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[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1942 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1942 details >

Plan local d'urbanisme de Jaillon Open Data

Plan local d'urbanisme de Jaillon numérisé, est la représentation du document d'urbanisme en vigueur

Issued on 2011-10-21

Plan local d'urbanisme de Jaillon details >

HOULE : Hauteur significative (Hs) moyenne annuelle et trimestrielle de la houle autour de La... Open Data

Dans le cadre du projet Hydrorun, pour le développement de la plateforme de modélisation, une base d

Issued on

HOULE : Hauteur significative (Hs) moyenne annuelle et trimestrielle de la houle autour de La... details >


Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages de l'Agence Art

Issued on


TZDZG winners of Occitanie 2016 Open Data

Territories winners of the call for projects launched by the Ministry of the Environment “Territorie

Issued on 2016-10-10

TZDZG winners of Occitanie 2016 details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of the Basque Coast (overflow) — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood... Open Data

This dataset contains the ad hoc cultural heritage issues produced for reporting purposes for the Eu

Issued on 2016-12-16

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of the Basque Coast (overflow) — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood... details >

Strategic noise map type “C”: Ln indicator on road network — Isère Open Data

Noise pollution. C-Table of parts of territories likely to contain vessels exceeding limit values. T

Issued on

Strategic noise map type “C”: Ln indicator on road network — Isère details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Carroyed population data in Occitania Open Data

The data provided here comes from a specific exploitation of tax files aimed at assigning to each ho

Issued on 2016-09-30

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Carroyed population data in Occitania details >

Carte communale de Laloeoeuf Open Data

Carte communale de Laloeoeuf numérisée, est la représentation du document d'urbanisme en vigueur sur

Issued on 2006-03-02

Carte communale de Laloeoeuf details >

Humid Areas of Environmental Interest Individual Open Data

Wetland Zones of Special Environmental Interest (HAZEP) are wetland inventory zonings at the watersh

Issued on 2016-04-14T12:00:00Z

Humid Areas of Environmental Interest Individual details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Carroyed population data with rectangle in Occitania Open Data

The data provided here comes from a specific exploitation of tax files aimed at assigning to each ho

Issued on 2016-09-30

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Carroyed population data with rectangle in Occitania details >

New-Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion) — Data that may worsen or complicate... Open Data

Tables of ad hoc issues relating to sensitive establishments and installations whose flooding may ag

Issued on 2017-01-11

New-Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion) — Data that may worsen or complicate... details >

Computerised Cadastral Plan (PCI) in vector format — Machemont common — 2021 Open Data

The cadastral plan is an administrative document that proposes the only large-scale parcel plan cove

Issued on

Computerised Cadastral Plan (PCI) in vector format — Machemont common — 2021 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Crisis... Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Crisis... details >


Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages de l'Agence Art

Issued on


[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Cultural... Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Cultural... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Issues related to... Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Issues related to... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Faucon Crécerellette - Dortoirs en Occitanie Open Data

Les Plans Nationaux d'Actions pour les espèces menacées constituent une des politiques mises en plac

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Faucon Crécerellette - Dortoirs en Occitanie details >

Local urban plan of Charmes-la-Côte Open Data

Local urban plan of Charmes-la-Côte digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document

Issued on 2007-07-11

Local urban plan of Charmes-la-Côte details >


Une masse d'eau souterraine est un volume distinct d'eau souterraine à l'intérieur d'un ou de plusie

Issued on


ICPE SEVESO — Tickets to Seveso de Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Open Data

Sub-layer (view) of SEVESO establishments filtered on the entrance layer of certain establishments c

Issued on

ICPE SEVESO — Tickets to Seveso de Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes details >

Zones vulnérables à la pollution par les nitrates d'origine agricole en région Centre-Val de Loire -... Open Data

- Bassin Loire Bretagne : Périmètre de délimitation des zones vulnérables à la pollution par les nit

Issued on 2017-03-17

Zones vulnérables à la pollution par les nitrates d'origine agricole en région Centre-Val de Loire -... details >

