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Lycées de CNEAP (conseil national de l'enseignement agricole privé) : Formation initiale scolaire -... Open Data

Géolocalisation des établissements d’enseignement agricole : Position géographique des établissement

Issued on

Lycées de CNEAP (conseil national de l'enseignement agricole privé) : Formation initiale scolaire -... details >

Réseau d' éclairage public - Réseau Open Data

Réseau. Plan numérique vecteur à grande échelle représentant les éléments patrimoniaux des communes

Issued on 2013-07-01

Réseau d' éclairage public - Réseau details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Employment Areas in Occitania Open Data

An area of employment is a geographical area within which most of the workers reside and work. The d

Issued on 2016-09-28

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Employment Areas in Occitania details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Butor Etoilé en Occitanie Open Data

Les Plans Nationaux d'Action pour les Espèces menacées constituent une des politiques mises en place

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] PNA Butor Etoilé en Occitanie details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables Languedoc-Roussillon - éléments anthropiques... Open Data

La DREAL Occitanie (ex Languedoc-Roussillon) conduit depuis 1999 la réalisation d''atlas de zones in

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables Languedoc-Roussillon - éléments anthropiques... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Enterprise Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Enterprise details >


Ouvrages de type "Station qualité cours d'eau" provenant du référentiel des ouvrages de l'Agence Art

Issued on


[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — WFD Protected Area Issues Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — WFD Protected Area Issues details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Enterprise Open Data

A series of geographic data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CAHORS an

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory CAHORS — Enterprise details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Issues related to WFD... Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Issues related to WFD... details >

Stations de mesure de qualité de l'air en fonctionnement en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Open Data

Localisation des stations permanentes ou annuelle, de mesure de qualité de l'air en fonctionnement e

Issued on 2020-01-01

Stations de mesure de qualité de l'air en fonctionnement en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes details >

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of the Basque Coast (overflow) — Flood protection works in the IRR... Open Data

This dataset contains flood protections in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purposes for

Issued on 2016-12-16

New-Aquitaine: Sorting of the Basque Coast (overflow) — Flood protection works in the IRR... details >

WISE 2016 ProtectedArea_FR_20170110 shellfish Open Data

This file presents shellfish growing areas, defined in accordance with the Shellfish Water Directive

Issued on

WISE 2016 ProtectedArea_FR_20170110 shellfish details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Zoning of clay-stressed soils Open Data

Area with clay stress of the Occitanie region, perimeter relating to the decree dated 21/12/2018 of

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Zoning of clay-stressed soils details >

Les lignes de bus d'Hérault Transport sur le territoire de la CC Grand Pic saint-Loup Open Data

Fichier représentant Les lignes de bus d’Hérault Transport sur le territoire de la CCGPSL.

Issued on 2013-01-01

Les lignes de bus d'Hérault Transport sur le territoire de la CC Grand Pic saint-Loup details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Cours d'eau classés - Liste 1 - sur le bassin Adour-Garonne Open Data

Depuis le 1er janvier 2014 les anciens classements « cours d’eau réservés » pris en application de l

Issued on 2016-08-10

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Cours d'eau classés - Liste 1 - sur le bassin Adour-Garonne details >

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Haute-Vienne -... Open Data

Missionné par la DHUP (Bureau de la législation de l'urbanisme), le Cerema a réalisé une actualisati

Issued on 2018-02-07T10:10:00Z

Loi Montagne de 1985 - Périmètre d'application des dispositions d'urbanisme dans la Haute-Vienne -... details >

Assembly of the department of Ain (millesime 2017) Open Data

A place is a set of whole parcels with the same geographical denomination resulting from use. Watch

Issued on

Assembly of the department of Ain (millesime 2017) details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Plan climat-air-énergie territorial (PCAET) Open Data

Il s'agit ici de données relatives à l'état d'avancement de la démarche en Occitanie par Epci. Plan

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Plan climat-air-énergie territorial (PCAET) details >

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - les... Open Data

L'Atlas numérique des zones inondables par submersion marine, est basé sur des données géographiques

Issued on 2017-05-15

[DREAL OCCITANIE] Atlas des zones inondables par submersion marine Languedoc-Roussillon - les... details >

Info-Energy spaces in Occitania Open Data

Initiated by the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) in 2001, the Info-Energy Spaces ai

Issued on 2016-10-10

Info-Energy spaces in Occitania details >

New-Aquitaine: Libourne Sorting (marine submersion) — Flood protection works in the IRR... Open Data

Table of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purposes for the Euro

