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Répartition des émissions de PM25 dans les EPCI de la Guadeloupe en 2015 Open Data

Estimation des émissions annuelles de PM25 tous secteurs confondus par Etablissement Public de Coopé

Issued on 2018-06-22

Répartition des émissions de PM25 dans les EPCI de la Guadeloupe en 2015 details >

Isopièzes de la nappe de l'Eocène supérieur en Beauce - BE 1994 Open Data

Carte des basses eaux de l'Eocène supérieur dans le nord de la Beauce, année 1994. Aquifère de l'Eoc

Issued on

Isopièzes de la nappe de l'Eocène supérieur en Beauce - BE 1994 details >

Nombre saisonnal de jours de pluie (ou de pluie significative) en Guadeloupe Open Data

Normale 1981-2010 du nombre de jours de pluie (ou de pluie significative) pour chaque saison sur l’a

Issued on

Nombre saisonnal de jours de pluie (ou de pluie significative) en Guadeloupe details >

Limite du mur des calcaires du Dogger dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse Open Data

Limite du mur des calcaires du Dogger dans le bassin versant Rhin-Meuse et en Lorraine issues du rap

Issued on

Limite du mur des calcaires du Dogger dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse details >

Mosaïque d'imagerie acoustique du domaine marin côtier entre Dieppe et Le Tréport, campagne Pycaux... Open Data

Mosaïque d'imagerie acoustique du domaine marin côtier entre Dieppe et Le Tréport. La résolution de

Issued on

Mosaïque d'imagerie acoustique du domaine marin côtier entre Dieppe et Le Tréport, campagne Pycaux... details >

Centres de protection maternelle et infantile (PMI) Open Data

Les centres de PMI (Protection Maternelle Infantile) proposent des consultations de santé maternelle

Issued on

Centres de protection maternelle et infantile (PMI) details >

Directive Inondation - Enjeux liés aux stations de traitement des eaux usées du TRI de CAEN -... Open Data

Table des enjeux liés aux stations de traitement des eaux usées

Issued on

Directive Inondation - Enjeux liés aux stations de traitement des eaux usées du TRI de CAEN -... details >

Périmètres des parcs d'activités de Limoges Métropole Open Data

Parcs d'activité sur le territoire de Limoges Métropole

Issued on

Périmètres des parcs d'activités de Limoges Métropole details >

Carte des zones à dominante humide du bassin Seine-Normandie (AESN 2006) Open Data

Cartographie des zones à dominante humide du bassin Seine-Normandie (AESN 2006) Pour obtenir plus de

Issued on

Carte des zones à dominante humide du bassin Seine-Normandie (AESN 2006) details >

Failles de l'Hettangien dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse Open Data

Failles de l'Hettangien dans le bassin versant Rhin-Meuse et en Lorraine issues du rapport LE NINDRE

Issued on

Failles de l'Hettangien dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse details >

BDTOPO® 2014 Mayotte Open Data

La BD TOPO® sert de référence pour la localisation de l’information thématique relative aux probléma

Issued on

BDTOPO® 2014 Mayotte details >

Schéma directeur d'assainissement pluvial de l'île de Cayenne : réseau hydrographique et découpage... Open Data

Carte scannée du schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux pluviales de l'île de Cayenne. Cette ca

Issued on

Schéma directeur d'assainissement pluvial de l'île de Cayenne : réseau hydrographique et découpage... details >

Zones vulnérables à la pollution par les nitrates d'origine agricole en région Centre-Val de Loire -... Open Data

bassin Loire-Bretagne : Périmètre de l’extension de la zone vulnérable du bassin Loire Bretagne défi

Issued on 2017-03-17

Zones vulnérables à la pollution par les nitrates d'origine agricole en région Centre-Val de Loire -... details >

Directive Inondation - Enjeux DCE du TRI de DIVES - Basse-Normandie Open Data

Table des enjeux liés à des zones protégées au titre de la DCE

Issued on

Directive Inondation - Enjeux DCE du TRI de DIVES - Basse-Normandie details >

France: Mapping fonds at the level of each department, without DOM and at the municipal level 2008 Open Data

