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Assets available for use other than housing coming from bodies suppressed pursuant to Presidential... Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex B.1.2. Assets available for use other than housing received
Issued on
Assets available for use other than the former community housing of the aa.sss.ll. paragraph 10 Open Data
Inventory of Regional Real Estates — Annex C.1.3.A. Assets available for use other than housing comi
Issued on
Assets available for use other than the former community housing of the aa.sss.ll. paragraph 5 Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex C.1.3. Assets available for use other than the dwelling comin
Issued on
Available assets ex Communal land of aa.ss.ll. paragraph 10 Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex C.1.4.A. Available assets from the dissolved Communion of Laz
Issued on
Available wealth of land ex Communion of the aa.ss.ll. paragraph 5 Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex C.1.4. Available assets land from the dissolved Communion of
Issued on
Heritage Available for Living Use Open Data
The real estate properties for residential use of the Region with some indications including the int
Issued on
Real Estate Heritage Municipality of Latiano Open Data
Art. 30 1. The public authorities publish the identification information of the properties owned, a
Issued on 2020-03-18T21:53:13.191456Z
Real Estate Heritage of the Municipality of Latiano Open Data
Real Estate Heritage of the Municipality of Latiano until 31 March 2020
Issued on 2020-07-13
Real estate assets of the Autonomous Province of Trento Open Data
The database contains data on the real estate assets of the Autonomous Province of Trento. It includ
Issued on 2018-12-18
Available real estate assets of the FVG Region Open Data
Data on the available real estate assets of the FVG Region with indication of the managers
Issued on
Real Estate Buildings Open Data
Transparent administration. Real estate assets (fabricated).
Issued on 2015-12-30
Unavailable real estate assets of the FVG Region Open Data
Data on the unavailable real estate assets of the FVG Region with indication of the managers
Issued on
Real estate assets — ITEA Open Data
Addresses of public real estate assets managed by ITEA (Istituto Trentino per l’Edilizia Abitativa),
Issued on 2018-12-31
Unavailable heritage buildings and institutional offices, coming from bodies abolished pursuant to... Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex B.2.1. Unavailable assets received by the Lazio Region follow
Issued on
Unavailable patrimony building ex Communion of the aa.ss.ll. paragraph 10 Open Data
Inventory of Regional Real Estates — Annex C.1.7.A. Unavailable heritage buildings originating from
Issued on
Unavailable patrimony built ex Communion of the aa.ss.ll. paragraph 5 Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex C.1.7. Unavailable heritage buildings coming from the dissolv
Issued on
Heritage Unavailable Buildings Coast band Open Data
The Dataset is Annex B.2.3_A to the “Book_8” of the Department of Economic and Social Planning — Reg
Issued on
Heritage Unavailable Fasce Frangivento Open Data
the Dataset is Annex B.2.5 of the “Book_8” of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAMMATION DEPARTIMENT — Re
Issued on
Heritage Unavailable Lands Natural Areas Protected Open Data
The Dataset is Annex B.2.4 of the “Book_8” of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAMMATION DEPARTIMENT — Re
Issued on
Unavailable patrimony ex Communion of the aa.ss.ll. paragraph 10 Open Data
Inventory of Regional Real Estates — Annex C.1.8.A. Unavailable heritage land coming from the dissol
Issued on
Unavailable Heritage Lands Coast band Open Data
The Dataset is Annex B.2.3 of the “Book_8” of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAMMATION DEPARTIMENT — Re
Issued on
Unavailable land, coming from bodies suppressed pursuant to Presidential Decree No 616 of 24 July... Open Data
Regional Real Estate Inventory — Annex B.2.2. Unavailable land received by the Lazio Region followin
Issued on
Regional Heritage Unavailable Manufactured Natural Areas Open Data
The Dataset is Annex B.2.4-A to the “Book_8” of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAMMATION DEPARTIMENT —
Issued on
Scientific and Technological Heritage preserved in the Museums of the Lombardy Region Open Data
PST Cards — Cards of the “Scientific Technology Heritage preserved in the Museums” of the Lombardy R
Issued on 2013-12-17
Collaboration Agreements (Open Data) Open Data
Collaboration Agreements Placement of the Collaboration Pacts of the Municipality of Trento. It
Issued on 2017-09-11
Pact for the Development of Lazio Open Data
The Pact for Lazio was signed on 20 May 2016 — provides funding for 3,512.9 million euros
Issued on
Pact for the development of the city of Genoa (FSC 2014-2020) Open Data
Pact for the development of the city of Genoa
Issued on 2019-04-18
Fear of being about to suffer a crime in the future Open Data
**Area:** 5. For a safe, reliable Trentino, able to prevent and react to adversity ** Algorithm:**
Issued on 2021-08-24
Register municipal buildings for public use Open Data
List of buildings owned by the municipality and intended for public use
Issued on
Pediatricians Free Choice Open Data
List of pediatricians of free choice of the Campania Region
Issued on 2019-12-02
Incoming commuters study reasons Open Data
**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Number of commuters entering the municipality fo
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters entering the municipality Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of commuters entering the municipality **Type Indicat
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters entering the municipality using public transport Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of incoming commuters using public transport **Type I