Issued on 2014-09-29

New-Aquitaine: Libourne Sorting (marine submersion) — Flood protection works in the IRR... details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Speed Field Points Open Data

A set of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of TOULOUSE and ma

Issued on 2017-01-24

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High Flood Risk Territory TOULOUSE — Speed Field Points details >

Niveaux annuels de polluants dans l'air ambiant issus de la modélisation sur la région Auvergne -... Open Data

Estimation des concentrations de dioxyde d'azote, de particules PM10 et PM2.5 par maille de 10m et d

Issued on 2018-06-19

Niveaux annuels de polluants dans l'air ambiant issus de la modélisation sur la région Auvergne -... details >

Strategic noise map type “C”: Ln indicator on rail network — Isère Open Data

Noise pollution. C-Table of parts of territories likely to contain vessels exceeding limit values. T

Issued on

Strategic noise map type “C”: Ln indicator on rail network — Isère details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding Languedoc-Roussillon — historical flood data Open Data

Since 1999 DREAL Occitanie (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon) has been carrying out atlases of flooding

Issued on

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding Languedoc-Roussillon — historical flood data details >

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Enterprise Open Data

A series of spatial data produced for the High Flood Risk Land Flood Directive (TRI) of CASTRES MAZA

Issued on 2016-11-29

[DREAL OCCITANIA] Flood Directive — High flood risk territory CASTRES MAZAMET (Tarn) — Enterprise details >

Saint Didier de Bizonnes Local Planning Plan Open Data

Local Urban Planning Plan (LDP) digitised. This lot informs the right to build on the municipality o

Issued on

Saint Didier de Bizonnes Local Planning Plan details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de la commune de DARGOIRE Open Data

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) numérisé. Ce lot informe du droit à bâtir sur la commune de DARGOIRE. C

Issued on

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de la commune de DARGOIRE details >

Plan Local Urbanism of the municipality of JOUX Open Data

Local Urbanisation Plan (PLU) digitised. This lot informs the right to build in the municipality of

Issued on

Plan Local Urbanism of the municipality of JOUX details >

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de la commune de SAINT-CYR-SUR-LE-RHONE Open Data

Plan Local d'Urbanisme (PLU) numérisé. Ce lot informe du droit à bâtir sur la commune de SAINT-CYR-S

Issued on

Plan Local d'Urbanisme de la commune de SAINT-CYR-SUR-LE-RHONE details >

Labels of the regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) Corrèze and tributaries of... Open Data

L_ETIQUETTE_ISO_PPRN_20160001_S_019 Labels of isocote sectors (cracks). Non-standard COVADIS data.

Issued on 2019-11-19

Labels of the regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) Corrèze and tributaries of... details >

Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion) — Issues related to WFD protected areas, Flood... Open Data

Table of issues related to protected areas under the WFD, produced for reporting purposes for the Eu

Issued on 2017-01-11

Aquitaine: Basque Coastal Sorting (marine submersion) — Issues related to WFD protected areas, Flood... details >

PPR GELOS (64DDTM19980006) - Document PPRN sur Gelos (64237), département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques Open Data

Les plans de prévention des risques (PPR) ont été institués par la loi du 2 février 1995 relative au

Issued on 2014-12-01

PPR GELOS (64DDTM19980006) - Document PPRN sur Gelos (64237), département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140222_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Goux in the Gers department is extracted f

Issued on 2020-10-12

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140222_S_032 details >

PPR CASTET (64DDTM20070002) - Zone réglementée du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation de CASTET... Open Data

Pour les PPR naturels, le code de l'environnement définit deux catégories de zones (L562-1) : - les

Issued on 2016-04-11

PPR CASTET (64DDTM20070002) - Zone réglementée du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation de CASTET... details >

Zonage réglementé de PPRN inondation (la Charente, de Linars à Bassac) en Charente Open Data

Objets surfaciques des zones réglementées des plans de prévention des risques naturels inondation (l

Issued on 2019-04-18

Zonage réglementé de PPRN inondation (la Charente, de Linars à Bassac) en Charente details >

PPRI of the river La Vendée — Fontenay-le-Comte — Profiles of the flood risk prevention plan —... Open Data

The reference ratings correspond to the water heights used in a hypothesis of centennial type flood.