Administrative division of France at municipal level for each department. 1 VXF file representing 1

Issued on

France: Mapping fonds at the level of each department, without DOM and at the municipal level 2008 details >

Plan topographique d'Apatou, secteur providence, vue centrée sur les habitations (2010) Open Data

Plan topographique de la commune d'Apatou, secteur providence. Cette carte présente une vue centrée

Issued on

Plan topographique d'Apatou, secteur providence, vue centrée sur les habitations (2010) details >

National Observatory of Etiages — year 2014 — department of Ardèche Open Data

export spreadsheet of the ONDE network campaigns for the year 2014- Ardèche department

Issued on

National Observatory of Etiages — year 2014 — department of Ardèche details >

Cartographie de collecte et de traitement des eaux usées de Bayeux Intercom (réseaux, stations... Open Data

Cartographie numérique de la collecte des eaux usées (réseaux d'assainissement: collecteurs, branche

Issued on

Cartographie de collecte et de traitement des eaux usées de Bayeux Intercom (réseaux, stations... details >

Limite EST affleurement du Dogger dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse Open Data

Limite EST affleurement du Dogger dans le bassin versant Rhin-Meuse et en Lorraine issues du rapport

Issued on

Limite EST affleurement du Dogger dans le bassin Rhin-Meuse details >

Schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux usées et des eaux pluviales de Mana : zonage prévisionnel... Open Data

Carte scannée du schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux usées et des eaux pluviales de la commun

Issued on

Schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux usées et des eaux pluviales de Mana : zonage prévisionnel... details >

Diagnostic forestier - les enjeux biodiversité et eau (point) Open Data

Cartographie faisant état des sites de pontes et des points de captages d'eau ayant des enjeux respe

Issued on

Diagnostic forestier - les enjeux biodiversité et eau (point) details >

France: Map Fund of the Regions 2008 Open Data

Administrative division of France at regional level

Issued on

France: Map Fund of the Regions 2008 details >

Nombre normal de jours de pluie significative en Guadeloupe Open Data

Normale 1981-2010 du nombre de jours de pluie significative sur l’archipel guadeloupéen. C'est à dir

Issued on

Nombre normal de jours de pluie significative en Guadeloupe details >

Accessibilité des zones forestières Open Data

Qualification de l'accessibilité des zones composant la cartographie végétale. L'objectif étant de d

Issued on

Accessibilité des zones forestières details >

Schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux usées et des eaux pluviales de Mana : dispositifs... Open Data

Carte scannée du schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux usées et des eaux pluviales de la commun

Issued on

Schéma directeur d'assainissement des eaux usées et des eaux pluviales de Mana : dispositifs... details >

National Observatory of Etiages — year 2014 — department of Savoie Open Data

export spreadsheet of the ONDE network campaigns for the year 2014- Savoie department

Issued on

National Observatory of Etiages — year 2014 — department of Savoie details >

BD CARTHAGE® - Région hydrographique (2009) Open Data

La BD CARTHAGE regroupe les entités ayant trait à l'hydrographie : réseau hydrographique et équipeme

Issued on

BD CARTHAGE® - Région hydrographique (2009) details >

Répartition des émissions de PM25 dans les EPCI de la Guadeloupe en 2013 Open Data

Estimation des émissions annuelles de PM25 tous secteurs confondus par Etablissement Public de Coopé

Issued on 2018-06-19

Répartition des émissions de PM25 dans les EPCI de la Guadeloupe en 2013 details >



Issued on 2016-01-15


World: Country Map Fund 2008 Open Data

Planisphere with country boundaries

Issued on

World: Country Map Fund 2008 details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de Caen Open Data

Le PLU, approuvé en Conseil communautaire le 4 avril 2017, établit les règles qui guident le dévelop

Issued on 2013-12-16

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de Caen details >

Plan local d’urbanisme de Colombelles Open Data

Plan local d'urbanisme (PLU) numérisé. Ce lot informe du droit à bâtir sur la commune de Colombelles