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters entering the municipality using the private car Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of incoming commuters using private car **Type Indica
Issued on 2021-08-25
Incoming commuters for work purposes Open Data
**Sector:** Labour market ** Algorithm:** Number of commuters entering the municipality for work pu
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters leaving the municipality of residence Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of commuters leaving the municipality **Type Indicato
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters leaving the town of residence leaving the house between 7:15 and 7:45 Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of outgoing commuters leaving home between 7:15 and 7:
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters leaving the municipality of residence using public transport Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of outgoing commuters using public transport **Type I
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters leaving the municipality of residence using the private car Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of outgoing commuters using private car **Type Indica
Issued on 2021-08-25
Commuters leaving the municipality of residence with a maximum travel time of 15 minutes Open Data
**Sector:** Transport ** Algorithm:** Number of outgoing commuters with a maximum travel time of 15
Issued on 2021-08-25
Outgoing commuters for work purposes Open Data
**Sector:** Labour market ** Algorithm:** Number of commuters leaving the municipality of residence
Issued on 2021-08-25
Outgoing commuters for study purposes Open Data
**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Number of commuters leaving the municipality of
Issued on 2021-08-25
Invalidity pensionersà (preliminary, indemnity, care) and annual amount of pension, middle and... Open Data
Social Cohesion Report — Data on disabled pensionersà (preliminary, indemnity, care) and annual
Issued on 2012-01-17
Pensioners and average Inps pension amount by type of pension and sex 2013.tav.app.4.44 Open Data
Number and percentage pensioners Inps and average monthly amount and index number of pension income,
Issued on 2014-12-18
Pensioners and monthly pension income Open Data
Pensioners Inps, including management ex Inpdap and ex Enpals, average monthly pension income by typ
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensioners and pension income as at 2012 Open Data
Pensioners Inps, including the management of the former INPDAP and EX ENPALS, and total annual and a
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensioners Inps 2012 divided by class of amount and gender Open Data
Pensioners Inps, including management ex Inpdap and former Enpals, average monthly pension income pe
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensioners Inps 2012 by geographical area and gender Open Data
Pensioners Inps, including management ex Inpdap and former Enpals, average monthly amount of pension
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensioners Inps and average monthly and annual pension income per class of amount 31.12.2012 Open Data
Pensioners Inps and average monthly and total annual pension income per class amount as at 31.12.201
Issued on 2014-02-14
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income per class of amount and gender 31.12.2012 Open Data
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income per class of amount and gender at 31.12.2012 (amo
Issued on 2014-02-14
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income per grant management and sex 31.12.2012 Open Data
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income per grant management and sex as at 31.12.2012 (am
Issued on 2014-02-14
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income by pension type 31.12.2012 Open Data
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income by type of pension as at 31.12.2012 (amounts in e
Issued on 2014-02-14
Pensioners Inps and average amount per geographical area and sex as at 2013.tav.app.4.46 Open Data
Number and percentage pensioners Inps, average monthly amount and index number of pension income by
Issued on 2014-12-18
Pensioners INPS for disbursement management Open Data
Pensioners Inps, including the former Inpdap and Enpals management systems, average monthly pension
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions Open Data
The dataset provides statistical data on the pension system in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
Issued on 2013-01-01
Pensions receiving social increases — Laws 140/1985 (Articles 1 and 2); 544/1988 (Art. 1 and 2) and... Open Data
Pension Observatory — Data on the number of pensions receiving social increases (Law 140/1985, 544/1
Issued on 2012-01-17
Separate management pensions Living at 31-12-2012 by category and sex Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average amount and number of separate management pension index in
Issued on 2013-12-02
Invalidity Pensionsà civil and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2008 Open Data
Report on social cohesion — Data on invalidity pensionsà civil and relative annual amount in 20
Issued on 2012-01-17
Invalidity Pensionsà social security and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2007 Open Data
Report on social cohesion — Data on invalidity pensionsà social security and its annual amount
Issued on 2012-01-17
Invalidity Pensionsà social security and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2009 Open Data
Report on social cohesion — Data on invalidity pensionsà social security and its annual amount
Issued on 2012-01-17
Old-age and seniority pensionsà liquidated by ex-Enpals management in 2012 and età average... Open Data
Number of pensions, percentages and età average at the start of old-age and retirement pensions
Issued on 2013-12-02
Current civil servants pensions total annual amount Open Data
Current civil servants pensions, annual amount and total number of pensions divided by province.