Issued on 2016-10-11

PPRI of the river La Vendée — Fontenay-le-Comte — Profiles of the flood risk prevention plan —... details >

The linear issue of Mesnil Martinsart’s PPRI Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2008-07-22

The linear issue of Mesnil Martinsart’s PPRI details >

Aquitaine: Bordeaux Sorting (marine submersion) — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way,... Open Data

Table of flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way produced for reporting purposes for the Euro

Issued on 2014-09-29

Aquitaine: Bordeaux Sorting (marine submersion) — Flood protection works in the IRR right-of-way,... details >

Restricted areas of the local planning plan of SAINT-JEAN-DE-VERGES Open Data

The regulated zoning of the local planning plan (LDP) is digitised in accordance with the national r

Issued on 2017-10-07

Restricted areas of the local planning plan of SAINT-JEAN-DE-VERGES details >

Nuisance — Noise-exposed areas of railway line 431000 (map of “type a” Lden) in Loir-et-Cher Open Data

Noise level zones describe a noise exposure situation based on a noise indicator or area affected by

Issued on 2018-07-03

Nuisance — Noise-exposed areas of railway line 431000 (map of “type a” Lden) in Loir-et-Cher details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140313_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Saint-Maur in the Gers department is extra

Issued on 2020-10-08

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140313_S_032 details >

PPRi MEUSE’s surfacing issues Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2017-04-18

PPRi MEUSE’s surfacing issues details >

PPRN — PPRN MT Perimeter — Moselle Coteau — MARON (54352) Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2019-05-23

PPRN — PPRN MT Perimeter — Moselle Coteau — MARON (54352) details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140191_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Bivès in the Gers department is extracted

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140191_S_032 details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140225_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Idrac-Respailles in the department of Gers

Issued on 2020-10-12

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140225_S_032 details >

PPRT document on the Val-de-Marne department (94) Open Data

The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the

Issued on 2016-10-19

PPRT document on the Val-de-Marne department (94) details >

Linear entity at the origin of the risk of a PPRN Open Data

The origin of the risk characterises the real-world entity which, through its presence, represents a

Issued on 2014-12-24

Linear entity at the origin of the risk of a PPRN details >

Lines and values of reference flood isocotes for PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Altillac —... Open Data

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20100001_L_019 Lines and values of reference flood isocotes for PPRI 2013 Dordogne a

Issued on 2020-10-29

Lines and values of reference flood isocotes for PPRI 2013 Dordogne and tributaries to Altillac —... details >

Surface prescription of the PLU in the municipality of Fort Mahon Plage Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2017-10-07

Surface prescription of the PLU in the municipality of Fort Mahon Plage details >

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Pendé Open Data

The Urban Planning Code defines four types of areas regulated in the local planning plan (R.123-5 to

Issued on 2017-10-07

Zone du PLU of the municipality of Pendé details >

Plan to prevent the natural risks of landslides — Municipality of Montesquieu — Zone d’alas —... Open Data

Area exposed to one or more hazards represented on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP.

Issued on 2017-03-13

Plan to prevent the natural risks of landslides — Municipality of Montesquieu — Zone d’alas —... details >

Périmètres du Plan de Prévention des Risques Technologiques (PPRT) de la société MLPC International... Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient les périmètres de délimitation aux différents stades de l'élaboration du

Issued on 2016-04-26

Périmètres du Plan de Prévention des Risques Technologiques (PPRT) de la société MLPC International... details >

Restricted zone of the PPRGA of the commune of Saint-Jean-Poutge (Gers) Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Retirement of the Argiles of the commune of Saint-Jean

Issued on 2016-07-19

Restricted zone of the PPRGA of the commune of Saint-Jean-Poutge (Gers) details >

Zoning of the risks of the PPRN of Châtillon-sur-Seine in Côte-d’Or Open Data

Zoning of the hazards of the Plan for the prevention of natural hazards of Châtillon-sur-Seine (pref

Issued on 2016-02-24

Zoning of the risks of the PPRN of Châtillon-sur-Seine in Côte-d’Or details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRI_20110044_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the commune of Monferran-Savès in the department of Gers.

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_ZONE_REG_PPRI_20110044_S_032 details >

PPRNi VAIR AND PETIT VAIR Restricted Areas (linear) Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2020-03-06

PPRNi VAIR AND PETIT VAIR Restricted Areas (linear) details >

PPR SAINT-ABIT (64DDTM20010004) - Zone d'aléa du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation de... Open Data

Zone exposée à un ou plusieurs aléas représentée sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse du r

Issued on 2014-12-01

PPR SAINT-ABIT (64DDTM20010004) - Zone d'aléa du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation de... details >

PPRI Restricted Area of the Townships of Chaulnes and Bray sur Somme Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2016-04-07

PPRI Restricted Area of the Townships of Chaulnes and Bray sur Somme details >

PPR EAUX-BONNES (64DDTM20060004) - Types de risque traités dans un PPRN multirisques des Eaux-Bonnes... Open Data