Issued on

Plan local d’urbanisme de Colombelles details >

Renung Communal Map Open Data

Digitised urban planning document. This lot informs the right to build in the municipality. This DU

Issued on

Renung Communal Map details >

Information about the municipal map of Brillecourt Open Data

The information contained on the graphic documents of a planning document shall be added either for

Issued on 2015-08-03

Information about the municipal map of Brillecourt details >

Perimeters of the PPRi MADON AVAL Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2017-04-18

Perimeters of the PPRi MADON AVAL details >

Aire de stockage poids lourds dans l'Orne (parking) Open Data

Aire de stockage (parking) des poids lourds dans le département de l'Orne

Issued on 2019-05-29

Aire de stockage poids lourds dans l'Orne (parking) details >

Compensating afforestation in the Department of Landes Open Data

“Compensatory afforestation is an obligation under a legal act that aims to maintain or increase for

Issued on 2021-10-08

Compensating afforestation in the Department of Landes details >

Areas of the municipal map of Saint Phal Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines two types of areas for municipal maps: construction sectors and inco

Issued on 2015-08-03

Areas of the municipal map of Saint Phal details >

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of... Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross-sections and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2016-02-24

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of... details >

Zone Vulnerable to Pollution by Nitrates of Agricultural Origin — 2007 — Aveyron Open Data

Surface objects of areas designated as vulnerable to diffuse pollution by nitrates of agricultural o

Issued on 2016-09-13

Zone Vulnerable to Pollution by Nitrates of Agricultural Origin — 2007 — Aveyron details >

Areas of the municipal map of Saint Benoist sur Vanne Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines two types of areas for municipal maps: construction sectors and inco

Issued on 2015-08-03

Areas of the municipal map of Saint Benoist sur Vanne details >

Infra-communal disadvantaged agricultural area of Franche-Comté Open Data

Infra-communal disadvantaged agricultural area defined by regional classification order Less-favoure

Issued on 2015-12-31

Infra-communal disadvantaged agricultural area of Franche-Comté details >

Ad hoc issues of the PPRi CONEY Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2017-04-18

Ad hoc issues of the PPRi CONEY details >

Zones d'aléas du Plan de Prévention des Risques de Submersion Marine de St-Malo - Scénario de... Open Data

Le Plan de prévention des risques de Submersion Marine de Saint-Malo a été approuvé par arrêté du pr

Issued on 2018-09-21

Zones d'aléas du Plan de Prévention des Risques de Submersion Marine de St-Malo - Scénario de... details >

PPRi MOSELOTTE Restricted Areas (linear) Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key government instrument for risk prevention. Their objective

Issued on 2017-04-18

PPRi MOSELOTTE Restricted Areas (linear) details >

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Glanon in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross-sections and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2016-02-25

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Glanon in Côte-d’Or details >

Restricted zone (Location of land) of the PPRN movement of land in the commune of Saintes in... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the environmental code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2019-05-07

Restricted zone (Location of land) of the PPRN movement of land in the commune of Saintes in... details >

Zoning of the risks of the PPRN of Montbard in Côte-d’Or Open Data

Zoning of hazards of the Montbard Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (Prefectural Order of 31/12/2009).

Issued on 2016-03-02

Zoning of the risks of the PPRN of Montbard in Côte-d’Or details >

Zoning of the risks of the PPRN in the municipality of Bressey-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or Open Data

Zoning of hazards of the Bressey-sur-Tille Natural Hazards Prevention Plan (Prefectural Order of 03/

Issued on 2016-05-04

Zoning of the risks of the PPRN in the municipality of Bressey-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or details >

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flood of the Commune of Châtillon-sur-Seine in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The Plan for the Prevention of Natural Risks Flooding of the Commune of Châtillon-sur-Seine was appr

Issued on 2016-02-24

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flood of the Commune of Châtillon-sur-Seine in Côte-d’Or details >

Register Percellar Graphic 2017 (agricultural parks) RPG — Haute-Garonne Open Data