Carte communale de Praye-sous-Vaudémont Open Data

Carte communale de Praye-sous-Vaudémont numérisée, est la représentation du document d'urbanisme en

Issued on 2009-05-18

Carte communale de Praye-sous-Vaudémont details >

Lagney Local Planning Plan Open Data

Local urban plan of Lagney digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in force

Issued on 2012-04-03

Lagney Local Planning Plan details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1972 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1972 details >

Concentrations moyennes mensuelles de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau permanent de... Open Data

Concentrations moyennes mensuelles issues du réseau fixe des principaux polluants réglementés dans l

Issued on

Concentrations moyennes mensuelles de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau permanent de... details >

Territoires à Risques Important d'Inondation (TRI) du Mans - Enjeux surfaciques liés au patrimoine... Open Data

Série de données géographiques produites par le SIG Directive inondation du territoire à risque impo

Issued on 2014-04-28

Territoires à Risques Important d'Inondation (TRI) du Mans - Enjeux surfaciques liés au patrimoine... details >

Villey-Saint-Étienne Local Planning Plan Open Data

A local urban plan of Villey-Saint-Étienne digitised, is the representation of the urban planning do

Issued on 2013-06-04

Villey-Saint-Étienne Local Planning Plan details >

Remarkable Heritage Sites. extracted from the Heritage Observatory March 2021 Open Data

Remarkable heritage sites (ZPPAUP AVAP PSMV) of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes extracted from the Heritage Atl

Issued on 2021-03-26

Remarkable Heritage Sites. extracted from the Heritage Observatory March 2021 details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of the Basque Coast (marine submersion) — One-off cultural heritage issues,... Open Data

Table of ad hoc cultural heritage issues produced for reporting purposes for the European Flood Dire

Issued on 2017-01-11

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of the Basque Coast (marine submersion) — One-off cultural heritage issues,... details >

Évolution de la pression de pêche à la ligne en Atlantique nord-est des années 1940 à nos jours... Open Data

Informations relatives à l'évolution des zones de pêche en Atlantique Nord Est, par lignes.

Issued on 2015-08-15

Évolution de la pression de pêche à la ligne en Atlantique nord-est des années 1940 à nos jours... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1974 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1974 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - réseau... Open Data

L'Atlas numérique des zones inondables par submersion marine, est basé sur des données géographiques

Issued on 2017-05-15

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - réseau... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Information mapping of flooding areas — capturing limit (CIZI) — Midi-Pyrénées Open Data

This lot consists of linear objects materialising the boundaries between which the flood bottom of t

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Information mapping of flooding areas — capturing limit (CIZI) — Midi-Pyrénées details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Leach sensitive area with reinforcement of the application schedule Open Data

Zone for strengthening the timetable for the application of the Occitanie region concerning the decr

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Leach sensitive area with reinforcement of the application schedule details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Community Import Area for Birds (ZICO) in Occitania Open Data

Community Import Zone for Wild Birds. The term also refers to Areas of Interest for Bird Conservatio

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Community Import Area for Birds (ZICO) in Occitania details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Urban Units in Occitania Open Data

The concept of urban unity is based on the continuity of the building and the number of inhabitants.

Issued on 2016-08-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Urban Units in Occitania details >

Plan local d'urbanisme d'Uruffe Open Data

Plan local d'urbanisme d'Uruffe numérisé, est la représentation du document d'urbanisme en vigueur s

Issued on 2017-07-12

Plan local d'urbanisme d'Uruffe details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables Languedoc-Roussillon - zones d'inondation potentielles Open Data

La DREAL Occitanie (ex Languedoc-Roussillon) conduit depuis 1999 la réalisation d''atlas de zones in

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables Languedoc-Roussillon - zones d'inondation potentielles details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding Languedoc-Roussillon — natural linear elements Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding Languedoc-Roussillon — natural linear elements details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Desman of the Pyrenees — Exploration effort in Occitania Open Data