Table non géométrique à utiliser dans le cas des PPR multirisques pour renseigner les types de risqu

Issued on 2014-12-01

PPR EAUX-BONNES (64DDTM20060004) - Types de risque traités dans un PPRN multirisques des Eaux-Bonnes... details >

Linear Prescription of the PLU of Saint Parres les Vaudes Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2007-02-28

Linear Prescription of the PLU of Saint Parres les Vaudes details >

Périmètre d'exposition aux risques du PPRT de Vern-sur-Seiche Open Data

Les établissements ANTARGAZ et TOTAL de VERN-SUR-SEICHE sont des établissements classés SEVESO seuil

Issued on 2016-11-17

Périmètre d'exposition aux risques du PPRT de Vern-sur-Seiche details >

Urban Spot 2007 of the department of Ain Open Data

Urban Spot 2007 of the department of Ain generated from the buildings of the cadastre of the DGFIP

Issued on 2016-03-25

Urban Spot 2007 of the department of Ain details >

Linear prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Doullens Open Data

The requirements of an urban planning document are defined in Article R123-11 of the Urban Planning

Issued on 2017-10-07

Linear prescription of the PLU of the municipality of Doullens details >

Collective sewage treatment plants (STEPs) operating in the Corrèze Open Data

N_ASST_STEP_P_019 Collective sewage treatment plants (STEPs) operating in the Corrèze

Issued on 2017-12-29

Collective sewage treatment plants (STEPs) operating in the Corrèze details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140339_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Retirement of the Argiles of the commune of Montreal i

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140339_S_032 details >

Aquitaine: Bergerac Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive Open Data

Table of speed field points (points for which there is an estimate of the speed and direction of wat

Issued on 2014-09-29

Aquitaine: Bergerac Sorting — Speed Field Points, Flood Directive details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140265_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Moncassin in the Gers department is extrac

Issued on 2020-10-12

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140265_S_032 details >

Crop Ilots of the Parcellar Register Anonymous graphic 2013 — Aveyron Open Data

The anonymised Graphic Parcellar Register consists of all the crop islands geolocated by the registr

Issued on 2016-09-13

Crop Ilots of the Parcellar Register Anonymous graphic 2013 — Aveyron details >

Aquitaine: Bergerac Sorting — Table listing flood risk maps produced on a given IRR, Flood... Open Data

Table listing flood risk maps produced on a given IRR, produced for reporting purposes for the Europ

Issued on 2014-09-29

Aquitaine: Bergerac Sorting — Table listing flood risk maps produced on a given IRR, Flood... details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140145_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Sainte-Radegonde in the Gers department is

Issued on 2016-07-19

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140145_S_032 details >

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of field movement — Municipality of Roquecor — Types of... Open Data

Non-geometric table to be used for multi-hazard RPPs to inform the types of risk addressed in the RP

Issued on 2016-08-03

Plan for the prevention of natural risks of field movement — Municipality of Roquecor — Types of... details >

Périmètre du PPRN de l’Île d’Aix (Risques littoraux-érosion cotière et submersion marine) en... Open Data

Ce jeu de données contient les périmètres de délimitation aux différents stades de l'élaboration du

Issued on 2019-10-08

Périmètre du PPRN de l’Île d’Aix (Risques littoraux-érosion cotière et submersion marine) en... details >

Scope of the Technology Risk Prevention Plan on the Synthron site in Indre-et-Loire Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRT. The cha

Issued on 2015-07-02

Scope of the Technology Risk Prevention Plan on the Synthron site in Indre-et-Loire details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20160056_S_032 Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries of the PPR flooding of the municipality of Verlus in the Gers d

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20160056_S_032 details >

PPR ABIDOS (64DDTM20080003) - Zone d'aléa du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation de ABIDOS... Open Data

Zone exposée à un ou plusieurs aléas représentée sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse du r

Issued on 2016-03-23

PPR ABIDOS (64DDTM20080003) - Zone d'aléa du Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation de ABIDOS... details >

Observatoire des sols à l'échelle communale de la zone Sud Est du département des Pyrénées... Open Data

Le descriptif de la donnée est disponible dans la fiche de métadonnées de lot de données "Observatoi

Issued on 2017-10-06

Observatoire des sols à l'échelle communale de la zone Sud Est du département des Pyrénées... details >

Restricted area of the Preventive Natural Risk Prevention Plan of the commune of Chateauneuf le... Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2019-07-15

Restricted area of the Preventive Natural Risk Prevention Plan of the commune of Chateauneuf le... details >