Source: Telapac; Campaign 2017 Unconsolidated data. CODE_CULTU = declared culture. For code labels,

Issued on 2018-06-07

Register Percellar Graphic 2017 (agricultural parks) RPG — Haute-Garonne details >

Zone de recommandation du PPRT de l'établissement BUTAGAZ sur la commune du Douhet en... Open Data

Pour les PPRT, l'article L515-16 et suivants du code de l'environnement prévoit que : « à l'intérie

Issued on 2019-05-06

Zone de recommandation du PPRT de l'établissement BUTAGAZ sur la commune du Douhet en... details >

Scope of risk exposure of the PPRN of the municipality of Is-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or Open Data

This layer contains the perimeters of risk exposure of Is-sur-Tille’s natural risk prevention plan.

Issued on 2016-05-04

Scope of risk exposure of the PPRN of the municipality of Is-sur-Tille in Côte-d’Or details >

Surface generators related to easement A5 (Water and sewerage pipelines) in Corrèze Open Data

A5_GENERATEUR_SUP_L Class A5 easements relate to easements relating to public water and sewerage pi

Issued on 2019-07-15

Surface generators related to easement A5 (Water and sewerage pipelines) in Corrèze details >

DDT05 — Upper Alps Wetlands Inventory Open Data

In the legal sense, the Water Act of January 1992 defines wetlands as “land, whether or not exploite

Issued on 2016-08-22

DDT05 — Upper Alps Wetlands Inventory details >

Municipalities subject to a Communal Plan de Sauvegarde (PCS) in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The Communal Plan for Safeguarding (PCS) was established by the Civil Security Modernisation Act of

Issued on 2017-03-09

Municipalities subject to a Communal Plan de Sauvegarde (PCS) in Côte-d’Or details >

Surface issues of the PPRi Moselle Amont revised for the municipality of Bussang Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2017-06-02

Surface issues of the PPRi Moselle Amont revised for the municipality of Bussang details >

Perimeter of PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Astaillac — Corrèze Open Data

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20100003_S_019 Perimeter of PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Astaillac — Corrè

Issued on 2020-10-29

Perimeter of PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Astaillac — Corrèze details >

PPRI de Saint-Michel-d'Euzet (30) - zones d'aléa Open Data

Zones exposées à un ou plusieurs aléas représentées sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse d

Issued on 2016-12-02

PPRI de Saint-Michel-d'Euzet (30) - zones d'aléa details >

Services near cycling routes in the Vosges department Open Data

Geometric table of services located near a cycling route or a bicycle route and of interest for cycl

Issued on 2021-12-02

Services near cycling routes in the Vosges department details >

Scope of risk exposure of the Varanges PPRN in Côte-d’Or Open Data

This layer contains the perimeters of risk exposure of the Varanges Natural Risk Prevention Plan.

Issued on 2016-02-24

Scope of risk exposure of the Varanges PPRN in Côte-d’Or details >

Espace à dominante ubaine (aire urbaine) en Charente Open Data

Espace à dominante urbaine (aire urbaine) en Charente. Aires urbaines 2010 basées sur données INSEE

Issued on 2017-10-05

Espace à dominante ubaine (aire urbaine) en Charente details >

Zone de recommandations du PPRT de l'établissement RHODIA sur la commune de La Rochelle, en... Open Data

Pour les PPRT, l'article L515-16 et suivants du code de l'environnement prévoit que : « à l'intérie

Issued on 2019-05-06

Zone de recommandations du PPRT de l'établissement RHODIA sur la commune de La Rochelle, en... details >

Historical (linear) monuments generating AC1 easements, in Eure-et-loir (28) Open Data

The generator of a public easement is a geographical entity whose nature or function induced, by vir

Issued on 2015-07-21

Historical (linear) monuments generating AC1 easements, in Eure-et-loir (28) details >

N_COURS_EAU_L_039 (Committee of 25 June 2021) Open Data

Classification of streams in and out of streams. Classification following the Commission Water Court

Issued on 2021-07-08

N_COURS_EAU_L_039 (Committee of 25 June 2021) details >

Zones où les valeurs limites de bruit sont dépassées sur le Jura (zones de type C - indice type LN) Open Data