‘National action plans for the conservation or recovery of the species referred to in Articles L.411

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Desman of the Pyrenees — Exploration effort in Occitania details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Zonages A/B/C applicable to certain housing aids (Order 1 August 2014) in... Open Data

Zoning A/B/C classifies territories according to the degree of tension in their local real estate ma

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Zonages A/B/C applicable to certain housing aids (Order 1 August 2014) in... details >

Kingdomix Local Planning Plan Open Data

The local urban plan of Royaumeix digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in

Issued on 2013-06-26

Kingdomix Local Planning Plan details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Information mapping of flooding areas — flood channel (CIZI) — Midi-Pyrénées Open Data

This lot consists of linear objects materialising the flood channels, forms inscribed in hollow in t

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Information mapping of flooding areas — flood channel (CIZI) — Midi-Pyrénées details >

Réseau d' éclairage public Open Data

plan numérique vecteur à grande échelle représentant les éléments patrimoniaux des communes ayant tr

Issued on 2013-07-01

Réseau d' éclairage public details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Emyde lépreuse en Occitanie Open Data

Les Plans Nationaux d'Actions pour les espèces menacées constituent une des politiques mises en plac

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Emyde lépreuse en Occitanie details >

Municipal map of Housséville Open Data

Map of Housséville digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in force in the t

Issued on 2006-04-21

Municipal map of Housséville details >

Plan local d'urbanisme de Pagney-derrière-Barine Open Data

Plan local d'urbanisme de Pagney-derrière-Barine numérisé, est la représentation du document d'urban

Issued on 2016-11-15

Plan local d'urbanisme de Pagney-derrière-Barine details >

Réseau d' éclairage public - Point lumineux Open Data

Point lumineux. Plan numérique vecteur à grande échelle représentant les éléments patrimoniaux des c

Issued on 2013-07-01

Réseau d' éclairage public - Point lumineux details >

Municipal map of Vroncourt Open Data

The municipal map of Vroncourt digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in fo

Issued on 2006-05-03

Municipal map of Vroncourt details >

Municipal map of Vitrey Open Data

Map of Vitrey digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in force in the territ

Issued on 2005-11-17

Municipal map of Vitrey details >


AIRE GEOGRAPHIQUE de l'AOC Rosé des Riceys En application des réglementations européenne et nation

Issued on


[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - les... Open Data

L'Atlas numérique des zones inondables par submersion marine, est basé sur des données géographiques

Issued on 2017-05-15

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - les... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Pink Breasted Pie in Occitania Open Data

Warning: This data covers only partially the territory (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) The Nationa

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Pink Breasted Pie in Occitania details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Flood Risk Maps Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Flood Risk Maps details >

New-Aquitaine: Pau Sorting — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR,... Open Data

Table of homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR, produced for reporting

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Pau Sorting — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR,... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Flood Risk... Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Flood Risk... details >

Axe grand migrateur du bassin Loire-Bretagne (SDAGE2009) Open Data

Linéaire de cours d'eau du bassin Loire-Bretagne où certaines espèces ciblées de poissons migrateurs

Issued on 2010-11-16

Axe grand migrateur du bassin Loire-Bretagne (SDAGE2009) details >

Concentrations horaires de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau permanent de mesures en... Open Data

Concentrations moyennes horaires issues du réseau fixe des mesures européennes des principaux pollua

Issued on 2019-09-19T00:00:00Z

Concentrations horaires de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau permanent de mesures en... details >

Moyenne interannuelle des écoulements d'un cours d'eau - MODULES - Basse-Normandie Open Data

Le module représente la moyenne interannuelle des écoulements d'un cours d'eau. Cette valeur caracté

Issued on

Moyenne interannuelle des écoulements d'un cours d'eau - MODULES - Basse-Normandie details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — special points Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — special points details >

Modelled seabed sediment average grain size in the Mediterranean Open Data

Sediment average grain size in the Mediterranean was generated from sediment categories. This rough

