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Annual arrivals in Veneto by STL and per month (year 2021) Open Data
Annual arrivals in Veneto by STL and per month (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto. C
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:25:34Z
Annual arrivals in Veneto by STL and by type of year (year 2021) Open Data
Annual arrivals in Veneto by STL and by type of year (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Ven
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:26:04Z
Annual arrivals in Veneto by type of year and month (year 2021) Open Data
Annual arrivals in Veneto by type of year and month (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Vene
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:27:58Z
Annual arrivals in Veneto by type of year and by province (year 2021) Open Data
Annual arrivals in Veneto by type of year and by province (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement i
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:28:31Z
Arrivals of Italian tourists in Veneto by region of origin and by province (year 2021) Open Data
Arrivals of Italian tourists in Veneto by region of origin and by province (year 2021) Data on the t
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:52:48Z
Arrivals of foreign tourists in Veneto by country of origin and province (year 2021) Open Data
Arrivals of foreign tourists in Veneto by country of origin and province (year 2021) Data on the tou
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:53:20Z
Tourist arrivals in the municipalities of Camposampierese 2009-2020 Open Data
Number of annual tourist arrivals in the municipalities belonging to the Federation of Municipalitie
Issued on 2022-03-16T14:14:38Z
Associations of the territory of the Municipality of Santa Giustina (BL) Open Data
Cultural and social associations of the municipality of Santa Giustina Bellunese
Issued on 2021-02-20T09:34:10Z
Voluntary Associations Open Data
List of voluntary associations active in Calabria
Issued on 2022-12-24
Associations in the municipality of Bassano del Grappa Open Data
Associations operating in the territory of the municipality of Bassano del Grappa
Issued on 2021-12-22T11:09:10Z
Associations in the municipality of Rosà Open Data
Associations operating in the municipality of Rosà
Issued on 2022-05-10T09:05:02Z
Associationism: family solidarity associations Open Data
The dataset contains the full list of family solidarity associations registered in the Regional Regi
Issued on 2017-11-14T16:16:50.741779Z
Associationism: social Cooperatives Open Data
The dataset contains the complete list of social cooperatives and their consortia registered in the
Issued on 2017-11-14T16:17:21.174903Z
Associationism: ONLUS Open Data
The dataset contains the complete list of non-profit organisations of social utility registered in t
Issued on 2017-11-14T16:18:50.302272Z
Associationism: volunteer organisations Open Data
The dataset contains the complete list of voluntary organisations registered in the General Register
Issued on 2017-11-14T16:18:23.000172Z
Atlas of the coastal habitats of the Lazio Region Open Data
The Atlas describing the variety and variability of coastal dunal habitats in the Lazio Region has a
Issued on
ATM — Composition of routes metropolitan lines Open Data
Sequence of stops that make up the routes of the metro lines. ## Dataset fields * route (Path): N
Issued on 2018-02-21T15:11:30.677515Z
ATM — Stop metro lines Open Data
ATM — Stops of metro lines ## Purpose The dataset displays the map of the metro stations, which ca
Issued on 2018-02-21T15:22:06.289829Z
ATM — Hourly urban surface lines Open Data
Summary of route schedules of urban surface lines ## Purpose The dataset presents the summary of t
Issued on 2018-02-21T15:26:09.653898Z
ATM — Subway lines timetables Open Data
Summary of the timetables of the routes of the metro lines ## Purpose The dataset presents a summa
Issued on 2018-02-21T15:30:21.554280Z
ATM — Routes of urban surface lines Open Data
ATM — Routes of urban surface lines ## Purpose The dataset shows the map of the routes of the urba
Issued on 2018-02-21T15:37:18.491659Z
ATM — Routes metro lines Open Data
ATM — Underground Line Paths ## Purpose The dataset shows the map of the routes of the Milan metro
Issued on 2018-02-21T15:49:40.223927Z
Administrative acts — Municipality of Roncade — years 2011-2021 Open Data
It contains the number of administrative acts from 2011 to 2021 in the municipality of Roncade.
Issued on 2022-01-04T10:40:58Z
Administrative acts of the Municipality of San Pietro in Cariano from 2000 to 2020 Open Data
This list contains the numerical data of the administrative acts drawn up by the Municipality of San
Issued on 2021-05-14T15:37:42Z
Notices of debits sent credits 2011-2012 Open Data
Notices of debits sent — credits. Years 2011-2012. Table 3.3.9.