Ces cartes également appelées « cartes de type c » représentent les parties de territoires susceptib

Issued on 2018-03-23

Zones où les valeurs limites de bruit sont dépassées sur le Jura (zones de type C - indice type LN) details >

Surface challenge of the PPRi of the Loing Amont valley (department of Loiret) Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2021-07-06

Surface challenge of the PPRi of the Loing Amont valley (department of Loiret) details >

TDA-Armments TRTPP Restricted Areas Open Data

Risk Prevention Plans (RPPs) are the key government instrument for risk prevention. Their objective

Issued on 2010-06-15

TDA-Armments TRTPP Restricted Areas details >

Risks of PPRT VWR International in Briare Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2017-10-06

Risks of PPRT VWR International in Briare details >

Surfacing entity at the origin of the risk of PPRi MOSELLE CENTRE Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2017-04-18

Surfacing entity at the origin of the risk of PPRi MOSELLE CENTRE details >

Perimeters of the PPRi MOSELLE CENTRE Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2017-04-18

Perimeters of the PPRi MOSELLE CENTRE details >

Hazard zone of the PPRi MEUSE Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2017-04-18

Hazard zone of the PPRi MEUSE details >

New-Aquitaine: Projects subject to environmental assessment (except on a case-by-case basis) —... Open Data

This dataset contains linear projects subject to environmental assessment (other than the so-called

Issued on 2017-08-25

New-Aquitaine: Projects subject to environmental assessment (except on a case-by-case basis) —... details >

PPRL de la Sèvre Niortaise — Current Reference Ratings of the Plan for the Prevention of Predictable... Open Data

The reference rating corresponds to the rating of the water body modelled to the right of an existin

Issued on 2017-10-07

PPRL de la Sèvre Niortaise — Current Reference Ratings of the Plan for the Prevention of Predictable... details >

Face-to-face issues for the preparation of flood crisis management in Corrèze. Open Data

L_ENJEUX_RDI_S_019.TAB This layer is produced by DDT 19, based on the Topo bd (IGN) and locally coll

Issued on 2015-09-21

Face-to-face issues for the preparation of flood crisis management in Corrèze. details >

Périmètres de transports urbains (PTU) en Charente-Maritime - Communes adhérentes à un PTU Open Data

Communes du département de la Charente-Maritime adhérentes à un PTU. Un périmètre de transports urba

Issued on 2019-05-28

Périmètres de transports urbains (PTU) en Charente-Maritime - Communes adhérentes à un PTU details >

Scope of LIDAR data Open Data

Scope of LIDAR data for which the DDT des Vosges is responsible for the Vosges department (source DD

Issued on 2015-11-18

Scope of LIDAR data details >

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur in... Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross-sections and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2016-05-04

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur in... details >

Restricted areas (areas) of PPRi MEUSE Open Data

For natural PPRs (PPRN), the environmental code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): — areas ex

Issued on 2017-01-31

Restricted areas (areas) of PPRi MEUSE details >

Regulatory zoning of a PM1 easement generator PPRN or PPRM — Tarn Open Data

Pursuant to Articles L. 562-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code, plans for the prevention of natural

Issued on 2018-10-22

Regulatory zoning of a PM1 easement generator PPRN or PPRM — Tarn details >

Classes of hazards of the PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries in Altillac — Corrèze Open Data

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20100001_S_019 Hazard classes (obtained by crossing heights and speeds) of PPRI 201

Issued on 2020-10-29

Classes of hazards of the PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries in Altillac — Corrèze details >

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Tart-le-bas in... Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross-sections and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2016-05-04

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the municipality of Tart-le-bas in... details >

Regional nature park in the Vosges department Open Data

A regional nature park is part of the protected natural areas (ENP) which are designated or managed

Issued on 2015-07-03

Regional nature park in the Vosges department details >

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the Commune of Pluvault in Côte-d’Or Open Data

The Plan for the Prevention of Natural Risks Flooding of the Commune de Pluvault was approved by pre