Issued on

Modelled seabed sediment average grain size in the Mediterranean details >

Plan local d'urbanisme de Chaudeney-sur-Moselle Open Data

Plan local d'urbanisme de Chaudeney-sur-Moselle numérisé, est la représentation du document d'urbani

Issued on 2011-05-20

Plan local d'urbanisme de Chaudeney-sur-Moselle details >

IOWAGA - WW3 - HINDCAST - North East Atlantic grid - ECMWF Open Data

IOWAGA sea-states hindcast database generated by the wave model WAVEWATCH-III and forced by ECMWF wi

Issued on

IOWAGA - WW3 - HINDCAST - North East Atlantic grid - ECMWF details >


Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages de l'Agence Art

Issued on


Carte communale de Germonville Open Data

Carte communale de Germonville numérisée, est la représentation du document d'urbanisme en vigueur s

Issued on 2004-08-10

Carte communale de Germonville details >

Local Planning Plan of Choloy-Ménillot Open Data

Local urban planning plan of Choloy-Ménillot digitised, is the representation of the urban planning

Issued on 2013-12-10

Local Planning Plan of Choloy-Ménillot details >

Vaudémont Local Planning Plan Open Data

Local urban planning plan of Vaudémont digitised, is the representation of the planning document in

Issued on 2002-11-12

Vaudémont Local Planning Plan details >

Référentiel Administratif - COM Open Data

Le référentiel administratif regroupe l'ensemble des découpages administratifs du territoire.

Issued on

Référentiel Administratif - COM details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1995 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1995 details >

Concentrations moyennes annuelles de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau permanent de... Open Data

Concentrations moyennes annuelles issues du réseau fixe des principaux polluants réglementés dans l'

Issued on

Concentrations moyennes annuelles de polluants dans l'air ambiant issues du réseau permanent de... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1946 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1946 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1981 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1981 details >

Municipal map of Aboncourt Open Data

Map of Aboncourt digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in force in the ter

Issued on 2006-11-23

Municipal map of Aboncourt details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Areas eligible for protection of herds against predation by bears in Ariège Open Data

These areas are defined by prefectural decree in the light of indications of presence or attacks The

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Areas eligible for protection of herds against predation by bears in Ariège details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Life basins in Occitania Open Data

The division of France “in basins of life” was carried out to facilitate an understanding of the str

Issued on 2016-07-07

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Life basins in Occitania details >

New-Aquitaine: Tonneins-Marmande Sorting — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity... Open Data

Table of homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity on an IRR, produced for reporting

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Tonneins-Marmande Sorting — homogeneous areas describing a type of economic activity... details >

Local Planning Plan for Clérey-sur-Brenon Open Data

Local urban planning plan of Clérey-sur-Brenon digitised, is the representation of the urban plannin

Issued on 2009-06-29

Local Planning Plan for Clérey-sur-Brenon details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Issues Economic Activities Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Issues Economic Activities details >

Évolution de la pression de pêche au chalut de fond en Atlantique nord-est des années 1950 à nos... Open Data

Informations relatives à l'évolution des zones de pêche en Atlantique Nord Est, par chalut de fond.

Issued on 2015-08-15

Évolution de la pression de pêche au chalut de fond en Atlantique nord-est des années 1950 à nos... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — Significant Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Flood Risk... Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — Significant Flood Risk Territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Flood Risk... details >

Modelled seabed sediment average grain size in French Mediterranean waters Open Data

Sediment average grain size in French Mediterranean waters was generated from sediment categories.