Issued on 2020-08-27
Civil servants pensions in force at the beginning of the year Open Data
Civil servants pensions in force for start-up, pension fund, by number and category, Year 2019
Issued on 2020-08-27
Pensions and social allowances and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2007 Open Data
Report on social cohesion — Data on pensions and social allowances and its annual, average and media
Issued on 2012-01-17
Pensions and social allowances and their annual, average and median amount — Year 2008 Open Data
Report on social cohesion — Data on pensions and social allowances and its annual, average and media
Issued on 2012-01-17
Pensions and social benefits and their annual, average and median amount — Year 2009 Open Data
Social Cohesion Report — Data on pensions and social allowances and their annual, average and median
Issued on 2012-01-17
Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and gender Open Data
Number, percentages, annual amount, average monthly amount and ENPALS pension index number applicabl
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions ENPALS Lived at 31-12-2012 by category and geographical area of residence Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and ENPALS pension index number in force a
Issued on 2013-12-02
ENPALS Pensions Living at 31-12-2012 by class of età Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of ENPALS pensions in for
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions management of civil servants, settled by date of commencement and year of payment Open Data
Public employee pensions paid by date of commencement and year of payment, including category, class
Issued on 2020-08-27
Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 separated by class of amount Open Data
Number and percentage of Inpdap pensions in force at 31-12-2012, by class of amount and type (surplu
Issued on 2013-12-02
INPDAP Pensions Living as at 31-12-2012 separate by geographical area Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Inpdap pensions in for
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions Inps 2013 Cassa Pensions Statali ex Inpdap eper sector and sex.tav.app.4.35 Open Data
umero pensions Inps,percentage value, età average starting point, average monthly amount and in
Issued on 2014-12-18
Pensions Inps 2013 ex Enpals.tav.app.4.40 Open Data
Number, percentage values, età average starting date and average monthly amount of Inps pension
Issued on 2014-12-18
INPS pensions eliminated for death Open Data
Number, età average at death and average duration of INPS pensions eliminated by death separate
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions Inps Management of civil servants (formerly Inpdap) Living as at 31-12-2013 by category and... Open Data
Table App. 4.7 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly Inpdap) Living at 31-12-2013 by
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Living as at 31-12-2013 separately by... Open Data
Table App. 4.8A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) Living at 31-12-2013 by
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management of civil servants (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separate by sex and... Open Data
Table App. 4.10 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 sep
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management of civil servants ex INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by class of età Open Data
Table App. 4.9A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management of civil servants ex INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by class of età Open Data
Table App. 4.9 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by c
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separated by category and gender Open Data
Table App.4.11 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS(1) Vigent at 31-12-2013 separated by category an
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 by category and area Open Data
Table App. 4.12 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS(1) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 distinguished by categ
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Living as at 31-12-2013 separate by class of amount Open Data
Table App. 4.14A — Inps Pensions Management ex ENPALS(1) Living at 31-12-2013 separately by class of
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separate by sex and class of amount Open Data
Table App. 4.14 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS(1) Vigent at 31-12-2013 distinct by sex and cla
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Living at 31-12-2013 by class of età Open Data
Table App. 4.13 — Inps Pensions Management ex ENPALS(1) Living at 31-12-2013 by class of età. O
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by class of età Open Data
Table App. 4.13A — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS(1) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by class of età.
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Private Management 2013 and average monthly amount by management, gender and category.... Open Data
Number, percentage value, età average at start date and average monthly amount by management, g
Issued on 2014-12-18
Pensions Inps Integrated Private Management Minimum Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 by category and... Open Data
Table App. 4.18 — Pensions Inps Private Management integrated to the minimum Vigenti at 31-12-2013 d
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2013 separate by category and region Open Data
Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2013 separate by category and region. Table 4.4B
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2013 separate by category and geographical area Open Data
Table App. 4.4 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 separate by category and
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separate by class of amount Open Data
Table App. 4.6A — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separate by class of amount
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Private management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separate by gender and class of amount Open Data
Table App. 4.6 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separate by sex and class of
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2013 by class of età Open Data
Table App. 4.5A — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 per class of età.
Issued on 2014-11-05
Pensions INPS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and gender Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Inps pensions in force
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions INPS Lived as at 31-12-2012 separate by category and geographical area Open Data
Number and percentages of Inps pensions in force at 31-12-2012, broken down by category and geograph
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions INPS Lived as at 31-12-2012 separate by category and geographical area Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Inps pensions in force
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions INPS Vigenti as at 31-12-2012 separate by class of amount Open Data
Number and percentages of Inps pensions in force at 31-12-2012, by class of amount and type (assista
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions INPS Vigenti as at 31-12-2012 separate by class of amount Open Data
Number and percentage of pensions in force at 31-12-2012 by type and class of amount
Issued on 2013-12-02
INPS pensions Living at 31-12-2012 by class of età Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Inps pensions in force
Issued on 2013-12-02
Pensions INPS Vigenti as at 31-12-2012 by management Open Data
Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Inps pensions in force
Issued on 2013-12-02
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