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Topographic Database — TEMA: TRANSPORT SERVICES Open Data
Are the areas used for the services for each class of transport, which are located close to the spec
Issued on
Topographic Database — TEMA: ROADS Open Data
The “road” is identified as the area for public use intended for the circulation of pedestrians, veh
Issued on
Topographic Database — TEMA: PLACE NAMES AND CIVIC NUMBERS Open Data
The road name corresponds to a portion of the mobility network to which a given municipality assigns
Issued on
Topographic Database — TEMA: URBAN GREEN Open Data
Tree formations or shrubs or floristic-herbaceous formations, also of forest species, vegetating in
Issued on
Dataset Hospital Assistance for ACC and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Dataset Hospital Assistance for ATS Open Data
Issued on
Dataset Hospital Assistance for Discipline of Resignation and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Dataset Hospital Assistance for MDC and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Dataset Health conditions by common, age and gender Open Data
Issued on
Dataset health conditions by province Open Data
Issued on
Dataset health conditions by province and gender Open Data
Issued on
Dataset health conditions by province, gender and cause Open Data
Issued on
Dataset health conditions by province, gender and age group Open Data
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Chronic Patient Pharmaceutical Consumption Dataset Open Data
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Dataset Vaccinal Covers Open Data
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Average Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for ACC & ATS Open Data
Issued on
Average Dependency Dataset and Medium Access for ACC and Structure Open Data
Issued on
Average Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for Discipline of Discipline and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Average Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for Discipline of Discipline and Discipline Open Data
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Media Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for DRG and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Average Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for DRG and Structure Open Data
Issued on
Media Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for MDC and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Average Dependency and Medium Access Dataset for MDC and Structure Open Data
Issued on
Average Dependency Dataset and Medium Access for Support Types and ATS Open Data
Issued on
Average Dependency and Medium Access Dataset for Type of Assistance and Structure Open Data
Issued on
Media Degenza Dataset and Medium Access for DRG and ATS Types Open Data
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Average Dependency and Medium Access Dataset for DRG Type and Structure Open Data
Issued on
Location dataset Open Data
Location dataset
Issued on
Drinking Water Fountain Dislocation Dataset (AMAP) Open Data
this dataset contains the address and geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of public dr
Issued on 2019-08-29
Soil Consumption Indicators Dataset Open Data
Soil Consumption Indicators Dataset
Issued on
Dataset Chronic Population Indexes Open Data
Issued on
Dataset pregnancy interruptions Open Data
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Dataset Soil Defense Interventions Open Data
Dataset Soil Defense Interventions
Issued on
Dataset Cronic Population Lombardy Region Open Data
Issued on
Dataset SDO Lombardy Region Open Data
Issued on
Dataset Performance Rate Lombardy Region For Branca Open Data
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Dataset Performance Rate Lombardy Region for Gender and Age Band Open Data
Issued on
Dataset Volumes of Prime 10 Performance Lombardy Region By macrotype Open Data
Issued on
Datenkatalogdienst CSW Open Data
Der Webdienst wird in der Version CSW 2.0.2 angeboten. ER erlaubt die Abfrage des Geodatenkatalogs u
Issued on 2016-07-01
Aggregated data on the payment times of the Lazio Region Open Data
Aggregated data on the payment times of the Lazio Region
Issued on
Data Areas of Caccia (ATC) of Lombardy Region — Year 2019-2020 Open Data
In accordance with Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the m
Issued on
Data Territorial Areas of Caccia (ATC) of Lombardy Region — Year 2020-2021 Open Data
In accordance with Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the m
Issued on
Annual data on municipal waste generation in the region Open Data
Annual municipal waste generation data in the FVG region 1998-2017.
