by period from the earliest year of construction of buildings on the built land

Issued on 2017-10-02

Land tenure — Urban housing built in Loir-et Cher details >

Order No 103-2019 Open Data

Making it mandatory to deliberation n°2019/C-CSJ-OC-04 of the Regional Committee for Maritime Fisher

Issued on 2021-12-16

Order No 103-2019 details >

Partial New-Aquitaine: Indirect aqueous discharges of ICPEs — Location (one-off) Open Data

This dataset contains the location of Classified Environmental Protection Facilities (ICPEs) subject

Issued on 2017-02-02

Partial New-Aquitaine: Indirect aqueous discharges of ICPEs — Location (one-off) details >

Requirements of the POS (doc. of 09.01.2007) of the municipality of Verdigny Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2015-11-27

Requirements of the POS (doc. of 09.01.2007) of the municipality of Verdigny details >

Saint-Vaast La Hougue PPRL hazard zone Open Data

Hazard area Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis

Issued on 2017-11-07

Saint-Vaast La Hougue PPRL hazard zone details >

Canalisations de distribution de gaz - servitude I3 - Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

Identification des canalisations régionales de distribution de gaz pour l'application d'une servitud

Issued on 2017-10-04

Canalisations de distribution de gaz - servitude I3 - Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Canalisations d'eau et d'assainissement - servitudes A5 - Hautes-Pyrénées Open Data

A5 : Canalisations d'eau et d'assainissement Établissement à demeure de canalisation publique (bande

Issued on 2017-10-04

Canalisations d'eau et d'assainissement - servitudes A5 - Hautes-Pyrénées details >

Rhone Gaz PPRT’s surfacing issue Open Data


Issued on 2015-12-18

Rhone Gaz PPRT’s surfacing issue details >

PPRI de Vitry-le-François — Marne sector — map of hazards Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of flood RP

Issued on 2018-06-29

PPRI de Vitry-le-François — Marne sector — map of hazards details >
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