Sensitivity Maps — Maps Natural Regions — Stylurus_flavipes (Yellow-legged Gomph) Open Data

Sensitivity maps made by the ODONAT Grand Est network in 2018-2019. The distribution of the species

Issued on 2020-08-06

Sensitivity Maps — Maps Natural Regions — Stylurus_flavipes (Yellow-legged Gomph) details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140220_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Gée-Rivière in the Gers department is extr

Issued on 2020-10-12

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140220_S_032 details >

Regulatory zoning — Laval R111-3 — 10/07/1973 Open Data

Laval R111-3 Restricted Areas approved on 10/07/1973. The data are informative, only paper documen

Issued on 2021-01-13

Regulatory zoning — Laval R111-3 — 10/07/1973 details >

Seismic zoning — Haute-Garonne Open Data

Seismicity zones in Upper Garonne. depending on the probability of occurrence of earthquakes. Very l

Issued on 2015-03-13

Seismic zoning — Haute-Garonne details >

PPRI de Monclus (30) - zones d'aléa Open Data

Zones exposées à un ou plusieurs aléas représentées sur la carte des aléas utilisée pour l'analyse d

Issued on 2016-11-29

PPRI de Monclus (30) - zones d'aléa details >

Informational perimeters of the municipal map of BESSET Open Data

The informational boundaries of the communal map (CC) represent the geographical information added e

Issued on 2017-10-07

Informational perimeters of the municipal map of BESSET details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140495_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the PPRN flooding of the commune of Montaut-les-Créneaux in the department of G

Issued on 2020-09-23

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140495_S_032 details >

PPRN — Regulated area of the PSS of the municipality of VILLEY-SAINT-ETIENNE (54584) Open Data

Submersible Surface Planes (PSS) are the first mapping documents regulating land cover in flooding a

Issued on 2019-04-02

PPRN — Regulated area of the PSS of the municipality of VILLEY-SAINT-ETIENNE (54584) details >

Linear information on the municipal map (doc. of 16.12.2010) of the municipality of Lazenay Open Data

The information contained in graphic documents of a PLU or POS urban planning document shall be adde

Issued on 2015-12-07

Linear information on the municipal map (doc. of 16.12.2010) of the municipality of Lazenay details >

Restricted zone of the PPRT “EPC FRANCE” in the commune of Cabriès — Bouches-du Rhône Open Data

For PPRTs, the environmental code defines a single category of zones for zones (L515-15 et seq.): ar

Issued on 2016-04-27

Restricted zone of the PPRT “EPC FRANCE” in the commune of Cabriès — Bouches-du Rhône details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140368_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Eauze in the Gers department is extracted

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140368_S_032 details >

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140187_S_032 Open Data

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Berdo

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_REG_PPRN_20140187_S_032 details >

Somme Valley RIP Surface Issue Open Data

Generally speaking, the stakes are people, property, activities, cultural or environmental heritage

Issued on 2012-08-02

Somme Valley RIP Surface Issue details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRI_20110030_S_032 Open Data

Area exposed to flood hazard shown on the hazard map used for risk analysis of the RPP. The hazard m

Issued on 2020-10-05

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRI_20110030_S_032 details >

Total scope of TITANOBEL PPRT in Côte-d’Or Open Data

For PPRTs, the environmental code defines a single category of zones for zones (L515-15 et seq.): ar

Issued on 2017-11-02

Total scope of TITANOBEL PPRT in Côte-d’Or details >

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140177_S_032 Open Data

The mapping of the hay removal of clays in the commune of Avezan in the Gers department is extracted

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_ZONE_ALEA_PPRN_20140177_S_032 details >

Sound classification of railways in the Var Open Data

Noise classification of the land transport infrastructure (ITT) of the railways (VF) of the Var depa

Issued on 2018-01-15

Sound classification of railways in the Var details >

Perimeters of the PPRi MEURTHE Open Data

This dataset contains the boundaries at the different stages of the development of the PPRN. The cha

Issued on 2017-04-18

Perimeters of the PPRi MEURTHE details >

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Botoret Flood — St Igny de Roche Open Data

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed area

Issued on 2017-10-06

Regulatory zoning of the Risk Prevention Plan Botoret Flood — St Igny de Roche details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140382_S_032 Open Data

Scope of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of La Romieu

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140382_S_032 details >

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140190_S_032 Open Data

Perimeter of the Natural Risk Prevention Plan Withdrawal of the Argiles of the municipality of Biran

Issued on 2020-10-09

N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_20140190_S_032 details >
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