Issued on

Modelled seabed sediment average grain size in French Mediterranean waters details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory TOULOUSE — Crisis management issues... Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory TOULOUSE — Crisis management issues... details >

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Haute-Corse -... Open Data

Missionné par la DHUP (Bureau de la législation de l'urbanisme), le Cerema a réalisé une actualisati

Issued on 2018-02-07T10:10:00Z

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Haute-Corse -... details >

Reference characteristic flow rate: five-year dry monthly flow of rivers in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Open Data

In the framework of the agreement signed with Onema, Irstea carried out, after four years of researc

Issued on

Reference characteristic flow rate: five-year dry monthly flow of rivers in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes details >

Strategic noise maps of the national, departmental and municipal road network whose traffic exceeds... Open Data

4 sets of graphic documents make up this dataset: — ‘type a maps’ represent, for the reference year,

Issued on 2015-07-01

Strategic noise maps of the national, departmental and municipal road network whose traffic exceeds... details >

Intensité des captures accidentelles de mammifères marins au chalut pélagique de 1970 à nos jours,... Open Data

Informations relatives à l'évolution des zones d'interactions entre pêcheurs et mammifères marins, e

Issued on 2015-08-15

Intensité des captures accidentelles de mammifères marins au chalut pélagique de 1970 à nos jours,... details >

Digital Elevation Models — Penestin/Plage de la Mine d’Or — 2018-->today Open Data

MNE of the beach and cliff of the Golden Mine/Penestin, derived from photogrammetric treatments of d

Issued on 2021-03-10

Digital Elevation Models — Penestin/Plage de la Mine d’Or — 2018-->today details >

WISE 2016 SubUnit_FR_20161018 Open Data

For WISE 2016 : only one subunit is reported per district and is an identical object to the correspo

Issued on

WISE 2016 SubUnit_FR_20161018 details >

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans le... Open Data

Missionné par la DHUP (Bureau de la législation de l'urbanisme), le Cerema a réalisé une actualisati

Issued on 2018-02-07T10:10:00Z

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans le... details >


Une masse d'eau souterraine est un volume distinct d'eau souterraine à l'intérieur d'un ou de plusie

Issued on


[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — linear hydrogeomorphol units Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flood zones Languedoc-Roussillon — linear hydrogeomorphol units details >

Gondreville Local Planning Plan Open Data

The local urban plan of Gondreville digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document

Issued on 2016-06-22

Gondreville Local Planning Plan details >

Municipal map of Quevilloncourt Open Data

Map of Quevilloncourt digitised, is the representation of the urban planning document in force in th

Issued on 2010-03-03

Municipal map of Quevilloncourt details >

Île de la Réunion, Site de Gopayet, Levés TLS, 2011-2016 Open Data

Levé du site de la Réunion - Gopayet réalisé au TLS

Issued on

Île de la Réunion, Site de Gopayet, Levés TLS, 2011-2016 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Établissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale (EPCI) à fiscalité propre en... Open Data

Destiné à regrouper des communes pour l'exercice de leurs compétences autour d’un projet de développ

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Établissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale (EPCI) à fiscalité propre en... details >

New-Aquitaine: Sort of Bergerac — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of ad hoc cultural heritage issues produced for reporting purposes for the European Flood Dire

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Sort of Bergerac — One-off cultural heritage issues, Flood Directive details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1989 Open Data

Series of vertical aerial photos of the coastline taken during 19 flight missions between 1942 and 1

Issued on 2017-07-05

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Vertical aerial photos 1989 details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Crisis management... Open Data

A set of geographical data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of MONTAUBAN-

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory MONTAUBAN-MOISSAC — Crisis management... details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Perigueux — Communes used to calculate human issues in a flood scenario,... Open Data

Table of municipalities used to calculate the stakes of numbers of inhabitants and jobs for each flo

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of Perigueux — Communes used to calculate human issues in a flood scenario,... details >
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Frequently Asked Questions

Some basic informations about API Store ®.

Operation and development of APIs are currently fully funded by company Apitalks and its usage is for free.
Yes, you can.
All important information such as time of last update, license and other information are in response of each API call.
In case of major update that would not be compatible with previous version of API, we keep for 30 days both versions so you will have enough time to transfer to new version. We will inform you about the changes in advance by e-mail.

Didn't find the API you need?

Let us know and we will figure it out for you.

API Store provides access to European Open Data via scalable and reliable REST API interface.
Copyright © 2025. Made with ♥ by Apitalks