Issued on 2014-02-14
Debit alerts sent — Years 2012-2013 Open Data
Debit alerts sent — Years 2012-2013 (euro)
Issued on 2014-11-05
Major-accident risk companies (December 2020 update) Open Data
List of companies at risk of major accident according to Legislative Decree 105/15 in Veneto, by typ
Issued on 2022-01-10T10:46:45Z
Agricultural holdings of the Municipality of Treviso broken down by type of farming — Years... Open Data
contains the number of holdings broken down by type of farming during the years of the Census of Agr
Issued on 2016-10-26T09:35:36Z
Agricultural holdings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by land use — Years 1982-2010 Open Data
contains the number of holdings in the Municipality of Treviso divided by land use during the years
Issued on 2016-10-26T06:51:46Z
Agricultural holdings by municipality — Years 1982:2010 Open Data
The dataset contains data on the number of farms in Veneto municipalities coming from four Istat del
Issued on 2014-04-15T06:09:46Z
Farms for management and manpower — Years 1982-2010 Open Data
contains the historical series 1982-2010 of the number of agricultural holdings divided by managemen
Issued on 2016-10-25T11:54:23Z
Farms and self-employed agricultural workers — Number of holdings by category and income bracket... Open Data
Observatory on farms and self-employed agricultural workers — Number of holdings by category and inc
Issued on 2015-12-16
Farms and self-employed agricultural workers — Number of holdings by category and income bracket... Open Data
Number of farms by category and income bracket. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-30
Self-employed farms and agricultural workers — Number of holdings by region and category 2015 Open Data
Number of farms by region and category. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-30
Balneability of lakes Open Data
Management of the bathing activity — Bathing of the lakes
Issued on 2022-01-05
Children from 0 to 3 years old cared for with formal and informal care for duration and exclusively... Open Data
Table III.4.2.3 — Children from 0 to 3 years old cared for with formal and informal care for duratio
Issued on 2015-04-29
Lazio geosite database Open Data
The Lazio Geosite Database includes more than 807 geosites deriving from both bibliographical inform
Issued on
Database Public Works — BDAP — Municipality of Copertino Open Data
Automatic extraction of public works data from the national OpenBDAP database filtered on Cover. For
Issued on 2022-02-19
Mammalian database of Lazio Open Data
Geo-referenced collection of available reports on the 72 species of terrestrial mammals present in t
Issued on
Calls for tenders and contracts Open Data
Calls for tenders and contracts
Issued on 2023-01-30T11:18:15Z
Social cushion beneficiaries 2011-2012 Open Data
Beneficiaries of social shock absorbers Years 2011-2012.
Issued on 2014-02-14
Social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and class of età-year... Open Data
Number of social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and et & #224 class; —
Issued on 2015-04-30
Real estate Municipality Messina Open Data
Complete list of real estate owned by the Municipality of Messina, with cadastral and cubatura indic
Issued on 2022-03-01
Municipal libraries Messina Open Data
List of the municipal libraries of Messina with their structural and service characteristics, access
Issued on 2022-03-10
Biciplan-The municipal cycling plan Open Data
Biciplan-The municipal cycling planIt is the Bologna Cycling Mobility Plan, an articulated programme
Issued on 2022-03-22T09:36:06.802Z
Ticket offices, record track Open Data
Track record of the lists of the ticket offices published by the companies of transport of the Sardi
Issued on
Demographic balance year 2018 — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data
Comune DI ROVIGO — Movement of the total and foreign resident population — Year 2018. Source:
Issued on 2020-05-14T10:13:08Z
2015 Budget of the Municipality of Feltre Open Data
2015 Budget of the Municipality of Feltre
Issued on 2015-05-22T08:21:26Z
Annual Report 2016 Municipality of Feltre Open Data
Annual Report 2016 Municipality of Feltre
Issued on 2016-10-02T13:42:51Z
Estimated budget 2020 — Revenue — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data
Estimated budget 2020 — Revenue
Issued on 2020-08-18T06:40:56Z
Estimated budget 2020 — Expenditure — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data
Estimated budget 2020 — Expenditure
Issued on 2020-08-18T06:52:04Z
Financial Statement 2015 Municipality of Feltre Open Data
Financial Statements 2015
Issued on 2016-10-02T13:57:59Z
Biodiversity Open Data
Describes the set of elements and relationships between the elements that make up the ecorelational
Issued on 2016-11-24T10:06:22Z
Fish biodiversity of the current waters of Lazio Open Data
The dataset comprises two databases on fish fauna: a) Biodiversity of the current waters of Lazio: i
Issued on
BolognaWifi — Affluenza (History II Sem 2021) Open Data
(Historical 2021 II SEMESTRE) Data in aggregated form related to hourly attendance in areas with pub
Issued on 2023-02-23T14:40:14.885Z
BolognaWifi — Affollamento (Storico II Sem 2021) Open Data
(Historical 2021 II SEMESTRE)Data in the form of aggregates related to hourly crowding in areas with
Issued on 2023-02-23T14:43:21.335Z
Historical shops in Trentino Open Data
List of shops of historical interest in Trentino, governed by Article 63 of Provincial Law 17/2010 “
Issued on 2014-02-18
Measures governing-political body Open Data
All measures of the governing and political body published on the Institution’s website
Issued on
Voluntary Associations Open Data
List of voluntary associations of the municipal territory.