Issued on
Lombarde Companies for Residential Building (ALER) of Lombardy Region — Year 2018-2019 Open Data
Pursuant to Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the main dat
Issued on
Data Alpine Areas of Caccia (CAC) of Lombardy Region — Year 2020-2021 Open Data
In accordance with Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the m
Issued on
Data Mountain communities of Lombardy Region — Year 2020-2021 Open Data
Pursuant to Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the main dat
Issued on
Data on the real estate assets of the Region arising from the former provinces Open Data
Data on the real estate assets of the former provinces transferred to the FVG Region
Issued on
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the constituency. the data sho
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the 2nd constituency. the data
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the iii constituency. the data
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the IV constituency. the data
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the constituency. the data sho
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population in' within the district. the data
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the constituency. the data sho
Issued on 2013-02-21
the table contains the demographics of the resident population within the district. the data collec
Issued on 2013-02-20
Activity data of the nursery service Open Data
Data on available places, registered and satisfying application for children residing in the Municip
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data by category Open Data
Staff in service on 31/12/13. Article 27-ter paragraph 1 letter c) of the Consolidated Text of Re
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data by category year 2014 Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2014
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data by category year 2015 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2015
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data by category year 2016 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2016
Issued on 2017-08-11
Gender data by category year 2017 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2017
Issued on 2018-03-12
Gender data by category year 2018 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2018.
Issued on 2019-03-26
Gender data by category year 2019 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2019
Issued on 2020-03-09
Gender data by category year 2020 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2020
Issued on 2021-04-08
Gender data for 2013 salary classes (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2013
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data by year 2014 salary classes (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2014
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data by year 2015 salary classes (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2015
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data by year 2016 salary classes (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2016
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data by year 2017 salary classes (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2017
Issued on 2018-04-09
Gender data by year 2020 salary classes (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.20
Issued on 2021-04-15
Gender data for classes salary year 2018 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2018.
Issued on 2019-04-03
Gender data for full-time and part-time contracts 2014 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2014 Art. 27-ter paragraph 1 letter e) of the Consolidated Text of Regio
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for full-time and part-time contracts 2015 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2015
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for full-time and part-time contracts 2016 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2016
Issued on 2017-08-11
Gender data for full-time and part-time contracts 2017 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2017
Issued on 2018-03-12
Gender data for full-time and part-time contracts 2018 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2018.
Issued on 2019-03-26
Gender data for full-time and part-time contract 2020 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.20
Issued on 2021-04-14
Gender data for employment contract of indefinite duration and determined year 2014 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2014
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for employment contract of indefinite duration and determined year 2015 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2015.
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for employment contract of indefinite duration and determined year 2016 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2016.
Issued on 2017-08-11
Gender data for employment contract of indefinite duration and fixed year 2019 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2019
Issued on 2020-03-09
Gender data for permanent and fixed-term employment contracts (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service on 31/12/13. Article 27-ter paragraph 1 letter b) of the Consolidated Text of Re
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for permanent employment contract and fixed-term 2018 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31/12/2018
Issued on 2019-03-26
Gender data for full-time and part-time employment contracts Open Data
Staff in service on 31/12/13. Article 27-ter paragraph 1 letter e) of the Consolidated Text of Re
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data by age year 2017 (Open data) Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2017
Issued on 2018-03-12
Gender data by age year 2019 (Open data) Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2019.
Issued on 2020-04-24
Gender data by professional figure Open Data
Staff in service on 31/12/13. Article 27-ter paragraph 1 letter d) of the Consolidated Text of Re
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for professional figure 2013 (Open data) Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2013
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data for professional figure year 2014 (Open data) Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2014
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data by professional figure year 2015 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2015
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data by professional figure year 2015 (Open data) Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2015
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data by professional figure year 2016 Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2016
Issued on 2017-08-11
Gender data for professional figure year 2016 (Open data) Open Data
Staff at 31.12.2016
Issued on 2018-02-12
Gender data for professional figure year 2017 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2017
Issued on 2018-03-12
Gender data for professional figure year 2018 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2018.
Issued on 2019-03-26
Gender data for professional figure year 2019 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2019
Issued on 2020-04-20
Gender data by professional figure year 2020 (Open data) Open Data
Staff in service at 31.12.2020
Issued on 2021-04-22
Gender data for apical functions — Comparison 2013-2014 Open Data
Role and non-role staff
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for apical functions — Comparison 2014-2015 Open Data
Role and non-role staff
Issued on 2017-09-11
Gender data for apical functions — Comparison 2015-2016 Open Data
Role and non-role staff
Issued on 2017-08-11
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