Issued on 2016-05-04

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the Commune of Pluvault in Côte-d’Or details >

Informative linear of the PLU of the municipality of Beauval Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2017-10-07

Informative linear of the PLU of the municipality of Beauval details >

Restricted areas (areas) of the PPRi MOSELLE CENTRE Open Data

For natural PPRs (PPRN), the environmental code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): — areas ex

Issued on 2017-06-02

Restricted areas (areas) of the PPRi MOSELLE CENTRE details >

Zone réglementée du PPRN de la commune de Dolus d'Oléron en Charente-Maritime - Feux de forêt et... Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) : les zo

Issued on 2020-01-08

Zone réglementée du PPRN de la commune de Dolus d'Oléron en Charente-Maritime - Feux de forêt et... details >

[DRIAAF IdF] Location of the first processing agri-food industries in Île-de-France Open Data

Location of the main processing units of the agri-food industries in the Île-de-France region. The f

Issued on 2015-09-15

[DRIAAF IdF] Location of the first processing agri-food industries in Île-de-France details >

Hazard overflow of rivers — TRI Lille Open Data

The implementation of the Flood Directive aims to establish a framework for flood risk assessment an

Issued on 2015-09-07

Hazard overflow of rivers — TRI Lille details >

Canton within the meaning of INSEE — Haute-Garonne Open Data

The canton within the meaning of INSEE is an administrative subdivision of a department. The canton

Issued on 2014-03-03

Canton within the meaning of INSEE — Haute-Garonne details >

MIO bus lines — Aveyron — 2018 Open Data

MIO bus lines — Aveyron — 2018 Source: Community of Municipalities of Millau Grands Causses (2018).

Issued on 2019-02-27

MIO bus lines — Aveyron — 2018 details >

PPRi MORTAGNE’s surfacing issues Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2017-06-02

PPRi MORTAGNE’s surfacing issues details >

Specific information from the PLU (doc. 10.04.2006) of the municipality of La Guerche-sur-l’Aubois Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2017-10-07

Specific information from the PLU (doc. 10.04.2006) of the municipality of La Guerche-sur-l’Aubois details >

AZI — Crues of the atlas of flooding areas in the department of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques Open Data

The L_AZI_CRUE_S_064 table consists of the right-of-way polygons of flooding characterised by flood

Issued on 2017-02-27

AZI — Crues of the atlas of flooding areas in the department of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques details >

Areas of the municipal map of Orvilliers Saint Julien Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines two types of areas for municipal maps: construction sectors and inco

Issued on 2015-08-03

Areas of the municipal map of Orvilliers Saint Julien details >

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Varanges in Côte-d’Or... Open Data

The objects in this table correspond to the cross-sections and reference odds of the PPR of the muni

Issued on 2016-02-24

Profiles through the Natural Risk Prevention Plan (PPRN) of the commune of Varanges in Côte-d’Or... details >

Assemblage des documents d'urbanisme millésime 2016 - Ille et Vilaine (35) Open Data

PLU ou POS numérisés (vectorisés) et assemblés par commune hors communes dont les documents d'urbani

Issued on 2018-03-22

Assemblage des documents d'urbanisme millésime 2016 - Ille et Vilaine (35) details >

Zone d'aléa du PPRN inondation par débordement du fleuve de la Charente sur la commune de Saintes... Open Data

Zone exposée à un ou plusieurs aléas représentée sur les cartes des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse du

Issued on 2019-04-15

Zone d'aléa du PPRN inondation par débordement du fleuve de la Charente sur la commune de Saintes... details >

Fish Category of Watercourses and Waterbodies (surfaces) Open Data

Legal classification of the fish category of rivers and water bodies by dominant fish groups

Issued on 2017-04-03

Fish Category of Watercourses and Waterbodies (surfaces) details >

Hazard overflow of rivers — TRI Saint-Omer Open Data

The implementation of the Flood Directive aims to establish a framework for flood risk assessment an

Issued on 2015-09-07

Hazard overflow of rivers — TRI Saint-Omer details >
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