Issued on
Sports associations Open Data
List of sports associations of the municipal territory.
Issued on
Measures governing-political body Open Data
The measures of the governing-political body published on the Institution’s website
Issued on
Determine Open Data
Decisions published on the Institution’s website
Issued on
Register public buildings and for public use Open Data
List of all public and public buildings
Issued on
Sports facilities Open Data
List of sports facilities in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Ecological island Open Data
Ecological islands in the municipality.
Issued on
Banking institutions Open Data
Credit and banking institutions present in the municipal area.
Issued on
Useful numbers Open Data
List of useful structures in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Parishs Open Data
List of parishes and their structures in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Illustrious Characters Open Data
Illustrious people born in the territory
Issued on
Public Safety and Supervision Open Data
List of public security and surveillance structures in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Administrative Headquarters Open Data
List of all administrative offices of the Entity
Issued on
Medical and health facilities Open Data
List of medical and health facilities in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Post Offices Open Data
Post Offices in the municipal territory
Issued on
Voluntary Associations Open Data
List of voluntary associations of the municipal territory.
Issued on
Sports associations Open Data
List of sports associations of the municipal territory.
Issued on
Tourist associations Open Data
List of tourist associations of the municipal territory.
Issued on
Acts of concession Open Data
List of acts granting grants, grants, grants and financial aids to enterprises
Issued on
Aggregation centers Open Data
Aggregation centres in the municipal territory
Issued on
Measures governing-political body Open Data
Measures of the governing-political body published on the Institution’s website
Issued on
Determine Open Data
Determines published on the Institution’s website.
Issued on
Sports facilities Open Data
List of sports facilities in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Ecological island Open Data
Ecological islands in the municipality.
Issued on
Banking institutions Open Data
Credit and banking institutions present in the municipal area.
Issued on
Useful numbers Open Data
List of useful structures in the municipal area.
Issued on
Orders Open Data
Orders published on the Institution’s website.
Issued on
Organisation of offices Open Data
Offices and offices of the Ente
Issued on
Parishes Open Data
List of parishes and their respective structures in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Social Security Institutions and Patronages Open Data
Pension institutions and Patronati in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Public Safety and Supervision Open Data
List of public security and surveillance structures in the municipal territory.
Issued on
RSA, Retirement Homes and Protected Residences Open Data
RSA, Retirement Homes and Protected Residences in the Municipal Territory
Issued on
Administrative Headquarters Open Data
List of all administrative offices of the Entity
Issued on
Medical and health facilities Open Data
List of medical and health facilities in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Post offices Open Data
Post offices in the municipal area
Issued on
Social promotion associations Open Data
List of associations...
Issued on
Voluntary associations Open Data
List of voluntary associations in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Sports associations Open Data
List of sports associations in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Tourist associations Open Data
List of tourist associations in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Aggregation centres Open Data
Aggregation centres in the municipal territory
Issued on
Competitions 2022 Open Data
All competitions published on the Institution’s website (year 2022)
Issued on
Resolutions 2021 Open Data
All resolutions published on the Institution’s website (year 2021)
Issued on
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